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Military Technological College Oman

in collaboration with the

University of Portsmouth, UK


Instrumentation & Control


Resit Exam

Date: 2017-08-06 Time: Duration 3 hours


Answer All Five Questions. Show detailed working

Formula Sheet Provided and Should be Consulted Before Attempting Each Question

Calculators permitted to be used:

Non-Programmable Calculator

Academic Year 2016-17 - Re-sit Paper


1. (a) An automobile driver uses a control system to maintain the speed of the car
at a prescribed level.

Sketch a block diagram to illustrate this feedback system outlining the

sensor, controller, actuator, process and their designated signals.
[3 Marks]
(b) With the aid of a diagram, describe the general process for measurement,
indicating the basic components.
[3 Marks]
(c) Define the following terms:
(i) Accuracy
(ii) Resolution
(iii) Precision
[6 Marks]
(d) What is the difference between an actuator and a transducer? Give an
example for both.

[3 Marks]
(e) A temperature sensor has a span of 20˚- 250˚C. A measurement results in a
value of 55˚C for the temperature. Specify the error if the accuracy is

(i) ± 0.5% FS,

(ii) ± 0.75% of span, and

(iii) ± 0.8% of reading.
[5 Marks]

2. (a) Figure Q2 depicts an RC circuit, Derive an input output differential equation

describing the circuit.

Figure Q2-a

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[7 Marks]
(b) With the aid of Laplace transforms, and assuming zero initial conditions,
derive the transfer function
𝐸" (𝑠)
𝐸& (𝑠). What is the gain K and time constant T in terms of R and C?
Hence, using inverse Laplace or otherwise, find the output 𝑒" (𝑡) when a
supply step voltage of 1volt is applied. Show your complete working.

[8 Marks]
(c) Sketch the unit step response for 𝑅 = 200Ω and 𝐶 = 0.1𝜇𝐹, clearly
labelling the steady state value and the time constant T.

[5 Marks]

Figure Q2-b

3. Consider the block diagram outlined in figure Q3-a where

Gc ( s) = 2, G p ( s) =
s2 + s +1

(a) Evaluate the following

Figure Q3-a

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a) Evaluate the following:

i. Closed loop characteristic equation:

ii. Roots of the closed loop characteristic equation

iii. Closed Loop System Response Type:

(Over Damped, Critically Damped, Under Damped,Unstable)

iv. Undamped natural frequency (𝜔5 )

v. Damping Ratio (𝜁)

vi. Steady state output

vii. Steady State Error

viii. Percent Overshoot (%OS)

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ix. Peak time (𝑡7 )

x. Settling time (𝑡8 ) 2% criterion

[10 Marks]
a) Sketch the step response

Figure Q3-b
[10 Mark]

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4. (a) State the Nyquist stability criterion. What is the condition for stability?
[2 Marks]
(b) For the block diagram outlined in figure Q4, derive the open loop transfer
function when 𝐺: 𝑠 =
[2 Marks]

Figure Q4
c) Derive the magnitude and phase expressions using the frequency response
expression 𝐺(𝑗𝜔).
[3 Marks]
d) Sketch, using asymptotes, the Bode diagrams of the derived open loop
transfer function.
[7 Marks]
(e) Estimate the following from the Bode plot

(i) Gain margin (GM)

(ii) Phase margin (PM)
(iii) Gain crossover frequency
(iv) Phase crossover frequency
[4 Marks]
(f) What are the recommended values for gain and phase margins for good
response characteristics
[2 Marks]

5. a) Describe what is a Programmable logic controller (PLC)?

[3 Marks]

b) Give examples of industrial applications using PLC?

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[5 Marks]

c) What is Ladder logic?

[4 Marks]

d) Write the PLC ladder logic diagram and explain the logic to fulfill the following

Setting up a lighting system for users to switch on/off the light whether they
are at the bottom or the top of stairs using the following devices

[8 Marks]

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Table of Laplace Transforms

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Laplace Transforms Theorems

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Second order Systems Formulae

Peak time

Tp =
wn 1 - x 2
Peak Value

y (Tp ) = K 1 + e ( -xp / 1-x 2

Settling time (2% criterion)

e -xwnTs = 0.02 Þ Ts @
Maximum Overshoot (%OS)

-pz 1-z 2
%OS = 100e

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