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The Design of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Plan for Biscuit

Article · January 2013

DOI: 10.5923/j.fph.20130305.02


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1 author:

Abdel Moneim Elhadi Sulieman

University of Hail


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Food and Public Health 2013, 3(5): 240-246
DOI: 10.5923/j.fph.20130305.02

The Design of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point

(HACCP) Plan for Biscuit Plant
Abdel Moneim E. Sulieman* , Heba M. Siddeg, Zakaria A. Salih

Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Gezira, Wad-M edani, Sudan

Abstract HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) is a preventive system concerned with food safety. This
system has become a prerequisite for t ransactions involving food products.The purpose was to set up specific HA CCP plan
for Sudanese biscuit processing plant in an existing b iscuit processing plant in Wad Medani, central Sudan. A specific generic
HACCP model was developed to improvesafety and quality of biscuit produced in this plant. This was based on actual
conditions in the biscuit manufacturing plant, the seven principles of HACCP and several existing generic models of HACCP
using qualitative approach. Six-member HA CCP team was constituted and HACCP chart, verification procedures and
record-keeping were init iated. Four CCPs were identified in the p roduction of biscuit in the manufacturing plant. The most
important identified CCPs were raw material receipt and storage, blending, packaging and product storage. However, the
HACCP plan in this study has not been implemented in the biscuit making process. Based on the findings of this study, the
authors recommend implementation of HA CCP system in all food facilit ies.
Keywords Biscuit, Critical Control Po int, Control Chart, Verification

preventative food safety system, and not traditional quality

1. Introduction with Food Safety control inspection system. HACCP is not "zero risk" and
does not eliminate the possibility of a hazard getting into the
Biscuit is a nutritious, easy-to-store, easy-to-carry, and food product. HACCP attempts to decrease that possibility to
long-lasting food product. It is hard and dry, survives rough an acceptable level. The most effective way to active food
handling and high temperature. It can be kept without safety is to focus on prevention of possible hazards and to
spoiling for years as long as it is kept dry[1]. Biscuits are improve the process[6].
made fro m flour with the addition of other ingredients such Hazard Analysis Crit ical Control Po ints (HACCP) is a
as salt, fat, sugar and flavoring agents. Protein-fort ified systematic method that serves as the foundation for assuring
biscuits contain nutrients in concentrated forms for feeding food safety in the modern world. The HACCP system is
programmes as emergency rations. However, the acceptance designed to be used to prevent the occurrence of food-borne
of protein-fort ified biscuits depends on: However, the hazards fro m production through manufacturing, storage and
acceptance of protein-fort ified biscuits depends on their distribution of a food product.
nutritional and organoleptic qualities and cost of production. The assurance of safe production and the supply of
HACCP has been recognized as an effective and rational adequately safe and healthy food products appear to be the
means of assuring food safety from primary production main aims of the food industry. These aims can be achieved
through final consumption, usinga “farm to table by adopting a systematic and organizational structure,
“methodology. HACCP was developed by Pilsbury controlling activ ities, procedures and resources according to
Co mpanyalong with NASA in the 1960s. It was orig inally the standards which constitute the basis for total quality
developed as a microbiological safety system to ensure food systems, including ISO 9000 series and the Hazards Analysis
safety for astronauts. At that time most food safety and Critical Control Points(HACCP)[7].
quality control systems were based on end product testing, HACCP system demands a high initial quality of financial
which is an inefficient method due to product waste. resources. The initial input of this system requires additional
Therefore, a preventive system was needed to give a high resources for staff training, equip ment and extra supplies,
level of food safety[3],[4],[5]. purchase as well as technical support[8].
HACCP is an acrony m for the Hazard Analysis crit ical
cont ro l po int [3]. It is usefu l t o th in k o f HA CCP as a
2. Materials and Methods
* Corresponding author:
abuelhadi@hotmail.com (Abdel Moneim E. Sulieman) 2.1. Study Area
Published online at http://journal.sapub.org/fph
Copyright © 2013 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved This study was performed in a b iscuit plant in Wad
Food and Public Health 2013, 3(5): 240-246 241

Medani, Gezira State, Sudan. The plant supplies the local design could expose the products to dust and sources of
markets in Gezira State and other Sudan States. The p lant has contamination or pest infestation. The corners and joints in
about 500 emp loyees working in three shift to produce all structure lead to accu mulat ion of contaminants, making
different biscuit products. The plant has a capacity to cleaning difficu lt. Additional shortcomings were presence of
produce around 40,000 bo xes of biscuits and wafer biscuits cracks and openings, the surface of floors not being of
per day. appropriate slope for drainage of waste water and other
The researchers spent six weeks in the biscuit p lant in liquids and some internal walls being rough.
order to observe all the to final p roduct, the employees and The plant has good lighting and ventilation. Large
operators and monitor quality controlin order to design a windows opening with wire mesh allow air into building. It
brief HACCP p lan based on the setting and processing in this also provides good natural lighting. Hand washing stations
plant to improve the quality of b iscuit products. are at inappropriate locations, but without soap or other
Data were collected during monitoring of the various sanitizing materials.
stages of the process, raw materials, storage and until Toilet roo m is not separated from the plant build ing (near
dispatch of finished products, including all current the food store, handling and process areas), and this create a
procedures. Further information was obtained from big source of contamination. Toilet roo m is not separated
laboratory analyses records and also from data provided by fro m the plant building. It was in fact near the food store,
factory management and staff. handling and process areas. This creates a big source of
2.2. Research Method Only one quality control laboratory is available in the
The purpose of this study was to design a HA CCP model plant. In this laboratory only few experiments are carried out
for possible imp lementation in an actual situation. The study such as inspection test ofthe raw materials. The tests
matched a qualitative approach because it provides depth and included gelation of flour and moisture of flour, o il mo isture
careful scrutiny of the program situation. The study observed and peroxide value.
behavior were also recorded.Events, employee interaction
and observed behavior. It gives the interacted details of 3.3. Personal Hygiene
phenomena that are difficult to convey with quantitative Personal hygiene was improper because they do not
methods. Qualitat ive research is exp loratory and open-mind follow the personal hygiene instructions in a proper way, and
ed which is applicable to this study[9]. although employees wear the uniform, emp loyee do not use
gloves and do not cover their hair. So these constitute a
2.3. Study Approach
source of contamination of the products.
The researchers designed a brief HA CCP plan based on The proper personal hygiene involves that the employees
the setting and processing in this plant in order to improve must refrain fro m p lacing fingers in mouth, nose, ears, and
the quality of biscuit product. Based on the princip le and fro m eating, chewing, spitting and smo king during food
several existing generic model of HA CCP, the handling operation. The employees must wash hand before
recordkeeping fo rms of the model in this study were start of work and when re-entering their work area after
designed in the following manner. They included; v is it ing th e toilet(www.k12.wa.us/.../pubdocs/standardoper
prerequisite program, product description, list of product atingprocedures-haccp.doc).
ingredients and incoming materials, process flow diagram,
hazard identificat ion, crit ical control points determination 3.4. Water Suppl y
and HACCP control chart . A good quality potable water is supplied at the desired
temperature fo r use in processing operations and cleaning.
3. Results 3.5. Equi pment
3.1. Prerequisite Programs All the equip ment were being checked routinely to ensure
The first step in the study was bringing in all existing a smooth running system. The equipment has been operating
prerequisite programs under the u mbrella of HACCP and properly and were found to be free of cracks, rust and dents..
giving them a co mmon direction of attain ing zero defects
3.6. Storage And Trans portation
with the final product so as to ensure that there are no health
concerns in the final product. Several programs have been The storage room does not ensure appropriate temperature
used in the plant based in good manufacturing practices and humid ity for the raw materials and the final p roduct.
(GMP) Also proper transportation of equipment is needed.

3.2. Design and Layout of Plant 3.7. Sanitation Program

It was observed that the grounds of the grounds of build ing The goal of the sanitation program is to maintain a sanitary
of the plant or store are not slopedand drained to prevent environment, necessary for the warehousing and distribution
stagnant water and not free of waste and debris. This floor of safe and legal p roducts (https://www.aibonline.org/newsl
242 Abdel M oneim E. Sulieman et al.: The Design of Hazard Analysis
Critical Control Point (HACCP) Plan for Biscuit Plant

etter/.../Mar.../ 6DistributionCenters.pdf‎). There are several this plant. The details of the flow diag ram are shown in
components of a Sanitation Program that must be in place to Figure 1. The p rocess flow diagram was verifiedto establish
meet the goa. The sanitation program in the biscuit plant has that the diagram accurately represents the actual activities
not been practiced properly, clean in place for equip ments and operations used in the manufacture of the product. This
and tools is done but not properly, so these equipments can was done by observing each step of the manufacturing
be a source of contamination . process.
The description of product (Table 1) was used to alert the
3.8. Pest Control Program consumer of potential hazards in the final product.
The pest control program was to eliminate fro m rodent,
insects and birds.Pest management programs need more than
traditional spraying techniques to eliminate pests. Modern
pest management programs are designed to allow pest
prevention as well as contro l (http://www.gov.mb.ca/agricu
lture/foodsafety/processor/cfs02s17.html).Th is is practised
in the plant every month.
3.9. Application of HACCP
Table 1. Biscuit product description
1. Product name Biscuit
Weight of pices 8.5
Moisture: 2
2. Important product
Free fat acid: 1%
Flavour: butter
Peroxide value: less than 10
3. The intended use Ready to eat
4. Packaging Polyethylene and cartons
5. Shelf life 6 months
6. Where it will be sold Retail store
7. Labeling instruction Keep in dry place
8. Distribution condition Room temperature

A team consisting of six members was constituted, with

one of them acting as a team leader. The team consisted of
senior quality control person/QA manager, food technologist
/ line supervisor, microbio logist, purchasing agent, stores
supervisor and maintenance manager.
The flow diagram is specific for the biscuit production in Figure 1. Biscuit flow diagram

Table 2. The hazards identified in biscuit ingredients and their control measures
Ingredient & material Hazards Control Measure
Qualified product supply
Flour MP Store at clean and dry place at room temperature away from direct sunlight.
Proper personal hygiene and handling.
Qualified product supply
Hydrogenated oils MCP Store at clean and dry place at room temperature away from direct sunlight.
Proper personal hygiene and handling.
Qualified product supply
Sugar MP Store at clean and dry place at room temperature away from direct sunlight.
Proper personal hygiene and handling.
Qualified product supply
Milk powder MCP Store at clean and dry place at room temperature away from direct sunlight.
Proper personal hygiene and handling.
Water MCP Supply quality water
Qualified product supply
Salt MP Store at clean and dry place at room temperature away from direct sunlight.
Proper personal hygiene and handling.
Qualified product supply
Flavour NO hazard Store at clean and dry place at room temperature away from direct sunlight.
Proper personal hygiene and handling.
Store at clean and dry place at room temperature away from direct sunlight.
Leaveing Agent MCP
Proper personal hygiene and handling.
M,C and P stand for microbial, chemical and physical hazards, respectively
Food and Public Health 2013, 3(5): 240-246 243

Table 3. The hazards identified in biscuit processing steps and their control measures

Process step Description Hazards Control measures

Proper building setting proper storage condition
Raw material receiving Raw materials are received and stored for a
MCP setting.
and storage certien period of time befor processing
Pest control
The ingerdiants is mixed to formulate the Proper equipment setting supply quality water
Mixing MCP
combination according to recipe sanitize all the transfer equipment

Proper equipment setting supply sanitize all the

Biscuit piece formation Formation of the biscuit MP
transfer equipment

Proper equipment setting, Sanitize the

Baking No hazard

Proper equipment setting, Sanitize the

Aeration Aeration of biscuit before packaging. P
equipment, Personal hygiene.
The biscuit sachets is manually package in
Packaging MP Proper personal hygiene and handling.
poly ethylene
Proper personal hygiene and handling. Proper
Storage The product is stored MCP building setting proper storage condition setting
Pest control

The product is distributed in clean trucks Proper distribution condition setting proper
Distribution MP
with proper handling. personal hygiene and handling

M,C and P stand for microbial, chemical and physical hazards, respectively

Table (2) shows the microbio logical, chemical and physical hazards in the raw material for biscuit products. The table also
includes the preventive measures for the hazards in each raw material.
In Table (3) the preventive measures are provided for the hazards in each processing step. All the natural situations were
set up under the requirements in this plant to make safe and quality product.
Table 4. Biscuit ingredients decision matrix
Raw material Q1 Q2 Q3 CCP Control Measure
-M Y Y Y Y Personal prerequisite program hygiene and food storage
-C Y Y N N quality product supply is critical.
-P Y N N N
-M Y Y Y Y Prerequisite program: personal hygiene, equipment and
-C Y Y N N sanitation storage condition
-M T N N N Prerequisite program: personal hygiene and food storage
-C quality product supply is critical.
-M Y Y Y Y
Prerequisite program: quality water supply, Filter for water.
-C Y Y N Y
-P N N
-M Prerequisite program: personal hygiene and food storage
-C quality product supply is critical. Certificate of analysis.
Leavening Agent
-M Prerequisite program: personal hygiene and food storage
-C quality product supply is critical. Certificate of analysis.
Poly ethylene
-M Y N Y Y
Qualified product supply is critical
-C Y N Y Y
M,C and P stand for microbial, chemical and physical hazards, respectively
244 Abdel M oneim E. Sulieman et al.: The Design of Hazard Analysis
Critical Control Point (HACCP) Plan for Biscuit Plant

Table 5. Biscuit process decision matrix

Process step Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 CCP? Control mersures

Raw material reciving and storage
Proper building setting, proper storage condition setting,
Y Y N Y N Y pest control, physical inspection& transportation
Y Y N Y N Y documents, receiving certificate of analysis.
-M Y Y N Y Y N Proper equipment setting,supply quality water , sanitize
-C Y N Y Y N Y all the transfer equipment.
-P Y N N Y N Y
Biscuit piece formation
Y Y N N Y N Proper equipment setting, and sanitize the equipment
-M Proper equipment setting, sanitize the equipment and
-C setting heat with time
-M Proper equipment setting, sanitize the equipment and
-C personal hygiene
-M Y N Y Y N Y
Proper personal hygiene and handling
-P Y N Y Y N Y
-M Y N N Y N Y Proper personal hygiene and handling, proper building
-C Y N N N Y N setting, proper storage condition setting, pest control.
-P Y Y N Y N Y
-M Proper distribution condition setting , apply proper GMP
-C measure
M,C and P stand for microbial, chemical and physical hazards, respectively

Table 6. Biscuit HACCP control chart

Raw Monitoring Corrective action
material/ Hazards to be
Critical limits Responsibili
Process controlled Procedure Frequency Responsibility Procedure
Any Identify Each Product will be placed on
contamination contamination delivery hold by receiving clerk and
Should be Apply supply further evaluated by
Expiration used during quality Routinely quality assurance.
material Quality Store
the shelf life assurance Quality assurance
receiving Assurance supervisor
personnel will either reject
and storage
Foreign bodies Each the product or conduct
Foreign bodies Nil
detection delivery further evaluations for
disposition of the product
Foreign bodies Foreign bodies Each batch
Nil Quality
detection mixing Product will be retained Production
Mixing control.
Any Identify Each batch and reworked or discarded operator
Nil operator
contamination contamination mixing
Any Identify Each half an Packaging
contamination contamination hour operator and
periodically by Product will be retained Production
Each half an quality control and reworked or discarded operator
Filth and dust Nil Visual check
hour assurance
Insect Nil At dispatch
Adapt GMP Store
Storage Dust Q.A
Nil Visual check At dispatch Operator training supervisor
Food and Public Health 2013, 3(5): 240-246 245

The decision matrix was then filled out based on the cartons as secondary packaging by workers. The workers
answers given to the question from the decision tree. Other hygiene is very critical to consumer health.
hazards were control points that could be controlled in a 4- Product storage: The finished product is stored at
prerequisite program or other process. Tables 4 and 5 appropriate conditions in clean and dry place away from
represent the decision matrix for biscuit product. direct sunlight in wooden or steel pallets (skids) to keep the
The potential control points of the hazards appeared in the product off the ground to follow and test the product quality.
process along with the prevention measures is indicated in The quality assurance personnel conduct quality tests to
Table (6). The HA CCP control chart was developed to permit product release. Then the product is distributed
include co mponents of several HACCP princip les which are during its shelf life. Storage condition is critical for
critical limits, monitoring and corrective act ion developing spoilage and deterioration o f the product. Quality
For b iscuit product, the most essential part of the whole of the product should be monitored and the stock must be
HACCP plan, is the organization analysis and managed carefu lly.
documentation of the CCPs. The colu mn of the control chart
will be filled out by the operator or the supervisor who is
responsible for the control. The steps that contain CCPs will 5. Conclusions
be emphasized during production. The documentation of the As a result of development and improvements in food
HACCP p lant wh ich is suitable for the conditions in this industry and international trade, customers are demanding
plant will help to prevent and eliminate those critical hazards safe and wholesome food products. As a result, food
in its production. Therefore, safe and quality products could processing companies are imp lementing food safety
be produced in this plant. The document also can be used for management systems to ensure the production and
improvement of a HACCP plant in the future. distribution of safe foods. The present study designed a
By answering the questions in the decision trees, the HACCP p lan for a biscuit plant to improve the safety and
critical control po ints were determined. quality of products. The model is developed step-by-step
based on the seven principles of HACCP system.The
4. Discussion reduction of identified CCPs number is necessary since it
will lead to a decrease of the overall cost hence increase the
The raw material is received after….. Then raw materials net outcome of the company. Fu rther research is needed to
are stored at ……supervisor follows …..product spoilage. design HACCP plans for other bakery industries in Sudan.
Bad storage…….
Based on the process decision tree, four CCPs were
identified in the present study. All those four CCPs were
determined based on the prerequisite programs requirement
in the plant. These programs were crucial to determine the REFERENCES
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