Is The Moon There When Nobody Looks MERMIN
Is The Moon There When Nobody Looks MERMIN
Is The Moon There When Nobody Looks MERMIN
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Is the moon there
when nobody looks?
Reality and the quantum theory
Einstein maintained that quantum metaphysics entails spooky actions
at a distance; experiments have now shown that what bothered Einstein
is not a debatable point but the observed behavior of the real world.
N. David Mermin
Quantum mechanics is magic1 ition expects to be there. in part of space A; it should also be
Einstein didn't like this. He wanted independent of whether or not any
In May 1935, Albert Einstein, Boris things out there to have properties, measurement at all is carried out
Podolsky and Nathan Rosen published2 whether or not they were measured4: in space A. If one adheres to this
an argument that quantum mechanics We often discussed his notions on program, one can hardly consider
fails to provide a complete description objective reality. I recall that dur- the quantum-theoretical descrip-
of physical reality. Today, 50 years ing one walk Einstein suddenly tion as a complete representation
later, the EPR paper and the theoreti- stopped, turned to me and asked of the physically real. If one tries
cal and experimental work it inspired whether I really believed that the to do so in spite of this, one has to
remain remarkable for the vivid illus- moon exists only when I look at it. assume that the physically real in
tration they provide of one of the most The EPR paper describes a situation B suffers a sudden change as a
bizarre aspects of the world revealed to ingeniously contrived to force the quan- result of a measurement in A. My
us by the quantum theory. tum theory into asserting that proper- instinct for physics bristles at this.
Einstein's talent for saying memora- ties in a space-time region B are the Or, in March 1947,
ble things did him a disservice when he result of an act of measurement in I cannot seriously believe in [the
declared "God does not play dice," for it another space-time region A, so far quantum theory] because it cannot
has been held ever since that the basis from B that there is no possibility of the be reconciled with the idea that
for his opposition to quantum mechan- measurement in A exerting an influ- physics should represent a reality
ics was the claim that a fundamental ence on region B by any known dynami- in time and space, free from spooky
understanding of the world can only be cal mechanism. Under these condi- actions at a distance.
statistical. But the EPR paper, his tions, Einstein maintained that the The "spooky actions at a distance"
most powerful attack on the quantum properties in A must have existed all (spukhafte Fernwirkungen) are the ac-
theory, focuses on quite a different along. quisition of a definite value of a proper-
aspect: the doctrine that physical prop- ty by the system in region B by virtue of
erties have in general no objective Spooky actions at a distance the measurement carried out in region
reality independent of the act of obser- Many of his simplest and most explic- A. The EPR paper presents a wave-
vation. As Pascual Jordan put it3 it statements of this position can be function that describes two correlated
Observations not only disturb found in Einstein's correspondence particles, localized in regions A and B,
what has to be measured, they with Max Born.5 Throughout the book far apart. In this particular two-parti-
produce it. . . . We compel [the elec- (which sometimes reads like a Nabokov cle state one can learn (in the sense of
tron] to assume a definite posi- novel), Born, pained by Einstein's dis- being able to predict with certainty the
tion. . . . We ourselves produce the taste for the statistical character of the
results of measurement. quantum theory, repeatedly fails, both David Mermin is director of the Laboratory of
Jordan's statement is something of a in his letters and in his later commen- Atomic and Solid State Physics at Cornell
truism for contemporary physicists. tary on the correspondence, to under- University. A solid-state theorist, he has
Underlying it, we have all been stand what is really bothering Ein- recently come up with some quasithoughts
taught, is the disruption of what is stein. Einstein tries over and over about quasicrystals. He is known to PHYSICS
being measured by the act of measure- again, without success, to make himself TODAY readers as the person who made
ment, made unavoidable by the exis- clear. In March 1948, for example, he "boojum" an internationally accepted scienti-
tence of the quantum of action, which writes: fic term. With N. W. Ashcroft, he is about to
generally makes it impossible even in start updating the world's funniest solid-state
That which really exists in B physics text. He says he is bothered by Bell's
principle to construct probes that can should . . . not depend on what theorem, but may have rocks in his head
yield the information classical intu- kind of measurement is carried out anyway.
38 PHYSICS TODAY / APRIL 1985 0031-9228 / 85 / 0400 38-10/$0,1.Q0 © 1985American Institute of Physios
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An EPR apparatus. The experimental setup consists of two detectors, A and B, and a source of something ("particles"
or whatever) C. To start a run, the experimenter pushes the button on C; something passes from C to both detectors.
Shortly after the button is pushed each detector flashes one of its lights. Putting a brick between the source and one of
the detectors prevents that detector from flashing, and moving the detectors farther away from the source increases the
delay between when the button is pushed and when the lights flash. The switch settings on the detectors vary randomly
from one run to another. Note that there are no connections between the three parts of the apparatus, other than via
whatever it is that passes from C to A and B. The photo below shows a realization of such an experiment in the
laboratory of Alain Aspect in Orsay, France. In the center of the lab is a vacuum chamber where individual calcium
atoms are excited by the two lasers visible in the picture. The re-emitted photons travel 6 meters through the pipes to
be detected by a two-channel polarizer. Figure 1
result of a subsequent measurement) question: "Is it rigorously deter- doned. I am therefore inclined to
either the position or the momentum of ministic?" believe that the description of
the particle in region B as a result of Pauli goes on to state the real nature of quantum mechanics . . . has to be
measuring the corresponding property Einstein's "philosophical prejudice" to regarded as an incomplete and
of the particle in region A. If "that Born, emphasizing that "Einstein's indirect description of reality
which really exists" in region B does point of departure is 'realistic' rather
not depend on what kind of measure- than 'deterministic'." According to A fact is found
ment is carried out in region A, then the Pauli the proper grounds for challeng- The theoretical answer to this chal-
particle in region B must have had both ing Einstein's view are simply that lenge to provide "any fact anywhere"
a definite position and a definite mo- One should no more rack one's was given in 1964 by John S. Bell, in a
mentum all along. brain about the problem of famous paper6 in the short-lived jour-
Because the quantum theory is in- whether something one cannot nal Physics. Using a gedanken experi-
trinsically incapable of assigning val- know anything about exists all the ment invented7 by David Bohm, in
ues to both quantities at once, it must same, than about the ancient ques- which "properties one cannot know
provide an incomplete description of tion of how many angels are able to anything about" (the simultaneous
the physically real. Unless, of course, sit on the point of a needle. But it values of the spin of a particle along
one asserts that it is only by virtue of seems to me that Einstein's ques- several distinct directions) are required
the position (or momentum) measure- tions are ultimately always of this to exist by the EPR line of reasoning,
ment in A that the particle in B kind. Bell showed ("Bell's theorem") that the
acquires its position (or momentum): Faced with spooky actions at a dis- nonexistence of these properties is a
spooky actions at a distance. tance, Einstein preferred to believe direct consequence of the quantitative
At a dramatic moment Pauli appears that things one cannot know anything numerical predictions of the quantum
in the Born-Einstein Letters, writing about (such as the momentum of a theory. The conclusion is quite inde-
Born from Princeton in 1954 with his particle with a definite position) do pendent of whether or not one believes
famous tact on display: exist all the same. In April 1948 he that the quantum theory offers a com-
Einstein gave me your manuscript wrote to Born: plete description of physical reality. If
to read; he was not at all annoyed Those physicists who regard the the data in such an experiment are in
with you, but only said you were a descriptive methods of quantum agreement with the numerical predic-
person who will not listen. This mechanics as definitive in princi- tions of the quantum theory, then
agrees with the impression I have ple would . . . drop the requirement Einstein's philosophical position has to
formed myself insofar as I was for the independent existence of be wrong.
unable to recognize Einstein when- the physical reality present in In the last few years, in a beautiful
ever you talked about him in either different parts of space; they would series of experiments, Alain Aspect and
your letter or your manuscript. It be justified in pointing out that the his collaborators at the University of
seemed to me as if you had erected quantum theory nowhere makes Paris's Institute of Theoretical and
some dummy Einstein for yourself, explicit use of this requirement. I Applied Optics in Orsay provided8 the
which you then knocked down with admit this, but would point out: experimental answer to Einstein's
great pomp. In particular, Ein- when I consider the physical phe- challenge by performing a version of
stein does not consider the concept nomena known to me, and espe- the EPR experiment under conditions
of "determinism" to be as funda- cially those which are being so in which Bell's type of analysis applied.
mental as it is frequently held to be successfully encompassed by quan- They showed that the quantum-theore-
(as he told me emphatically many tum mechanics, I still cannot find tic predictions were indeed obeyed.
times).... In the same way, he any fact anywhere which would Thirty years after Einstein's challenge,
disputes that he uses as criterion make it appear likely that [the] a fact—not a metaphysical doctrine—
for the admissibility of a theory the requirement will have to be aban- was provided to refute him.
entries (revealed in those runs where the time. The data described above That's it. Clearly there are no con-
the switches ended up with two differ- violate this Bell's inequality, and there- nections between the source and the
ent settings). Here is the argument. fore there can be no instruction sets. detectors or between the two detectors.
Consider a particular instruction set, If you don't already know how the We can nevertheless account for the
for example, RRG. Should both parti- trick is done, may I urge you, before data as follows:
cles be issued the instruction set RRG, reading how the gedanken demonstra- When the switches have the same
then the detectors will flash the same tion works, to try to invent some other setting, the spins of both particles are
colors when the switches are set to 11, explanation for the first feature of the measured along the same direction, so
22, 33, 12, or 21; they will flash data that does not introduce connec- the lights will always flash the same
different colors for 13, 31, 23, or 32. tions between the three parts of the colors if the measurements along the
Because the switches at each detector apparatus or prove to be incompatible same direction always yield opposite
are set randomly and independently, with the second feature. values. But this is an immediate conse-
each of these nine cases is equally quence of the structure of the spin
likely, so the instruction set RRG will One way to do it singlet state, which has the form
result in the same colors flashing % of Here is one way to make such a
the time. device: (1)
Evidently the same conclusion holds Let the source produce two particles of
for the sets RGR, GRR, GGR, GRG and spin V2 in the singlet state, flying apart independent of the direction of the spin
RGG, because the argument uses only toward the two detectors. (Granted, this quantization axis, and therefore yields
the fact that one color appears twice is not all that easy to do, but in the Orsay + — or — 4- with equal probability,
and the other once. All six such experiments described below, the same but never + + or — — , whenever the
instructions sets also result in the same effect is achieved with correlated pho- two spins are measured along any
colors flashing % of the time. tons.) Each detector contains a Stern- common direction.
But the only instruction sets left are Gerlach magnet, oriented along one of To establish the second feature of the
RRR and GGG, and these each result in three directions (a(1), a(2), or a(3)), perpen- data, note that the product mlm2 of the
the same colors flashing all of the time. dicular to the line of flight of the results of the two spin measurements
Therefore if instruction sets exist, particles, and separated by 120°, as (each of which can have the values
the same colors will flash in at least % indicated in figure 8. The three settings + V2 or - V2) will have the value - XU
of all the runs, regardless of how the of the switch determine which orienta- when the lights flash the same colors
instruction sets are distributed from tion is used. The light on one detector and + V4 when they flash different
one run of the demonstration to the flashes red or green, depending on colors. We must therefore show that
next. This is Bell's theorem (also whether the particle is deflected toward the product vanishes when averaged
known as Bell's inequality) for the the north (spin up) or south (spin down) over all the nine distinct pairs of
gedanken demonstration. pole of the magnet as it passes between orientations the two Stern-Gerlach
But in the actual gedanken demon- them; the other detector uses the oppo- magnets can have. For a given pair of
stration the same colors flash only \ site color convention. orientations, a<0 and a ° \ the mean
Instruction sets. To guarantee that the detectors of figure 6 flash the same color
when the switches are set the same, the two particles must in one way or another
carry instruction sets specifying how their detectors are to flash for each possible
switch setting. The results of any one run reveal nothing about the instructions
beyond the actual data; so in this case, for example, the first instruction (1R) is
"something one cannot know anything about," and I've only guessed at it,
assuming that "it exists all the same." Figure 7
value of this product is just the expecta- instruction sets are the only way to The photon pairs are emitted by cal-
tion value in the state ip of the corre- account for the first feature of the data. cium atoms in a radiative cascade after
sponding g product
p of (commuting)((1)g her- Bell's analysis adds to the discussion suitable pumping by lasers. Because
mitian b b l
observables a (0 • S(1) and those runs in which the switches have the initial and final atomic states have
&iJ) • S(2). Thus the second feature of different settings, extracts the second J=0, quantum theory predicts (and
the data requires: feature of the data as a further elemen- experiment confirms) that the photons
tary prediction of quantum mechanics, will be found to have the same polariza-
(2) and demonstrates that any set of data tions (lights flashing the same colors in
exhibiting this feature is incompatible the analogous gedanken experiment) if
But equation 2 is an immediate conse-
quence of the linearity of quantum with the existence of the instruction they are measured along the same
mechanics, which lets one take the sets apparently required by the first direction—feature number 1. But if
sums inside the matrix element, and feature, quite independently of the the polarizations are measured at 120°
the fact that the three unit vectors formalism used to explain the data, and angles, then theory predicts (and exper-
around an equilateral triangle sum to quite independently of any doctrines of iment confirms) that they will be the
zero: quantum theology. same only a quarter of the time
[V4 = cos2( 120°)]. This is precisely what
The experiments is needed to produce the statistics of
=0 (3)
The experiments of Aspect and his feature number 2 of the gedanken
This completely accounts for the colleagues at Orsay confirm that the demonstration: The randomly set
data. It also unmasks the gedanken quantum-theoretic predictions for this switches end up with the same setting
demonstration as a simple embellish- experiment are in fact realized, and (same polarizations measured) % of the
ment of Bohm's version of the EPR that the conditions for observing the time, so in all runs the same colors will
experiment. If we kept only runs in results of the experiment can in fact be flash V 3 xl +2/3X(V4) =V2 the time.
which the switches had the same set- achieved. (A distinguished colleague The people in Orsay were interested
ting, we would have precisely the once told me that the answer to the in a somewhat modified version of
Bohm-EPR experiment. The assertion EPR paradox was that correlations in Bell's argument in which the angles of
that instruction sets exist is then bla- the singlet state could never be main- greatest interest were multiples of
tant quantum-theoretic nonsense, for it tained over macroscopic distances— 22.5°, but they collected data for many
amounts to the insistence that each that anything, even the passage of a different angles, and, except for EPR
particle has stamped on it in advance cosmic ray in the next room, would specialists, the conceptual differences
the outcome of the measurements of disrupt the correlations enough to des- between the two cases are minor.16
three different spin components corre- troy the effect.) There are some remarkable features
sponding to noncommuting observables In these experiments the two spin-V2 to these experiments. The two polar-
S-a ( '\ t = l,2, 3. According to EPR, particles are replaced by a pair of ization analyzers were placed as far as
this is merely a limitation of the photons and the spin measurements 13 meters apart without producing any
quantum-theoretic formalism, because become polarization measurements. noticeable change in the results, there-
color at B" is indistinguishable from This is a most curious state of affairs, 4. A. Pais, Rev. Mod. Phys. 51, 863 (1979).
"prior to the measurement of the 2- (or and while it is wrong to suggest that 5. The Born-Einstein Letters, with com-
1-) color at B." If the 3-color already EPR correlations will replace sonar, it ments by M. Born, Walker, New York
existed, so also must the 2- and 1-colors seems to me something is lost by (1971).
have existed. But instruction sets ignoring them or shrugging them off. 6. J. S. Bell, Physics 1, 195 (1964).
(which consist of a specification of the The EPR experiment is as close to 7. D. Bohm, Quantum Theory, Prentice-
1-, 2-, and 3-colors) do not exist. magic as any physical phenomenon I Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. (1951) pp.
• Is the particle at A 3-colored red after know of, and magic should be enjoyed. 614-619.
the measurement at B shows the color Whether there is physics to be learned 8. A. Aspect, P. Grangier, G. Roger, Phys.
red? The answer is surely yes, because by pondering it is less clear. The most Rev. Lett. 47, 460 (1981). A. Aspect, P.
under these circumstances it is invaria- elegant answer I have found17 to this Grangier, G. Roger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49,
bly a particle that will cause the last question comes from one of the 91 (1982). A. Aspect, J. Dalibard, G.
detector at A to flash red. great philosophers of our time, whose Roger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 1804 (1982).
• Was something (the value of its 3- view of the matter I have taken the 9. For a discussion of the views of today's
color) transmitted to the particle at A as liberty of quoting in the form of the physicists toward the meaning of the
poetry it surely is: quantum theory, see the interesting and
a result of the measurement at B? provocative essay "Cognitive Repression
Orthodox quantum metaphysicians We have always had a great deal of difficulty in Contemporary Physics" by E. F. Kel-
would, I believe, say no, nothing has understanding the world view ler, Am. J. Phys. 47, 718 (1977).
changed at A as the result of the that quantum mechanics represents. 10. L. Rosenfeld in Niels Bohr, His Life and
measurement at B; what has changed is Work as Seen by His Friends and Collea-
At least I do,
our knowledge of the particle at A. because I'm an old enough man gues, S. Rozental, ed., North Holland,
(Somewhat more spookily, they might that I haven't got to the point Amsterdam (1967) pp. 114-36.
object to the naive classical assumption that this stuff is obvious to me. 11. G. Zukav, The Dancing Wu-Li Masters—
of localizability or separability implicit An Overview of the New Physics, Mor-
Okay, I still get nervous with it. .. .
in the phrases "at A" and "at B.") This row, New York (1979) p. 282. On the
seems very sensible and very reassur- You know how it always is, same page it is also said that "Bell's
ing: iV-color does not characterize the every new idea, theorem is a mathematical construct
it takes a generation or two which as such is indecipherable to the
particle at all, but only what we know non-mathematician," a view that I hope
until it becomes obvious
about the particle. But does that last that there's no real problem. the rest of this article will dispel.
sentence sound as good when "particle"
I cannot define the real problem, 12. H. Stapp, Nuovo Cimento 40B, 191
is changed to "photon" and' W-color" to (1977).
"polarization"? And does it really help therefore I suspect there's no real problem,
but I'm not sure 13. A. Pais, "Subtle is the Lord..." The
you to stop wondering why the lights Science and the Life of Albert Einstein,
there's no real problem.
always flash the same colors when the Oxford U. P., New York (1982) p. 456.
switches have the same settings? Nobody in the 50 years since Ein- 14. N. Bohr, Phys. Rev. 48, 696 (1935).
What is clear is that if there is spooky stein, Podolsky and Rosen has ever put 15. What follows is a somewhat refined ver-
action at a distance, then, like other it better than that. sion of an argument I published a few
spooks, it is absolutely useless except years ago in Am. J. Phys. 49, 940 (1981),
for its effect, benign or otherwise, on incorporating some improvements sug-
our state of mind. For the statistical Some of the views expressed above were gested by Richard Friedberg. For other
developed in the course of occasional techni-
pattern of red and green flashes at cal studies of EPR correlations supported by
elementary treatments see J. S. Bell's
detector A is entirely random, however beautiful essay, "Bertlemann's Socks
the National Science Foundation under and the Nature of Reality," J. Phys.
the switch is set at detector B. Whether grant No. DMR 83-14625.
the particles arriving at A all come with (Paris) 42, C2-41 (1981), B. d'Espagnat's
article in the November 1979 Scientific
definite 3-colors (because the switch at American, or d'Espagnat's recent book,
B was stuck at 3) or definite 2-colors References In Search of Reality, Springer-Verlag,
(because the switch was stuck at 2) or 1. Daniel Greenberger, discussion remarks New York (1983).
no colors at all (because there was a at the Symposium on Fundamental 16. For a survey of other attempts to realize
brick in front of the detector at B)—all Questions in Quantum Mechanics, the EPR experiment, and the variants of
this has absolutely no effect on the SUNY, Albany, April 1984. Bell's original argument used to inter-
statistical distribution of colors ob- 2. A. Einstein, B. Podolsky, N. Rosen, pret experimental tests, see J. F.
served at A. The manifestation of this Phys. Rev. 47, 777 (1935). Clauser, A. Shimony, Repts. Prog. Phys.
"action at a distance" is revealed only 41, 1881 (1978).
3. Quoted by M. Jammer, The Philosophy
through a comparison of the data of Quantum Mechanics, Wiley, New 17. R. P. Feynman, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 21,
independently gathered at A and at B. York (1974) p. 151. 471 (1982). •