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Physics Today (March 2008)
The principals behind
quantum physics
Uncertainty Lindley tackles a similarly ubiquitous
concept: entropy. He tells a compelling
great young physicists who follow.
Einstein comes across as the cantan-
Einstein, Heisenberg, Bohr, narrative of Ludwig Boltzmann and kerous old uncle, overtaken by events
and the Struggle for the Soul how the troubled physicist slowly came and skeptical of the path modern
of Science up with his view of statistical physics. physics is taking. He writes of Heisen-
Boltzmann’s Atom portrays a complex berg’s seminal paper: “Heisenberg has
David Lindley
Doubleday, New York, 2007. $26.00 man caught up in the fight between the laid a large quantum egg. In Göttingen
(257 pp.). ISBN 978-0-385-51506-1 atomists and the phenomenologists. they believe it (I don’t).” Although, over
His erratic career path in physics and the years, Einstein was a source of many
Reviewed by Pedro G. Ferreira disparaging remarks about the new the-
his untimely death were a result of his
If I were to pick one idea from modern lifelong battle with depression. The def- ory, he did at some point engage with it.
physics that has seeped into popular For example, with Boris Podolsky and
inition of entropy, the idea of irre-
culture, it would be the Heisenberg un- Nathan Rosen, he came up with a
versibility, and the birth of the quantum
certainty principle. More than Albert thought experiment that neatly showed
emerge from a life steeped in irra-
Einstein’s theory of relativity, it pops up some of the strange and, to him, unac-
tionality. The mix of emotion and high
in the most unexpected places. David ceptable consequences of quantum me-
concept worked incredibly well.
Lindley rolls out a few choice examples chanics: correlations of physical proper-
In Uncertainty, Lindley tries the same
toward the end of ties at spacelike separations.
approach, albeit on a grander scale. To
his new book, Un- Uncertainty is a mess of ideas and
faithfully narrate the development of
certainty: Einstein, characters, a compelling read. Lindley
quantum physics, he had to weave to-
Heisenberg, Bohr, has successfully created an arc and has
gether the stories of numerous charac-