100 If Questions Second Conditional Speaking Cards - 151619

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Second Conditional

If you could travel back in If you had the ability to

time to any era, which one speak and understand any
would you choose and language instantly, which
why? one would you pick?
If you won a million If you could be known for
dollars, what would be the one thing in your lifetime,
first three things you'd do what would you want that
with the money? to be?
If you had the opportunity If you could have any
to start your own business, talent or skill instantly,
what would it be and which one would you
what's your vision for it? choose to have?
If you could be a character If you could time-travel to
in any movie, which movie the future, what specific
would you choose and event or moment would
why? you want to witness?
If you had to choose If you were given the
between having the ability opportunity to change one
to fly or be invisible, which decision you made in the
one would you pick and past, what would it be and
how would you use it? why?
If you were a colour, which If you were a smell, which
one would you be? one would you be?
If you were offered the If you had to pick one
©Starry ESL
chance to visit space, book or movie to
would you take it? Why or represent your life, what
why not? would it be and why?
If you could go on a cross- If you could spend a day
country road trip, which with any fictional
destinations would you character, who would you
want to visit along the choose and what would
way? you do?
If you could eliminate any If you could possess a skill
societal problem, which you don't currently have,
one would you choose to what skill would you want
solve? to acquire?
If you could have a If you could relive any
teleportation device to moment from your past,
travel anywhere, where which one would you
would you go first? choose?
If you could have an If you could change your
unlimited supply of one name, what name would
thing, what would it be? you choose?
If you could have any job If you could swap lives
in the world for a week, with someone for a day,
what would it be? who would it be and why?
If you could eliminate one If you could possess a
source of stress from your unique talent that nobody
daily life, what would it be? else has, what would it be?
If you could travel If you could only eat one
anywhere in the world, cuisine for the rest of your
where would you go? life, what would it be?

©Starry ESL
If you could have a If you could design and
personal assistant for any build your dream house,
aspect of your life, what where would it be located
task would you assign and what features would it
them? have?
If you could live in any If you could spend a day
fictional universe from a with any fictional
book or movie, which one character, who would you
would you choose to live choose and what would
in and why? you do together?
If you could possess any If you were stranded on a
superpower, what would it deserted island and could
be and how would you use only bring three items,
it? what would they be?
If you had the chance to If you were given the
meet any historical figure, opportunity to become
who would it be and what fluent in any language,
would you ask them? which one would you pick?
If you could switch lives If you won the lottery,
with someone for a day, what would be the first
who would it be and why? thing you'd buy or do?
If you could have any job If you could travel back in
in the world, regardless of time and witness any
qualifications, what would historical event, which one
you choose to do? would you pick?
If you had to relocate to a If you had the chance to
different country meet your younger self,
tomorrow, where would what advice would you

©Starry ESL
you move to? give?
If you could possess any If you could have a
artistic talent (e.g., conversation with your
painting, singing, dancing), future self, what advice
what would you choose? would you ask for?
If you could spend a day If you could change one
as an animal, which animal thing about the world,
would you choose? Why? what would it be?
If you could live in a If you were given a year off
different era, when would with an unlimited budget,
it be and what intrigues what would you do and
you about that time? where would you go?
If you were offered a one- If you found a magical
way trip to live on another genie lamp, what three
planet, would you take it? wishes would you make?
If you could solve one If you could instantly
mystery or unanswered master a musical
question, what would it instrument, which one
be? would you choose?
If you could eliminate one If you could open your
daily inconvenience, what dream business, what
would it be? would it be?
If you were an instrument, If you were an animal,
which one would you be? which one would you be?
If you could choose the If you could create a new
theme for a festival or holiday, what would it
event, what theme would celebrate and how would
you go for? people observe it?
©Starry ESL
If you could befriend a If you could attend a
character from your famous event, like a
favourite childhood concert or a sports match
cartoon, who would it be from the past, what event
and why? would you attend?
If you had the power to fix If you could eliminate one
one global environmental problem or challenge from
issue, which one would the world, what would it
you prioritise? be?
If you could have a lifetime If you were given a chance
supply of any one type of to explore the depths of
food, what food would you the ocean or outer space,
want it to be? which would you choose?
If you could live in a If you could choose any
different climate zone than famous historical figure to
you currently do, such as be your mentor, who
tropical, arctic, or desert, would it be and what
which one would you guidance would you seek
prefer? from them?
If you could choose one If you could make a
famous work of art to have significant positive change
in your personal collection, in someone's life without
which piece would you them ever knowing it was
select and where would you, what change would
you display it? you make?
If you could witness a If you could create a time
moment from your own capsule for future
future, which moment generations, what items

©Starry ESL
would you want to see and would you include to
why? represent our era?
If you could star in any If you could become an
movie, which one would it expert in any field
be and what character overnight, what would it
would you play? be?
If you could befriend a If you could spend a year
character from your living in a different culture,
favourite childhood immersing yourself
cartoon, who would it be completely, where would
and why? you go?
If you could teleport to If you could change a
any place on Earth for a single event in history, no
single meal, where and matter how small, what
what would you eat? would you alter?
If you could instantly learn If you could have any
to cook any dish perfectly, famous artist create a
what would you want to portrait of you, who would
impress people with? you want as the artist?
If you could collaborate If you could eliminate a
with any artist, writer, or common fear (spiders,
musician, who would you heights, etc.) for everyone,
choose and what would which fear would you
you create? choose?
If you could invent any If you were a season,
device, what would it do? which one would you be?
If you could be invisible for If you could eliminate any
a day, what would you do type of chore from your

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and where would you go? life, what would it be?
If you could be part of any If you could be part of any
historical discovery, which historical discovery, which
one would you want to one would you want to
contribute to and how? contribute to and how?
If you could become an If you could spend a day
expert in any sport, despite with your favourite author
your current skills, which or filmmaker, who would
sport would it be? you choose?
If you could have a private If you could have a
concert by any musician, conversation with an
living or deceased, who extraterrestrial being from
would you want to another planet, what
perform for you? would you ask them?

©Starry ESL

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