Low Level Language Vs High Level Language

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Low level language vs High level language

Low-level and high-level programming languages are two types of languages that are used to
write computer programs. The main difference between them is the level of abstraction, which
means how close or far they are from the hardware and the human language.

Low level language

Low-level languages are closer to the hardware, which means they can directly interact with the
memory, registers, and other components of the computer system. They use binary code (0s and
1s) or assembly code (mnemonics) to write instructions that the computer can understand. Low-
level languages are faster and more efficient, but they are also more difficult to write, read,
debug, and maintain.

High level language

High-level languages are farther from the hardware, which means they use more English-like
syntax and logic to write instructions that the computer can understand. They do not deal with
memory management or other low-level details, but rely on compilers or interpreters to translate
their code into machine code. High-level languages are easier to write, read, debug, and
maintain, but they are also slower and less efficient.
Some languages, such as C and C++, are considered intermediate-level languages, because they
have some features of both low-level and high-level languages. They allow programmers to
manage memory and access hardware directly, but they also have some abstraction and
Examples between Low level and High level languages
Here are some examples of low-level and high-level programming languages:

 Machine code: This is the lowest level of programming language, which consists of binary digits
(0s and 1s) that represent the instructions for the processor. For example, this is a machine code
instruction that adds two numbers:

10110000 01100001

 Assembly language: This is a slightly higher level of programming language, which uses
mnemonics (short words) to represent the instructions for the processor. For example, this is an
assembly language instruction that adds two numbers:

ADD AL, 61h

 C: This is an intermediate-level programming language, which uses keywords and operators to
represent the instructions for the processor. For example, this is a C statement that adds two

a = a + 97;

 Python: This is a high-level programming language, which uses expressions and statements to
represent the instructions for the processor. For example, this is a Python statement that adds two

a += 97

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