Topic 2. The Function of Production
Topic 2. The Function of Production
Topic 2. The Function of Production
Production planning is the determination of what products to produce and where, when and
how to produce them
Production control is the effort to ensure that production plans or schedules are met
We have to make some decisions in the production process:
Strategic or long-term
● Product design and production process choice.
● Localization: Impact on the whole competitiveness of the company
● Capacity: we must see if we are capable of producing the quantity that we want and
still be feasible.
● Layout: see how we arrange the machinery to determine the operative decisions
Operative or short-term
● Production process planning and control
● Control of efficiency
● Control of quality
● Control of stocks
5. Control of efficiency
Efficacy is not the same as efficiency, but, efficiency implies efficacy:
➔ EFFICACY: When we talk about
efficacy, we have to take into
account the level of goals that the
company has achieved. The closer
to the goals, the more effective the
system is.
➔ EFFICIENCY: Is the level of goals
achieved taking into account the
costs incurred The lower the
necessary costs to achieve the
goals, the more efficient the
system is.
6. Productivity
The margin of safety represents the strength of the business. It enables a business to know
what is the exact amount it has gained or lost over or below BEP.