A Non-Academic Perspective On The Future of Lithium-Based Batteries
A Non-Academic Perspective On The Future of Lithium-Based Batteries
A Non-Academic Perspective On The Future of Lithium-Based Batteries
Received: 13 March 2022 James T. Frith1,4 , Matthew J. Lacey2,4 & Ulderico Ulissi3,4
focus and help bridge the gap between academic and industrial research. We
focus our discussion on key metrics and challenges to be considered when
developing new technologies in this industry. We also explore the need to
consider various performance aspects in unison when developing a new
material/technology. Moreover, we also investigate the suitability of supply
chains, sustainability of materials and the impact on system-level cost as fac-
tors that need to be accounted for when working on new technologies. With
these considerations in mind, we then assess the latest developments in the
lithium-based battery industry, providing our views on the challenges and
prospects of various technologies.
Lithium-ion batteries should be recognized as a “technological won- “decade of the smartphone” around 20079. Since then, demand for
der”. From a commercial point of view, they are the go-to solution for lithium-ion batteries has grown more than ten-fold, from ca. 30 GWh in
many applications and are increasingly displacing lead-acid and nickel- 2011 to 492 GWh in 202110. Demand is set to grow steadily and is
metal hydride (NiMH) systems1. At the same time, they represent a forecasted to reach 2–3.5 TWh by 203011. Growing demand for bat-
prime example of the successful results of joint academic and indus- teries can be expected to lead to further improvements in perfor-
trial research. mance and falls in prices, with lithium-ion technology becoming
Lithium-ion batteries are complex, multi-component devices with ubiquitous.
a long list of inventors, key inventions, and contributions2. According Cost and performance improvements have come from cell
to Akira Yoshino, lithium-ion batteries were born in 1986 after the chemistry/design changes, pack engineering, and manufacturing
successful safety testing of early prototypes3. Since then, the perfor- processes. Sony commercialized cells in 1991 using lithium cobalt
mance of lithium-ion cells (the fundamental building block of a battery oxide (LiCoO2 or LCO) “cathodes” and carbon-based “anodes”, in
pack) has improved substantially, and the specific energy and energy which the positive electrode active material is comprised of 60% cobalt
density have more than doubled from 120 Wh kg−1/264 Wh L−1 (Sony, by mass12. Note that from this point forward, we use “positive” and
1991)4 to today’s ≥270 Wh kg−1/≥ 650 Wh L−1 5. These values represent “negative” electrodes in place of the common terminology “cathode”
mass-produced commercial cells. Plants today typically produce over and “anode” to avoid ambiguity since the latter terms are only valid for
1–10 GWh annually. Suppliers need to demonstrate the ability to the discharge of a rechargeable battery.
manufacture at this scale to pass the stringent qualification tests of The current state of the art13 lies in cells with specific energy over
automakers and for the manufactured cells to be cost-competitive6. 270 Wh kg−1. These require a high nickel, low cobalt positive electrode
Mass production contributed to a sharp decline in cell prices, which active material, for example, lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide
fell 98% from ca. 5000 $ kWh−1 in 1991 to 101 $ kWh−1 in 2021 (Fig. 1)7,8. (LiNi1-a-bMnaCobO2 where a + b = 1, or NMCxyz where x:y:z reflects the
Low cost and high energy density cells resulted in the so-called molar ratio of metals Ni:Mn:Co). A particularly important example is
Volta Energy Technologies, 28365 Davis Pkwy, Warrenville, IL 60555, USA. 2Scania CV AB, 151 87 Södertälje, Sweden. 3Sphere Energy SAS, 250 Bis Boulevard
Saint Germain, 75007 Paris, France. 4These authors contributed equally: James T. Frith, Matthew J. Lacey, Ulderico Ulissi. e-mail: james.frith@volta.vc;
matthew.lacey@scania.com; ulderico.ulissi@live.com
Research laboratory
Pilot plant
Risk of Failure
50M-100M $
TRL 5 – Large prototype (Ah, pre-A-sample)
500M-1B $
TRL 6 – MWh-scale manufacturing (C-Sample)
Fig. 2 | Technology readiness level scale for EV battery application. The “Risk of
Failure” arrow indicates risks of project failure or technology not transitioning to
Fig. 1 | Observed lithium-ion battery cell prices 1991-2021. “Observed Consumer the next level. The scale starts with lab innovation and considers key milestones in
electronics” price data comes from ref. 8 and reflects the prices paid for cells used in cell manufacturing to reach EV qualification and vehicle Start-of-Production (SOP).
consumer electronics between 1991 and 2010. “Observed BNEF” price data comes The definitions of A- and C-samples are discussed later in the “Challenges in scaling
from ref. 197 and reflects the average price paid for cells used in electric vehicles and up” paragraph. Risk increases with decreasing TRL number. US dollar figures are
stationary storage applications. “Experience curve” shows the battery price decline ballpark estimates of the minimum investment required per project based on
trend as deployments increase. The relationship is described by Wrights-law and industrial data or publicly available press releases. The present TRL scale is based
shows that every time the cumulative volume of cells deployed doubles, prices fall on the consideration of energy storage innovation disclosed in ref. 198.
by 25%. Prices have been converted to real 2021 US $.
Fig. 3 | Visual representation of the range of energy content of different battery LFP battery technologies. The symbols on the left chart are scaled based on cell size
technologies at the cell level and energy losses between theory and system in terms of Ah. The data on which this figure is based are reported in Supplementary
level. Left) energy density vs specific energy for selected Li-ion and “post-Li-ion” Note 1. Error bars are smaller than the data points for Fig. 3 right, and the reader is
cells from publicly available specifications; right) schematic of the reduction in referred to Supplementary Note 1 for the range of values used. “DoD” refers to
energy on a weight and volume basis between the theoretical maximum for the “depth of discharge”, the utilized fraction of the battery’s nominal capacity.
active materials and usable pack-level energy density for state-of-the-art NCA and
Moving across TRLs generally requires increasing levels of capital a specific application but also on other factors, such as legally man-
investments. For example, over 1–10B US $ are the typical investments dated safety requirements in target markets.
required to scale-up battery cell production to 4–20 GWh annually and Research into new battery chemistries (e.g., lithium-sulfur, solid-
reach vehicle Start-of-Production (SOP) at TRL 8 or to develop a new state, sodium-ion) and other concepts (e.g., redox flow, metal-air),
EV platform/powertrain and manufacture a vehicle at scale TRL 9-10. regardless of application, has for many years been heavily driven by
The capital figures are ballpark estimates of the minimum investment improving on these metrics, particularly (but not limited to) energy
required per project based on industrial data or publicly available density, cycle life and cost. These metrics have a complex relationship
press releases. between the material properties typically investigated at the funda-
Academic researchers usually operate at TRL 1–4, so they are mental research stage and the eventual application. We can take
generally less concerned with or unexposed to end-user requirements energy content on a weight or volume basis as a relevant example.
or criticalities that need to be considered when scaling up and man- The left panel of Fig. 3 presents the specific energy (Wh kg−1) and
ufacturing an energy storage device. Batteries in a research laboratory energy density (Wh L−1) for a broad selection of Li-ion and so-called
are often tested using conditions and parameters very far from com- “post-Li-ion” cells27 with publicly available specifications grouped by
mercial devices21. Moreover, scientific research in electrochemical chemistry type. A list of cell specifications used to construct this plot is
energy storage is generally plagued by misrepresentation of data and a given in Supplementary Table 1. Commercially available Li-ion bat-
lack of transparency. This leads to a high risk of over-extrapolation, teries range from as low as ~50 Wh kg−1, 80 Wh L−1 for high-power cells
exacerbated by a lack of reproduced or even reproducible studies. with a lithium titanium oxide (Li4Ti5O12 or LTO) negative electrode, up
Criticism of this situation is often kept within the community but has to around ≥270 Wh kg−1, ≥650 Wh L−1 for cells with high-energy layered
recently been spotlighted by various commentary and editorial oxide positive electrodes (e.g., NMC811) and blended graphite/silicon
articles22–24. composite negative electrodes28. Various prototypes of battery tech-
Within the battery industry, there have been several high-profile nologies under development, particularly those with pure silicon or
examples of companies investing in over-hyped technologies which lithium metal negative electrodes, show encouraging results in the
failed to meet the promised performance. For example, Envia, a spin- development of high-energy cells28. However, graphical representa-
out from Argonne National Laboratories (USA), was close to securing tions such as the left panel of Fig. 3 do not always allow us to under-
an investment from automaker General Motors to bring the technol- stand the practical hurdles to translating single-cell performance into
ogy to mass market EVs. However, the latter could not reproduce the expected system-level performance. Moreover, these graphs do not
results that Envia claimed, eventually leading to the demise of Envia25. necessarily predict where new battery chemistries may fall.
Similarly, in 2015 the consumer products company Dyson acquired the A schematic depiction of this in the context of energy is given in
US-based solid-state battery start-up Sakti3 for 90 million US $. Three the right panel of Fig. 3, which describes the reduction in specific
years later, in 2018, the company wrote off the investment26. energy (Wh kg−1) and energy density (Wh L−1) from the theoretical level
(“Theory”, which considers the calculable maximum energy release of
Practical evaluation of lithium-ion battery performance the electrochemical reaction of the fully charged active materials,
Battery research and development is strongly driven and judged on a assuming no other inactive component) to the installed device (“Pack”,
series of metrics with an often-complex connection between the which considers structural and auxiliary components, among other
requirements set by the application and the cell itself. For an EV, practical limitations). This comparison is based on two contrasting
requirements on safety, range, available pack installation space, cost, state-of-the-art battery pack concepts: one based on small, high-
power, and lifespan will heavily inform requirements at the cell level, energy-density cylindrical lithium nickel-cobalt-aluminium oxide
such as energy density, chemistry, cell design, as well as calendar and (NCA) or high-nickel NMCxyz, in 18650 or 2170 cylindrical format cells,
cycle life. These requirements will depend not only on the demands of as currently used by companies such as Tesla. The other is based on
Table 1 | Comparison of a few KPIs for a 2032 lab scale Li metal coin cell (1-10 mAh) with a commercial lithium-ion cell used in a
Volkswagen ID.3 electric car195
KPI Lab-scale Li metal coin cell (1-10 mAh) Automotive Li-ion pouch cell (78 Ah)
Pos. el. areal capacity (mAh cm−2) «2 5.02
Neg. el. areal capacity (mAh cm−2) »20 5.23
N/P ratio >10 1.04
Electrolyte loading (g Ah−1) »30 1
Pos. el. coating thickness (µm) <60 µm 87.3
Pos. el. porosity »40% 22%
The numbers for the 2032 coin cell are reported as an example, and similar values are discussed in the literature19. For this example, we consider a coin cell with a discharge capacity of up to 4 mAh,
uncalendered electrodes’ with a diameter of 1.6 cm, 100 µm thick lithium foil, and 100 µL of electrolyte. The greater/less-than symbols are used to stress that several examples of experiments deviate
even more from these values. Values such as electrode coating thickness and porosity are not often reported, but constitute a key metric that can mask battery rate capability and lifetime19. The
values reported in the table are for a single automotive cell. Values can vary depending on teardown methodology and actual cell design105,196.
large format LFP cells, such as those used in CTP concepts developed concepts, where the pack forms part of the vehicle structure)31,32 show
by companies such as BYD (“Build Your Dreams Co. Ltd.”) and CATL that we can expect significant advancements in system-level engi-
(“Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited”) in which packing neering in the coming years, hence increased “cell-to-pack efficiency”
efficiency is increased by eliminating the use of smaller modules within (i.e., cell energy divided by pack energy, either gravimetric or volu-
the pack. The calculations carried out to produce the graph in the right metric) for NMC/NCA-based battery systems.
panel of Fig. 3 are disclosed in Supplementary Note 1. The numbers Figure 3 also implies that lithium-ion cells have been continuously
should be interpreted as guidelines for these specific examples to optimized. Achieving today’s cell performance has been far from tri-
highlight the crucial differences and not as descriptions of the full vial, requiring a holistic approach to research and development and
range of possible systems. three decades of incremental improvements since market introduc-
These two pack concepts contrast significantly at each stage of tion. Because the positive electrode active material provides energy to
their implementation. From the right panel of Fig. 3, it can be seen that the system during discharge, ideally, the mass and volume of all other
NCA (with a small, e.g., 3.5 wt. % inclusion of silicon oxide in the components should be minimized while maximizing cell lifetime and
negative electrode) has approximately double the theoretical energy performance without compromising safety. To achieve these targets, it
density of the graphite||LFP chemistry due to a higher cell voltage, is essential to realistically acknowledge the state-of-the-art and what
capacity, and material density. However, the fraction of the theoretical are, or could be, practical constraints when conceiving a design of
energy content that can be reversibly obtained (repeatedly charged experiments. One should consider key variables, often referred to as
and discharged) is presently smaller for graphite-SiOx||NCA than gra- key performance indicators (KPIs), such as the ratio of the capacities of
phite||LFP. Constructing a functioning rechargeable Li-ion cell requires the negative relative to the positive electrode (“N/P ratio”), practical
the addition of inactive weight and volume, such as current collectors, electrode capacities, coating thicknesses, porosities and electrolyte
separators, electrolyte, and packaging, which can be 50% by weight or loadings (Table 1). Typical lab-scale cells generally fall short of this in
more of the cell and reduces the energy density accordingly. For large many respects: routine experiments use a large excess of Li metal and
systems such as EV batteries, comprising hundreds or thousands of electrolyte. These factors can readily mask practical performance and
cells, the cells must be installed into a pack with additional structural lifetime achievable at both cell and system levels.
components and auxiliary systems such as cooling and electronic
control. Other practical limitations might be required to realize certain The risk of excessive extrapolation. Over-extrapolation of early
requirements. For example, packs based on high-Ni-content NMC or findings in battery research and development presents risks to the
NCA chemistries are typically limited further in terms of charging appropriate direction of public and private funding and policy deci-
voltage (i.e., state-of-charge (SoC) and depth-of-discharge (DoD) ran- sions. In this context, over-extrapolation may often be fallacious
ges) to ensure an acceptable lifetime; the same limitations do not bind inferences of future performance related to new materials beyond the
LFP-based batteries. experiments’ scope. For example, from results obtained in proto-
System (pack)-level design considerations may differ con- typical laboratory coin cells using Li metal as a counter/reference
siderably with different chemistries; we can consider the comparison electrode33, a nanostructured positive electrode might indicate the
in the right panel of Fig. 3 as an example. Small, high-energy density possibility of batteries that fully charge in seconds, or a new negative
cylindrical cells using high nickel content positive electrodes, with electrode material might indicate better than state-of-the-art capacity
<20 Wh stored energy, are preferred by some original equipment retention. Such lab-scale cells are often free of several limitations that
manufacturers (OEMs) as thermal propagation in the event of thermal govern practical applications21. Over-extrapolation of this sort may be
runaway can be more easily managed. Here we consider OEMs to be made by journalists34, by university press offices35, and, in some cases,
companies that produce battery packs. Other companies can use these by scientists authoring peer-reviewed scientific articles due to the
packs as components to produce finished items, such as EVs, sold often extreme pressure to motivate research funding.
to users. A prominent recent example of excessive extrapolation is the
In contrast, the good thermal stability of LFP allows for relatively 2016 Energy & Environmental Science research article by Braga
large (300–1000 Wh) cells with lower energy density and less stringent et al.36 of a battery concept in which the alkali metal (Li or Na) was
thermal management requirements. This fact, coupled with innovation stated to reversibly plate and strip at both negative and positive
in cell design, has recently enabled the development of LFP packs with electrodes with an extremely high theoretical energy density,
improved packing efficiency, enabling pack-level energy densities despite the absence of an overall chemical reaction. The study
competitive with high-Ni-content packs with energy-dense cells. gained worldwide attention following a university press release37.
However, recent announcements by several companies on innovations However, the study also received strong criticism and was sub-
such as larger-format cylindrical cells (e.g., “4680”)29 and NMC-based sequently disputed on theoretical and experimental basis38,39. At
CTP systems30, as well as further integration (e.g., cell-to-vehicle the time of writing, the peer-reviewed results obtained by Braga
et al.36 have not been independently reproduced, and the papers already commercially available70,71, for example, in medical devices,
disputing their results have received far less attention. smart electronics and circuit boards. These thin film batteries are
It is critical to scientific integrity and appropriate use of public generally produced by vacuum/vapour deposition, a technique
resources that research funding organizations do not incentivize over- which generally leads to low cell manufacturing throughput, com-
extrapolation at any level and support initiatives to improve data pared to cell manufacturing for EV traction batteries72, and (ii) bulk-
availability and transparency. In this regard, since 201540, various sci- type, which are comparable, in principle, to current generation
entific publishers and journals have suggested the development of commercial lithium-ion batteries, i.e., with thick electrodes
standards in reporting experimental results and analysis in the broader (~100 µm) and sizes ranging between 2 and 200 Ah. Below we
field of energy research24,41–46. Another practice to support reprodu- summarise the various material approaches to solid-state
cibility and third-party validation is the publication of raw datasets. electrolytes.
Indeed, the creation of community-led, open databases has already
been considered in the battery field47,48. Another option could be to Inorganic solid-state electrolytes. Inorganic solid-state electrolytes
encourage the adoption of a “limitations of the study” section in peer- are already available in niche commercial electrochemical energy
reviewed scientific articles as a standard practice, similar to that storage devices such as high-temperature rechargeable, liquid elec-
applied in other fields, notably the social sciences49,50. In this way, the trode Na-S, Na-NiCl2 batteries used for stationary energy storage73 and
scientists can clearly discuss methodological limitations, and the primary Li-I2 batteries73. More recently, in 2019, Hitachi Zosen, a
authors can clarify what remains outside the scope of their study in the Japanese engineering corporation, showcased an all-solid-state 140
article itself. mAh pouch cell prototype for space-based applications that will be
trialled on the International Space Station (ISS)74,75. The Hitachi Zosen
Industrial development of lithium-based battery components cell uses a sulphide-based electrolyte with other undisclosed cell
Electrolytes. A. Volta51 first described the importance of the electro- components and operates between −40 and 100 °C74,75, retaining per-
lyte (i.e., an electron-insulating and ion-conductive layer, either liquid formance at environmental pressures of 0.01 Pa74,75. Although this
or solid, interposed between the negative and positive electrodes) in could be an advanced prototype in aerospace, sitting at least at TRL 7
an electrochemical energy storage device in 1800. Currently, the state- for this niche application, it would sit at TRL 4 (i.e., laboratory scale) for
of-the-art electrolyte for EV application52–54 is represented by solid EV application. Unfortunately, as of today, there is no off-the-shelf
lithium salts, e.g., lithium hexafluorophosphate, dissolved in non- product that meets the stringent requirements of the passenger elec-
aqueous organic-based carbonate solvents, e.g., ethylene carbonate tric vehicle market.
and dimethyl carbonate. Electrolytes generally represent, depending Nevertheless, some solid-state electrolyte technologies hold
on cell format and design, ca. 8–15 wt. % of a cell. Despite being con- much promise. For example, some inorganic solid electrolytes are
tinuously developed, these electrolytes are expected to continue lim- stable and retain high ionic conductivities at room temperature76,77,
iting cell safety due to their combustibility and limited cell operating e.g., > 10−2 S cm−1, while at the same time possibly improving safety due
temperature range of −10 °C to 60 °C in the most optimistic scenarios. to a lower risk of thermal events78. These advantages could lead to
Electrolyte chemistry plays a major role in determining cell safety, increased volumetric and gravimetric energy at the pack level, i.e., by
cycle life55, power capability, and reversibly accessible energy reducing the need for thermal management or engineering safety
content55,56. It plays a key role in determining the nature of the so-called components around the battery pack.
solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) forming at the interface between the The different nature of the electrode|solid electrolyte interface
electrolyte and the active material, especially at the negative might also enable long-term cycling of negative (e.g., lithium metal)
electrode57,58. For most commercial battery cells, these kinetically and positive (manganese- or sulfur-containing materials) electrode
stable interphases are critical for preventing the cell’s capacity and active materials, a performance hardly attainable with conventional
power degradation. non-aqueous liquid electrolytes today. Some solid electrolytes offer
Moreover, innovative electrolyte formulations are con- the possibility of thermodynamic stability (e.g., at the Li|LLZO inter-
sidered key enablers for next-generation negative (e.g., lithium face). In contrast, some others offer the possibility of better kinetic
metal59 and silicon60) and positive (e.g., Mn-rich and polyanionic stability by removing processes such as interface dissolution into a
compounds61) electrode active materials. Academic and industrial liquid or throttling solvent mass transport to the electrode
researchers are trying to develop tailored liquid electrolyte for- interface79–81. However, in certain conditions, solid-state electrolytes
mulations, e.g., using fluorinated solvents62 to enable efficient can also become electrochemically active74. Thus, it is paramount to
lithium metal cycling59,63. Room-temperature ionic liquids (RTIL, evaluate the electrode|solid electrolyte interaction during the devel-
i.e., a class of salts that are liquid at room temperature) are also opment of all-solid-state batteries82.
being considered53,64. Although RTILs are often touted as being
safer than standard non-aqueous carbonate-based Organic semi-solid and solid-state electrolytes. In the organic solid
electrolytes53,64, there is limited evidence of long-term stability at electrolyte category, we include commercially available, gel-type
TRL ≥ 5, particularly after an extended number of cycles. Start-up poly(vinylidene difluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) (PVDF-HFP) elec-
Cuberg has recently shown a cycle life of more than 670 cycles trolytes and gel-type poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO)-based electrolytes,
for a 5 Ah cell prototype containing an IL-based electrolyte65. such as those commercialized by Bolloré83. Although this company
There is a strong push from the automotive industry to launched a pilot car-sharing program in North America, Europe and
consider organic or inorganic solid-state electrolytes and so- Asia to use this cell technology in electric city cars, this kind of lithium-
called “solid-state batteries” (SSB), arguably among the most metal-polymer (referred to as LMP®) battery never reached the mass
hyped technologies of this decade so far66. Unfortunately, despite market adoption in passenger cars84. One factor contributing to its
the large volume of work reported in the scientific literature67–69, poor commercial adoption is that they can only be used at relatively
no consistent and comprehensive classification is available for all- high temperatures (50 to 80 °C)85 and in a low voltage range (up to
solid-state batteries. For this reason, in Supplementary Fig. 1, we 4.0 V vs Li/Li+)52. However, these batteries are now deployed in com-
propose a classification to help guide the readers in what is being mercial vehicles like the Mercedes eCitaro city bus85. To the best of our
actively researched in the field. knowledge, there is no demonstration of prototype cells (e.g., at TRL 5)
We identify two main categories of all-solid-state cells: (i) thin that work at room temperature (i.e., at around 25 °C) using a purely
film, with capacities in the µAh-mAh (or µWh-mWh) range which are solid-state polymer electrolyte.
The semi-solid category includes highly viscous electrolytes, such temperature range (e.g., −30 to 100 °C) to compare with state-of-the-
as solvent-in-salt mixtures, i.e., electrolyte solutions with salt con- art lithium-ion batteries. Ultimately, it is necessary to understand the
centrations higher than the “standard” 1 M, which can reach as high as implications of integrating multiple single cells into a larger and more
4 M concentration or saturation points. A point of concern for con- complex battery system (Fig. 3).
centrated electrolyte mixtures is the relatively high content of fluori-
nated salts, which also brings into question the lithium content (i.e., Negative electrodes
kgLi/kWhcell) and environmental impact of such a class of electrolytes. While there have been steady advances in the performance of positive
Indeed, a holistic approach to understanding opportunities for com- electrode materials used in lithium-ion batteries over the past 30
mercialization would also require a comprehensive life cycle analysis. years, the negative electrode active material used in commercial cells
It is also important to consider semi-solid electrolytes that can be has remained relatively unchanged89,90. However, various negative
prepared using commoditized chemicals. They could be easier to electrode active materials have been proposed for use in lithium-ion
integrate into EVs versus cells comprising components that remain batteries; these materials are broadly summarised in Supplemen-
under development, such as ceramic separators. tary Fig. 2.
Hybrid electrolytes. Concerns about the manufacturability and scal- Insertion-based negative electrodes. Natural and artificial graphites
ability of solid-state electrolytes and requirements on stack pressure are the most commonly used negative electrode active materials in
continue to motivate the development of cell designs also incorpor- commercial Li-ion batteries91. Natural graphite is obtained from
ating non-aqueous liquid electrolyte solutions in hybrid solid-liquid mining and refining processes, while synthetic graphite is artificially
configurations. Liquids can be employed to improve cell performance, prepared via high-temperature pyrometallurgical processes91. In
e.g., by decreasing interfacial resistance or improving particle contact recent years, an increasing amount of artificial graphite has been
and Li-ion conductivity86. Hybrid solutions include solid-state cells used alongside natural graphite in negative electrodes91–94. Natural
using a mix of inorganic and organic electrolytes, as researched and graphite is a cost-effective material capable of delivering a specific
proposed by several start-up companies that employ “catholytes” (i.e., capacity close to its theoretical value of 372 mAh g−1 at moderate
electrolytes confined to the vicinity of the positive electrode) to specific currents (e.g., 100 mA g−1). In contrast, artificial graphite is
enhance battery performance87,88. more expensive and has a slightly lower specific capacity, but it
enables a longer cell cycle life95.
General considerations for commercial development of electro- Lithium titanate (LTO) has been used as an alternative to graphite
lytes. One of the greatest opportunities that solid electrolytes present in high-power applications. However, its adoption has been limited
is to improve safety, energy, and extend cycle life, e.g., by increasing due to its high cost per energy unit and low energy density. LTO’s
the voltage stability window in synergy with the electrode active higher operating potential, around 1.5 V vs Li/Li+, with a voltage cut-off
materials. However, evaluating the introduction of alternative liquid- above 1.0 V vs Li/Li+, minimizes low-voltage degradation at the nega-
or solid-state electrolytes should be done carefully23. tive electrode|electrolyte interface. However, at the cell level, the low
Whenever a solid-state electrolyte layer is considered for cell specific capacity (i.e., 170 mAh g−1)96 and a low nominal discharge
production, its manufacturing is not a trivial process. Indeed, regard- voltage (limited to around 2.3 V) of LTO-based negative electrodes
less of the battery chemistry, it is necessary to fabricate dense (~100%), limits cell specific energy <100 Wh kg−1 and energy density <200 Wh L−1
non-porous, and thin (e.g., <20 µm) solid electrolyte films at a high when coupled with NMC-based positive electrodes and “standard” 1 M
yield (e.g., >30 m/min)72. Laboratory-scale type cells generally consist non-aqueous liquid electrolytes.
of solid-state electrolyte pellets (or membranes) hundreds of microns Beyond LTO, companies such as Toshiba97, Echion Technologies98
thick produced via non-scalable manufacturing techniques using and Nyobolt99 are looking at innovating this cell concept with similar
single-side coated electrodes. These solid-state cells hardly represent materials. These new cell chemistries could find a niche in applications
the performance needed of a 10–100 Ah cell, which is considered the such as hybrid vehicles, e.g., for heavy-duty applications. For example,
required target for EV-grade cells. niobium-based negative electrodes, although still at TRL 5100, can have
A solid-state electrolyte generally acts as a separator, and its capacities as high as 225 mAh g−1 at 34.3 mA g−1 and promise average
weight and thickness (both larger compared to liquid electrolyte-filled cell discharge voltages of 2.3 V, which would result in higher energy
polyolefin-based Li-ion cells separators) are crucial variables that must densities than LTO-based cells101, but still lower than graphite-based
be tuned to reach specific energy and energy density of ≥350 Wh kg−1 cells. A near-monopoly of Nb supply could pose a risk to adoption102,
and ≥900 Wh l−1, respectively, as expected for the first generation of and it is important to consider which technique is used for ore
commercial products. For both liquid- or solid-state electrolytes, it is refinement and Nb purification103. Similarly to LTO, commercial
crucial to test cells using realistic electrolyte loadings, doable from TRL adoption of these cells could be hampered by the higher $ kWh−1 cost
4, and to provide clear safety and performance testing of scaled-up compared to cells with graphite-based negative electrodes. However,
prototypes, e.g., at TRL 5 or 6, both at the beginning and end-of-life, as these technologies mature, end users of batteries could be willing to
and different SOC. pay a higher upfront cost to access the performance requirements
Comprehensive safety testing is key to achieving higher TRL, as demanded by their specific application, in this case, power and cycle
batteries always present a certain degree of safety-related risk. Solid- life, currently not achieved with graphite-based cells.
state electrolytes are not necessarily incombustible since some polymer
and inorganic electrolytes can react with oxygen or water, generating Conversion-alloy and alloy-based negative electrodes. Another
heat and toxic gases, posing both a chemical and an explosion risk74. important class of materials are alloys and conversion-alloys, first
The amount of energy that can be released by a battery in single-cell commercialized in a battery called “Nexelion” by Sony in 20059,104,
format is a function of several factors, but primarily of the electrical and employing a negative electrode incorporating amorphous Sn-Co
thermal energy stored. A holistic, system-level view and safety testing nanoparticles. Despite this high-TRL cell not being a commercial suc-
are ultimately required, as in the event of a fire, plastic, casing and pack cess, the development attracted research interest in alloy-based
materials could contribute to uncontrolled combustion. negative electrodes89, such as silicon-based materials104.
It is also essential to provide a clear description of the thermal and Commercially available lithium-ion cells are now beginning to
mechanical requirements, e.g., applied stack pressure to make these use an increasing amount of silicon in the negative electrode in the
cells work at room temperature and ideally in an extended form of silicon oxide, SiOx91,105, where the high theoretical specific
capacity of silicon (up to 3579 mAh g−1 94 based on the mass of Theoretical, minimum volume change (lithium metal)
which, when initially introduced, are likely to lower yields and increase in the D-sample stage, the battery cells are produced at scale, ready to
CapEx. This generally leads to higher manufactured cell costs. Despite be implemented commercially, and ready to pass automotive part
these challenges, some companies are trying to commercialize these approval, e.g., undergo Production Part Approval (PPA) and
technologies reach TRL 7.
Prominent examples include 24M’s “SemiSolid” cell design, which Testing requirements can increase ten-fold, from hundreds of
Norwegian cell manufacturer Freyr is adopting171 among others172. cells for A-samples to tens of thousands for C-samples. The type of
While 24M’s technology is being commercially adopted, it is notable tests required includes performance and safety, with the latter being a
that a major cell manufacturer has not licensed the technology but is strict requirement at any stage. Tests are also rigorously defined in
instead being commercialized by a battery cell manufacturing start-up standards, guidelines and regulations (such as by the International
company, presenting venture on venture risk and reducing the like- Electrotechnical Commission, IEC 62660, by the United Nations,
lihood of commercial deployments to some extent. In some respects, UN38.3, UN ECE R100181,183) or routine testing (e.g., United States
this should be expected for large-step changes in manufacturing, as Advanced Battery Consortium LLC, USABC, guidelines)184. It is essential
established companies are typically more risk-averse than small start- to understand that most actors, academic or industrial, particularly
ups. The promise of leapfrogging incumbents and gaining market during the initial stage (where start-up companies are usually
share is often reason enough for a start-up to take on this involved), lack the resources to accurately carry out these tests or
technology risk. enter the supplier qualification step for the automotive segment. A
Start-up companies such as EnPower and Addionics are also in the lack of appropriate process control can also result in manufacturing
process of scaling and commercializing their proprietary electrode defects, potentially leading to costly product recalls2,185.
designs. These companies claim their products would enable the
development of simultaneous high-power and energy devices. How- Summary and recommendations
ever, Addionics is yet to start large-scale pilot production (>100 Taking into account all the various aspects of battery research dis-
MWh)173, and EnPower is having to scale pilot production internally to cussed in this perspective article, we summarize below the main take-
provide the volume of batteries required for customer qualification, home messages that we hope could be useful for expert, non-expert,
requiring significant CapEx investment from the company174. academic and industrial researchers when evaluating claims in the field
Finally, series, or bipolar, stacking175 is being actively researched of lithium-based secondary batteries and, energy storage research in
and scaled-up by companies such as ProLogium176 and Toyota177. general.
Advantages can include better thermal and electrical properties, and Remarkable improvements to cost and performance in lithium-
reduced packaging but at the expense of a more complex manu- based batteries owe just as much to innovation at the cell, system and
facturing process and system design. supply chain level as to materials development. Battery development is
The biggest system design adopted commercially over recent an interdisciplinary technical area with a complex value chain. For
years is the so-called “cell-to-pack” design, such as BYD’s Blade Battery. academic research to provide the largest benefit to these sectors, there
These systems have been quickly adopted as they improve perfor- needs to be collaboration across disciplines, with the industry actively
mance but do not fundamentally alter the chemistry of cells or require advising academia on specific end-customer requirements. This could
radically new manufacturing processes. be fostered, for example, by supporting industrial researchers taking
shared positions with academia, encouraging industrial researchers to
Qualification of parts in the automotive industry. Even with a mature publish more peer-reviewed papers, and increasing academic repre-
value chain, supplying parts to the automotive industry is non-trivial, sentation at industry conferences (and vice versa).
and the process can be time-consuming. Suppliers who wish to engage Metrics are important, but which metrics matter and how they
with the automotive industry must undergo a standardized, rigid translate from theory to system is case-dependent. A clear considera-
qualification process, which is regulated at the international level (see, tion of the bigger picture is vital for effective applied research. We have
e.g., International Automotive Task Force, IATF 16949178). The most evidenced how the high theoretical energy density/specific energy of a
common automotive standards for part qualification are the German positive electrode active material, like NCA, does not necessarily
Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA) production process and pro- translate to higher performance at the pack level. Many KPIs need to be
duct approval (PPA)179 and the Automotive Industry Action Group considered when scaling a material, as a battery with high energy and
(AIAG) Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)180. low cycle life could have limited applications. All KPIs need to be
Some considerations for serving the auto industry are discussed evaluated for devices at high TRL, and manufacturing itself can be the
in the literature181, with guidelines available from governmental and biggest challenge, particularly when innovative technologies are not
automotive standard bodies182. For example, let us consider the supply “drop-in”. In cell developer QuantumScape’s recent earnings call, when
of Li-ion battery cells to an automotive OEM for integration into a asked if the company needed to make perfectly uniform and totally
battery pack. In this case, battery cell suppliers, such as Samsung SDI, defect-free solid-electrolyte-based separators for its cells to work, CEO
CATL, and LG Energy Solution, are expected to reliably supply safe, Jagdeep Singh hinted at these challenges when he replied, “the key is
high-quality parts with minimum rejects, i.e., in a batch of cells sup- knowing which defects matter and which ones don’t and to focus on
plied to an automotive customer, where less than 10 cells in a million the former”186.
(10 ppm) could be defective. Parts need to be rigorously tested using Moving up in the TRL scale is an increasingly expensive and
robust processes. complex task. The ability to reach TRL 9 requires an understanding of
Following VDA guidelines182, qualification for new cells would start many requirements and a quick transition across lower TRLs. It is easy
at the A-sample, a prototype cell at TRL 5. The A-sample cell does not to over-simplify the factors involved in commercialising a technology,
need to be series produced, but it must be safe, functional, and close to subject to a vast and continuously changing global industry that
the final design both in terms of performance and geometry: cell naturally introduces uncertainty into economic viability. It is perhaps
footprint and size are fixed. This prototype can compromise on life- too easy for academic researchers to be overly optimistic about the
time and performance but should satisfy most of the requirements to ability of a certain technology to scale based on, for example, pre-
lead to the qualification of B-samples, where the cell design is unal- liminary performance data or raw materials costs, unaware of the
terable. Past the B-sample stage, the focus is on manufacturing. A exponentially increasing requirements on resources required to bring
larger number of trial modules/packs are assembled, and cells are a new technology to market. This is perhaps best exemplified by Tesla’s
series produced, which constitutes the C-sample stage (TRL 6). Finally, chief executive officer Elon Musk’s comments regarding “the machine
that builds the machine”, which references the difficulties companies In this regard, we consider the growth of the online battery
face in manufacturing at scale187. community during COVID−19 as an encouraging development. Hybrid
Hype, over-extrapolation and perverse incentives only risk harm conferences can be effective forums for experts and non-experts to
to the sector in the long run, and all participants should take respon- engage with each other and acquire a broader view. Open, inclusive,
sibility for fostering good communication and best practices. Within and cost-effective initiatives should be incentivized, starting from free
academia and industry alike, the battery field has unfortunately culti- access to scientific research and including accessible communication
vated a reputation for hype, false promises and unrealistic goals. Many platforms with academic and non-academic participation, such as the
other scientific areas have had to grapple with reproducibility or sci- Battery Modelling Webinar Series189, Battery Brunch190, and Battery
entific integrity crises in recent years, brought on by shortcomings Pub191. However, these initiatives come with some challenges and
which can just as easily be found in the battery scientific literature. In limitations, such as (i) a risk that misinformation may spread (mod-
this regard, the whole battery research community must support erators are needed); (ii) open data can be misused by entities with a
initiatives such as the adoption of standardised testing protocols, conflict of interest or misinterpreted by non-experts; (iii) risk of
standardisation of data collection, and requirement of publishing raw communities becoming self-referential;192 (iv) confidentiality issues,
data. Such developments promote transparency and transferability of where researchers working closely with industry can be restricted by
knowledge, especially considering the increasing importance of non-disclosure agreements. In addition, many scientists have found
research approaches based on machine learning or, more broadly, social media platforms, such as Twitter or LinkedIn, valuable venues
artificial intelligence. for networking and outreach193.
In particular, we strongly recommend that battery researchers A more rigorous approach to science is ultimately needed.
keep in mind the following aspects to improve material development The end goal should be accelerating innovations that directly
without neglecting the practical application aspect: improve battery systems and increasing the number of relevant,
1. The electrolyte effectively sets the electrochemical energy sto- reproducible, and openly accessible peer-reviewed scientific
rage system boundaries, including safety and cycle life, and articles. This is particularly important considering that the
electrolyte development is an exercise in compromise. For amount of time and non-time resources needed to drive the
example, cost has to be balanced with electrochemical stability energy transition are finite194.
and ionic conductivity. Improvements in cycle life are key for Nowadays, there is too much research that confuses, rather than
most applications, and research on new electrolyte systems adds to, progress, and we need joint action from stakeholders, indus-
should be incentivised. try, academia, and publishers to solve this issue. Resources should not
2. In recent years, the focus of the industry, and particularly auto- be squandered on the basis of (often unknowingly, potentially in good
makers, has been on achieving a step change in energy density, faith) biased and/or unreliable studies or well-sounding press releases.
which has sharpened the focus on introducing or switching to Indeed, a more critical, engineering-led, numerical, and transparent
silicon and lithium metal negative electrodes, thus, necessitating a approach to scientific research is certainly required.
re-thinking of cell design. These new concepts must, of course, As a closing message, the reader should bear in mind that trans-
meet minimum performance requirements. However, the con- parency is a key requirement, and the lack of adequate, impartial, and
tinued improvement to what could be considered ‘legacy’ battery exhaustive communication is usually the main reason for the divide
concepts, as well as increasing raw material costs, have seen some between academia and industry or, more broadly, for the failure of
companies achieving competitive performance from such ‘legacy’ collaborative research activities.
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199. Pavia, D. Investing in Building a Strong Pan-European Battery adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as
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changes were made. The images or other third party material in this
Acknowledgements article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless
U.U. would like to acknowledge Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Japanese team, indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not
i.e., Tabuchi Yuichiro, Takaichi Satoshi, Hosaka Kenji, Aotani Koichiro, included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended
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Steingart from Columbia Engineering for the valuable discussions, holder. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/
particularly on the lithium and silicon energy contents, and the Rho licenses/by/4.0/.
Motion research analyst team for the valuable discussions during the
manuscript revision. M.J.L. would like to acknowledge David Raymand, © The Author(s) 2023