Week1 Intro To Nres

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• Course Code : NCM 123 1L

• Course Title : NURSING RESEARCH 1
• Pre-requisite : AGE4 00
• Co-requisite : NCM 123 1R
• Credit : 2 units
• Contact hours/week : 36 h
II. Course Description
• This is an introductory course intended to equip the nursing students
with concepts, principles in research starting from an overview of the
major phases of the research process. The course will include
discussion from formulation to dissemination of research findings,
focus on the formulation of a research problem to the selection of the
research design, planning and choosing the appropriate research tool
for data gathering. This course will require the student/group to
present a research proposal in a colloquium to apply knowledge and
demonstrate skills and attitude in the conceptual, design and
planning phases of the research process.
Nursing Research vs. Research in Nursing
• Nursing research refers to research done on addressing the health
concerns of clients and the application of the research on their care
(Ex. “An Exploratory Study of Mothering for Teens with Attention
Deficit Disorder”, Lived Experiences of Caregiving Individuals”)
• Research in Nursing refers to studies on the particular concerns or
nurses themselves (Ex. Job Satisfaction and Acculturation of Filipino
Nurses in Canada, Leadership and Management styles of Nurse
Leaders in Selected Hospitals in Cabanatuan City”)
What is Nursing Research?
•Research means “to search again” or “to examine carefully”

•“A scientific process that validates and refines existing

knowledge and generates new knowledge that directly and
indirectly influences nursing practice” (Burns & Grove)

•“Key features are system, order and theory development”

(Schmidt & Brown)
What is Nursing Research?
•“A systematic inquiry that uses disciplined methods to
answer questions or solve problems” (Polit & Beck)

•“The systematic, objective process of analyzing phenomena

of importance to nursing”(Nieswiadomy)
What is Nursing Research?
• “A systematic collection and analysis of data to illuminate and
describe or explain new facts and relationships. The goal is to find
solution to problems” (Treece & Treece)
• “The testing of knowledge that can be used to guide nursing practice”
(National Center for Nursing Research)
• “An honest, scientific investigation undertaken for the purpose of
discovering new facts which will contribute to the present body of
knowledge and can lead to an effective solution of existing problems”
(Philippine Nurses Association)
What is Nursing Research?
• “A formal, rigorous and intensive process used for solutions to nursing
problems or to discover and interpret new facts and trends in clinical
practice, nursing education or nursing administration” (Waltz &
• “Key to building an evidence-based practice for nursing” (Burns and
✔ Evidence-based practice is the theme of the International Council of
Nurses (ICN) with a call for nurses to seek evidences to nursing
practice and translate these evidences into actions that will ensure
the most appropriate nursing interventions for our clients.
Patient Expertise
Needs &


Evidence-Based Practice
Why Conduct Clinical Nursing Research?
1. Nursing problems and issues are integral to the work situation.
2. Personal satisfaction is derived from finding better ways of providing
nursing care.
3. No one has greater access to the client than the nurse. Who else will
do research in nursing?
4. It could be therapeutic and enjoyable for the client to participate in
clinical research.
5. Clinical research is a practical way for a nurse to help improve the
health care of the sick and well individuals.
Goals of Nursing Research
1. Provide efficient and effective nursing care.
2. Promote the worth and value of the nursing profession to society
3. Identify, implement and evaluate effective health care modalities
4. Utilize clinical nursing research as evidence-based data to provide
quality care to clients
Reasons for Conducting Research in Nursing
1. Gathers data or information on nursing situations or conditions
about which little knowledge is available.
2. Provides scientific knowledge base from which nursing theories
emerge and develop.
3. Helps correct, clarify, validate and expand perceptions.
4. Provides theoretical and scientific basis for nursing practice.
5. Defines parameters of nursing and identifies its boundaries.
6. Documents the social relevance and efficacy of nursing practice to
people and health care providers.
Reasons for Conducting Research in Nursing
7. Describes the characteristics of the nursing situation about which little is
8. Predicts probable outcomes of nursing decisions in relation to client care.
9. Provides knowledge for purposes of problem solving and decision making.
10. Develops and evaluates nursing theories and concepts and practices these
for clarity and validity for nursing actions.
11. Prevents undesirable client reactions.
12. Develops considerable degree of confidence.
Reasons for Lack of Clinical Research
1. Nurses tend to feel that hey are “too busy caring for patients”. There
is simply no more time to conduct nursing research.
2. Unless the nurse has had academic training in theoretical
conceptualizations, research may not seem important.
3. Unless the importance of research is felt and recognized, nurses
may not be able to identify researchable problems.
4. Many nurses do not have the academic training needed to feel
confident in doing clinical research.
Reasons for Lack of Clinical Research
5. The ethical requirements of research are difficult to comply with
and tend to scare would-be researchers. The requirement to obtain
administrative-patient-relative approval for research may deter
some researchers. There is also the fear of harming patients.
6. Unless administrators are research oriented, the nursing staff feels
the futility of support for nursing research. Thus no motivation to
pursue any form of research.
7. Research takes time and time costs money. Without sufficient
funding, research may not be conducted due to lack of resources.
1. As principal investigators
2. As a member of a research team
3. As evaluator of research findings
4. As consumers of research findings
5. As client advocates in research study
6. As subjects of research
Hallmarks and Qualities of Good Nurse
1. Honest and credible
2. Accurate in data collection
3. Organized and systematic
4. Logical
5. Self-awareness
6. Imaginative and curious
7. Persistent with barriers
8. Establishes good relationships with respondents and other researchers
9. Updated and informed of present issues and events
Historical Events of Research in Nursing
1850 Florence Nightingale is the first nurse researcher.
1900 American Journal of Nursing is first published.
1923 Teachers’ College of Columbia University offers the first
educational doctoral programs for nurses.
1929 First Master’s in Nursing Degree is offered at Yale University
1932 The Association of Collegiate Schools of Nursing is organized
1950 American Nurses Association (ANA) publishes study of nursing
functions and activities
Historical Events of Research in Nursing
1952 Nursing Research is first published.
1953 Institute of Research and Service in Nursing Education is
1955 American Nurses Foundation is established to fund nursing
1963 International Journal of Nursing Studies is first published.
1965 ANA sponsors the first nursing research conferences.
1967 Image (Sigma Theta Tau Journal) is first published which is now
known as Journal of Nursing Scholarship. Stetler/Marram Model for
Application of Research Findings to Practice is first published
Historical Events of Research in Nursing
1970 ANA Commission on Nursing Research is established.
1972 Prof. Archie Cochrane, a Scottish epidemiologist, publishes his
book Effectiveness and Efficiency: random Reflections on Health
Services, which promoted the acceptance of the concepts behind
evidence-based practice.
1973 First Nursing Diagnosis Conference is held.
1978 Research in Nursing & Health is first published.
Advances in Nursing Science is first published.
1979 Western Journal of Nursing Research is first published.
Historical Events of Research in Nursing
1980s – 1990s David Sackett and his research team developed methodologies
to determine “best evidence” for practice.
1982 – 1983 Conduct and Utilization of research in Nursing (CURN) Project is
1983 Annual Review of Nursing Research is first published.
1985 National Center for Nursing Research (NCNR) was established within
the national Institutes of Health.
1987 Scholarly Inquiry for Nursing Practice is first published.
1988 Applied Nursing Research is first published
Nursing Science Quarterly is first published
Historical Events of Research in Nursing
1989 Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) is established.
Clinical practice guidelines are first published by the AHCPR.
1992 Healthy People 2000 is published by US Department of Health and
Human Services.
Clinical Nursing Research is first published.
1993 NCNR is renamed the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR).
Journal of Nursing Measurement is first published.
Cochrane Collaboration is initiated providing systematic reviews and
evidence-based guidelines for practice.
Historical Events of Research in Nursing
1994 Qualitative health Research is first published.
1999 AHCPR is renamed the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
2000 Healthy People 2010 is published by the US DOH and HS. Biological
Research for Nursing is first published.
2001 Stetler publishes her model, “Steps of Research Utilization to Facilitate
Evidence-Based Practice.”
2002 The Joint Commission revises the accreditation policies for hospitals
to support the implementation of evidence-based health care.
2004 Worldviews on Evidence-based Nursing is first published.
Historical Events of Research in Nursing
2006 The American Association of Colleges of Nursing releases its
current Position Statement on Nursing Research.
2009 NINR identifies mission and funding priorities
AHRQ identifies mission and funding priorities.
History of Nursing Research in the
Early 1940s Education to become a nurse was hospital-based
Late 1940s BSN degree was introduced in the university level
Late 1950s Nursing Research was introduced in the undergraduate
curriculum as an elective course
1960s – 1970s Researches are mainly focused on nursing education,
performance in NLE, characteristics of nurses and nursing students,
roles of nursing administrators in service and in education, knowledge,
attitudes and practices of different types of patients
- Research designs and methods were mainly exploratory and
History of Nursing Research in the
1980s Nursing Research went on high gear when more universities offered
master’s and doctoral programs
- Researches are more on pain, compliance, stress and coping, exercise,
growth & development, effects of nursing intervention & care and
leadership & decision-making skills of administrators and educators
- Studies used the experimental and quasi-experimental designs
1990s The qualitative designs gained popularity particularly the
phenomenological approach
1991 R.A. 7164 stated that “nurses should undertake health human
resource development, training and research” (Art. V Section 27)
History of Nursing Research in the
2002 R.A. 9173 was enacted which repealed the old law.
2006 The Philippine National Health Research System (PNHRS) launched
the National Unified Research Agenda (NUHRA) 2006 – 2010
- Core government agencies are DOH, Philippine Council for Health
Research and Development – Department of Science and Technology
(PCHRD-DOST), CHED and National Institute of Health-University of the
Phils. Manila
- Regional Health Research and Development Consortia (RHRDC) were
developed in Metro Manila, Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao
2007 The Philippine Nursing Research Society was formed
Priority Research Areas
1. Health financing
2. Governance
3. Health regulations
4. Health service delivery
5. Health technology development
6. Health research ethics
7. Health information systems
1. Description
Identifying and understanding the nature of nursing phenomena and
sometimes the relationships among them.
This helps nurses to:
1. Describe what exists in nursing practice
2. Discover new information
3. Promote understanding of situations
4. Classify information for use in the discipline
3. Explanation
Clarifies the relationship among phenomena and identifies the reasons why
certain events occur
3. Prediction
Estimation of the probability of a specific outcome in a given situation.
Risk of illness is identified and linked to possible screening methods to
identify the illness.
5. Control
Manipulate the situation to produce the desired outcome
Ability to write a prescription to produce the desired results.

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