The document contains questions about interests, dreams, memories, skills, and hypothetical scenarios. It asks about free time activities, vacations, dinner with famous figures, adventures, challenges, superpowers, time travel destinations, embarrassing moments, favorite foods, jobs, pets, nicknames, language learning, and habits.
The document contains questions about interests, dreams, memories, skills, and hypothetical scenarios. It asks about free time activities, vacations, dinner with famous figures, adventures, challenges, superpowers, time travel destinations, embarrassing moments, favorite foods, jobs, pets, nicknames, language learning, and habits.
The document contains questions about interests, dreams, memories, skills, and hypothetical scenarios. It asks about free time activities, vacations, dinner with famous figures, adventures, challenges, superpowers, time travel destinations, embarrassing moments, favorite foods, jobs, pets, nicknames, language learning, and habits.
The document contains questions about interests, dreams, memories, skills, and hypothetical scenarios. It asks about free time activities, vacations, dinner with famous figures, adventures, challenges, superpowers, time travel destinations, embarrassing moments, favorite foods, jobs, pets, nicknames, language learning, and habits.
What do you enjoy If you had a whole What is something
doing in your free day to yourself, you would love to
time? how would you achieve in the spend it? future?
Describe a dream Talk about your Describe a
vacation you would best friend and why memorable event like to go on. you enjoy spending or celebration. time together.
If you could have
Talk about your Share your favorite dinner with any proudest moment school memory. famous figure, who would it be and why?
If you could visit Share about an
Share a funny or any country in the adventurous interesting travel world, where would activity you would experience. you go? like to try. What do you enjoy Describe your If you could be a doing in your free favorite genre of character in any time? books or movies. book or movie, who would you be?
What is your Share your favorite Talk about your
favorite food, and song or type of favorite app or why do you like it? music. Sing a few game on your lines. phone.
Describe a Talk about a skill or What do you want
challenge you have talent you would to be when you faced and how you like to develop. grow up, and why? overcame it.
If you could switch
If you were a If you could have lives with any character in a any superpower for person for a day, cartoon, which one a day, what would who would it be would you be and it be and why? and what would why? you do? If you had a time What's the If you had to machine, would weirdest food survive in the wild, you go to the past combination which three items or the future, and you've ever tried would you take what era would you and liked? with you? visit?
If animals could What's your most What's the most
talk, which animal embarrassing bizarre dream would you choose moment that you you've ever had? to talk to? can now laugh about?
If you were a If you could have a
If you could shrink wizard, what spell robot that does to the size of an would you use one chore for you insect, where most often? forever, what would would you explore? it be?
If you could only What is your dream If you could have
eat one type of job or profession, any three wishes food for the rest of and why does it granted, what your life, what appeal to you? would they be? would it be? Do you prefer to What do you enjoy spend time What is your most about the outdoors or favorite childhood place you live in? indoors? Explain. memory?
Do you have any What is your most
What's your cherished favorite type of pets? If not, what kind of pet would possession, and weather, and why? why is it important you like to have? to you?
Do you have any If you could learn
A good quality or nicknames, and any language, thing about how did you get which one would it yourself? them? be?
What is something What is a habit you
If you could have you've always are trying to any job for a day, wanted to learn but develop or break? what would it be? haven't had the chance to?