Flow Characteristics of External Gear Pumps Consid
Flow Characteristics of External Gear Pumps Consid
Flow Characteristics of External Gear Pumps Consid
This article investigates the volume change law of trapped fluid in the meshing process and the flow characteristics of
external gear pumps under the following two cases: the pump design with and without relief groove. In this study, a
mathematical modeling of gear pairs is deduced based on the meshing theory and a complete set of mathematical equa-
tions of tooth profile, and the flow rate equation is derived based on law of conservation of mass across the changing
boundaries of a control volume. During the process, the function of the pump displacement is established, which is
formed by two parts: tooth space volume and trapped volume. In addition, using a control volume approach, the trapped
volume and flow rate characteristics of the pump under different design parameters of gears are discussed. The results
show that the curve of trapped volume is similar to a parabola and the pump designed with a large number of teeth,
module, and pressure angle easily obtained good flow rate characteristics under the same condition, which have a great
benefit for designing the relief grooves and external gear pumps.
Tooth profile, external gear pumps, mathematical models, control volume approach, trapped volume, flow rate
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2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
vibrations and noises, affecting the stationarity and established the mathematical modeling of tooth profile.
stress of the gear machine. Under-pressure can result in This article took into account the meshing points and
cavitation. Therefore, meshing actions make a signifi- the results were shown to compare nicely with actual
cant contribution to pressure and flow ripples that are test data. Lin et al.9 presented a new general numerical
critical dynamics affecting system’s lifetime perfor- method used to calculate the tooth profile of a non-
mance. Generally, gears can dig their relief grooves on circular curved face gear. Ellen Bergseth and Stefan
the side plates or wear plates to reduce the localized Björklund10 adopted a logarithmical profile modifica-
pressure spikes and fluid cavitation in the meshing tion method to reduce the contact pressure at a specific
volumes. normal load. Alipiev11 used realized potential method
Two main sources of noise and vibration are pres- to investigate the geometric design of symmetric and
sure pulsation and gear meshing. Meanwhile, the peri- asymmetric teeth of involute gears in the meshing pro-
odic variation of gear meshing forces can produce cess. Liang et al.12 studied transmission efficiency of
pressure ripples. So, the investigation of the flow rate gear drive and the geometric design with double circu-
performances of pumps has been a subject of consider- lar arc-involute tooth profile. Other researches
able interest for many years. Manring and employed lumped parameter approach to predict the
Kasaragadda3 used the control volume method to cal- instantaneous flow and pressure particularly in the
culate the instantaneous flow rate of external gear meshing area of gear pumps.13,14 In order to investigate
pumps with different teeth numbers of the driving and the geometric design of the gear tooth profile and the
the driven gears. They pointed out that a higher teeth body of the pump influence on flow characteristics of
number for the driving gear or the driven gear can gear pump, Nagamura et al.15 derived three types of
decrease flow pulsation. However, they did not con- non-involute tooth profiles and calculated accurately
sider the influence of trapped volume on the flow char- the displacement volume to optimize the pump perfor-
acteristics of the pumps. Foster et al.4 investigated the mance. The numerical modeling method generated
flow performance of external gear pumps under cyclic results in good agreement with the experimental results.
excitations adopting swept volume method. This work Saleem16 has analyzed tooth geometry effect on the
considered the trapped volume of fluid between mesh- performance of the gear pumps, and the results show
ing teeth, where the changes of trapped volume can be that the pump with unstandard gears have a high flow
calculated using a geometric formula. Huang and Lian5 rate and small trapped volume. Although there
considered a closed flow rate formula to represent flow are many studies in these fields, to the authors’ best
characteristics of external spur gear pumps and accu- knowledge, there has been little research on calculating
rately calculated pump flow rates and fluctuation coef- the flow rate of pumps which has taken the trapped
ficients and further discussed the effect of design volume into account being a part of pump
parameters of gear on the flow pulsation. Tooth profile displacement.
and the hole size of wear plates exert an influence on In this article, the mathematical equations of tooth
the trapped volume of fluid and instantaneous flow profiles and the mathematical modeling of gear pairs
rate of gear pumps. For this reason, some researches for the change of trapped fluid volume in the meshing
addressed their studies on the structure of gear pumps cycle and flow characteristics are established on the
which include new designs or modifications of wear basis of the gear tooth shape configuration of external
plates or tooth profile and so on. Wang et al.6 utilized gear pumps. The calculation method for displacement
the optimization theorem to design gear wear plates to of pumps based on trapped volume is presented and the
cut down the instantaneous pressure spikes of the control volume method is employed for the flow rate
meshing action in the external gear pumps and motors, calculation. Using the model and method, the volume
where computational method of the gear pocket of trapped fluid and the flow characteristics depending
volumes adopted swept volume method. The result was on the pump-operating conditions could be quantita-
that this method reduced the pressure variations and tively analyzed.
spikes and achieved the better system performance. In The content of the article is organized as follows:
2011, Wang et al.7 proposed a numerical model for the Section ‘‘Mathematical model of the gear pairs’’ intro-
entire gear pumps using the generalized control duces and explains the tooth configuration and estab-
volumes method, especially for gear teeth within the lishes the mathematical models of tooth profiles and
meshing zone and calculated the orifice areas of side gear pairs. Section ‘‘Calculation method for pump flow
plates and flow rate of the gear pumps. Devendran and characteristics’’ proposes the calculation approach with
Vacca8 presented a novel design concept that the inlet/ control volume, including instantaneous flow rate, flow
outlet grooves were machined in the sliding bushings to rate fluctuation coefficient, and displacement of the
realize a variable timing for the connections of each pump. Section ‘‘Results analysis and discussion’’ ana-
tooth space volume with the inlet and outlet ports and lyzes the flow rates with and without relief grooves,
Hao et al. 3
x = ra cos g 1
y = ra sin g 1
a0 = ha m + c m rr
Figure 1. Coordinate system for the involute tooth shape. b= + ha m tan a + rr cos a ð4Þ
c m
resumes the precise value validation results, and dis- rr =
1 sin a
cusses the gear parameters’ influence on the trapped
volume and flow characteristics. Section ‘‘Conclusion’’ the root fillet trochoid is the equidistant line of the pro-
concludes the research. late involute. In the process of pinion machining, the
pitch line of tool is tangent to the pitch circle of gears
and makes pure rolling. Therefore, the equation for the
Mathematical model of the gear pairs root fillet trochoid on the end face can be written as
Geometry of tooth profiles and mathematical models a
x = r sin u0 0
+ rr cosða0 u0 Þ
Trapped volume study is fundamental in the research of sina a ð5Þ
meshing flows. In order to calculate precisely and accu- y = r cos u0 + r r sinða0 u0 Þ
rately the trapped volume, the coordinate system of a sin a0
symmetric involute tooth shape is shown in Figure 1. where a0 is a parameter between a and 908
The tooth profile of the involute gear is composed of tip
circle, involute, root fillet trochoid, and root circle. 1
u0 = ða1 cot a0 + bÞ, a1 = a0 x3 m
These portions are mathematically expressed as follows: r
Root circle
Involute equation
x = rf cos g 2
x = sin ug ug cos ug rb cos u ð6Þ
y = rf sin g 2
cos ug + ug sin ug rb sin u
ð1Þ When the parameter a0 is equal to 908, by applying
y = sin ug ug cos ug rb sin u
it into equation (5), we can calculate the value of coor-
+ cos ug + ug sin ug rb cos u
dinates (xf , yf ). The range of g 2 with arccos (xf =rf );908
where ug = invak + ak , with the involute angle as a p=z is represented by equation (6) and Figure 1.
parameter, invak = tan ak ak the involute function
of the angle ak ,17 the angle ak being selected within Mathematical models of the gear pairs
08; arccos (rb =ra ) range, and u given by
The mathematical model for the complete tooth shape
p of involute gears can be obtained by the equations char-
u = inva + ð2Þ
2z acterizing the tooth profiles. It is assumed that f (x0 , y0 )
is the function of one tooth profile on the gear, the driv-
Tip circle ing gear teeth profile is thus expressed as
4 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
r1 du
du2 = du1 , v = ð11Þ
r2 dt
Substituting equations (10) and (11) into equation
(9) yields the following result for the instantaneous flow
rate of the pump
dV 1 2 2 1 2 2
Q= = v1 ra1 rp1 + ra2 rp2 ð12Þ
dt 2 r2
Using this equation, the instantaneous flow rate of
the pump may be determined once the instantaneous
meshing point radii rp1 and rp2 are known. The meshing
point coordinates are obtained by solving equations (7)
and (8) and then the instantaneous meshing point
radius can be determined from the Pythagorean theo-
rem. Similarly, Qmax and Qmin can be obtained by this
method, where Qmax and Qmin denote the maximum and
minimum values of instantaneous flow rate,
Figure 5. The variation curves of trapped volume. Figure 6. The comparison of the modification value and the
value of calculation method.
^ ave = v q^
Q ð15Þ
The flow rate fluctuation coefficient is defined as
angle change. These trends suggest that a larger pres- In summary, the results of this study show that it
sure angle of pump (with the same design parameters) may be advantageous to design the relief groove or
may be designed under the condition of gear pump external gear pumps with a large number of teeth, mod-
with relief groove. ule, and pressure angle under the same condition.
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