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Random Matroids - Donald e Knuth (1974) 82696137

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Discrete Mathematics 12 (1975) 341-358.

© North-Holland Publishing Company


Donald E. KNUTH
Stanford University, Stanford, Coli/. 94305, USA

Received 29 August 1974

A simple combinatorial construction capable of producing an arbitrary matroid is in-

troduced, and some of its properties are investigated. The structure of a matroid is de-
fined one rank at a time, and when random choices are made the result might be called a
random matroid. Some experimental statistics about such matroids are tabulated. If we
specify the subsets of rank <.k. the construction defines a rank. function having the
richest possible matroid structure on the remaining subsets, in the sense that no new
relationships are introduced except those implied by the given subsets of rank <.k. An
appendix to this paper presents several computer programs for dealing with matroids
over small sets.

O. Introduction

Mathematical systems called matroids were introduced and named by

Whitney in 1935 (see [8)), and the associated theory became extensively
developed during the ensuing decades, most notably by Tutte in the late
1950's [6,7]. Edmonds' subsequent discovery that most of the known
efficient solutions to combinatorial problems can be associated with a
matroid structure (cf. [2,4]) has led to considerable interest in matroids
during recent years.
Matroids are abstract systems, but of course when we deal with them
we usually have a more or less concrete model in mind. Much of the
theory has been developed from a geometric or algebraic point of view,
using the fact that a special type of matroid arises in the study of vector
spaces spanned by the rows of a matrix. Other aspects of the theory
have been derived using intuition from graph theory, since certain

* This research was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant GJ-36473X and
by the Office of Naval Research Contract NR-044-402.
342 D.E. Knuth / Random matroids

matroids arise naturally in the study of graphs.

The purpose of this paper is to introduce another approach to the
study of matroids, a viewpoint that is essentially combinatorial and con-
structive. The author believes that this approach may shed some new
light on the theory, and that many interesting research problems are
suggested by this work; but it must be confessed that the present paper
contains more definitions than theorems.
The approach we shall discuss rests on a simple technique that con-
structs all matroids when given a (typically small) number of virtually
unconstrained "enlargements" whose consequences fully define the
structure. If these "enlargements" are selected at random, we don't ob-
tain truly random matroids, since different matroids will in general be
obtained with differing probabilities, but the probability distribution
that arises does appear to have interesting properties.
Section I of this paper defines matroids and establishes the notational
conventions to be used. The main construction appears in Section 2,
and an example is given in Section 3. Sections 4, 5 and 6 prove that the
algorithm of Section 2 is correct, complete, and well-defined. Section 7
looks at the construction from a more general point of view, and ob-
serves that it can be used to define the "free completion" of a matroid
above rank k in a meaningful way. Some experimental results are re-
ported in Section 8, and some open problems suggested by this research
are listed in Section 9. The Appendix presents detailed programs which
implement the construction with reasonable efficiency.

1. Definitions and notation

Matroids may be defined in many equivalent ways (e.g., by their in-

dependent s'ets, their circuits, their bases, their bonds, their rank func-
tion, or their closed sets), and for our purposes the definition via closed
sets is most convenient. We shall therefore say that a matroid "I/( =(E,9)
is a (finite) set E together with a family C.J of subsets of E, satisfying the
following three axioms.
(i) E E C.J;
(ii) if A, BE C.J, then A () BE ':1 ;
(iii) if A E C.J and a, bEE' \ A, then b is a member of all sets of CJ con-
taining A u a if and only if a is a member of all sets of CJ containing
Au b.
(Here "A u a" is shorthand for "A u {a}".} The elements of CJ are
called the closed subsets of E.
D.E. Knuth I Random matroid, 343

If A is any subset of E, we define


as the intersection of all closed sets containing A. Axiom (0 guarantees

that this intersection is nonempty, and Axiom (ii) implies that A is itself
closed: consequently A is the (unique) smallest closed set containing A,

Axiom (iii) may now be rewritten more simply:

(iii) if A E ~ and a, bEE \A, then (b E A U a iff a E A U b).

2. A general construction

Our goal is to understand the implications of the above axioms, and

one way to approach them is to try to construct all such families ~ over
a given set E. We can never h08e to look at them all unless E is a rather
small set, since there are 2 2n - (logn) possibilities when E has 11 elements
[3], but it may be helpful to consider algorithms which are in principle
capable of constructing all matroids.
For this purpose, let us try to construct ~ by starting with small
closed sets and then defining the larger ones. If A is any closed set, the
gist of Axioms (0, (ii), (iii) is that the smallest closed sets properly con-
taining A must partition the elements of E \ A. In other words, there
must exist disjoint sets B 1 , ••• , Bk such that Bl U ... UBk =E\A and such
that a E Bj iff A U a =A U Bj for 1 ~ i ~ k. For if we define a relation
on the elements of E \ A by saying
a ... b iff b E A U a ,
then Axioms (i) and (ii) imply that
a ...... b iff A U b ~ A U a
and Axiom (iii) tells us that a""" b iff b ...... a, hence""" is an equivalence
relation. The problem is to find a family of sets which defines such par-
titions for all closed sets A.
The following algorithm, which attempts to find the "finest" parti-
tions consistent with these conditions, now suggests itself.
Step 1. [Initialize.] Set r to 0, and let :10 be {~}, the family of sets
consisting of the empty set alone.
344 D.E. Knuth I Random matroidll

Step 2. [Generate covers.] Let 9'r+l be the set of all "covers" of the
sets in 9'" i.e.,
9'r+l={AUa:AE9'r and aEE\A}.
Step 3. [Enlarge.] Add additional sets to :;"+1' if desired, where each
new set properly contains some element of 9'r. (This step is indetermin-
ate. By making different choices we will in general produce different
Step 4. [Superpose.] If :tr+l contains any two sets A, B whose inter-
section A n B is not contained in C for any C E :tr , replace A and B in
9'r+ 1 by the single set A U B. Repeat this operation until A n B ~ C for
some C E :tr whenever A and B are distinct members of :tr +1 . (We shall
prove later that the replacements can be made in any order without af-
fecting the final result of this step.)
Step 5. [Test for completion.] If E E :tr+l' terminate the construc-
tion. Otherwise increase r by 1 and return to Step 2.
This construction terminates because every member A of :tr+l proper-
ly contains some member of :tr , hence A contains at least r+ I elements.
We shall prove that the family .
:t= :to U :tl U ... U :tr u :tr+l
obtained at the conclusion of the construction defines the closed sets of
a matroid, no matter what choices are made in Step 3.

3. A "random" example

Before going into any details of the proof, let us look at a concrete
example in order to fix the ideas. For convenience in notation we shall
use the decimal digits {O, I, ... , 9} as elements of the set E. Subsets of E
will be written without braces or commas, so that" 156" stands for the
3-element subset consisting of I, 5 and 6; and "{ 156,23}" stands for a
family of two subsets of E.
The construction of Section 2 begins with :to = { }, then Step 2
tells us that :tl is the family {O, 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9} of all singleton sub-
sets. Let us assume that the first execution of Step 3 leaves :tl un-
changed; consequently Step 4 will also leave :tl unchanged. (It turns out
that any changes made to :tl at this point are equivalent to "shrinking"
E into a smaller set. By leaving :11 unchanged we will be constructing a
D.E. Knuth / Random matroids 345

so-called "combinatorial geometry" [I], namely a matroid in which all

one-point sets are closed.) Step 5 sets r to I and we return to Step 2.
Now Step 2 causes :12 to be {Ol, 02, ... , 89}, the family of all pairs.
Let us add further sets to :12 in a "random" way, using the digits of
1T = 3.14159265358979323846
to govern our choices. From "3, 1,4" we shall add the set 134, from
"1,5,9" we shall add 159, and similarly we shall add 256 and 358: since
"9,7,9" involves only two digits, let us include the following digit 3,
and then we shall also include 238. Thus, we have added six triples 134,
159,256,358,379,238 to ':12 ; and we may as well stop here, since six
is a perfect number.
. ,- Step 4 is interesting now, since it causes many of the sets in :12 to be
merged together. Since <]1 contains all the one-element sets, any distinct
sets A, B in :12 which have two or more common elements are replaced
by A U B. In particular, sets like 13, which are contained in the added
triples, simply disappear since 13 n 134 = 13 and 13 U 134 = 134.
Furthermore, we replace 358 and 238 by their union 2358, which in
turn combines with 256 to give 23568. We are ultimately left with
30 subsets, namely
<]2 = {01, 02, 03, 04, OS, 06, 07, 08, 09,12,134,159,16,17,
69, 78, 89} .
Then we set r to 2 and return to Step 2.
Let us leave :13 untouched when we next reach Step 3: perhaps we
don't know 1T to enough decimals, or we simply want to see what hap-
pens. It turns out that a great deal happens in Step 4: e.g. 235689 n 2379
= 239 is not contained in any member of :12 , so we replace 235689 and
2379 by 2356789, etc. The following 22 subsets are eventually obtained:
<]3 = {012, 0134, 0159, 016, 017, 018, 023568, 024,027,
078,089, 123456789}.
Since the last subset 123456789 has only one proper cover, namely E,
we are bound to have
<]4 = {0123456789}
346 D.E. Knuth I Random matroids

regardless of what transpires in the next Step 3, so the construction will

terminate with r =3.
It is not hard to check that ':1= ':10 U 9'1 U 9'2 U 9'3 U 9'4 defines the
closed sets of a matroid. (The bases, or maximal independent sets, of
this matroid are
0569, 0578,0579, 0589, 0678,0679,0689, 0789} :
and the circuits, or minimal dependent sets, are
{134, 159,235,2~6,238,256,258,268,356,358,368,379.

1267,1269,1278,1279, J289, 1357, 1367, 1369, 1378,
6789} .
Note that our construction needed only six 3-element sets to specify the
entire matroid, so this approach leads to economy in specification.)

4. Proof of correctness

Let us now prove that the family 9' = ':10 U ':II U ... U ':I r U ':I r+ 1 de-
fined by our construction yields a matroid. We shall prove that (E, ':I) is
D.E. Knuth / Random matroid, 347

a matroid whenever ~= ~o U ... U ~r+l is a family of sets with the fol-

lowing properties:
(a) E E ~r+l; and E ft ~ j for 0 OS;;; j OS;;; r;
(b) 'J 0 consists of a single set:
(c) if A, B E ~i' A =1= Band j > 0, then A n B ~ C for some C E ~i-l :
(d) if A E CJj,a E E\A andj OS;;; r, then A U a ~ C for some CE ~j+l:
(e) if A, B E q j and A ~ B, then A = B.
Properties (a), (b), (c) are immediate from the construction: and so is
property (d), since Steps 3 and 4 do not remove any sets from a family
unless a larger set is substituted. Furthermore, by Steps 2 and 3 each
element of ~j for j > 0 properly contains some element of ~i-l' Proper-
ty (e) follows by induction on j, since A C; B implies that A C; C for some
.G E CJI _1 according to (c), but A properly contains some D E ~i-l'
Axiom (i) holds trivially because of (a).
Given A ~ E, let q be minimal such that A <; 8 for some B E ~ q' This
B is unique; for if A <; Bl and A <; 8 2 , then q > 0 by (b) and A <;
Bl n B2 C; C for some ~ E ~q-l by (c). We shall say that q is the rank of
A, and we shall define A = B. ...
Note that A = A imrlies that A E ~. Conversely if A E CJ we have A =
A; for if A E CJ j and the rank of A is q < j, then properties (a) and (d)
imply t~at -i is properly contained in some 8 E CJi , contradicting (e).
Hence A =A.
Let a f$ A and assume tha t A U a =1= A, where A has rank q. Then
A U a g <2 for any CE ~J' 0 <;j ~ q, by the uniqueness of B = A. But we
do have A U a C; C for some C E ~ q +1' by property (d); consequently
-- ----
We have proved that A <; A U a for all A and a, and by the finiteness of
our universe it follows that
A <; B implies A ~ jj

for all A, B <; E.

If A, B E ~, we now have

in other words, A n B =A n B, and Axiom (ij) is established.

Let A'" be the intersection of all closed sets containing a given set A.
348 D.E. Knuth / Random matroids

Clearly A'" ~ A, since A is such a closed set, and we have proved that A'"
is closed, hence A'" = A: our definition of A in this section agrees with
the definition in Section I. Now Axiom (iii) follows immediately.

S. Proof of completeness

We can also show that every matroid is essentially obtainable by the

construction in Section 2. Let (E, 9") be a (finite) matroid, and for A E 7J'
let rank(A) be the minimal r such that A is the closure of some r-element
subset of E. It is well-known that rank(A U a) = rank(A)+ 1 whenever
a f$. A. Let 7J; be all the. closed sets of rank r, for r = 0, 1, ....
If the empty set C/J is closed, we can prove that the algorithm in Sec-
tion 2 is capable of constructing the matroid (E, 7J'), with CJ, =CJ; for
all r. In fact, this is true for r = 0, and it holds for r+ 1 if we add the ele-
ments of 9';+1 to CJ,+l in Step 3. The reason is simply that each cover
generated in Step 2 is contained in some unique element of 9';+1' hence
Step 4 simply removes everythingJmt 9';+ l' (Of course, it is generally
possible to obtain the same result with far fewer additions in Step 3: a
study of the minimum number of necessary enlargements should prove
to be interesting.)
Ifthe empty set is not closed, then ~ is contained as "excess ~aggage"
in ev~ry closed set, and (E, 7J) is isomorphic to the matroid (E \ C/J,
{A \ C/J: A E 9' }). Our construction would be capable of producing such
degenerate matroids if, for example, we would change Step I to "Set r
to -1, set CJ -1 empty, set 9'0 to {C/J}' and go to Step 3"; but no new
cases of interest would be produced.

6. Commutativity

Step 4 of the algorithm in Section 2 is the keystone of our construc-

tion, and we should prove that it does not depend on the order in which
reductions are made. In general, let 'j) be any order ideal on the subsets
of E (i.e., if B E'j) and A ~ B, then A E 'j), and let 9'l be any family of
subsets of E; we shall consider the following operation which generalizes
Step 4.
"If g( contains any two sets A, B whose intersection A n B is not
contained in 'j), replace A and B in g( by the single set A u B. Repeat
this operation until A n B E rp whenever A and B are distinct members
of g(."
D.E. Knuth I Random matroids 349

Let sA = (A 1' A 2' ... , Am) be a sequence of subsets of E, and consider

the following operation (i,i):
If Ai =F Ai and Ai () Ai ~ ~ , set Ai and Ai both equal to Ai U Ai'
This operation makes two copies of the merged set Ai U Ai' so that each
member of sf{ retains its original position in the sequence, otherwise it
is equivalent to the general operation described above. Suppose we apply
such operations repeatedly, obtaining a sequence of sequences sf{ = sIf!l,
sAl, ... , sA k , where sA k =(At, A~, ... , A~) isfixed in the sense that Af
*' Af implies Af () Af E ~ for all i, i. Note that Af "2 Ai for alli. If we
apply (i,j) operations in another order to the same initial sequence, ob-
taining sA = 'l3 0 , 'l3 t , 'l3 2 , ... , it is easy to prove by induction on t that
'l3 t =(BL B~, ... , B~), where Bj C; Af for alli. For if B:-l *' Bj-l and
.0:- 1 () Bj-l ~ ~, we have Af () Af "2 B~-1 () B:-l: hence Af () Af ~ ~ ,

and A~ = Af "2 B~-l U Bf-l.

If'l3 t and sA k are both fixed, we have Bf ~ Af ~ Bj by symmetry.
The final result is therefore independent of the order in which U,j)
operations are applied.

7. Free completion

It is well known that any matroid can be "truncated to rank k", in

the sense that we eliminate all closed sets of rank ~ k except E itself.
This truncation operation is equivalent to adding E to <],+1 when r =
k - 1 in our construction.
Conversely, our construction allows us to add the richest possible
structure above rank k to a given matroid, in the sense that we can find
the greatest number of closed sets for ranks> k in any matroid having
prescribed closed sets for ranks <.. k. If we make no additions in Step 3,
let us say that the family <],+1 obtained at the end of Step 4 is the free
completion of <],. If (E, <]) is a given matroid of rank> k, itsjfee com-
pletion above rank k is the matroid over E whose closed sets are the
closed sets <]0 U ... U <]k of <] having rank <..k, together with <]"+1 U
<]"+2 U ... U :l;+I' where:l" = :lk and <]~+I is the free completion of
<]~ for k <.. q <.. r, and <];+1 = {E}. In a sense every matroid whose closed
sets for ranks <.. k are in <]0 U ... U <]k is a "homomorphic image" of this
free completion, where the homomorphism corresponds to enlargements
made in Step 3.
It should be interesting to explore properties of free completion.
Note that the construction of c:l,.+ 1 depends only on 9;., so that the
350 D.E. Knuth / Random matroid,

matroid is being built up layer by layer. The same construction can be

applied in general to any "clutter", i.e., to the set of maximal elements
of any order ideal, in place of CJr in Step 2; Steps 2 and 4 then define
the free completion of a clutter, whether or not the clutter can be
represented as the sets of rank ~ k in some matroid. This may lead to a
generalization of matroids. However, in every case tried by the author
where the order ideal is not that of a matroid, the free completion re-
duced trivially to {E}; perhaps such collapsing wiIl always occur in non-
matroid situations. '

8. Some experiments

In an attempt to study the behavior of the algorithm when random

"coarsening" is applied to the structure in Step 3, several experiments
were attempted with small sets E.
The experiments were conducted as follows. Step 4 was performed
immediately after Step 2, in order to shorten the list of subsets and to
be sure that all consequences of the present structure were taken into
account. Then a member A of CJr + 1 was selected at random, each being
equally likely; and when A had been chosen, an element a of E \ A was
selected at random, each being equally likely. The set A was replaced by
A u a in CJ r + 1 , and Step 4 was performed again. This enlargement pro-
cess was repeated a specified number of times, Pr , depending on the cur-
rent rank r; Po was always 0, so that the first effects would appear in CJ 2 •
For example, our experiment based on 11' in Section 3 corresponds
roughly to PI = 6, P2 =P3 = 0, on a 10-element set E. Thirty random ex-
periments were conducted with these parameters, and in each case the
resulting matroid had rank 4. Table I shows the number of elements in
CJ2 and CJ3 after reduction, and the number of bases and circuits in the
first ten resulting matroids. (The last of these has, by chance, the same
statistics as the "random" matroid in Section 3.) The computation time
for these ten experiments, using ALGOL W on a 360/67, was 15.6 sec-
Table 2 shows the average values obtained for several settings of the
parameters. In nearly every case the final rank was reduced by one each
time an enlargement was made.
It should be interesting to develop theoretical results that account for
this observed behavior.
D.E. Knuth I Random 11IIltroid8 351

Table 1

II '1 2 11 II '1311 Bases Circuits

21 15 48 51
32 24 76 89
23 IS 48 51
32 24 76 89
23 15 48 51
31 23 74 82
27 19 62 61
23 10 63 36
23 15 48 51
30 22 71 76

Table 2
Observed mean values.

n (p Jo P2, ... ) Trials Bases Circuits II '1 2 11 II '1311 II '141'1 II 01 511 II '1611 11'1,11

10 (6,0,0) 30 62.1 60.8 25.9 17.8 1.0

10 (5, 1,0) 10 89.8 86.1 33.0 28.5 \.0
10 (5,2,0) 88 109.9 159.8 32.8 1.0
10 (5,2,0) 2b 140.5 91.5 34.5 39.0 1.0
10 (6, 1,0) 20 102.8 141.5 28.9 1.0
10 (4,2,0) 10 114.8 105.9 36.4 37.8 1.0
10 (3, 3,0) 8b 114.6 112.3 38.8 41.9 1.0
10 (3,3,0) 2c 94.5 55.5 38.5 64.5 36.0 1.0
10 (0,6,0) 5b 157.8 159.0 45.0 74.0 1.0
10 (0,6,0) 5c 128.0 92.8 45.0 100.2 68.8 1.0
10 (0, 1, 1, 1) 10 38.3 10.6 43.0 101.8 136.4 96.7 29.1 1.0
13 (6,0,0,0,0,0) 3 141.7 44.0 63.7 149.7 179.7 107.0 26.3 1.0
13 (6,2,0,0) 9 432.8 327.2 64.3 137.3 100.2 1.0

a Averages for experiments when final rank was 3.

b Averages for experiments when final rank was 4.
c Averages for experiments when final rank was 5.

9. Open problems

A few research problems have been stated above, and they will be
repeated here for emphasis.
(I) If an order ideal in the lattice of subsets of E does not correspond
to the sets of rank s;;;., of any matroid, is its free completion always trivial,
or do we obtain a generalization of matroid behavior?
(2) What can be said about the fewest number of enlargements needed
352 D.E. Knuth / Random matroids

to completely specify a given matroid of rank r on n elements? (Com-

puter experiments indicate that n - r suitably chosen enlargements will
work in nearly all the small cases, but the construction in [3] shows that
considerably more enlargements are needed in general.)
(3) Can the stochastic properties of this construction be analyzed
carefully enough to narrow the known bounds on the asymptotic num-
ber gn of matroids on n elements? (It is known [3] that log210g2 gn lies
between n - 110g2 nand n - log2 n plus terms of lower order.)

Appendix. Computer programs

The computer programs used in this study are presented here for the
possible benefit of others who wish to experiment with matroids, and
also for the possible interest of language designers, because there is still
a relative scarcity of published algorithms dealing with manipu'lation of
sets. The programming is in ALGOL W [9], a language chosen by the
author primarily because of the excellent debugging facilities available
[5] ; it will not be difficult to transliterate the programs below into
other languages.
The running time of the construction in the text is governed largely
by the speed of Step 4, which would be extremely inefficient if pro-
grammed in a brute force manner based on the definitions. The imple-
mentation below reduces this cost substantially by combining Steps 2, 3
and 4, using a routine that maintains a list of subsets satisfying the con-
dition at the end of Step 4 at all times, so that the basic operation is one
of inserting into such a list. The inner loop of this insertion process is
kept short by using a table that tells whether or not any given subset has
rank ~r.
The time and space requirements of these algorithms for manipulating
random matroids grow exponentially with n = II Ell, as one might expect.
The program below assumes that n ~ 13, but with suitable modifications
it would be possible to adapt the program so that cases as large as n = 20
become feasible on contemporary medium-to-Iarge scale computers.
Sets are represented in the program by the so-called bits variables of
ALGOL W, since these variables are subject to Boolean operations. It is
also convenient at times to consider bits variables as binary numbers, so
that they can be used as subscripts or in arithmetic operations. If v is of
type bits, ALGOL W uses the notation nu.mber(v) for the corresponding
integer; if u is of type integer, the notation bitstring(u) stands for the
D.E. Knuth / Random mJltroidr 3S3

corresponding bits. Neither number nor bitstring requires any computa-

tion time on a binary computer.
The program deals with linked lists of sets, kept in two arrays Sand
L;S[k] is the set stored at position k, and L[k] is the position number
of the next set in the list. The lists are linked circularly, in most cases; if
h is the "head" of a list, then S[h] is irrelevant, the first item of the list
is in position L [h ] , and the last item is in position k, where L [k] =h.
An empty circular list therefore has L [h] =h.
The program is designed to do more than the construction in the text;
it prints out the independent sets for each rank as well as the circuits of
the matroid. For this purpose it is convenient to have a table which indi-
cates the cardinality of each subset; hence the rank array serves double
duty. If v is the bitstring representation of a set A, the table entry
rank[number(v)] will be set to 100 + IIAII at the beginning of the com-
putation and until the true rank of A is computed; then again 100+IIAIi
will be used at the end of the program when the circu.its are being
With these introductory remarks, it is hoped that the comments on
the program below will be sufficiently explanatory. Note that "long
labels" are occasionally used as comments, to help indicate the program
structure; the text of procedures has been deferred until after the main
program, as a further attempt to make the program readable in one pass.

begin comment Exploration of "random" matroids;

integer n; comment number of elements in universe, must be :EO; 13;
integer mask; comment 2 n -1, represents the set E;
integer t, j, k; comment temporary indices;
integer r; comment the current rank;
integer h; comment head of the circular list of closed sets for rank r;
integer nh; comment head of the circular list being formed for the
closed sets for rank r+ 1;
integer avail; comment beginning of the list of available space;
bits x; comment a set used to communicate with the insert routine;
bits array S[ 0 : : 4999] ; integer array L [0 : : 4999 J; comment list
integer array rank [0 : : 8191]; comment 100 + cardinality, or assigned
rank of subset;
procedure ... (see procedure declarations below);
read(n); comment first data entry is the matroid size;
mask :=round(2tn-I);
354 D.E. Knuth / Random matroids

set initial contents of rank table:

k := I; rank[O) := 100;
while k <; mask do
beginfori:=Ountilk-1 dorank[k+i) :=rank[i)+I;
k :=k+k;
initialize list memory to available:
for i := 0 until 4998 do L [i) := i+ I;
L[4999] := -I;avail:= 2;
L [ I) := 0; S[ I) := #0; h := 0; comment list containing the empty set;
rank[O) := 0; r:= 0;
while rank [mask) > r do
begin comment pass from rank r to r+ I ;
create empty list:
nh := avail; avail := L [nh); L [nh] := nh;
generate; comment see procedure below;
enlarge; comment see procedure below;
return list h to available storage:
j := h; while L [j) =1= h do i:= L [j];
L[j) :=avail;avail:=h;
r:=r+l;h :=nh;
printstatistics; comment see procedure below;
assign rank to sets and print independent ones:
write ("Independent sets for rank", r, ":");
whiJej =1= h do
begin mark(number(S [j]));
comment see procedure below;
printcircuits; comment see procedure below;
The procedures mentioned in this program are implemented as fol-
procedure generate;
begin comment insert the minimal closed sets for rank r+ I into a cir-
cular list headed by nh (see Step 2 in the text);
bits t, v, y; integer j; comment temporary storage;
D.E. Knuth / Random matroid, 3SS

j := L [h);comment prepare to go through h list;

while;"* h do
begin y := S[j); comment closed set of rank r;
t :=bitstring(mask-number(y»; comment set complement;
find all sets in nil list which already contain y and
remove excess elements from t:
k :=L[I1I1);
while k "* nh do
begin if (S[k) 1\ y) =y then t:= (t 1\ ...... S[k)):
k :=L[k);
insert y u a for each a E t:
while t "* #0 do
begin x := y v (t 1\ -bitstring(number(t) - I»;
insert; comment insert x into nh, possibly enlarging x, see
t :=t 1\ ...... x;

procedure insert;
begin comment insert set x into list nh, but augmenting x if necessary
(and deleting existing entries of the list) so that no two
entries have an intersection of rank> r;
integer j, k;
; :=nh;
store: S[nh) :=x;
loop: k :=;;
continue: j:= L [k);
if rank [number(S[j) 1\ x») ~ r then go to loop;
if j"* nh then
begin if x = (x v S[j)) then
begin remove from list and continue:
L[k] :=L[j);L[il :=avail;avail:=j;
go to continue;
end else
begin augment x and go around again:
x :=x v S(j); nh := j; go to store;
356 D.E. Knuth / Random matroids

insert new item:
j :=avail; avail:= L [j]:
L[j] :=L[nh];L[nh] :=j;S[j] :=x;

procedure enlarge;
begin comment insert sets read from data cards until encountering an
empty set;
while x *- #0 do
begin insert; readon(x) end;

procedure printstatistics;
begin integer j:
write ("Closed sets for rank", r, ":");
whilej *- h do
begin writeon(S[j]),; j := L [j] end;

procedure mark (integer value m);

begin comment m is a binary-coded subset. This procedure sets rank [m']
:= r for all subsets m' of m whose rank is not already
~r, and outputs m' if it is independent (Le., if its rank
equals its cardinality):
integer t, v;
if rank[m] > r then
begin if rank[m] = 100 + r then writeon(bitstring(m));
rank[m] :=r;
t :=m;
while t*-O do
begin v := number(bitstring(t) " bitstring(t - 1));
mark (m - t+v);
t :=v;
D.E. Knuth / Random matroids 357

procedure prin tcircuits;

begin comment This procedure prints all minimal dependent sets and
assigns rank ~ 100 to all dependent sets;
write ("The circuits are:");
k:= I;
while k EO; mask do
begin for i := 0 until k - I do
if rank[k+i] =rank[i) then
begin writeon(bitstring(k+i));
unmark (k+i, rank[i) + 101);
k :=k+k;

procedure unmark (integer value m, card);

begin integer t, v;
if rank[m) < 100 then
begin rank [m) := card; comment card is 100 plus the cardinality of m;
t :=mask - m;
while t*"O do
begin v := number(bitstring(t) " bitstring(t -I ));
unmark (m+t-v, card + I);

Further efficiency was gained in practice by sorting the closed sets so

that they appear on list h in order of decreasing cardinality when the
generate procedure is called. Thus, the statement "sort;" was inserted
just before "printstatistics;". A simple radix list sort was used as follows:

procedure sort;
begin integer array hd[ 100: : 113);
for i := 100 until 100+n do hd[i] := -1;
while i h do
begin i :=rank[number(S[j)));
k := L [j); L [j] := hd[i]; hd[i] := j; j := k;
358 D.E. Knuth / Random matroids

for i := 100 until tOO+n do

begin j := hd[i];
if j';;?; 0 then
begin while L [j] > 0 do j:= L U);
LU) :=L[h);L[h) :=hd[i];

The effect of this procedure was to reduce the number of tests on

rank in the main insert loop from about 7500 to about 1700, when n =
to and PI = 6, P2 =P3 = O. For larger n the gain in efficiency was even
more significant, since the lists are never very long when n = 10 and PI


I wish to thank Stein Krogdahl and Daniel Kleitman for their helpful
comments on the first draft of this paper.


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(6) W.T. Tutte, A homotopy theorem for matroids, I and II, Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 88 (1958)
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