APA7th Edition Checklist

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APA 7th Edition


APA 7th Edition was release October 2019. It is to be the format used by
Spring 2020.

APA is the format used by those in social science, business and nursing.

This guide is meant to help you check that your paper is properly
formatted. For more help with APA format see:


General Formatting Rules

 Font is Times New Roman 12 pt, Calibri 11pt, Arial 11pt, Lucida Sans Unicode 10pt, or Georgia
 All pages have page number in top right corner
 1” margins on all sides of page
 The spacing is double spaced
 Number 1-9 are written as words
 Numbers 10 or higher are writtenas numerals (10, 22, 2012)
 Number starting a sentence are writtenas the word
 Capitalize the first word after a colon
 Written in 3rd person
 Use 1st person (I, we) when referring to yourself as the researcher when explaining your
primary research
 Using the pronoun ‘they’ for individuals is ok
 Only 1 space after periods
APA 7th Edition Checklist

Cover Page
 Title of paper is listed
 Title has words over 3 letters capitalized
 Your name is listed
 The course name is listed
 The teacher’s name is listed
 The assignment due date is listed
 All information is centered top-to-bottom
and side-to-side

Abstract Page
 Abstract title is centered and bolded
 Paragraph is NOT indented
 Does NOT include any quotations
 Gives a complete summary of the entire
paper (purpose, previous research
findings, your research findings,
 150-250 words long
 Does NOT include any subheadings
APA 7th Edition Paper Checklist

Main Body
 Title is centered and bolded
 Title has words over 3 letters capitalized
 Paragraphs are indented ½” (1 TAB)
 Descriptive phrases are used instead of labels
(people living in poverty vs. the poor).
 Age ranges are used instead of broad ages
(65-75 vs 65+)
 Use “ ” for linguistic examples (APA accepts
the singular pronoun “they”)

 Level 1 headings are used for topics

 Level 1 headings are bolded and centred
on their own line
 Level 2 headings are used when further
dividing up the topic
 Level 2 headers are bolded and left-
 Level 3 headers are used for subtopics of
level 2 topics
 Level 3 headers are italicized and indented
 Level 4 headers are bold and italicized and
indented ½”
 Level 5 headers are italicized and indented
 Words over 3 letters long are capitalized for
all headers
APA 7th Edition Checklist

Smith (2009) states that “you need to use quotation marks properly”
(para. 4).

In-Text Citations
 Used EVERY TIME you use information from another source
 Paraphrased citations have (Author last name, year)
 Quotations are inside quotation marks (“ “)
 Quotations include page number or paragraph # (Author last name, year, p. #/pp. #/para. #)
 If you are telling us an author states something, just put the date and page # or paragraph
# (Johnson (year) stats, “ “ (p. #/para. #)
 Periods are AFTER the parentheses ().
 Only the first author’s last name is listed. If more than one author, put “et. al.”
 List as many authors as needed to differentiate one reference from another
 If there is no author, article title or web page title is in quotation marks in citation
 If there is no author, book title or report title is italicized in citation
 Quotations under 40 words are in-line with your text
 Quotations under 40 words have a comma before the “ ”
 Quotations 40 words or longer are written in block text format
 Introduced with a signal phrase
 Introductory statement has a colon :
 Indented ½” for ALL lines
 No quotation marks are used
 Page #/paragraph # listed after (p. #/para. #)
APA 7th Edition Checklist

Table and Figures

 Tables are numbered sequentially (1, 2, 3, 4)
 Figures are numbered sequentially (1, 2, 3, 4)
 Heading of table or figure is bolded
 Title of table or figure is italicized
 Table or figure number and title are left justified
 Table and figure notes have the word note with a period in front of them and the word note
is italicized
 Notes are directly under the table or figure and doubled spaced
 If a table is on more than one page, the headers for the table are repeated on the second
APA 7th Edition Checklist

 References are in alphabetical order based on author last name
 If you have 2 or more references by the same author, are listed from oldest to newest
 Give the last name and first/middle initials for all authors of a particular work up to and
including 20 authors
 Each reference is in proper format
 Hyperlinks are left intact
 If there is not date of publication, put (n.d.)
 Capitalize only the first letter of the first word of the title and subtitle, the first word after a
colon or a dash in the title, and proper nouns when referring to the titles of books,
chapters, articles, reports, webpages, or other sources
 Italicize titles of longer works (e.g., books, edited collections, names of newspapers, and
so on)
 Titles of shorter works are NOT italicized, underlined, put in quotation marks
Perdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.).APA formatting and style guide. Perdue Online

Writing Lab.


g_and_style_ guide/apa_sample_paper.html
Perdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Forte study as sample paper. Perdue Online

Writing Lab.


Perdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.) In-Text citations: The basics. Perdue Online

Writing Lab.


and_st yle_guide/in_text_citations_the_basics.html

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