Week 14 Envisci

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1) In accordance with RA 9003, the state is committed to implementing a systematic, all-

encompassing, and environmentally sound solid waste management program that ensures the
protection of the environment and public health, as well as the correct segregation, collection,
transport, storage, and disposal of solid waste through the development and adoption of best
environmental practices. Additionally, it demonstrates the possibilities and advantages of
recycling in solving issues with waste management as well as reducing poverty. The Philippine
Clean Water Act of 2004 (also known as RA 9275) is the opposite side of the coin. The Act will be
used to control water quality in all bodies of water, including fresh, brackish, and marine waters.
The State shall have as its policy the prevention, control, and mitigation of pollution of the
nation's water resources; the promotion of environmental strategies for the protection of water
resources; the formulation of a national program for the management of water quality; the
promotion of industrial and commercial processes and products that are energy and
environmentally friendly; etc.
2) RA 9003 recognizes the adoption of a systematic, comprehensive, and ecological
SWM program as a national strategy. The Republic Act 9003, also known as the
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, has been strictly implemented, and
as a result, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) claims
that most of its solid waste management goals for 2019 have been surpassed.
Benny D. Antiporda, the undersecretary for solid waste management and local
government unit issues, claimed that the DENR always helped local government
units (LGUs) comply with the law's requirements by offering them technical
assistance. In terms of RA 9003, "we can claim that the DENR has been doing its
part," Antiporda remarked. He pointed out that the DENR—through the National
Solid Waste Management Commission—had examined 605 Solid Waste
Management Plans (SWMPs), surpassing the 2019 target of 528. "We are always
here to empower LGUs, but we also want them to follow the law to its maximum
extent," he said. In addition, DENR Secretary Roy A. Cimatu said that to address
water quality issues and other environmental problems in the historic bay, Republic
Act 9275, or the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004, must be strictly implemented.
Cimtu said that to jumpstart the rehabilitation, the DENR will begin the clean-up of
esteros by tracing the sources of untreated wastewater. The three-phase Manila Bay
Action Plan will be strategically overseen by the planned rehabilitation program for
Manila Bay, according to the environment chief.

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