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Communications of the IIMA

Volume 12 Issue 4 Article 3


Effects of Internal and External Factors on Internet-Based Digital

Technology Usage by SMEs in a Developing Country
Md Shah Azam
Curtin University

Mohammed Quaddus
Curtin University

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Recommended Citation
Azam, Md Shah and Quaddus, Mohammed (2012) "Effects of Internal and External Factors on Internet-
Based Digital Technology Usage by SMEs in a Developing Country," Communications of the IIMA: Vol. 12:
Iss. 4, Article 3.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58729/1941-6687.1198
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Effects of Internal, External Factors on Internet-Based Digital Technology Use Azam & Quaddus

Effects of Internal and External Factors on Internet-Based Digital

Technology Usage by SMEs in a Developing Country

Md Shah Azam
Curtin University, Western Australia

Mohammed Quaddus
Curtin University, Western Australia


This paper analyses the effects of culture and environment on the adoption and use of Internet based
digital technology (IBDT) by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) from a developing country
perspective. A structural equation modeling is finally employed within a mix method research setting
with a cross-sectional dataset of 557 SMEs in Bangladesh. The study reveals a significant association
of normative pressures, coercive pressures, power distance, in-group collectivism, Bengali values,
perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use with SMEs intention to use IBDT while intention
significantly affects actual usage behavior. The study concludes with some implications of the results.

Keywords: Internet based digital technology, intention and actual usage behavior, technology
acceptance model, cultural dimensions, environmental pressures


Internet based digital technology has become an inevitable part of human life in the 21st
Century. The wide and rapidly increased adoption and usage of various facets of information and
communication technology (ICT) in general and Internet based digital technology (IBDT) in
particular, by individuals, government organizations and businesses attract researchers from
multidisciplinary field of study to look at its adoption and diffusion phenomena around the
world. In the past few years, a bulk of research initiatives have inquired into IBDT adoption and
usage, an advanced and extended use of ICT, such as the Internet, online communication, online
transactions, e-commerce, e-tax, e-service, enterprise systems and so on, and propose a wide
range of research guidelines and theoretical models to look at the issue.

The number of research initiatives looking at ICT adoption and diffusion phenomena, both from
individual and from organization perspectives, suggests a new direction of ICT research
assuming that the adoption and diffusion related research has reached its saturation stage (Parker
& Castleman, 2007). However, notably, the previous researches mostly favor the thought that
organizations adopt technology that is useful and provides them with some economic benefit
while, although important, the non-economic factors such as cultural and environmental factors

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Effects of Internal, External Factors on Internet-Based Digital Technology Use Azam & Quaddus

were overlooked (Thatcher, Foster, & Zhu, 2006). Apart from the study contents, most of the
theoretical frameworks and conceptual models of the previous ICT studies focus on the
developed countries perspective, particularly, an American perspective (Zhu & Kraemer, 2005)
while the developing country perspective is not well addressed.

Internet based digital technology usage by individuals and organizations takes an increased pace
in the second half of the 1980s with the invention of the Internet as a public network and it
achieves a new momentum in the second half of the 1990s when commercial use of the internet
protocol is licensed. Until the end of the 1990s, the growth of IBDT usage was observed to be
significantly high as in developed countries than in developing countries. Numerous research
initiatives were undertaken during this period to look at the phenomena from developed
countries’ perspectives (Agarwal & Prashad, 1997, 1998, 1999; Davis, 1993; Davis, Bagozzi, &
Warshaw, 1989; Kendall, Tung, Chua, Ng & Tan, 2001; Mathieson, 1991; Moore & Benbasat,
1991; Sathye & Beal, 2001; Tan & Teo, 2000; Taylor & Todd, 1995a, 1995b; Venkatesh,
Brown, Maruping & Bala 2008; Venkatesh & Davis, 2000, Venkatesh & Morris, 2000,
Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, & Davis, 2003). A successful experience of IBDT usage in developed
countries, in turn encourages individuals and organizations to adopt the technology in
developing countries. In recent years, a phenomenal growth has been observed in the developing
countries IBDT adoption and usage.

At the end of 2011, nearly 2.267 billion people or 32.7 percent of the total populations of the
world had access to the Internet. This represents an increase of 528.1 percent over the year 2000.
Asian countries account for 789.6 percent of the growth while the rest of the world grew by
nearly 406.9 percent in the same period; its total number of Internet users stands at 1,016 million
or 44.8 percent of world’s total Internet users (Internet World Stats, 2012). Internet use in
Bangladesh is likewise growing. The total Internet population of the country stands at 100,000 in
2000 (Azam, 2007), and it reached 450,000 in 2007 (Azam & Quaddus, 2009a, 2009b) which
indicates a 450% rise in the Internet population. At the end of 2011, the total Internet population
reaches 5,501,609 which reflects 3.5 percent Internet penetration.

Further, the country is going to launch Internet based digital technology in various sectors such
as e-business, e-tender, e-tax, e-services. The government of the country is dedicated to
establishing a digital based society by 2021 in applying ICT potential in the economic
development and governance of the country in phases. In response to the government’s vision to
establish a digital Bangladesh and compliance with the globalized competitive environments, the
individuals, government organizations, and businesses growingly involve information and
communication technology in their day to operations.

The philosophy of economic development through ICT involves the SMEs in the ongoing
research initiatives, as it is one of the most influential parts of the country’s development
process. Like the developed countries, SMEs in developing countries are also contributing
positively. The prospects and contributions of Bangladesh’s SMEs to its economic development
are enormous. SMEs account for about 45% of manufacturing value added in Bangladesh.
They account for about 80% of industrial employment, about 90% of total industrial units and
about 25% of the total labor force. Its total contribution to export earnings varies between 75%

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Effects of Internal, External Factors on Internet-Based Digital Technology Use Azam & Quaddus

and 80% (Azam & Quaddus, 2009c). The number of SMEs and their significant contribution
to the national economy in terms of employment generation, GDP contribution, and export
earnings thus create a significant research opportunity to look at the adoption and diffusion of
information and communication technology.

In view of the above discussion, this study looks at the effects of various internal and external
factors on the adoption and diffusion of Internet based technology among SMEs in Bangladesh.
A mixed method research approach, an in-depth field study followed by a quantitative survey, is
employed to attain the research objectives.

The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 involves conceptual framework and hypotheses
development. In Section 3, descriptive information concerning the sample data is provided, and
variables in the empirical analysis are defined. The structural equation model specification and
bootstrap outputs are also analyzed in the same section. A final section addresses the results and
presents some conclusions.


Numerous theories and a range of research models have been used to inquire into ICT adoption-
diffusion behavior in multi-disciplinary fields of study in the past few year, most of them are
rooted back to the Theory of Reasoned Action (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975), Rogers’ Diffusion of
Innovation Theory (Rogers, 1983), Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1985), and Technology
Acceptance Model (Davis, 1989).

The literature in the IS domain supports the applicability of the four theories to look at the
individuals’ innovation adoption phenomena, while the DOI theory is equally applicable to
individual and organizational perspectives. However, the TAM framework is widely used in
comparison to other theoretical models mainly for its parsimony, which involves individual’s
perception and cognitive assessment about the ease of operation and usefulness of the technology
to address adoption intentions.

The technology acceptance model (TAM) was developed by Davis (1989) to explain information
technology (IT) usage behavior. It is an adaptation of TRA and states that behavioral intention to
use a technology is directly determined by two key beliefs: Perceived usefulness and perceived
ease of use. Perceived usefulness assesses the extrinsic characteristics of IT that is task-
oriented outcomes such as the prospective users’ subjective probability that using specific
application will increase his or her job performance within an organizational context. On
the other hand, perceived ease of use examines intrinsic characteristics of IT that is ease of use,
ease of learning, flexibility, and clarity of interface. It is stated as “the degree of which the
prospective users expect the target system to be free of effort” (Davis et al., 1989).

The earlier version of TAM included subjective norms with perceived ease of use and usefulness
as antecedents of behavioral intention, which was omitted from the model latter. Social influence
has a strong effect in technology adoption in a mandatory setting while it has different effects in

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a voluntary setting and in the context of having experience (Venkatesh & Morris, 2000).
One key benefit of using TAM to understand system usage behavior is that it provides a
framework to examine the influence of external factors of system usage (Hong, Thong, Wong &
Tam, 1999).

Various external variables such as computer self-efficacy, social influence, experience,

voluntariness, diversity of technology, trust, culture, and relevance, have been added in the
context of TAM in different settings to get more insight into technology acceptance in previous
initiatives (Agarwal & Prasad, 1999; Davis et al., 1989; Hong et al., 1999; Shih, 2004; Taylor &
Todd, 1995a; Venkatesh & Davis, 1996, 2000; Venkatesh & Morris, 2000; Wang, Wang, Lin,
& Tang, 2003; Yoon, 2009).

The field study endorses the influence of perceived usefulness and ease of use on SMEs
intention to use Internet based digital technology in Bangladesh and supports extension of the
technology acceptance model. As a single person in most cases, the owner holds supreme
power of decision making in a small firm, the owner’s positive perception, and willingness
matter in accepting or rejecting any innovation regardless of its actual benefits or
performance. Thus, usefulness and ease of use are plausibly considered as important factors in
anticipating SMEs intention to use Internet based digital technology.

Environmental Pressures

Apart from the individual adoption diffusion phenomena Tornatzky, Fleicher, and Chakrabarti
(1990) proposed the technology organization and environment (TOE) framework to look at
organizational aspects of technology diffusion. The TOE framework identifies three aspects of a
firm’s context that influence the process by which it adopts, implements and uses technological

i. Technological context refers to the existing technologies, as well as new technologies

relevant to the firm.
ii. The organizational context addresses the descriptive measures about the organization such
as scope, size, and the amount of slack resources available internally.
iii. The environmental context refers to the aspects of how a firm conducts its business,
responds to its industry, customers, and competitors, and deals with government.

This framework has received more attention and acceptance from diversified fields of study as it
is consistent with Rogers’s innovation diffusion theory. Rogers (1983) emphasized technological
characteristics, and both internal and external characteristics of the organization, as drivers of
technology diffusion.

The impact of environmental factors and their characteristics are well addressed in institutional
theory, which needs to be synthesized with the adoption diffusion theories to reach external
variables as reflected in the innovation diffusion theory (Rogers, 1983) and subsequent TOE and
other innovation diffusion frameworks.

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Institutional theories posit that organizations face pressures to conform to these shared notions of
appropriate forms of behavior, since violating them may call into question the organizations
legitimacy and thus affect its ability to secure resources and social support (DiMaggio &
Powel, 1983; Tolbert, 1985).

DiMaggio and Powel (1983) distinguished between three types of isomorphic pressures
(coercive, mimetic, and normative) and suggested that coercive and normative pressures
normally operate through interconnected relationships while mimetic pressures act through
structural equivalence.

The subjective norm is recognized and studied as an important influencer on individual behavior
(Azjen & Fishbein, 1980). In organizational aspects, a focal organization is able to learn
about an innovation and its associated benefits and costs from other user organizations that are
directly or indirectly tied with them, and is likely to be persuaded to behave similarly (Burt,
1982). Many studies consider normative pressure as an influencer of organizational innovation
adoption phenomena (Kuan & Chau, 2001; Teo, Wei, & Benbasat, 2003).

Mimetic pressures are the influences of other structurally equivalent organizations that have
initiated some innovations and become successful. This pressure may cause an organization to
change over time to become more like other organizations in its environment (DiMaggio
& Powel, 1983). Mimetic pressures are considered as an important influencer in organizational
ICT adoption (Premkumar & Ramamurthy, 1995; Teo et al., 2003).

Coercive pressures address various kinds of powers or influences, informal or formal, exercised
by other organizations upon which they are dependent. Dominant customer, supplier or parent
organization sometimes exercise their power or coercively influence the organizations to do
a certain thing where the dependent organization has no option other than complying with the
requirements. Coercive pressures have been considered as an influencer in past ICT adoption
studies (Quaddus & Hofmeyer , 2007; Teo et al., 2003).

The field study also explores the positive influence of coercive, mimetic and normative pressures
in SMEs intention to use Internet based digital technology in the context of Bangladesh.

Cultural Dimensions

Although limited in number, some previous studies report a significant link between cultural
dimension and different facets of IT use (Bertolotti, 1984; Burn, 1995; Erez & Early, 1993;
Gefen & Straub, 1997; Harris & Davison, 1999; Hill, Loch, Straub & El-Sheshai, 1998; Ho,
Raman & Watson, 1989; Straub, 1994). Erumban and de Jong (2006) find that the national
culture and the IBDT adoption rate of a country are closely related. They further report most of
the Hofstede (1984, 2001) dimensions are important in influencing adoption where power
distance and uncertainty avoidance dimensions seem to be most influential. Thatcher et al.
(2006) support the outcome in IBDT adoption, particularly b2b e-commerce adoption, in the
Taiwanese electronic industry.

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This study undertakes a qualitative search to explore and justify the effects of various cultural
dimensions in the diffusion of IBDT among the SMEs in Bangladesh. The analysis of the
interview transcripts resulted in anticipating the effects of five dimensions of culture such as
power distance, uncertainty avoidance, in-group collectivism, ethical culture and Bengali values,
on intention of IBDT use, along with the fundamental antecedents of IBDT adoption explained
in the technology acceptance model, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. In addition
to Thatcher et al. (2006), this study anticipates the effects of more three cultural dimensions on
SMEs intention to use IBDT: in-group collectivism, ethical culture, and Bengali values.

Power distance refers the degree to which members of a collective expect power to be distributed

Uncertainty avoidance refers the extent to which a society, organization, or group relies on social
norms, rules and procedures to alleviate unpredictability of future events. In-group collectivism
refers the degree to which individuals express pride, loyalty, and cohesiveness in their
organization and family.

Bengali values is also another added cultural dimension, which strongly guides and shapes
human behavior and communication. The field study explores peoples’ deep feeling and respect
for the language martyrs and a sentiment of upholding the Bengali language everywhere in the

It is also explored that the people in different working environment feel comfortable in
communication through the Bengali language and love to maintain face-to-face communication
and a close social bond. Unlike in-group collectivism as stated in a globe study (House,
Hanges, Javidan, Dorfman, & Gupta, 2004), these phenomena imply some other aspect of social
collectivism is an important aspect of culture as reflected in many interviews during the field
study and thus, have been coded as Bengali values typical for Bengali culture.

Bengali value may be explained as the values that guide or motivate the individuals to maintain a
very close and social bond and become respectful to the Bengali language. This construct,
although not explained in previous cultural studies, is an important aspect of Bengali culture. The
exploratory search also anticipates negative structural relations between cultural dimensions and
SMEs intention to use IBDT. Figure 1 illuminates the study constructs and their hypothesized

The field study results are furnished in detail in subsection Field Study and Final Model Specification under
Research Methodology and Findings section

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PU H1a
H2c H4
PD -
UN H3c-

InG H3d-


Note: PU=perceived usefulness, PEU=perceived ease of use, NP=normative pressures,

MP=mimetic pressures, CP=coercive pressures, PD=power distance, UN=uncertainty
avoidance, InGr=in-group collectivism, Bval=Bengali values, INT=intention to adopt

Figure 1: Conceptual Model.


Based on the above discussion the following hypotheses are proposed:

H 1a: Perceived usefulness has a direct positive effect on SMEs intention to use Internet
based digital technology
H 1b: Perceived ease of use has a direct positive influence on SMEs’ intentions to use
Internet based digital technology
H 2a: Greater normative pressures lead to a greater intention to use Internet based digital
technology among SMEs
H 2b: Greater mimetic pressures lead to a greater intention to use Internet based digital
technology among SMEs
H 2c: Greater coercive pressures lead to a greater intention to use Internet based digital
technology among SMEs
H 3a: Power distance has direct negative effects on SMEs’ intentions to use Internet based
digital technology
H 3b: Uncertainty avoidance has significant direct effects on SMEs’ intentions to use
Internet based digital technology
H 3c: In-group collectivism has direct negative effects on SMEs’ intentions to use Internet

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based digital technology

H 3d: Bengali value has direct negative effects on SMEs’ intentions to use Internet based
digital technology
H 4: Intention has a direct positive influence on SMEs’ Internet based digital technology
usage behavior


Research Method

This study applies a mixed method research approach, which involves an in-depth field study
followed by a quantitative survey. The field study explores the study constructs and anticipates
the structural links among them. The primary research model, developed through literature
reviews, is fine-tuned and contextualized during this phase of research. The field study uses
NVivo version 10 to analyze the field interviews. Eleven owners or managers of different SMEs
are interviewed during the qualitative phase of the study (see Table 2).

To test the conceptual model, a survey instrument is designed for data collection. The measures
used to address the constructs included in the proposed model are adapted from relevant prior
studies, with slight modification and expressional changes to fit them to the targeted context and
explored through the intensive field study. The questionnaire is fine-tuned via several runs of
pre-test, revisions, and pilot tests. After finalizing the questionnaire a cross sectional survey is
administered to the SMEs in Bangladesh. All of the items are measured using five point Likert-
type scale with anchors on strongly agree and strongly disagree, respectively (see Appendix for
survey question items).

The survey instrument is administered to the sample, which is determined through a probability
sampling method. A stratified random sampling technique is used to collect equitable responses
from leading industries and emerging industries in both manufacturing and service industry
sectors. In the manufacturing sector, RMG is the leading industry, which contributes a
significant portion of the country’s export earnings, and Leather industry is an emerging
industry having high potential in exporting. On the other hand, ICT and telecommunication
service organizations are the leading industries while tourism has high potential. The leading and
emerging industries contribute roughly 75 percent and 25 percent respectively to the total export
in the corresponding sectors. Basing on this logic, 275 business units under manufacturing
industry category are selected comprising 220 firms from the readymade garments industry and
55 firms from the leather industry. On the other hand, 275 samples are selected from the service
industry. The distribution is in a similar ratio with the 275 samples from the service industry
being comprised of 220 ICT and telecommunications firms and 55 Tourism firms. During the
survey, a group of trained surveyors conducted random survey from the respective industry’s
member lists. The responses are stratified through screening questions. Owners or managers
(decision makers) of different SMEs or their delegated representatives constitute the population
of the survey. An organized, structured, and methodical survey results in a collection of 566

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complete responses from manufacturing (283 responses) and service (283 responses) industries
(see table 2). The survey is conducted during September 2011-August 2012.

The sample is checked for consistency and scrutinized in view of removing invalid responses. A
careful review screened out eight surveys, as the number of employees working in those
firms, are higher than the upper limit of SMEs. Finally, 557 surveys are considered appropriate
for the purpose of the analysis. PLS software is used to analyze the quantitative data.

Sample Profile

As the study uses a probability sampling technique, different types of SMEs have been included
in the sample, which brings in the logical ground for generalizing the inferred outcomes. The
study investigates the opinions and perceptions of the owner or owner manager or manager
(decision maker) or delegated representatives of SMEs located at or adjacent to Dhaka city.
Dhaka has been selected as the sampling area considering the fact that high industry
concentration is evident in or near to Dhaka. The Internet penetration is also high in
Dhaka, which comprises around 80 percent of the country’s total Internet users. The sample
consists of 50.6 percent manufacturing industry and 49.4 percent service industry (see Table 2).

Most of the firms surveyed (98 percent) have their own home page operation; a majority (65.7
percent) have a product cataloguing-capable homepage; most (58.3 percent) have experience in
e- commerce; and approximately one third (29.1 percent) have enterprise resource systems. A
small number of firms (13.1 percent) enjoying preferences as SMEs, and only 12.9 percent have
received any grants or subsidies for ICT.

Description Frequency Percent

Industry Manufacturing 282 50.6%
Service 275 49.4%
Sector Readymade garments 225 40.4%
Lather 57 10.2%
ICT and telecommunications 217 39.0%
Tourism 58 10.4%
Business size Small 401 72.0%
Medium 156 28.0%
ICT status Homepage 546 98.0%
Online cataloguing 366 65.7%
Participate in online commerce 325 58.3%
ERP 162 29.1%
SMEs preferences Received preferences as an SME 73 13.1%
No preferences received 484 86.9%

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Effects of Internal, External Factors on Internet-Based Digital Technology Use Azam & Quaddus

ICT grants Received subsidies or ICT grants 72 12.9%

No grants or subsidies received 485 87.1%
Nature of customer Geographically diverse customer 509 91.4%
Customers not geographically diverse 48 8.6%
Internet connectivity Dial-up/DSL 29 5.2%
Broadband (cable and mobile) 511 91.7%
Mobile broadband 293 52.7%
Operating offices or stores Operating single office or stores 11 2.0 %
Operating at least two offices or stores 437 78.5%
More than two offices or stores 18 3.3%
ICT Experience Started ICT before 2000 150 26.93%
Started ICT in or after 2000 407 73.07%

Table 1: Survey Sample Profile.

Each of the respondents is using some sort of ICT. This survey confirms that the firms surveyed
have Internet and ICT usage experience to conduct online banking and communication with
major suppliers. Most of the firms (91.7 percent) have cable broadband connectivity; slightly over
half (52.7 percent) have mobile broadband, while only 5.2 percent of firms are connected with
Internet via dial-up or ADSL. Just over a quarter of the firms ( 26.93 percent) started ICT
operations prior to 2000, while 73.07 percent started after 2000. Of the firms surveyed, 72
percent were small and 28 percent medium (see Table 2 for details about the sample firms).

The distribution of the sample into various types of companies and their staffs results in the
strength of generalizability of the sample survey’s outcomes.

Firm Type of No. of

Size Market Position Revenue
ID SME Employees
A S 35 Small Good Increase
B M 95 Small Good Increase
C S 21 Small Extremely good High increase
D S 47 Medium Good High increase
E S 9 Small Good Increase
F S 5 Small Good Substantial increase
G M 21 Small Good High increase
H S 92 Medium Bad Steady
I M 35 Small Neither good nor bad Increase
J M 35 Small Very good High increase
K M 89 Medium Very good High increase
Note: Type of SMEs S=small enterprise, M=medium enterprise Source: Field study

Table 2: Field Study Sample Profile.

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Field Study and Final Model Specification

The field study employs direct, face to face and in-field interviews with the persons selected for
qualitative surveys (see sample profile for the field study as given in Table 2). The interviews are
organized and recorded with the consent of the interviewees. The qualitative data are analyzed
employing the content analysis technique (Siltaoja, 2006). The field study undertakes both
inductive and deductive methods to compare the qualitative data with the theoretical framework
and develop a causal relationship between the constructs under study (Berg, 1989).

NVivo-10 is used to organize and analyze qualitative interviews. The interviews are transformed
into the interview transcripts before administering the analyses of the interviews by NVivo.

Numerous free nodes are created by naming each segment of the data with a label at the initial
phase of the qualitative analyses. Each ‘free node’ bears some characters of a theme and accounts
for each concept about the data. Those concepts finally provide the basis for developing various
tree nodes comprising similar free nodes. The tree nodes are developed by a number of relevant
free nodes with a similar concept from the immediate earlier stage.

Analyses of all interview transcripts are guided by the interpretative research philosophy.
However, The outcomes of the field study are complementary to the extension of the technology
acceptance model which also endorse the influence of perceived ‘usefulness’ and ‘ease of use’
on SMEs intention to use Internet based digital technology in Bangladesh. As a single person, in
most cases the owner, hold supreme power of decision making in a small firm, the owners’
positive perception, and willingness matter in accepting or rejecting any innovation regardless of
its actual benefits or performance. Thus, ‘usefulness’ and ‘ease of use’ are logically considered
as important factors in anticipating SMEs’ intention to Internet based digital technology. For
example, Firm G admits that they would like to use the technology as “It (the technology)
is entertaining. It is providing the scope of documentary evidence than telephone and other
media. It is interactive, reasonable and easy…” and “…when customers send some documents
which is easy to check, send or forward to the appropriate departments. It helps the employee
confident….” Firm K and Firm E also feel alike. Table 3 shows the results of the field study
related to usefulness and ease of use.

The field study reveals that power distance, uncertainty avoidance, in-group collectivism, and
Bengali value have significant effect on SMEs intention to use Internet based digital technology
in Bangladesh. For example, Firm J quotes as “…we are using online technology for our day to
operation and try to serve our parties through it. Now, if the country is not using the technology
we face some problem in widening its scope. As (we feel) the societal norms and practice deter
(in many counts) automated and non-personal exchanges, we are facing trouble going with
upgraded and wide use of the technology.”

The environmental pressures, such as coercive, mimetic, and normative pressures, are explored
as positively related with SMEs intention to use Internet based digital technology in the context
of Bangladesh. For example Firm C quotes as “we are encouraged to use better technology
and upgrading our existing systems when we see our competitors and suppliers use better ICT.

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We also feel deterred in using and upgrading our technological standard when we see our
customers are not having adequate technological fit, and they are not receptive or compatible
with ICT and our systems.”

Factors/Variables A B C D E F G H I J K
Useful in the organization   
Increases productivity        
Enables performing tasks more quickly    
Helps increase chances of getting a rise   
Ease of use
The system is easy to use     
Easy to become skillful in using the system  
We find the technology easy to use  
Learning to operate the technology is easy    

Table 3: Field Study Results for Perceived Innovation Characteristics.

Factors/Variables A B C D E F G H I J K
Coercive Pressure
Conformity with parent corporation’s   
Dominance of customer adopters  
Mimetic Pressure
Competitors use ICT   
Competitors are benefitted from ICT   
Normative Pressure
Customers use ICT        
Suppliers use ICT & important business       

Table 4: Field Study Results for Environmental Pressure.

A detailed statement of field study results related to culture environmental pressures are shown
in Table 4 and table 5 respectively.

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Effects of Internal, External Factors on Internet-Based Digital Technology Use Azam & Quaddus

Factors/Variables A B C D E F G H I J K
In-group Collectivism
Group members take pride in individual    
accomplishments of their group
Group managers take pride in individual     
accomplishments of their group
Power Distance
Power is highly concentrated at the top    
Employees blindly follow their leader           
Uncertainty Avoidance
Orderliness and consistencies are not       
Lack of standard operational rules and    
procedures which are important to
meet any new and unforeseen
Bengali Value
Face-to-face communication is vital in    
daily lives
Employees respect and prefer to     
communicate through Bengali

Table 5: Field Study Results for National Culture.

The qualitative field study, thus, justifies the primary model developed in Section 2 where, actual
usage behavior (B) has been modeled as a direct function of behavioral intention (BI). BI is in
turn, a weighted function of perceived usefulness (U), perceived ease of use (E), power distance
e (P), uncertainty avoidance (A), in-group collectivism (C), Bengali value (V), Normative
pressure (NP), Mimetic pressure (MP), Coercive pressure (CP) and error term (e).

B= w 1 BI+e (1)
BI=w 2 U + w 3 E + w 4 P+w 5 A+ w 6 C +w 8 V +w 8 NP +w 8 MP +w 8 CP +e (2)

Data Analysis and Results

The structural equation modeling is appropriate to analyze the data in accordance with the
proposed conceptual framework. A growing number of researchers are adopting causal or
structural equation modeling as it allows the analysis of complex networks of constructs, each
construct typically measured by multiple variables. Understanding the nature of the study and its

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Effects of Internal, External Factors on Internet-Based Digital Technology Use Azam & Quaddus

practical implications, the data gathered from the survey were analyzed by partial least squares
(PLS) based structural equation modeling (Barclay, Higgins, & Thompson, 1995).

Measurement model. The measurement model was first assessed by a confirmatory factor
analysis though a PLS graph software. The model, therefore, was assessed for evaluating the
psychometric properties of the measurement model in terms of reliability, convergent validity,
and discriminant validity (Fornell & Larker, 1981). The nature of the constructs, i.e., reflective
or formative, are identified before the measurement model assessment.

Constructs Items Loadings SE t-Statistics CR AVE

Perceived Usefulness PU1 0.953 0.005 199.03 0.971 0.895
PU2 0.961 0.004 222.96
PU3 0.953 0.007 136.77
PU4 0.919 0.009 105.87
Perceived Ease of Use PEU1 0.956 0.005 197.98 0.972 0.898
PEU2 0.965 0.003 287.50
PEU3 0.961 0.005 210.11
PEU4 0.908 0.012 78.42
Intention INT1 0.799 0.016 49.44 0.928 0.721
INT2 0.869 0.012 75.67
INT3 0.907 0.007 127.32
INT4 0.850 0.013 63.20
INT5 0.820 0.014 57.89
Use USE1 0.842 0.014 59.29 0.865 0.682
USE2 0.865 0.009 92.18
USE3 0.771 0.025 30.56
Power Distance POWDIS1 0.942 0.024 39.56 0.964 0.900
POWDIS2 0.969 0.007 130.72
POWDIS3 0.930 0.015 61.39
Uncertainty UNAVOID1 0.914 0.129 7.19 0.960 0.922
Avoidance UNAVOID2 0.930 0.157 6.29
Ingroup Collectivism INGROUP1 0.580 0.065 9.05 0.831 0.628
INGROUP2 0.871 0.021 42.58
Note: AVE=average variance extracted, CR=composite reliability

Table 6: Loadings and t-Statistics for Reflective Constructs.

By definition, reflective items measure the same underlying dimensions and should be
correlated, while formative indicators cause the latent construct, which is explained as a function
of the formative measures. Although tests for construct reliability and validity are considered as
fundamental requirements for reflective constructs, these are not necessary requirements for
formative constructs (Jarvis, MacKenzie, & Podsacoff, 2003; Rai, Patnayakuni, & Seth, 2006) as
the items are not correlated and do not measure the same underlying dimension. The reflective

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constructs are assessed mainly through the loadings while the formative constructs consider
indicators weight. The measurement model assessment excludes the reflective indicators with
low loadings for further analysis. However, all of the formative indicators, irrespective of their
significant or non- significant weights, are considered for final estimation in order to ensure
measuring the entire domain of the construct and the content validity (Bollen & Lennox, 1991).

The formative constructs are detected examining whether the following decision rules hold:
(i) the direction of causality is from indicators to constructs, (ii) the indicators need not to be
interchangeable, (iii) co-variation among indicators is not necessary, and (iv) the nomological
net of indicators can differ (Jarvis et al., 2003; Petter, Straub, & Rai, 2007; Rai et al., 2006). By
using the decision rules, normative pressures, mimetic pressures, coercive pressures (Teo et al.,
2003), and Bengali values are found to be formative while all other constructs are reflective. The
measurement model assessment statistics for reflective and formative constructs are shown
separately in Table 6 and Table 7.

The reliability of the constructs was assessed by considering composite reliability. Construct
reliability for all of the factors in the measurement model was above 0.70, an acceptable
threshold suggested by Nunnanly and Bernstein (1994).

Construct validity was evaluated by examining the factor loadings within the constructs as well
as the correlation between the constructs (Anderson & Gerbing, 1988). The factor loadings on all
of the constructs were highly satisfactory in the expected direction with satisfactory critical ratio
and level of significance (i.e. ranged from .568 to .989), thus providing evidence of satisfactory
item convergence on the intended constructs (see Table 6).

The indicators’ weights, t-statistics, reliability, and AVE for the formative constructs are
shown in the Table 7. The AVE although not required for formative constructs are also
satisfactory as per recommendation of Chin (1998).

Constructs Items Weight SE t-Statistics AVE

Normative Pressure NP1 0.198 0.071 2.57 0.516
NP2 0.998 0.003 370.23
Mimetic Pressure MP1 0.732 0.040 18.53 0.620
MP2 0.837 0.028 29.57
Coercive Pressure CP1 0.999 0.002 632.62 0.536
CP2 0.275 0.052 5.16
Bengali Value BENVALU1 0.993 0.010 102.59 0.498
BENVALU2 0.028 0.105 0.35
Note: AVE=average variance extracted, CR=composite reliability

Table 7: Weights and t -Statistics for Formative Constructs.

This study used the square root of the AVE and cross loading matrix to assess the discriminant
validity as suggested by Igbaria, Guimaraes, and Davis (1995) and Barclay et al. (1995).
According to Barclay et al. (1995), the model is assessed to have acceptable discriminant

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validity if the square root of the AVE of a construct is larger than its correlation with other
constructs. The results are detailed in Table 3 with the square roots of the AVEs shown in
the main diagonal of the table. The off diagonal elements represent the correlations between
the latent variables. Table 4 indicates that the discriminant validity of the latent variables was
met, which means that all the latent variables are different from each other.

Discriminant validity of the measures has also been cross checked through the cross loading
matrix (Barclay et a., 1995). Results of the cross-loading analysis showed that all items loaded
higher on the construct that they were measuring than they did on other constructs in the
model (Barclay et al., 1995). To save space, the cross-loading matrix is not presented in this


PU 0.946
PEU 0.642 0.947
INT 0.732 0.539 0.849
Use 0.613 0.499 0.691 0.825
PD -0.189 -0.188 -0.131 -0.073 0.948
UN -0.011 0.016 -0.034 -0.161 -0.114 0.96
InGr 0.110 0.030 0.280 0.143 0.199 -0.206 0.792
Note: Square root of the AVE on the diagonal and construct correlations on the off-diagonal; PU=perceived usefulness,
PEU=perceived ease of use, INT=adoption intention, Use=use of IBDT, PD=power distance, UA=uncertainty avoidance,
InGr=in-group collectivism. The formative constructs are excluded from the assessment of discriminant validity (Jarvis et al., 2003; Rai
et al., 2006).
Table 8: Discriminant Validity.

Structural model. The structural model deals with testing the hypothesized relationships. A
bootstrap method has been used to test the hypotheses. The results detailing the path coefficients
and t-statistics are summarized in Table 5.

It is observed that among the primary hypotheses H 1a , H 1b , H 2a , H 2c , H 3a, H 3c, H 3d and H 4

were supported (significant t-values), while hypotheses H 2b and H 3b were not supported
(insignificant t-values). According to Santosa, Wei, and Chan (2005) the nomological validity or
explanatory power of the proposed model can be assessed by observing the R2 values of the
endogenous constructs. The model explains 58.6% of the variance (R2) in intention to use
Internet based digital technology and 81.7% of the variance (R2) in SMEs actual Internet based
digital technology usage behavior. All R2 values exceeded the minimum required value of 0.10
as suggested by Falk and Miller (1992) (see Table 4). Thus, the results reveal that the
proposed model is applicable in a developing country setting, like Bangladesh, to explain
intention to use, as well as actual use of, Internet based digital technology by SMEs.

The structural equation estimation further shows that all constructs under the model are related in
expected direction according to the proposed theoretical framework except in-group collectivism.
The in-group collectivism is positively related with intention to use IBDT, w h i c h was
proposed as negatively related.

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Weight SE t Statistic Comments

PU→INT 0.353 0.032 10.93** Supported
PEU →INT 0.069 0.031 1.98** Supported
NP→INT 0.105 0.043 2.41** Supported
MP→INT 0.033 0.025 1.08** Not Supported
CP→INT 0.383 0.042 9.02** Supported
PD →INT -0.046 0.022 2.18** Supported
UA→INT 0.014 0.021 0.77** Not Supported
InGr →INT 0.162 0.025 6.45** Supported
BVal →INT -0.053 0.020 2.69** Supported
INT →USE 0.692 0.019 35.42** Supported

** indicates p> .01, * indicates p> .05 Note: R2 for INT = 0.736,, R2 for USE =0.477
PD=Power distance, UA=Uncertainty avoidance, InGr=In group collectivism, BVal=Bengali value,
NP=Normative pressure, MP=Mimetic pressure, CP=Coercive Pressure, INT=Adoption intention,
Use=Use of IBDT

Table 9: Structural Model Estimates.

The fundamental component of TAM, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness were
found to have strong significant effects on SMEs intention to use Internet based digital
technology. The result is complementary to some of the previous studies (Chau, 1997; Chau
& Hu, 2002; Subramanian, 1994; Szajna, 1996). The result is also complementary to the
fundamental assumptions of TAM as supported by many previous studies (Davis, 1989; Davis et
al., 1989; Mathieson, 1991; Szajna ,1996; Taylor & Todd, 1995a; Venkatesh & Davis, 2000;
Yoon 2009).

As postulated cultural dimensions have also significant influence on SME’s intention to use
Internet based digital technology and actual usage behavior. Among the four predicted cultural
dimensions, power distance, in-group collectivism, and Bengali values were found to have strong
and significant influence on the intention of IBDT use, while uncertainty avoidance, did not
produce any significant contribution to SMEs IBDT usage intention.

Finally, the structural model depicts intention as a strong and significant determinant of
actual behavior, which refers actual use of the Internet, based digital technology among SMEs
in Bangladesh. The finding supports previous theories and empirical studies (Ajzen &
Fishbein, 1980; Azam & Quaddus, 2009b; Chang, 1998; Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975; Mathieson,
1991; Taylor & Todd, 1995a; 1995b; Venkatesh & Davis, 2000; Venkatesh & Morris, 2000).

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The structural equation model explains the joint effects of all constructs used in the model. The
study depicts the magnitude and degree of the effects of the antecedent factors of IBDT usage
among SMEs in Bangladesh. The study found that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use
normative pressures, coercive pressures, power distance, in-group collectivism and Bengali
values have strong direct effects on behavioral intention while mimetic pressures and uncertainty
avoidance didn’t produce any significant effects. Thus, hypotheses H 1a, H 1b, H 2a, H 2c, H 3a, H 3c,
H 3d and H 4 are accepted, while H 2b and H 3b are rejected. Besides, each of the cultural
dimensions has produced negative association with intention except in-group collectivism and
uncertainty avoidance. In-group collectivism has strong and significant effects while uncertainty
is not significant but positively related to intention.

Consistent with the prior technology acceptance studies, perceived usefulness has a positive
direct effect on behavioral intention, thus hypothesis H 1a is supported. As postulated in
hypothesis H 1b perceived ease of use also affects behavioral intention. The respondents or
subjects of this study, in general the owners or managers of the firms, show their intention to use
Internet based digital technology considering that the technology is easy to operate by their
employees. They also show their intention to use the technology in considering its advantages,
benefits, and effectiveness. The structural equation estimates show that the environmental
pressures are also supportive to the SMEs intention to use IBDT.

The results indicate that normative pressures have a positive direct effect on behavioral intention,
thus hypothesis H 2a is supported. This effect refers stakeholders (such as partner, supplier,
customers etc.) influence on SMEs intention to adopt Internet based digital technology. The
result is consistent with Kuan and Chau (2001), Premkumar et al. (1997) and Teo et al. (2003).

The partner organizations, such as the suppliers or the customers, that have already adopted
Internet based digital technology expect their peers and associated organizations would use the
technology to acquire the full advantages and utility of the technology. The results also support
the outcomes of Zhu, Dong, Xu, and Kraemer (2006) and Zhu and Kraemer (2005) that
normative pressures arising from partner’s readiness are positively related to the firm’s digital

Despite insignificant mimetic pressures, coercive pressures significantly influence SMEs

intention to adopt Internet based digital technology. Consistent with Teo et al. (2003) this study
shows that parent companies, suppliers or customers’ play the powerful and dominating role to
force SMEs in adopting Internet based digital technology. As the sample, firms are small in size
and capital they have no option but to comply with the requirements of the big and powerful
suppliers and/or customers. The SMEs involved in export-import activities are linked with the
companies that are being operated in high technology based environments and are not able to
work with manual based SMEs. As a result the SMEs operate through a technology based
working environment obtain competitive advantages over the firms operated in a manually
managed working environment. Thus firms, although not interested in adopting Internet based

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digital technology, and are compelled to install the technologies according to the requirement of
the dominant suppliers or customers.

The structural model estimates further show that the culture of Bangladesh is also supportive to
SMEs intention to use IBDT. The in-group collectivism, hypothesized as negatively related
to intention, was found to be positively related. This happened as the in-group collectivism was
measured through overall collectivism phenomena. The measurement items consider whether
the managers encourage group loyalty, if the employees feel proud of the managers’ individual
accomplishment and vice versa. During the field study the in-group collectivism phenomena was
reflected as a collective bargaining agent or various groups or subgroups within an organization.
Those phenomena typically inhibit IBDT adoption and implementation, thus the construct was
hypothesized to have a negative association with IBDT adoption and use. In this study group
performance, teamwork or a sense of group loyalty are indicated under the in-group
collectivism, which finally encourages and fosters the pace of IBDT usage in the organization.

The uncertainty avoidance dimension was found to have a positive association with intention,
which infers that most of the SMEs in Bangladesh are having some rules and regulations to face
the future uncertainties. The organizations have also been developed with some structured
procedures and methods to perform their day-to-day activities and thus adoption of IBDT is not
deemed contradictory in their existing working procedure. Uncertainty avoidance although
positively related to IBDT, having an insignificant result suggests that the working rules-
regulations and procedures are not adequately developed to foster the adoption and usage of
Internet based digital technology among SMEs in a formal, structured and transparent working

The Bengali values are negatively related to IBDT usage intention, which reveals that the
people of Bangladesh are respectful to their language and language martyrs so they feel honored
and comfortable with a communication through Bengali. As the user interface of digital
technology is mainly English based, it is not easy to maintain social exchanges and interaction by
using online communication and networking through their own (native) language, thus the
construct exhibited a negative association with intention.

Finally, a strong and significant effect of behavioral intention on actual usage behavior is
found. Thus, hypothesis H 4 is supported. This result indicates that the positive and strong
intention would foster the use of Internet based digital technology at the firm level.

The SMEs are considered incubators of the national economy. The economic development of
any country is largely dependent on the development of small and medium enterprises. Adoption
and utilization of Internet based digital technology may help develop SMEs with an increased
operational efficiency to stay competitive in the globalized market environment.

This study reveals that both internal and external factors matter in the adoption by SMEs of
Internet based digital technology. The effects of various cultural dimensions, particularly power
distance, uncertainty avoidance and Bengali values, are not complimentary to the adoption of
IBDT in Bangladesh which suggests that the move to establishing a digital based SMEs are not

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straightforward or attuned with the cultural norms and values. The SMEs are also not provided
with competitive advantage by the adoption and use of IBDT. Thus, the strategic reasons such as
increase sales, competitiveness, market expansion, or experimentation have not become the
motivational factors of IBDT adoption, which is also not complementary to the digital entry of
small firms in a developed country (Beard, Madden & Azam, in press; Madden, Azam &
Beard, 2013). Remarkably, the results suggest that the SMEs are not self-motivated but using the
technology under compulsion. Hence, the IBDT adoption by SMEs may not contribute to the
firms’ performance growth or productivity.

Theoretical Contribution

This study is an initiative to examine Bangladesh’s SMEs Internet based digital technology
usage behavior through utilizing technology acceptance model with external environmental
variables such as culture and environmental pressures. Although, TAM is a widely researched
theoretical framework for technology acceptance studies, most of its application is focused on
developed country perspective. This research endorses the applicability of the theoretical
framework in developing country perspective. This paper also modifies the version of TAM and
combines with two new external environmental variables such as culture and environmental
pressures in a same raw as antecedents of behavioral intention. The TAM framework has
received bulk of researchers’ attention as it provides the scope for examining the external
variables influences on the perceived ease of use and usefulness to mainly examine individual’s
technology acceptance behavior. This paper is also an application of TAM in looking at SMEs
technology acceptance behavior. This study logically includes, Bengali values, a context related
new variable which makes the theoretical framework comprehensive for assessing the impact of
culture on IBDT usage by SMES in Bangladesh. The environments of different developing
countries are alike. Thus, this research framework and outcomes may be applicable to other
developing counties to address the diffusion and usage of IBDT by small and medium sized

Practical Contribution

With its theoretical contribution, the study has some practical contribution. The study provides a
clear picture how internal and external factors affect the Internet based digital technology usage
by SMEs in a developing country. The practical contribution of the paper is to characterize the
SMEs those are using IBDT such as the study shows that the SMEs having high perception of
usefulness, ease of use of the technology, collective culture with a lower Bengali value based
culture and those are demanded to use IBDT by their strong customer or parent
organizations seem to be the high users of the IBDT technology. This study urges the
management of a business enterprises and the government to look at the environmental and
cultural factors in view of achieving IBDT usage success, which may foster the country’s
economic development. Initiating some strategic adjustments to improve the organizational
practice by eliminating the traditional power distance inside the organization as well as
introducing formal working procedures by implementing necessary rules and regulations may
result in a productive use of the technology. Furthermore, the application of a Bengali user
interface may help ensure the productivity of IBDT use by SMEs in Bangladesh.

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Limitations and Future Directions

This study although has a substantial contribution of studying SMEs IBDT usage in a developing
country perspective, by nature it doesn’t answer the question of whether the IBDT adoption
impacts the performance growth of SMEs which may be indicated as an important issue for
future research. Furthermore, this study includes environmental pressures and culture as external
environmental forces as antecedents of IBDT use while although important the country readiness
constructs—such as national technology infrastructure, national human infrastructure, financial
infrastructure, legal infrastructure, government policy and subsidy—are not included in the
model which is a limitation of the study. Finally, this study uses a cross-sectional data, which
are collected at a single time-point, thus unable to assess the impact of the antecedents and the
development of IBDT usage by SMEs in different time points. A thorough analysis of an
expanded model to be developed with new variables including performance of SMEs by
collecting cross-sectional data in several time points might produce a holistic picture of the
internal and external factors and their impact on Internet based digital technology usage as well
as SMEs performance.


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Measures for Key Variables

Constructs Indicators
Perceived usefulness I find ICT useful in our organization
(1-5 Likert scale) Using the technology enables us to accomplish tasks more quickly
Using the technology increases our productivity
I feel that using the technology will increase our chances of
growing or developing the organization
Perceived ease of use I think our interaction with technology is clear and understandable
(1-5 Likert scale) It is easy for us to become skillful at using the technology
We find the technology easy to use
Learning to operate the technology is easy for us
Coercive pressures Our parent company/major suppliers direct us to use ICT
(1-5 Likert scale) Our major customers demand we use ICT
Mimetic pressures All of our competitors have already adopted ICT
(1-5 Likert scale) Our main competitors who have adopted ICT have benefitted a great
Normative pressures What is the current extent of ICT adoption by your firm’s customers?
(1-5 Semantic scale) What is the current extent of ICT adoption by your suppliers/
important business partners?
Power distance Employees are expected to obey and follow their leader without
(1-5 Likert scale) question
Power is concentrated at the top management
Employees blindly follow their leader
Uncertainty avoidance Organizations have orderliness and consistency to face any future
(1-5 Likert scale) uncertain events
Standard operational rules and formal procedures are important to
meet any new and unforeseen situations
In-group collectivism Group members take pride in the individual accomplishments of
(1-5 Likert scale) their group managers
Group managers take pride in the individual accomplishments of
their group members
Bengali Values Face to face communication is vital among the employees in day
(1-5 Likert scale) to day operation
Employees respect and prefer to interact through Bengali language
Intention Basic computer operation (computing and emails)
(1-5 Semantic Internet with own home page (static homepage)
differential scale) Interactive homepage that supports product cataloguing and order
processing (Online order receiving and processing)
Interactive home page that supports online transaction and account
management (E-business)
Complete digital communication and exchanges within and outside
the organization (ERP)

Communications of the IIMA ©2012 68 2012 Volume 12 Issue 4

Effects of Internal, External Factors on Internet-Based Digital Technology Use Azam & Quaddus

IBDT Use Interactive homepage that supports online order receiving and
(1-5 Semantic processing
differential scale) Interactive home page that supports online transaction and account
management (E-business)
Complete digital communication and exchanges within and outside
the organization (ERP)

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