A Case Study On The Post-Construction Deformation
A Case Study On The Post-Construction Deformation
A Case Study On The Post-Construction Deformation
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2 authors, including:
Myoung-Soo Won
Kunsan National University
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Numerical and field test verifications for the deformation behavior of geotextile tubes considering 1D and areal strain View project
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All content following this page was uploaded by Myoung-Soo Won on 21 May 2014.
Abstract: Concrete face rockfill dams (CFRDs) are considered to be fundamentally safe, especially against leakage, and
to be a low-cost alternative at many sites. Their design is based on empirical experiences rather than theory. The present
paper describes post-construction deformation and leakage using 27 CFRD case studies. The analysis shows that deforma-
tion normal to the face slab is larger than the post-construction crest settlement when the dam height exceeds 100 m and
that the long-term leakage rate increases rapidly when the dam height exceeds 125 m.
Key words: CFRD, dam, rockfill, crest settlement, concrete face slab, leakage.
Résumé : On considère que les barrages en enrochements avec face amont en béton (« CFRD ») possède une sécurité fon-
damentale, particulièrement contre les fuites et ont été une alternative à bon marché pour plusieurs sites, de plus leur
conception est basée sur des expériences empiriques plutôt que sur la théorie. Le présent article décrit la déformation après
construction, et les fuites au moyen de 27 études de cas de CFRD. L’analyse montre que la déformation normale à la face
de la dalle est plus grande que le tassement de la crête après construction lorsque la hauteur du barrage dépasse 100 m, et
le taux de fuites à long terme augmente rapidement lorsque la hauteur du barrage excède 125 m.
Mots-clés : CFRD, barrage, enrochement, tassement de la crête, dalle de la face en béton, fuites.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]
Table 1. Case studies information on concrete face rockfill dams (data from Hunter 2003).
Concrete face rockfill dam (CFRD) zoning Fig. 1. Zone designations for concrete face rockfill dam (CFRD) of
sound rockfill (Cooke and Sherard 1987).
Figure 1 shows the typical zoning of a CFRD (Cooke and
Sherard 1987). As shown in Fig. 1, there are three main
CFRD zones: (i) the concrete face slab (zone 1), which is
impervious; (ii) zone 2 for the filter or transition zone di-
rectly under the concrete slab; and (iii) the main rockfill
(zone 3). Compacted impervious soil (zone 1) is necessary
for defence, to seal cracks or joint openings.
The areas closer to the upstream than the downstream on
each layer contain smaller average-sized rock and more
quarry fines rockfill. The maximum rock sizes at zone 3C
and zone 2 are approximately less than 1500 and 150 mm,
Deformation normal to
Crest settlement face slab Leakage (L/s)
Intact rock strength Period surveyed TS TS SFF SFF SFF/ TD DFF DFF/TD
classification (year) (mm) (%) (mm) (%) TS (%) (mm) (mm) (%) Max. rate Long-term
VH 0.4–~5.7 307 0.185 222 0.133 72 320 — — FF 200 160
filling; FF, first filling. Classification of unconfined compressive strength of intact rock used in rockfills. Extremely high, > 240 MPa; very high, 70–
they may be prone to large errors because of the existing ment height, etc. According to Hunter (2003), significantly
empirical equations based on simple empirical relationships greater crest settlements are evident for the dumped rockfills
of the displacement with height or time. He proposed an al- compared with compacted rockfills; for embankments con-
ternative approach, using only the deformation curves of ex- structed of medium to high intact strength rockfill, the total
isting dams with similar characteristics to the dam under magnitude of settlement at 10 years is, on average, approxi-
construction instead of empirical equations. Sherard and mately twice that of very high strength rockfills. The long-
Cooke (1987) compared the post-construction crest settle- term rate of crest settlement (on a log scale) for medium to
ment from CFRDs composed of dumped and compacted high strength rockfills is proportional to the increasing em-
rockfill and observed that the crest settlement of dumped bankment height, but the effect of the embankment height
rockfill is 5–8 times greater than for compacted rockfill in is probably not as significant for the compacted very high
3–30 years. Sherard and Cooke (1987) expected that the strength rockfill cases.
crest settlement for a modern compacted CFRD with a Table 1 is mainly taken from the database for compacted
height of 100 m will generally be about 10–15 cm in 5 years, CFRDs in Hunter (2003). Figures 2 and 3, respectively,
and 15–25 cm in 100 years. This coincides with the range of show the total post-construction crest settlement after at
crest settlement of compacted CFRDs (0%–0.25% of dam least 10 years and on first filling, and the ratio of the crest
height) proposed by Clements (1984). Hunter (2003) re- settlement on first filling to the long-term settlement. The
ported that the post-construction crest settlement is signifi- serial numbers in Figs. 2 and 3 indicate the number of the
cantly affected by the method of placement (dumped versus dam shown in Table 1. Medium (M), High, and very high
compacted), the intact strength of the rockfill, the embank- (VH) indicate the intact rock strength used in the rockfill.
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Fig. 2. Post-construction crest settlements on first filling and after Fig. 3. Crest settlement on first filling to total crest settlement ra-
at least 10 years. tio. FF, first filling; M, medium; VH, very high.
The ranges of the strength and definition of M, High, and voir filling (Pinto et al. 1985). The crest settlement (max)
VH are given in Table 1. The ratio of total long-term crest and slab deflection (max) in Fig. 7 are the crest settlement
settlement to embankment height is usually lower than 0.3% and slab deformation normal to the face slab at the point of
of the dam height in Fig. 2. However, the magnitude of maximum deformation. The response of the rockfill to the
long-term post-crest settlement for embankments constructed water load is rather fast, and the evolution of the deforma-
of very high strength rockfill in Fig. 2 appeared to be tions with time is somewhat obscured by the history of the
0.1%~0.2% of dam height, and embankments constructed of impounding, as shown in Fig. 7 (Pinto et al. 1985).
medium to high intact rockfill were 0.1%~0.45% of dam Figure 8 shows the dam heights versus the total long-term
height. According to Clements (1984) and Sherard and post-construction crest settlements and the total long-term
Cooke (1987), the range of post-construction crest settle- deformations normal to the face slab. The post-crest settle-
ment of compacted CFRDs is 0%~0.25% of dam height. ment and the deformation normal to the face slab are gener-
Therefore, the range of post-construction crest settlement ally similar to each other, and they are smaller than 0.5% of
suggested by Sherard and Cooke (1987) and Clements the dam height. One of the interesting phenomena is that the
(1984) shows a good agreement in the case analyses using crest settlement is larger than the deformation normal to the
rockfill with very high intact strength, but it has a trend that face slab when the dam height is less than 100 m, and the
underestimated crest settlement in the cases using rockfill deformation normal to the face slab is larger than the crest
with medium to high intact strength. Figure 3 shows that ap- settlement when the dam height is greater than 100 m. This
proximately 10%–40% of the total long-term crest settle- phenomenon may be caused by the side slope (about
ment occurred during the first filling. Figure 4 presents a 1.4H:1V), that is, the length of the concrete face slab is in-
typical example of the effect of the first filling (Hunter and creasing with the dam height in the proportion of 1.72 to 1.
Fell 2003). Figures 2–4 show the water load on first filling,
which has a significant effect on the crest settlement.
Strain in the face slab
Deformation normal to face slab Figures 9 and 10, respectively, show the dam face strain
contours at the end of construction and the changes due to
Figures 5 and 6 show the deformation normal to the face the water load at Salvajina Dam. Normal tension zones de-
slab on CFRDs at least 10 years after construction and on veloped in the downslope and horizontal direction on the
first filling (data from Table 1). Like the post-construction upper part of the face slab and close to the abutment at the
crest settlement, the total magnitude of the deformation nor- end of construction (Hacelas et al. 1987). The maximum
mal to the face slab is a little greater at embankments con- compressive strain is in the downslope direction, and is
structed of medium to high intact strength rockfill than that equal to 400 mm, which mobilizes only 42% of the concrete
of very high strength rockfill, and is probably not in propor- compressive strength (Hacelas et al. 1987). The change in
tion to the dam heights. Approximately 80% of the total the dam face strains due to the water load is shown in
long-term deformation normal to the face slab occurred dur- Fig. 10. The strain in the face slab is significantly affected
ing the first filling as shown in Fig. 6. This means that most by the water load, and tension zones caused by the water
deformation occurs during the first filling, and it is signifi- load are developed near the toe, the crest, and the abut-
cantly affected by the water load rather than the crest settle- ments.
ment. It may cause cracks in the concrete face slab, as most Table 2 shows the measured maximum slab strains due to
deformation normal to the face slab occurs during the first the water load (Fitzpatrick et al. 1985). The strains in Ta-
filling. ble 2 show a similar pattern to one another. The maximum
Figure 7 shows the embankment deformations after reser- compressive strains (100–380 mm) are near the center of the
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Fig. 4. Post-construction crest settlement of Bastyan Dam (Hunter and Fell 2003).
Fig. 5. Deformations normal to face slab on first filling and after at Fig. 6. Ratio of deformation normal to face slab on first filling to
least 10 years. long-term deformation.
face slab and the maximum tensile strains (25–140 mm) ap- lost water, and may have an impact on the function of the
pear near the toe. Tensile strains in the face slab on reser- reservoir or dam. As shown in Table 1, the maximum leak-
voir filling are indicated near the toe and near the age at a CFRD generally occurs on the first filling because
abutments. According to Fitzpatrick (1986), the failure range of large deformations at the joints or cracks in the face slab
for concrete is between 1000 mm for rapid loading and due to the water load. According to Sherard and Cooke
3000 mm for gradual loading, and the maximum compres- (1987), for most reservoirs on rivers of any significant size,
sive strain in Cethana after 10 years is 400 mm. Therefore, a leakage of a few tens of litres per second has negligible
it is known that strains that occur in the face slab are safe. economic value. Figure 11 shows the relationship of long-
term leakage versus dam heights. As shown in Table 1, the
Leakage time period of the long-term leakage rate is generally given
Sherard and Cooke (1987) showed that leakage emerging in years after the end of first filling.
downstream of a CFRD has a fundamentally different signif- The long-term leakage rate in cases of dam heights less
icance from leaks through dams with earth cores because than 122 m is reasonable at less than 10 L/s, except for the
there is no possibility of earth core erosion and no potential Crotty and Winneke Dams, but the in the cases of dam
threat to the dam safety. Not only Sherard and Cooke heights higher than 125 m the leakage rate rapidly increases
(1987), but also many others (Amaya and Marulanda 1985, between 45 and 200 L/s. Typical CFRDs, which are higher
Arrau et al. 1985, Leps et al. 1985, Millet et al. 1985, than 125 m, such as Alto Anchicaya at 140 m (Materon
Hunter 2003, Freitas 2005, Freitas and Cruz 2007, Keming 1985); Foz Do Areia at 160 m (Pinto et al. 1985); Golillas
et al. 2007), have reported that leakage at a CFRD mainly at 125 m (Amaya and Marulanda 1985); New Exchequerat
emerges through perimeter joints, cracks in the concrete 145 m (Leps et al. 1985); and Shiroroat 125 m (Bodtman
face slab, and joints on abutments, but that this leakage has and Wyatt 1985) have all experienced some leakage prob-
posed no threat to the safety and stability of the dam. How- lems, and in general have needed to repair face slab joints
ever, significant leakage has an economic impact in terms of during the first filling. In Barra Grande (185 m) and Campos
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Fig. 7. Foz Do Areia Dam deformation after reservoir filling (Pinto et al. 1985).
Fig. 8. Total post-construction crest settlement and total deforma- Fig. 9. Salvajina Dam: concrete face strains at the end of construc-
tion normal to face slab. tion (Hacelas et al. 1987).
Fig. 10. Salvajina Dam: concrete face strains due to water load it rapidly increases to 45–200 L/s when the dam height
(Hacelas et al. 1987). exceeds 125 m.
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