Abbreviations Page
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Purpose of Investigation .......................................................................................... 4
1.2 Location ................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Field Investigation..................................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 Extraction of Disturbed Soil Sample.........................................................
1.3.2 Extraction of Undisturbed Soil Sample ...................................................... 5
1.3.3 Extraction of Standard penetration test ....................................................... 5
1.3.4 Recording of Ground Water Table ............................................................. 5
Appendix -1 : Borehole Location Map
Appendix -2 : Borehole Logs
Appendix -3 : Laboratory Test Results
Appendix -4 : Summary of Laboratory Test Results
Appendix -5 : Photograph
Appendix -6 : Field SPT Data Sheet.
Standard penetration tests were executed at each 1.5m interval in all the bore holes with
the simultaneous collection of the disturbed soil samples. The tests were executed by
using a split spoon sampler of 50mm outer dia and 37.5mm inner dia. attached to the
lower end of the driling rod. 63.5 kg automatic hammer was allowed to fall freely from
a height of 760mm. The blows of the automatic hammer drove the spoon into the soil
up to 450mm. The nos. of blows required for each 150mm of penetration of the spoon
was recorded. The number of blows required for last 300mm. of penetration of the
spoon was entered into the bore chart as being the standard penetration test results.
After completing the field investigations the level of ground water in each of the bore
hole has been recorded by a measuring tape and found within a variable depth measured
from the existing level of the ground. These are apparent level of ground water formed
by the entrapped surface water.
The following laboratory tests have been conducted on disturbed and undisturbed
samples in the laboratory:
The overall physical and engineering properties of the sub-soil formation of the project
area have been evaluated on the basis of 03 (Three) boring 60ft depth as per direction of
the client.
The general physical and engineering properties of the soil formation of the project are
may be summarized as follows.
The plasticity characteristics of the cohesive soils are found low to high and the
consistency of the cohesive soils vary from soft to very stiff.
The above classification has been made on the basis of ASTM procedure according to
unified soil classification systems, the cohesive formations fall in CL Group and non
cohesive formations fall in SM Group.
The detailed information of borehole location map bore logs and summary sheet
attached herewith may be consulted.
A. Cohesive soil:
Df Square Footing
Qult net 5cu 1 0.2 *1.2
1 0.2
B Rectangular Footing
Qult net 5cu 1 0.2
Qult net
Allowable net bearing capacity, Qallow
FS ( 2.5)
The SPT is widely used to obtain the bearing capacity of soils directly. One of the
earliest published relationships was that of Terzaghi and peck (1967). This has been
widely used, but an accumulation of field observations hits shown these curves to be
overly conservative. Meyerhof (1956, 1974) published equations for computing the
allowable bearing capacity for a 25 mm settlement. These could be used to produce
curves similar to those of Terzaghi and peck and thus were also very conservative.
Considering the accumulation of field observations and the stated opinions of the
authors and others, this author adjusted the Meyerhof equations for an approximate 50
percent increase in allowable bearing capacity to obtain the following:
qa Kd B F4
N B F3
qa 2 K d B F4
F2 B
q a = Allowable bearing capacity
K d 1 0.33 1.33
Based on Terzaghi's bearing capacity theory, column load P is resisted by shear stresses
at edges of three zones under the footing and the overburden pressure, q (yD) above
footing. The first term in the equation is related to cohesion of the soil. The second term
is related to the depth of footing and overburden pressure. The third term is related to
the width of the footing and the length of shear stress area. The bearing capacity Nc,
Nq, Ny are function of internal friction angle Terzhagi's bearing capacity equations are
given below.
A) 1 Tsf: 1.094 kg/cm2=2: ksf, 1 Ton = 1000kg = 9:81 KN, 1m = 3.28 ft, EGL =
Existing Ground level & F.S.: Factor of Safety 3.00
B) The designer may select any other alternative type. Depth as well as the bearing
Capacity of the foundation in the light of information provided in this report.
C) The allowable soil bearing capacity for shallow or Mat/Raft Foundation select the
Structural designer & will depended on the requirement provided at table no-6.
And The Foundation Engineer may select the type of foundation according to super
structure load with reference to table no-6 & Table no-7
Recommended By:
Md. Masudur Rahman
(B.Sc in Civil Engineering)