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API American Petroleum Institute

ASTM American Society for Testing & Materials
C Cohesion
Cc Compression index
D Disturbed sample
D50 Mean Diameter
EGL Existing Ground Level
e0 Initial void ratio
FM Fineness Modulus
FS Factor of safety
g Gravitational acceleration
GL Ground Level
Gs Specific Gravity
kPa Kilo Pascal
LL Liquid Limit
ML Inorganic soil medium compressibility
PI Plasticity Index
PL Plastic Limit
qu Unconfined Compressive Strength
Tx Observed Temperature
UC Unconfined Compression
UD Undisturbed sample
W Water content
WL Water Level

Jarin Const. & Sub-Soil Investigation cell: 01778128887, 01916523875


Abbreviations Page
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Purpose of Investigation .......................................................................................... 4
1.2 Location ................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Field Investigation..................................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 Extraction of Disturbed Soil Sample.........................................................
1.3.2 Extraction of Undisturbed Soil Sample ...................................................... 5
1.3.3 Extraction of Standard penetration test ....................................................... 5
1.3.4 Recording of Ground Water Table ............................................................. 5

CHAPTER - TWO: Investigation Approach

2. Laboratory Tests ........................................................................................................6
2.1 General Description ................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Evaluation of Bearing Capacity ...........................................................................7-10
2.2.1 Classification of soils ................................................................................11
2.3 Description of the Geotechnical Units......................................................................11
2.4 Observation, Net allowable bearing capacity for Shallow Foundations……........................ 12
2.5 a & 2.5b. Observation, Net allowable bearing capacity for pile Foundations ................13-14
2.6 Recommendations................

 Appendix -1 : Borehole Location Map
 Appendix -2 : Borehole Logs
 Appendix -3 : Laboratory Test Results
 Appendix -4 : Summary of Laboratory Test Results
 Appendix -5 : Photograph
 Appendix -6 : Field SPT Data Sheet.

Jarin Const. & Sub-Soil Investigation cell: 01778128887, 01916523875

Sub-Soil Investigation Report for Messer’s Rasel Auto Rice Mill. At JL No. 34, Dag
No: 1115,1121,1127,2803 , Khatian No: 1853, Ward no: 09, Mouza: Paisa , Under
Agailjhara Upazila , Dist: Barishal, Bangladesh.
Ground investigation is a predominant feature in designing foundation of important
structure in an intelligent, economic and satisfactory way. It provides the necessary
information of strength and compressibility characteristics of the sub-soil to the design
engineer for selection of Suitable depth and type of foundation for the proposed
The investigation works including execution of 03 (Three) borings up 60ft depth from
the existing ground level and execution of SPT test, collection of disturbed sample at
specified depth under consideration, record of ground water level etc. All of these items
of the field investigation have subsequently been followed by the performance of
laboratory tests. Details of the finding as reported from the above test works are
provided in the following articles.
Purpose of sub-soil investigation works are to be obtained the following information:
i) To stratify the formation of soil.
ii) To record the level of the ground water.
iii) To observe the compressible behavior of the soil formation.
iv) To evaluate the safe bearing capacity of the foundation at the different layers,
counted at the bore hole positions.
The Project Name area is located of Mouza: Paisa , Under Agailjhara Upazila,
Dist: Barishal, Bangladesh.


The field investigation works includes execution of 03 (Three) borings up to 60ft depth
for the site at Messer’s Rasel Auto Rice Mill has been selected and pointed out by
the authority of "Local Government Engineering Department" Percussion method was
followed in drilling the borehole after driving a 120 mm diameter casing pipe.
The overall field investigation works includes the following sub items of works.

13.1 Extraction of Disturbed Soil Sample:

Jarin Const. & Sub-Soil Investigation cell: 01778128887, 01916523875

Soil sample in the disturbed state have been extracted from the each 1.50 & 4.50m
depth of each boring using split spoon sampler. These soil samples after extraction,
have duly been classified in situ, in order to reconstruct a depth wise stratification chart
of the each bore hole.

1.3.2 Extraction of Undisturbed Soil Sample:

As both of the physical and the engineering properties of the soil are greatly affected by
the disturbance of the soil sample, soil sample in the undisturbed state are generally
preferred in collection in order to perform certain laboratory tests which eventually
help to evaluate the bearing capacities as well as Geotechnical observations.
Undisturbed soil are collected from cohesive strata.

1.3.3 Execution of Standard Penetration Test:

Standard penetration tests were executed at each 1.5m interval in all the bore holes with
the simultaneous collection of the disturbed soil samples. The tests were executed by
using a split spoon sampler of 50mm outer dia and 37.5mm inner dia. attached to the
lower end of the driling rod. 63.5 kg automatic hammer was allowed to fall freely from
a height of 760mm. The blows of the automatic hammer drove the spoon into the soil
up to 450mm. The nos. of blows required for each 150mm of penetration of the spoon
was recorded. The number of blows required for last 300mm. of penetration of the
spoon was entered into the bore chart as being the standard penetration test results.

1.3.4 Recording of ground Water Table:

After completing the field investigations the level of ground water in each of the bore
hole has been recorded by a measuring tape and found within a variable depth measured
from the existing level of the ground. These are apparent level of ground water formed
by the entrapped surface water.

Jarin Const. & Sub-Soil Investigation cell: 01778128887, 01916523875



The following laboratory tests have been conducted on disturbed and undisturbed
samples in the laboratory:

i) Grain Size Distribution (Mechanical)

ii) Grain Size Distribution (Hydrometer)
iii) Moisture Content
iv) Specific gravity.
v) Direct Shear Test.
vi) Unconfined Compression Test.


The overall physical and engineering properties of the sub-soil formation of the project
area have been evaluated on the basis of 03 (Three) boring 60ft depth as per direction of
the client.

The general physical and engineering properties of the soil formation of the project are
may be summarized as follows.

The plasticity characteristics of the cohesive soils are found low to high and the
consistency of the cohesive soils vary from soft to very stiff.

The above classification has been made on the basis of ASTM procedure according to
unified soil classification systems, the cohesive formations fall in CL Group and non
cohesive formations fall in SM Group.

The detailed information of borehole location map bore logs and summary sheet
attached herewith may be consulted.

Jarin Const. & Sub-Soil Investigation cell: 01778128887, 01916523875


To date a range of bearing capacity equations have been proposed by different

researchers for estimating load carrying capacity of individual shallow footings. The
author finds the following equations to be handy for determining bearing capacity of
shallow foundations resting on cohesive soil (clay or silt) layer.

A. Cohesive soil:
 Df  Square Footing
Qult net  5cu 1  0.2  *1.2
 B 

 Df 
 1  0.2 
B Rectangular Footing
Qult net  5cu 1  0.2
 B  L

Where Qult  net = net ultimate bearing capacity (ksf)

Cu = undrained cohesion (ksf) obtained

Df = depth of foundation from EGL (ft)

B = width of foundation (ft)

L = length of foundation (ft)

Qult  net
Allowable net bearing capacity, Qallow 
FS ( 2.5)

Jarin Const. & Sub-Soil Investigation cell: 01778128887, 01916523875


The SPT is widely used to obtain the bearing capacity of soils directly. One of the
earliest published relationships was that of Terzaghi and peck (1967). This has been
widely used, but an accumulation of field observations hits shown these curves to be
overly conservative. Meyerhof (1956, 1974) published equations for computing the
allowable bearing capacity for a 25 mm settlement. These could be used to produce
curves similar to those of Terzaghi and peck and thus were also very conservative.
Considering the accumulation of field observations and the stated opinions of the
authors and others, this author adjusted the Meyerhof equations for an approximate 50
percent increase in allowable bearing capacity to obtain the following:

qa  Kd B  F4

N  B  F3 
qa   2 K d B  F4
F2  B 

q a = Allowable bearing capacity
K d  1  0.33  1.33

Table No: -01: factors as follows:

N55 N70
SI Eps SI Eps Reference :
F1 0.05 2.5 0.04 2.0 Foundation Analysis and
F2 0.08 4 0.06 3.2 Design Fifth Edition
F3 0.3 1 ( Joseph E. Bowles)
Same Same
F4 1.2 4

Jarin Const. & Sub-Soil Investigation cell: 01778128887, 01916523875

Bearing Capacity from Terzaghi's Law:


Figure: Shear stresses based on Terzaghi's soil bearing capacity theory

Based on Terzaghi's bearing capacity theory, column load P is resisted by shear stresses
at edges of three zones under the footing and the overburden pressure, q (yD) above
footing. The first term in the equation is related to cohesion of the soil. The second term
is related to the depth of footing and overburden pressure. The third term is related to
the width of the footing and the length of shear stress area. The bearing capacity Nc,
Nq, Ny are function of internal friction angle Terzhagi's bearing capacity equations are
given below.

Btrlp footing: Qu =cNc + yDNq + 0.5 yBNy

Square footing: Qu =1.3cNc + yDNq + 0.4yBNy
Circular footing: Qu = 1.3cNc + yDNq+0.3yBNy
Rectangular footing: Qu= ( 1 + 0.3 ) cNc + yDNq + (1-0.2 ) 0.5 yBNy

Terzaghi Bearing Capacity Factors

Figure: Relation between @ and Nc, Ng, Ny

Jarin Const. & Sub-Soil Investigation cell: 01778128887, 01916523875

The net ultimate bearing capacity (qd) of a footing is defined as the pressure that can be
supported at the base of the footing in excess of that at the same level due to the surrounding
surcharge; hence
qd = qd - yDf
i. e
qd = cNc
The value of Nc for a footing varies with the ratio of the width B to the length L with the depth
of surcharge i. e. depth of foundation Df, which is indicated by the following graph. For any
given value of Df/B, the net ultimate soil bearing capacity for continuous footing may be
obtained directly using the chart. But for rectangular footing the chart values are multiplied by
(1 + 0.2 B/L)
Pile Bearing Capacity by Modified Meyerhof Method:
Driven pile:
Cohesive soil:
Qs = 0.90*Cu (range: 0.5 to 1.0)
Total skin friction = Qs*Area of the shaft
Qb = 9*Cu
Total end bearing = Qb *Area of the pile tip
Cohesion less soil:
Qn = 2*N-corrected kpa
Total skin friction = Qs *Area of the shaft
Qb = 285*N-corrected kpa
Total end bearing = Qb *area of pile tip
Cast - in - Situ / Bored Pile:
Cohesive soil:
Qa = 0.45*Cu
Total skin friction = Qs *Area of the shaft
Qb = 9*Cu
Total end bearing = Qb *Area of the pile tip
Cohesion less soil:
Qa = 0.75*N-corrected Kpa
Total skin friction = Qs*Area of the shaft
Qb = 175*N-corrected kpa
Total end bearing = Qb *area of pile tip
N-Corrected: 15 + (N - 15) / 2, if N>15

Jarin Const. & Sub-Soil Investigation cell: 01778128887, 01916523875

2.2.1 Classification of soils
The N-value gives useful information with regards to consistency of cohesive soil and relative
density of cohesion less soil (ASTM -2487). These relationships are given in the Table 02 &
03 for cohesive and cohesion less soil, respectively.
Table 02: Relation of N-Value with the consistency and the unconfined compressive
strength of cohesive Soils
Unconfined Compression
N-values Consistency
Strength (qu) Tsf
0-2 Very Soft 0 to 0.25
2-4 Soft 0.25 to 0.50
4-8 Medium Stiff 0.50 to 1
8-15 Stiff 1 to 2
15-30 Very Stiff 2 to 4
>30 Hard >4
Table 03: N and  Relation to Relative Density for Non-Cohesive soil
N-values Compactness  (degree ) Unit Weight ( pcf)
Density, Dr%
0-4 Very Loose 0-15 28-30 70-100
4-10 Loose 15-35 30-34 90-115
10-30 Medium Dense 35-65 34-40 110-130
30-50 Dense 65-85 40-50 110-140
>50 Very Dense >85 >50 130-150


The characteristics of the geotechnical units described based upon the test borings and the laboratory
testing and other observation on site.
Physical properties:
The physical properties of various layers are described below with depth.
Natural moisture content:
Natural moisture content of the investigated soil usually varies from 40.59% to 43.73%
Specific gravity:
Specific gravity varies from 2.641 to 2.683
Atterberg limits:
The liquid limit of the cohesive soil varies from 40% and the plastic limit of the cohesive soil varies
from 25%
Shear Strength parameters:
The shear strength parameters of various layers are described below.
As reported from the performance of from direct shear test cohesion varies from 0.0 to 0.0 kpa.
Angle of internal friction:
As reported from the performance of from direct shear test angle of internal fricion varles from
34.00% to 35.00% degrees.

Jarin Const. & Sub-Soil Investigation cell: 01778128887, 01916523875

On the basis of above analysis and discussions, the following conclusions may be
drawn regarding the sub-soil condition the project area.
a. The overall soil formation of the investigation site are not regular in between the bore
hole location.
b. The top layer of the investigated site has been encountered with comprising Grey
soft Silty Sand. (Ref. bore legs)
c. The underlying soil is of Grey stiff silty sand. (Ref. bore legs)
d. Bearing capacities for Shallow foundation are not suitable for all borings (Ref Table
No.6) Deep foundation may be provided at the site.
16.0 Recommendation
After thorough analysis of the available field and laboratory test results, this sub-soil
investigation report has been prepared. Detail description of the soil profile as found
from this sub-soil investigation is mentioned earlier along with analysis of field and
laboratory test results. Calculation of allowable bearing capacity of different types of
typical foundation has been shown earlier.
Satisfaction of soil layer has been shown in bore logs, SPT value in all the boring are
within a range that means soil layer is uniform. From the Previous analysis, it is clear
that isolated or spread footing in sallow depth cannot be provided for proposed
construction on that soil.
However any alternative Suitable foundation type, depth & size can be decided by
structural design engineer on the basis of loading condition of the proposed structure
and they have to re-calculate the bearing capacity(Since it depends on Depth, size and
other factor). The Structural Engineer may talk preliminary value of bearing capacity
(Calculated herein) and fix up the final size and depth of the foundation. Hence the
calculation shown earlier may help them in talking decision.
18.0 Shallow Foundation
As Isolated Column Footing the Average Bearing Capacity (F.S.=3.00) of Isolated
Squire Footing may be considered as follows :-
Bearing Capacity for Shallow Foundation are suitable for all boring. But 3’-0’’ Sand
(FM 2.50) & Khoa (1:1) May be provided below the Column Base. The Average
Bearing Capacity 0.56 TSf (F.S. =3.00) at the depth of 5’-0’’ Measured at around the
test point for BH-1 to BH-3 only from E.G.L .

19.0 Deep Foundation:

a. The Deep Foundation preferably of the piles are not to be Required.

Jarin Const. & Sub-Soil Investigation cell: 01778128887, 01916523875

The soil bearing capacity for the foundation design has already been enclosed in
this report as

A) 1 Tsf: 1.094 kg/cm2=2: ksf, 1 Ton = 1000kg = 9:81 KN, 1m = 3.28 ft, EGL =
Existing Ground level & F.S.: Factor of Safety 3.00
B) The designer may select any other alternative type. Depth as well as the bearing
Capacity of the foundation in the light of information provided in this report.
C) The allowable soil bearing capacity for shallow or Mat/Raft Foundation select the
Structural designer & will depended on the requirement provided at table no-6.
And The Foundation Engineer may select the type of foundation according to super
structure load with reference to table no-6 & Table no-7

D) Foundation base should be kept dry during construction period.

Recommended By:
Md. Masudur Rahman
(B.Sc in Civil Engineering)

Jarin Const. & Sub-Soil Investigation cell: 01778128887, 01916523875

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