Implementation of Hazard Analysis Critical Control
Implementation of Hazard Analysis Critical Control
Implementation of Hazard Analysis Critical Control
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Implementation of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) in a SME: Case Study of a Bakery
Nuno Ricardo Pombo Marques1, João Carlos de Oliveira Matias1*, Raquel dos
Reis Baptista Teixeira2, Francisco Miguel Ribeiro Proença Brojo3
Technological Forecasting and Industrial Management Research Team of CAST Research Unit, University of Beira Interior,
Department of Electromechanical Engineering, Calçada Fonte do Lameiro, 6201 – 001 Covilhã, Portugal
Quality Manager, Padaria da Ramalha, S.A., Parque Industrial do Canhoso, Lote A 21, 6200-027 Covilha, Portugal
University of Beira Interior, Department of Aeronautic Sciences, 6201 – 001 Covilhã, Portugal
Key words: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP); hazards; Critical Control Points (CCP’s); Pre-Requirements Operational Program
(PROP); food safety; small and medium enterprise bakery
This article provides technical details concerning the development and implementation of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP)
in one of the largest bakeries of Cova da Beira – Portugal. A generic HACCP plan in accordance with legal requirements was made through a detailed
audit and analysis of data collected in the company. It was verified by overview of the HACCP system implemented in the bakery, that there was no
reduction in quality of the final product during the manufacturing process and the implementation of the requirements was particularly strong, having
been instrumental the total commitment and sense of responsibility of all workers.
INTRODUCTION TO HACCP Jonge et al., 2004; Yeung & Yee, 2012], are overcome using
an objective tool, the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control
There is now a growing concern in the population about Points (HACCP).
food. Increasingly, what people eat is of utmost importance, HACCP system does a systematic and structured ap-
especially in aspects related to health and nutrition. proach to identifying hazards – biological, chemical and phys-
Many of the diseases currently affecting the general popu- ical – and the likelihood of these occurring at all stages of food
lation, such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, diabetes production, from raw material to the final product, and define
or certain cancers, are caused or associated with the food we preventive measures to minimize occurrence of these dangers
eat, substantially reducing consumer confidence in relation by application of immediate corrective measures to ensure
to food safety. Simultaneously, the consumer’s attention to the safety of food produced, i.e., of the final product. This has
food safety and quality has increased. The cases of bovine been proved the most, or the one of the most, effective way
spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) transmissible to humans to ensure food safety (e.g. [Ropkins & Beck, 2002; Ropkins
(Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease), the use of hormones in the pro- et al., 2003; Arvanitoyannis & Traikou, 2005; Varzakas & Ar-
duction of meat, the use of antibiotics as animal growth pro- vanitoyannis, 2007; Arvanitoyannis & Varzakas, 2008, 2009;
moters, the pesticide residues in plants and animals, the pres- Raspor & Jevšnik, 2008; Arvanitoyannis et al., 2009; Jonna-
ence of nitrates in the waters, the doubts associated with lagadda et al., 2009; Varzakas, 2011]. The HACCP method-
the genetically modified organisms market, or cases of avian ology is referred to by various organizations, as the system
influenza in humans, reduced consumer confidence regarding of analysis and control of health risks associated with a food
the safety of food [Moura et al., 2008]. On the other hand, product. Its application is mandatory from 1 January 2006,
the major hazard in food production is the microbiological by EC Regulation No. 852/2004 of April 29, laying down gen-
contamination [Jeng & Fang, 2003; Walker et al., 2003; Bas eral rules to be implemented by all operators. Consequently,
et al., 2007]. these operators must implement self-regulation systems
To increase consumer confidence it is essential to imple- based on the principles of HACCP, a preventive system that
ment systems that require producers and companies to follow allows a systematic and proactive management of food safety
criteria of food safety. The new challenges facing the consum- hazards.
er, their selection criteria and the perception of food risk [de The implementation and effective functioning of a HACCP
system require knowledge of the hazards inherent to the in-
* Corresponding author: Tel: +351 275 329 947; Fax: +351 275 329 972
frastructures, tools and human resources. A HACCP system
E-mail: (João Carlos de Oliveira Matias) that really works in practice will depend on the competency
© Copyright by Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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216 HACCP in a SME: Case Study of a Bakery
of the people who both developed and operate it, and the pre- be followed which are laid down in 7 main principles and con-
requisite programs, that support it [Mortimore, 2001]. stitute the basis for the establishment of a HACCP plan, all
To prevent, reduce or eliminate contamination of food of them to be considered in its practical application [Almeida,
during storage and preparation, every aspect should be con- 1998; UNIHSNOR, 2005]:
trolled using pre-requisite procedures and a HACCP plan. 1st Principle: Hazard analysis and identification
The prerequisites provide the foundation for effective of preventive measures – This phase identifies the physical,
HACCP implementation and should be in operation before biological and chemical hazards in each process set defined
HACCP. Once this has been achieved, the HACCP plan may in the flowchart;
be developed and implemented. As a general rule the pre- 2nd Principle: Identification of the Critical Control
requisites should be used to control hazards associated Points (CCP) – The identification of Critical Control Points
with the food service environment (premises and structures, is established according to the decision tree;
services, personnel, plant and equipment), while HACCP 3rd Principle: Establishment of critical limits – The es-
should be used to control hazards associated directly with tablishment of critical limits is essential for consistency
food processes (storage and preparation) [Bolton & Maun- in the safety analysis of the processes involved;
sell, 2004]. Therefore, pre-requisites are an essential element 4th Principle: Establishment and implementation
in the task of developing simple, effective HACCP systems, of monitoring procedures to control the CCP – It is impor-
but in many areas there is a lack of understanding of the pre- tant to assess whether the CCP is effectively under control
requisites concept, and even a fear in some sectors that pre- through proper monitoring procedures;
requisites might dilute the strength of HACCP [Wallace & 5th Principle: Determine corrective actions in case of de-
Williams, 2001]. viation of critical limits – This principle intends to establish
HACCP has been progressively introduced and applied actions to correct deviations in the monitoring of each CCP;
in food industry, but HACCP systems have not been homo- 6th Principle: Establishing systems for recording and ar-
geneously implemented across all food industry sectors, more chiving data that document the HACCP – This principle in-
by technical barriers (Barriers prior to HACCP implementa- tends to establish procedures to ensure that the HACCP plan
tion are: illusion of control, company size, type of product, is being effective;
company’s customers food safety requirements, etc.; Barriers 7th Principle: Procedure to assess whether the HACCP
during the process of HACCP implementation are: Manage- system is working properly – This principle aims to define
ment, Personnel, Infrastructure; and Barriers after HACCP the procedures for the keeping of records and documentation
systems have been implemented are: Difficulties in verifica- relating to the plan. These procedures are monitoring, sam-
tion and validation of HACCP) and unwillingness by manu- pling, analysis, audit of HACCP, validation of critical limits
facturers [Panisello & Quantick, 2001]. Experiences highlight- (confirming that the CCP is kept under control) and inspec-
ed a number of barriers, burdens and also perceived benefits tion of manufacturing processes.
of the successful implementation and operation of HACCP
[Taylor, 2001; Bas et al., 2007; Jeng & Fang, 2003; Eves & CASE STUDY
Dervesi, 2005; Taylor & Kane, 2005; Damikouka et al., 2007].
A recent study realized by Mensah & Julien [2011] shows Any company wishing to implement the HACCP system
that there is no significant effect of size of enterprise on should have as its main concern to provide its customers safe
the drivers, benefits and challenges to compliance with food and healthy products. To do these, it needs to create, estab-
safety regulation. However, importance has been given to lish, document and maintain a system of self-control based
the specific situation of the Small and Medium Enterprises on the seven HACCP principles referred to above, ensuring
(SME’s) (e.g. [Taylor, 2001; Bas et al., 2007; Taylor & Kane, food safety.
2005; Walker et al., 2003; Poumeyrol et al., 2010]). The barri- This control system identifies all hazards, whether biolog-
ers are even greater, given the size and structure of institutions, ical, chemical or physical, negatively affecting food and turn-
bearing in mind that the operators require good knowledge ing it unsafe for consumption. Through analysis of these haz-
necessary to implement the system and also good information ards preventive measures are specified that must be followed
and training of all employees [Panisello & Quantick, 2001; to avoid food contamination. This process requires the com-
Taylor, 2001; Bas et al., 2007; Walker et al., 2003; Taylor & mitment of the whole team involved, since only united will
Kane, 2005; Eves & Dervesi, 2005; Mensah & Julien, 2011]. able to eliminate all risks and prevent the onset of these.
Its principles can be applied in a variety of locations. Through a detailed audit and analysis of data collected
HACCP has evolved continuously over the years, becoming in the company studied, a plan was elaborated to implement
nowadays the most complete and efficient system [Costa the HACCP system in accordance with legal requirements.
Neto & Figueiredo, 2001; Surak, 2009]. Once implemented, this should be followed by the team re-
sponsible and amended where necessary.
The seven principles of HACCP
The proper identification of CCPs (Critical Control Points) Company identification
is a key issue in HACCP, because the major efforts in process Bakery based in the Canhoso Industrial Park, Covilhã,
control will be directed towards these steps [Damikouka et al., Portugal, which bakery and pastry are the main activities, as
2007]. For the practical application of the HACCP concept well as commercial establishments, breakfast pastries and re-
according to Codex Alimentarius [FAO, 1997], 7 rules have to tailing of food products.
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N.R.P. Marques et al. 217
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218 HACCP in a SME: Case Study of a Bakery
M (3) RS RMe RMa RMa
RS –Satisfatory Risk; RMe – Lower Risk; RMa – Increased Risk; RC –
Critical Risk.
IR = Probability x Severity
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TABLE 4. Hazards analysis and identification of CCPs and PROP.
N.R.P. Marques et al.
and multi- age integrity, this step
of raw materi- hygiene facilities, equipment and uten-
plication is not considered a CCP
als (refriger- practices sils for the operation properly
ated between sanitized. Perform task in a fast,
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
of packaging,
stones – salt)
Chemical: Without Incorrect Keep the sites, equipment Verifying compliance with
Detergent Absence conse- 1 1 1 hygiene and fixtures for the opera- Yes No No --- good hygiene practices, this --- x ---
residue quences practices tion properly sanitized step is not considered a CCP
Microbial Perform the task quickly, hygieni-
contamination cally and without interruptions.
Incorrect Verifying compliance with
(Salmonella, As product With con- Compliance with good personal
1 4 4 hygiene Yes No No --- good hygiene practices, this --- x ---
Staphylococ- datasheet sequences hygiene practices. Keep facili-
practices step is not considered a CCP
cus aureus ties, equipment and utensils for
and Esche- the operation properly sanitized
richia coli)
tion by foreign
Without Incorrect Compliance with good per- Verifying compliance with
objects (hair,
Absence conse- 1 1 1 hygiene sonal hygiene practices. Vi- Yes No No --- good hygiene practices, this --- x ---
4. Kneading decora-
quences practices sual inspection of salt step is not considered a CCP
tions, pieces
of packaging,
stones – salt)
The existence of pieces
- Incorrect
of metal can be fatal to
Physical: hygiene
1 4 4 erated space. Compliance with Yes No No --- good hygiene practices, this --- x ---
Staphylococ- datasheet sequences Inadequate
good personal hygiene practices step is not considered a CCP
cus aureus refrigeration
and Esche- temperatures
Microbial Compliance with good personal
tion by foreign Absence conse- 1 1 1 hygiene Yes No No --- good hygiene practices, this --- x ---
uct well packed in own place,
objects (hair, quences practices. step is not considered a CCP
protected from contamination.
conformal product
Corrective action.
MOD.18 – Cor-
Record internal
MOD.32 – Not
integrity record
to the proliferation of microorganisms and therefore a spe-
of the product.
Kneader spiral
rective action
MOD.34 –
cific PROP is directed to this step. Although there is no critical
limit for the stage, the nonfulfillment of the manufacture plan
(time, 10 to 12 min and temperature, 200 to 220°C for baking
the “bola”), will lead to a product unfit for consumption. As
such, there is a need to create a PROP for the stage (Table 5),
Director of Quality.
Employee making
employee respon-
Oven operator or
Actions – Direc-
and Corrective which followed, contributed to its improvement and quality.
tor of Quality
Monitoring –
the kneading
of the kneader
nomial time /
Reset the bi-
of scrap metal;
for this purpose. Finally, each quarter, the whole plan should
employee /
of quality.
ing cycle
ovens /
ture. Internal
Mixer spiral
/ tempera-
temperature at or
Compliance with
/ temperature set
spiral after each
good personal
above 70 ° C.
mixing cycle
and Esche-
richia coli)
cus aureus
ever, that the company regularly runs training in this area with
the aim of instilling habits and make workers more receptive
to the change of working methods. Only through education
and awareness of all elements of the food chain it is possible
8. Baking
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