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CT 0 Phone Channels

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UK Interface Requirement 2011

Analogue and digital cordless telephony service.

Version: 2.0
98/34/EC notification number: 2000/385/UK
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UK Interface Requirement 2009


Section Page
References 2
Foreword 3
Minimum equipment parameters 4
Additional performance parameters (informative) 8
Document history 9
Contact details 9

UK Interface Requirement 2009

I-ETS 300 131 European Technical Specification – Digital cordless telephone
operating in the 864.1 – 868.1 MHz frequency band – published in
July 1992.

TBR 006 ETSI Technical Basis for Regulation – Digital European Cordless
Telecommunication operating in the 1880 –1900 MHz band –
published in December 1993.

UK Interface Requirement 2009

1. Foreword
1.1 The Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive
99/5/EC (R&TTE Directive) was implemented in the United Kingdom (UK) on
the 8 April 2000 by The Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal
Equipment Regulations 2000, Statutory Instrument 2000 No. 730. In
accordance with Articles 4.1 and 7.2 of Directive 1999/5/EC, this UK Interface
Requirement contains the requirements for the licensing and use of private
business mobile radio systems in the PMR 446 frequency band.
1.2 Nothing in this UK Interface Requirement shall preclude the need for equipment
to comply with Directive 1999/5/EC.
1.3 It is required by the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949 that no radio equipment is
installed or used in the UK except under the authority of a licence granted by or
otherwise exempted by regulations made by Ofcom. It is a condition of such a
licence or exemption regulations as appropriate that the equipment must meet
the minimum requirements specified in this UK Interface Requirement for the
stated equipment types and for the stated frequency bands.
1.4 The requirements given in the main body of this UK Interface Requirement will
apply to the use of licence exempt base and handheld cordless telephone
equipment in the specified frequency ranges.
1.5 This UK Interface Requirement will be revised as necessary, for example to
i) current technology developments for reasons related to the effective and
appropriate use of the spectrum in particular maximising spectrum
utilisation; and
ii) changes to the available spectrum allocated for PMR 446 radio systems.
1.6 All UK Radio Interface Requirements notified under Directive 1998/34/EC will
be published and will be made available free of charge from the Ofcom web-
site at www.ofcom.org.uk .
1.7 Further information on this UK Interface Requirement can be obtained
from the technical enquiry contact given on the back of this document.

UK Interface Requirement 2009

2. Minimum equipment requirements for operation

within the UK

2.1 The minimum requirements in this document are made for reasons related to
the effective and appropriate use of the radio spectrum, in particular maximising
spectrum utilisation.
2.2 This UK Interface Requirement gives a high level description of how the
spectrum in the UK is used for cordless telephone equipment. It does not
prescribe technical interpretation of the ‘essential requirements’ of Directive
2.3 This UK Radio Interface Specification therefore stipulates the necessary
equipment parameters for the licensing or license exemption of cordless
telephone equipment in the UK. Tables 2.1 to 2.5 contain the relevant
equipment parameters. These together with the ‘essential requirement’ detailed
in Article 3.2 of Directive 1999/5/EC constitute the minimum equipment
requirements for analogue cordless telephone equipment within the UK.
2.4 Cordless telephone equipment, meeting the minimum requirements outlined in
this interface requirement, is exempt from licensing provided that it meets the
requirements of the relevant exemption regulations. Details of the relevant
exemption regulations are available from Ofcom on request.
2.5 Cordless telephone equipment, meeting the minimum requirements outlined in
this interface requirement, is exempt from licensing provided that it is used for
private self-provided communications. Details of the relevant SI which exempts
this type of use from licensing is available from Ofcom on request. Certain
types of cordless telephone equipment may be used to provide third party
services providing a licence has been issued to cover that use. Details of the
how to obtain a licence for this type of use, along with the restrictions that
constrain it can be obtained from Ofcom, Riverside House, 2a Southwark
Bridge Road, London SE1 9HA.

2.6 It is Ofcom’s intention to withdraw certain frequencies available for analogue

cordless telephony. As from January 1st 2005 it will not be permitted to
establish cordless telephony of the type referred to as Type 1 (Table 2.1) Type
2 (Table 2.2) and Type 4 (Table 2.4) in this Interface Requirement. Equipment
in service before that date may continue to operate.

2.7 Interface Requirements are applied to achieve the desired level of compatibility
within the Cordless Telephony Service and with other radiocommunications
services whilst promoting enterprise, innovation and competition.

2.8 This UK Interface Requirement provides the necessary technical information

which facilitates access to the Cordless Telephony Service spectrum by making
clear the assumptions that are made in planning the use of Cordless Telephony
Service spectrum in the UK. It is not the intention of this UK Interface
Requirement to duplicate or impose any additional ‘essential requirements’ of
the Directive 1999/5/EC on products. Any specified parameters within this
document are for the purpose of identifying product options and not as a
national product requirement.

UK Interface Requirement 2009

Table 2.1: Minimum equipment requirements for CTO

analogue cordless telephones

Parameters Base Unit Portable Unit Additional Technical Requirements

Licensing Requirement Licence Exempt for private self provided 1. As from January 1st 2005 it will not be
communication. permitted to establish or install cordless
telephony equipment operating on the
Available Frequencies. frequencies identified in this table.
(Channel Number.)
(1) 1642.00 kHz 47.45625 MHz 2. The equipment shall provide for
(2) 1662.00 kHz 47.46875 MHz transmission and reception of frequency
(3) 1682.00 kHz 47.48125 MHz modulated emissions on not more than
(4) 1702.00 kHz 47.49375 MHz two pairs of radio frequencies( 2
channels) by manual means, or on one
(5) 1722.00 kHz 47.50625 MHz
pair of frequencies (1 channel) by
(6) 1742.00 kHz 47.51875 MHz
dynamic means.
(7) 1762.00 kHz 47.53125 MHz or
47.44375 MHz 1
3. If the equipment is capable of operation
(8) 1782.00 kHz 47.54375 MHz on more than one pair of frequencies,
Channel Spacing 20 kHz 12.5 kHz the operating frequencies shall be
Modulation Frequency Frequency selected by means of manual switches
Maximum Permitted ERP 10 mW 10 mW at the base and handset units. The
transmit and receive frequencies shall
not be separately selected.

4. Alternatively, one channel pair from the

eight available channel pairs may be
selected by dynamic means.

The frequency 47.44375 MHz may be used as an alternative to 47.53125 MHz where problems are experienced due to the 27th
harmonic relationship between 1762 kHz and 47.53125 MHz.

Table 2.2: Minimum equipment requirements for CT0

(extended) analogue cordless telephone
Parameters Base Unit Portable Unit Additional Technical Requirements

Licensing Requirement Licence Exempt for private self provided 1. As from January 1st 2005 it will not be
communication. permitted to establish or install cordless
Available Frequencies. telephony equipment operating on the
(Channel Number.) frequencies identified in this
(1) 47.43125 MHz 77.5125 MHz table.
(2) 47.41875 MHz 77.5500 MHz
Channel Spacing 12.5 kHz 12.5 kHz 2. The equipment shall provide for
Modulation Frequency Frequency transmission and reception of frequency
Maximum Permitted ERP 100 mW 100 mW . modulated emission on only one of the
listed pairs of radio frequencies.

UK Interface Requirement 2009

Table 2.3: minimum equipment requirements for CT0

(current) analogue cordless telephone

Parameters Base Unit Portable Unit Additional Technical Requirements

Licensing Requirement Licence Exempt for private self provided 1. The equipment shall not be capable of
communication. operating on more than one channel pair
Available Frequencies. at any one time..
(Channel Number.)
(1) 31.0375 MHz 39.9375 MHz 2. The equipment shall provide for
(2) 31.0625 MHz 39.9625 MHz transmission and reception of frequency
(3) 31.0875 MHz 39.9875 MHz modulated emissions on all the channel
(4) 31.1125 MHz 40.0125 MHz pairs listed.
(5) 31.1375 MHz 40.0375 MHz
3. The equipment shall be able to
(6) 31.1625 MHz 40.0625 MHz
dynamically select a free channel pair at
(7) 31.1875 MHz 40.0875 MHz
the start of a call. The equipment should
(8) 31.2125 MHz 40.1125 MHz
be able to maintain the selected channel
Channel Spacing 25 kHz 25 kHz for the duration of the call or should be
Modulation Frequency Frequency able to dynamically reselect a channel
Maximum Permitted ERP 10 mW 10 mW during a call, either automatically or by
manual means. Manual reselection of
specific channels is not permitted..

4. Alternatively, one channel pair from the

eight available channel pairs may be
selected by dynamic means.

UK Interface Requirement 2009

Table 2.4: Minimum Equipment Requirements for

Cordless Telephony Equipment Operating in
the Frequency Range 864.1-868.1 MHz (CT2).
Parameters Base Unit Portable Unit Additional Technical Requirements

Licensing Requirement Licence Exempt for private self provided 1. As from January 1st 2005 it will not be
communication. permitted to establish or install cordless
Licence available for certain public access telephony equipment operating on the
applications. frequencies identified in this table.

Available Frequencies. 864.1 – 868.1 MHz 864.1 – 868.1 MHz 2. The equipment shall provide for
transmission and reception of frequency
Modulation 2 level frequency shift 2 level frequency shift modulated emissions on not more than
keying keying two pairs of radio frequencies( 2
channels) by manual means, or on one
Channel Spacing 100 kHz 100 kHz pair of frequencies (1 channel) by
dynamic means.
Channel Protocol The equipment shall provide dynamic channel
3. The equipment shall provide for
allocation of one of forty channels.
transmission and reception of frequency
modulated emissions on the same
Maximum Permitted ERP 10 mW 10 mW
4. The equipment shall provide 40
channels. The centre frequency of each
will be 864.050 MHz + (0.100*n)MHz
where n is the channel number between
1 and 40. The first channel shall lie at
864.150 MHz and the last channel
(channel 40) shall lie at 868.050 MHz.

Table 2.5: Minimum equipment requirements for

cordless telephony equipment operating in
the frequency range 1880-1900 MHz (DECT).

Parameters Base Unit Portable Unit Additional Technical Requirements

Licensing Requirement Licence Exempt for private self provided 1. All Digitally Enhanced Cordless
communication. Telephones (DECT) shall be able to
Licence available for certain public access operate on all 10 DECT RF channels.
2. Carrier ( channel) frequency Fc = Fo –
Available Frequencies. c*1728 kHz Where Fo = 1897.344
1880 - 1900 MHz 1880 – 1900 MHz MHz And c = 0, 1,……….9

Modulation Gaussian Minimum Gaussian Minimum 3. The equipment shall provide for
Shift Keying (GMSK) Shift Keying (GFSK) transmission and reception of frequency
modulated emissions on the same
Access Technique Time Division Time Division
Multiple Access Multiple Access

Maximum Permitted ERP <250mW <250mW

UK Interface Requirement 2009

Annex A: additional performance parameters


The following are included for information only and have no regulatory status:
A.1 Table A.1 details the Reference specifications which contain additional
performance parameters and limits that the Radiocommunications Agency
assume are fulfilled by cordless telephones when planning and managing the
radio spectrum in the UK.

Table A.1: Reference Specifications for Cordless Telephony.

Equipment Type Frequency Ranges Reference Specification

CT2 864.1 – 868.1 MHz I-ETS 300 131
DECT 1880 – 1900 MHz ETS 300 175 TBR 006

UK Interface Requirement 2009

Document History
Version Date Changes
2.0 October 2004 Amended to Ofcom format

Technical enquiries to Mobile and Broadband team

Tel: 020 7981 3000

Fax: 020 7981 3333

Email: Steve.Calf@ofcom.org.uk

Website: http://www.ofcom.org.uk


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