Safe Depost Locker Policy

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Safe Deposit Locker/ Safe Custody Article Policy


Version Number 2.0

Dated 31st July, 2023


Date Remarks
1.0 30th December, 2021 Initial Version for Approval.
2.0 31st July, 2023 Annual Review

Table of Contents
Sl No Content Page No
1 Safe Deposit Locker 4
2 Customer Due Diligence 4
3 Locker allotment 5
4 Feasibility study 5
5 Location 5
6 Locker Standards 6
7 Locker Keys- Safe Custody 6
8 Custodian of locker 6
9 Type of lockers and annual rent 6
10 Locker Agreement 7
11 Locker Rent 7
12 Locker Rent Recovery / Overdue 7
13 Locker Operations 8

13.1 Regular Operations by Customers 8

13.2 Guidelines for Locker operations & operational instructions 8

13.3 Identity 9

13.4 Confirmation by Bank Official 9

14 Appointment of Agent 9
15 Allotting lockers to illiterate customers 9
16 Internal Controls by banks 9
17 Nomination Facility and Settlement of Claims 10
17.1Nomination Facility 11

17.2 Settlement of Claims in case of death of a Customer 11
18 Access to the articles in the safe deposit lockers 11
19 Closure and Discharge of locker items 12
20 Discharge of locker contents at the request of customer 13
21 Loss of key by the customer 13
22 Addition/ deletion of the hire(s) 13

Attachment and recovery of contents in a Locker and the Articles in

23 13
the safe custody of the bank by any Law Enforcement Authority

24 Discharge of locker contents by banks due to non-payment of locker rent 14

Discharge of locker contents if the locker remains inoperative for a long
25 14
period of time
Access to the Safe Deposit Lockers/return of safe custody articles to
26 15
Survivor(s)/Legal heir(s)
27 Stoppage of Locker Access 15
28 Compensation Policy / Liability for Banks 15
28.1 Liability of banks arising from natural calamities like earthquake,
flood, thunderstorm, lightning etc. or due to sole negligence of the 15
28.2 Liability of banks arising from events like fire, theft, burglary,
dacoity, robbery, building collapse or in case of fraud committed by the 15
employees of the bank
29 Insurance of locker contents by the customer 16
29.1 Branch Insurance Policy 16
29.2 Insurance of locker contents by customers 16
30 Customer guidance and publicity 16
31 Confidentiality 16
32 Registers to be maintained: 16
33 Forms 17
34 Review of the Policy 17
35 Forms 18,19,20


Locker facility is available in selected branches of our Bank and the names of branches are available in the
Bank’s website. Safe deposit lockers can be hired by an individual singly or jointly with another
individual(s), HUFs, firms, limited companies, associates, societies, trusts etc. KYC norms are applicable
for locker hirers. Lockers cannot be allotted to minors either singly or jointly with others.


The existing customers of a bank who have made an application for locker facility and who are fully
compliant with the CDD criteria under the Master Direction – Know Your Customer (KYC) Directions,
2016 (as updated from time to time) may be given the facilities of safe deposit lockers/ safe custody
article subject to on-going compliance.

Customers who are not having any other banking relationship with the bank may also be given the
facilities of safe deposit locker / safe custody article after complying with the CDD criteria under the
Master Direction – Know Your Customer (KYC) Directions, 2016 (as updated from time to time) and
subject to on-going compliance. The due diligence shall be carried out for all the customers in whatever
rights and capacities they may be hiring the locker.

The locker-hirer/s shall not keep anything illegal or any hazardous substance in the Safe Deposit locker.
We have incorporated a clause in the locker agreement that the locker-hirer/s shall not keep anything
illegal or any hazardous substance in the Safe Deposit locker. If the branch suspects the deposit of any
illegal or hazardous substance by any customer in the safe deposit locker, the bank shall have the right
to take appropriate action against such customer as it deems fit and proper in the circumstances.

The branches shall obtain recent passport size photographs of locker-hirer(s) and individual(s)
authorised by locker hirer(s) to operate the locker and preserve in the records pertaining to locker-hirer
being maintained in the branch.

In order to avoid the risk of explosives and weapons being stored in bank lockers, the following measures
shall be taken:

(i) Branches should carry out customer due diligence for both new and existing customers at least to
the levels prescribed for customers classified as medium risk. If the customer is classified in a high

risk category, customer due diligence as per KYC norms applicable to such high risk category should
be carried out.

(ii) Where the lockers have remained inoperated for more than three years for medium risk category
or one year for a high risk category, branches should immediately contact the locker hirers and
advise him to either operate the locker or surrender it.

This exercise should be carried out even if the locker hirer is paying the rent regularly. Further, branches
should ask the locker hirer(s), to give in writing, the reasons why he/she did not operate the locker. In case
the locker hirer has some genuine reasons as in the case of NRIs or persons who are out of town due to a
transferable job etc., braches may allow the locker hirer to continue with the locker. In case the locker hirer
does not respond nor operate the locker, branches should consider opening the lockers after giving due
notice to him after taking prior sanction from Regional Office and also strictly complying with all the
procedure prescribed for breaking open the locker.

One year minimum rent should be collected in advance and future collection of the rent should be
automatically made from operative account linked with the locker.


In order to facilitate customers making informed choices, Bank will maintain a branch wise list of vacant
lockers as well as a wait-list in Core Banking System (CBS) or any other computerized system compliant
with Cyber Security Framework issued by RBI, for the purpose of allotment of lockers and ensure
transparency in allotment of lockers. The Branches shall acknowledge the receipt of all applications for
allotment of locker and provide a wait list number to the customers, if the lockers are not available for


Before recommending for a locker unit, branches should assess the customer demand/preferences with
reference to type/size and number of cages keeping in mind the profitability of the investment decision. The
capital investment made for a locker unit can be easily recovered at the earliest possible time, provided all
cages are let out immediately on installation of a new locker unit. Hence, branches should start registering
the names of customers who require lockers, before recommending purchase of new locker units to HO/RO.
Branches should ensure that at least 60% of the cages in the new locker units can be allotted to the registered
customers, immediately on purchase of new locker units. Branches should also obtain NOC from RBD
Liabilities for purchase of new/additional locker unit.


Lockers units should be kept in strong room constructed according to RBI guidelines. In the absence of a
strong room, special type of locker may be used with the specific sanction of HO.

Banks shall take necessary steps to ensure that the area in which the locker facility is housed is properly
secured to prevent criminal break-ins. The risks of accessibility of an allotted locker from any side without

involvement of the locker-hirer concerned may be assessed and kept on record. Branches shall have a single
defined point of entry and exit to the locker room/vault. The place where the lockers are housed must be
secured enough to protect against hazard of rain / flood water entering and damaging the lockers in
contingent situations. The fire hazard risks of the area should also be assessed and minimized. The
Branches, shall conduct necessary engineering / safety verification regularly to identify the risks and carry
out necessary rectification.

The area housing the lockers should remain adequately guarded at all times. The Branches shall install
Access Control System, if required as per their risk assessment, which would restrict any unauthorized entry
and create digital record of access to locker room with time log. As per our internal security policy, branches
may cover the entry and exit of the strong room and the common areas of operation under CCTV camera
and preserve its recording for a period of not less than 180 days. In case any customer has complained to
the Branch that his/her locker is opened without his/her knowledge and authority, or any theft or security
breach is noticed/observed, the Branch shall preserve the CCTV recording till the police investigation is
completed and the dispute is settled.
The security procedures shall be well-documented and the staff concerned shall be properly trained in the
procedure. The internal Inspectors/ Auditors shall verify and report the compliance to ensure that the
procedures are strictly adhered to.


All the new mechanical lockers to be installed by the banks shall conform to basic standards /
benchmarks for safety and security as prescribed by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) or any other
enhanced industry standards applicable in this regard.

Branches should exercise due care and necessary precaution for the protection of the lockers provided
to the customers. Branches should keep the locker keys in strong room under dual custody.

Branches shall ensure that identification Code of the bank / branch (our bank code is 84) is embossed
on all the locker keys with a view to facilitating identification of lockers / locker ownership by law
enforcement agencies in case of need. Further, the custodian of the locker shall, regularly/periodically,
check the keys maintained in the branch to ensure that they are in proper condition. Branches shall
permit the locker-hirer to operate the locker only with the key provided by the branch, although there is
no restriction in allowing the customer to use an additional padlock of her /his own if there are such
provisions in lockers.

Banks offering electronically accessed lockers should be fully aware of the safety and security features
of such lockers satisfying appropriate industry standards. In case the lockers are being operated through
an electronic system, the bank shall take reasonable steps to ensure that the system is protected against
hacking or any breach of security. The customers’ personal data, including their biometric data, shall
not be shared with third parties without their consent. Further, branches shall ensure that the
electronically operated lockers are compliant with the Cyber Security Framework prescribed by the
Reserve Bank. The system should be capable of maintaining unalterable log of locker activities. The
Branches shall comply with the relevant statutory/ regulatory guidelines/requirements applicable for IT
/ data protection. Further, the Bank shall also devise a standard operating procedure for issue of new
password in lieu of lost passwords to customers in a safe and secure manner in case of electronically
operated lockers.


Verification of vacant locker keys should be part of charge taking report by the incumbent managers and
missing keys, if any, have to be included in the charge taking report. Inspectors from Inspection Department
should confirm this. If the keys are found missing or not tallying, the same has to be reported by Branch to
respective Regional Office, Inspection & Vigilance Department and RBD Liabilities and necessary action
has to be taken as per the direction from concerned Regional Office.


Ordinarily, the Manager should serve as Custodian of locker. If for any reason where a Manager is not in
a position to act as custodian, necessary approval should be obtained from Head Office, for the next official
to act as the custodian. Such custodian must, however, be a power of attorney holder.


Presently our Bank have 11 type of locker units in different size and dimensions. Annual locker rent fixed
depends on the size of the locker and the centre at which the branch is located. Locker rent will be revised
from time to time by the Bank. Rent for Locker is calculated on pro-rata basis and will be collected in
advance. When a new locker allotment takes place, one year rent is collected in advance from the date of
allotment of locker.


We have a Board approved agreement for safe deposit lockers. For this purpose, banks may adopt the
model locker agreement to be framed by IBA. This agreement shall be in conformity with these revised
instructions and the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in this regard. Bank shall ensure that any
unfair terms or conditions are not incorporated in our locker agreement. Further, the terms of the contract
shall not be more onerous than required in ordinary course of business to safeguard the interests of the
bank. Branches shall renew the locker agreements with existing locker customers by January 1, 2023.

At the time of allotment of the locker to a customer, the branch shall enter into an agreement with the
customer to whom the locker facility is provided, on a paper duly stamped. A copy of the locker
agreement in duplicate signed by both the parties shall be furnished to the locker- hirer to know his/her
rights and responsibilities. Original Agreement shall be retained with the branch where the locker is


One year minimum rent should be collected in advance and as far as possible, future collection of the rent
should be automatically made from operative account linked with the locker.

Branches may face potential situations where the locker-hirer neither operates the locker nor pays the
rent. To ensure prompt payment of locker rent, Branches are allowed to obtain a Term Deposit, at the
time of allotment, which would cover three years’ rent and the charges for breaking open the locker in

case of such eventuality. Branches, however, shall not insist on such Term Deposits from the existing
locker holders or those who have satisfactory operative account. The packaging of allotment of locker
facility with placement of term deposits beyond what is specifically permitted above will be considered
as a restrictive practice.

Branches may take up with their RO Head, in case of any exemption is required with regard to Security
Deposit. Branches should demand rent in advance and advise the customers to keep sufficient balance in
their SB/CD account or make arrangement for remitting locker rent regularly. In case of waiver for locker
rent in exceptional cases, Branches may take up with RBD Liabilities for approval. It is to be noted that, we
are already giving 50% waiver in locker rent for prime platinum customers.

If locker rent is collected in advance, in the event of surrender of a locker by a customer, the
proportionate amount of advance rent collected shall be refunded to the customer.

If there is any event such as merger / closure / shifting of branch warranting physical relocation of the
lockers, the branch shall give public notice in two newspapers (including one local daily in vernacular
language) in this regard and the customers shall be intimated at least two months in advance along with
options for them to change or close the facility. In case of unplanned shifting due to natural calamities
or any other such emergency situation, branches shall make efforts to intimate their customers suitably
at the earliest. Branch will notify all hirers (including all joint hirers) of movement/ shifting of lockers
to another location through a letter under Registered Post at least 30 days from the shifting date.

Access to Locker will be denied if the rent is overdue. The same is included as a clause in our existing
locker agreement. It may be noted that the Safe Deposit locker charges will be revised periodically. On
revision of the locker rent, intimation of the locker rent, along with the new rent payable shall be intimated
to all the existing Safe Deposit Locker hirers.

An email & SMS will be sent to all customers who have registered their email ID and mobile number with
Bank, regarding the rent to be paid on due date. In case annual rent is not remitted on due date, the hirer
should be reminded of rent due over phone immediately and subsequently by a letter followed by a
registered letter demanding the locker rent. Another set of Email & SMS will also be sent to the customers
who has not remitted rent on due date.

The branch should take all possible efforts to trace the customer and intimate the customer about the break
open if locker rent is not paid for three consecutive years. In case of return of letter due to non-availability
of persons in the given address, RO’s guidance should be obtained. Branch should inform the customer the
specified date of break opening by a Registered notice if the rent is overdue for three years in a row. Break
opening should be in the presence of two independent customers who should witness the contents of the
locker. The banker has lien on the valuables recovered from the locker. Hence, full expenses including the
cost and charges for changing the key system should be recovered from the valuables from the locker. The
guidelines detailed in our Manual of instructions for break opening the locker should be meticulously


13.1 Regular Operations by Customers

The locker hirer and/or the persons duly authorized by him/ her only shall be permitted to operate the
locker after proper verification of their identity and recording of the authorization by the officials
concerned of the branch. The branch shall maintain a record of all individuals, including the locker-
hirers, who have accessed the lockers and the date and time (both check-in and check-out time) on which
they have opened and closed the locker and obtain their signature. The ingress and egress register for
access to Vault Room by locker-hirers or any other individualincluding the branch staff shall be
maintained to record the movement of individuals in the Vault Room area with their signatures at
appropriate place in the records.

The officer authorizing the locker-hirer to access the locker, after unlocking the first key/password shall
not remain present when the locker is opened by the locker-hirer. The branches shall ensure that there
is adequate privacy to the locker-hirers in the operations when customers access the lockers at the same

Bank will send an email and SMS alert to the registered email ID and mobile number of the customer
before the end of the day as a positive confirmation intimating the date and time of the locker operation
and the redressal mechanism available in case of unauthorized locker access.


Locker operations will be allowed only during Banks business hours after establishing the identity of the
hirer. Safe deposit lockers can be hired by an individual singly or jointly with another individual(s), HUFs,
firms, limited companies, associates, societies, trusts etc. KYC norms are applicable for locker hirers.
Lockers cannot be allotted to minors either singly or jointly with others.

In the case of joint accounts, instruction regarding operation of the locker may be obtained in any of the
following forms. The locker will be operated upon and/or surrendered by:

“Either of us or survivor”
“Any one of us or survivors or survivor”
“Both of us jointly or survivor”

Such instructions should be authenticated by all the hirers under their signatures. If the special instructions
regarding operation of lockers held on joint names are cancelled by any one of the hirers, further access to
the lockers should be allowed only if all the hirers give their consent in writing jointly. When lockers are
let out to a partnership concern, care should be taken to get specific instructions signed by all the partners,
as to whether access to the lockers should be granted to any one or more of them or to all of them jointly.
When letting out the locker to a Limited Company, Club, Society or Association, a copy of the resolution
duly signed by the Secretary and President/Chairman should be obtained, complete in all respects.


Identity of the person hiring the locker and his contact numbers as well as his close relatives to be collected
in advance. It is our duty to verify the identity of the person visiting branch for locker operation. Branches
are advised to maintain a register with photo and signature of each locker hirer and verify the identity before
allowing to operate the locker. The operation of the lockers should be allowed strictly as per our operational
instructions in force. In case of any ambiguity in the subject, the operation should be allowed only after
getting written instructions from the customer/s. Telephone/Mobile numbers & e-mail id should be
collected & entered in the Register.


Once the customer completes the locker operation, the officer in charge of locker has to verify whether the
customer has left any valuable in the vicinity of the locker. Reminding the customer to verify once again
before leaving the Strong Room is also strongly suggested.


The hirer of a locker may nominate an agent, who shall not be a minor and who is properly introduced to
the bank, to have access to the lockers on his behalf provided such authority should be signed by both of
them. Death of the hirer cancels the authority granted to his agent to have access to the safe deposit locker.


Safe deposit locker shall be allotted to illiterate customers in exceptional cases after verifying the need of
the customer. The terms and conditions and details in the agreement will be explained to the customer in
vernacular language which is known to the customer and need to be witnessed. His/her left-hand thumb
impression shall be affixed on the documents (application form and agreement) in the presence of the
Branch Manager. Whenever he/she operates the Locker his LTI (Left Thumb impression) will be obtained


There shall be a system of inter change of locks whenever the locker is surrendered by the hirer. The
keys of vacant lockers shall be kept in sealed envelopes and the same shall be maintained under dual
custody. The duplicate master keys shall be deposited with another branch/bank. There shall be proper
record of joint custody of master keys. Branches shall conduct surprise periodic verification of
surrendered/vacant lockers and their keys by an officer of the branch who is not connected with their
custody and proper record shall be maintained as a proof of such verification. Inspection & Vigilence
Department has to confirm this at the time of Branch inspection.

The Locker Register and the Locker Key Register shall be maintained in CBS or any other computerized
system compliant with the Cyber Security Framework issued by the Reserve Bank. The Locker Register
shall be updated in case of any change in the allotment with complete audit trails.

The branch custodian shall check whether the lockers are properly closed post locker operation. If the
same is not done, the lockers must be immediately closed, and the locker-hirer shall be promptly
intimated through e-mail, if registered or through SMS, if mobile number is registered or through letter
so that they may verify any resulting discrepancy in the contents of the locker. The locker custodian
shall record the fact of not closing the locker properly in the register and its closure by the branch with
the date and time. Further, the custodian of the locker room shall carry out a physical check of the locker
room at the end of the day to ensure that lockers are properly closed, and that no person is inadvertently
trapped in the locker room after banking hours.


17.1Nomination Facility

Bank is offering nomination facility in case of safe deposit lockers and safe custody of articles, in
accordance with the provisions of section 45-ZC to 45-ZF of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and
Banking Companies (Nomination) Rules, 1985/Co-operative Banks (Nomination) Rules, 1985. In case
the nominee is a minor, the same procedure as prescribed for the bank accounts shall be followed. A
passport size photo of the nominee attested by the customer may be obtained from the customers, at
his/her option and preserved in the records.

For the various Forms (Forms SC1, SC2 and SC3 for Articles left in Safe Custody and Forms SL1,
SL1A, SL2, SL3 and SL3A for Safety Lockers) prescribed under Banking Companies (Nomination)
Rules, 1985/Co-operative Banks (Nomination) Rules, 1985, only Thumb-impression(s) shall be
required to be attested by two witnesses. Signatures of the account holders need not be attested by

In case of the demise of the hirer, Branches has to promptly intimate nominee. After collecting a copy of
the death certificate, the locker may be opened and contents may be delivered to the nominee in the presence
of two independent witnesses. Arrears of the rent may be recovered at the time of closing the locker
account. In case the nominee requests for a locker, fresh application has to be taken and all formalities for
issuing a new locker should be observed. It is advised to verify the existing locker accounts and wherever
the nomination is not registered, the hirer may be advised to register nomination.

Branches shall have appropriate systems and procedures in place to register the nomination, cancellation
and / or variation of the nomination, in their books, made by the locker hirers.

Branches shall devise a proper system of acknowledging the receipt of duly completed form of
nomination, cancellation and / or variation of the nomination. Such acknowledgement shall be given to
all the customers irrespective of whether the same is demanded by the customers or not.


On report of the death of the hirer through any authentic source (accompanied by valid proof) or by any of
the survivors in the joint locker (accompanied by valid proof), it will be recorded in the Bank records. In
case of the demise of the hirer, we have to promptly intimate nominee. Locker will be sealed and sticker
will be pasted with note about the death of the hirer. Arrears of the rent may be recovered at the time of
closing the locker account.

Time limit for settlement of claims: Branches shall settle the claims in respect of deceased locker
hirers and shall release contents of the locker to survivor(s) / nominee(s), as the case may be, within a

period not exceeding 15 days from the date of receipt of the claim subject to the production of proof of
death of the depositor and suitable identification of the claimant(s) with reference to nomination, to the
branch satisfaction.

Branches/ Regional Offices shall report to the Customer Service Committee of the Board, at appropriate
intervals, on an ongoing basis, the details of the number of claims received pertaining to deceased
locker-hirers / depositors of safe custody article accounts and those pending beyond the stipulated
period, with reasons therefor. Customer Service Committee of the Board of the bank shall review the
settlement of claims and make suggestions to ensure that the claims are settled as early as possible unless
there is any litigation pending before the Courts or any difficulty is being faced in identifying the true
claimant with reference to nomination.

Banks Board approved policy for settlement of claims shall be in conformity with the regulatory
instructions and the Model Operational Procedure (MOP) for settlement of claims of the deceased
constituents formulated by the IBA and in case of State and Central Co-operative Banks, MOP
formulated by NABARD.

Bank shall have a Board approved policy for nomination and release of contents of safety lockers / safe
custody article to the nominee and protection against notice of claims of other persons in accordance
with the provisions of Sections 45 ZC to 45 ZF of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and the Banking
Companies (Nomination) Rules, 1985/Co-operative Banks (Nomination) Rules, 1985 and the relevant
provisions of Indian Contract Act and Indian Succession Act

In order to ensure that the articles left in safe custody and contents of lockers are returned to the genuine
nominee, as also to verify the proof of death, branches should use Banks own claimformats, in terms of
applicable laws and regulatory guidelines.

For settlement of claims of the heirs of the Deceased Locker hirers, procedure detailed in Circular
No.281/LD-GEN/5/09-10 dated 17/11/2009, to be followed.


If the sole locker hirer nominates an individual to receive the contents in the locker, in case of his death,
after verification of the death certificate and satisfying the identity and genuineness of such individual
approached, the Branches shall give access of the locker to such nominee with liberty to remove the
contents of the locker, after an inventory was taken in the prescribed manner. In case the locker was
hired jointly with the instructions to operate it under joint signatures, and the locker hirer(s) nominates
any other individual(s), in the event of death of any of the locker hirers, the branch shall give access of
the locker and the liberty to remove the contents jointly to the survivor(s) and the nominee(s) after an
inventory was taken in the prescribed manner. In case the locker was hired jointly with survivorship
clause and the hirers instructed that the access of the locker should be given to "either or survivor",
"anyone or survivor" or "former or survivor" or according to any other survivorship clause permissible
under the provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, the branches shall follow the mandate in the
event of death of one or more of the joint locker-hirers.

18.1Branches shall, however, ensure the following before giving access to the contents to nominee
/ survivor:
1. Exercise due care and caution in establishing the identity of the survivor(s) / nominee(s) and the fact of
death of the locker hirer by obtaining appropriate documentary evidence;
2. Make diligent effort to find out whether there is any order or direction from Courts/Forums restraining
it from giving access to the locker of the deceased; and
3. Make it clear to the survivor(s) / nominee(s) that access to articles in the locker / safe custody articles is
given to them only as a trustee of the legal heirs of the deceased locker hirer i.e., such access given to
them shall not affect the right or claim which any person may have against the survivor(s) / nominee(s)
to whom the access is given.

Similar procedure shall be followed for return of articles placed in the safe custody of the bank.

18.2The branches shall ensure that, the contents of locker, when sought to be removed on behalf of a
minor nominee, are handed over to a person who is, in law, competent to receive the articles on behalf
of such minor. Further, the branches shall prepare an inventory of the articles in the presence of two
independent witnesses, one officer of the branch who is not associated with the locker facility or safe
deposit of articles and the claimant (s), who may be a nominee or an individual receiving the articles,
on behalf of a minor.

18.3The branches shall obtain a separate statement from the nominee (claimant) or the person competent
to receive articles on behalf of the minor, as the case may be, that all the contents in the locker or in
the safe custody is received and the locker is empty and they have no objection to allotment of the
locker to any other customer as per norms.

18.4While giving access to the survivor(s) / nominee(s) of the deceased locker hirer / depositor of the
safe custody articles, branches may avoid insisting on the production of succession certificate, letter
of administration or probate, etc., or obtain any bond of indemnity or surety from the
survivor(s)/nominee(s), unless there is any discrepancy in nomination. In this regard please make a
note of instructions in 18.1

18.5In case where the deceased locker hirer had not made any nomination or where the joint hirers had
not given any mandate that the access may be given to one or more of the survivors by a clear
survivorship clause, banks shall adopt a Board approved policy to facilitate access to legal heir(s) /
legal representative of the deceased locker hirer. In this regard please make a note of instructions in

Similar procedure shall be followed for the articles under safe custody of the bank.


This part refers to the breaking open of the locker in a manner other than through the normal access by
the customer using her/his original key or password under any one of the following circumstances:

• if the hirer loses the key and requests for breaking open the locker at her /his cost; or

• if the Government enforcement agencies have approached the bank with orders from the Court or
appropriate competent authority to seize lockers and requested for access to the lockers; or

• if the branch is of the view that there is a need to take back the locker as the locker hirer is notco-
operating or not complying with the terms and conditions of the agreement.

• Bank shall have a clear Board approved policy together with a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for
breaking open the lockers for all possible situations keeping in view the relevant legal and contractual


If the key of the locker, supplied by Branch is lost by the locker-hirer, the customer (locker hirer) shall
notify the Branch immediately. An undertaking may also be obtained from the customer that the key
lost, if found in future, will be handed over to the Branch. All charges for opening the locker, changing
the lock and replacing the lost key may be recovered from the hirer. The charges applicable for
replacement of lost keys / issue of new password shall be communicated to the locker hirer.

The opening of the locker has to be carried out by the Branch or its authorized technician only after
proper identification of the hirer, proper recording of the fact of loss and written authorization by the
customer for breaking open the locker.

The operation shall be done in the presence of the customer/s and an authorized official of the Branch.
It has to be ensured that the adjoining lockers are not impacted by any such operations and the contents
of the lockers are not exposed to any individual other than the locker-hirer during the break-up or
restoration process.


If, customer loses the key of Safe deposit locker, cost for break open and replacement of locks, actual
charges by the vendor to be borne by the hirer.


Branches may at the request of all the locker hire/s allow addition or deletion of joint hirer or allow an
individual hirer to add the name of another person as a joint hirer. However, such addition /deletion of
locker hirer should not result in the total change of the original hirer.

For addition of joint hirer KYC document of new hirer need to be provided to Branch and a fresh agreement
to be executed by all the hirers. Mode of operations of the locker has to be clearly mentioned in this


23.1.1 In case of attachment and recovery of the contents in a locker of a customer or the articles left by
a customer for safe custody of the Branch by any Authority acting either under the orders of a Court or
any other competent authority vested with the power to pass such orders, the branch shall co-operate in
execution and implementation of the orders.

23.1.2 The branch shall verify and satisfy itself about the orders and the connected documents received
for attachment and recovery of the contents in a locker or articles in the safe custody of the Branch. The
customer (locker-hirer) shall be informed by letter as well as by email/SMS to the registered email
id/mobile phone number that the Government Authorities have approached for attachment and recovery
or seizure of the locker or articles deposited for safe custody. An inventory of the contents of locker and
articles seized and recovered by the Authority shall be prepared in the presence of such Government
Authorities, two independent witnesses and an officer of the branch and shall be signed by all. A copy
of the inventory may be forwarded to the customer to the address available in the Branch records or
handed over to the customer against acknowledgement.

23.1.3 Branch shall also record a video of the break-open process and the inventory assessment,
wherever legally permissible, and preserve the video to produce as evidence in case of any dispute or
Court or fraud case in future.


24.1.1 Branches shall have the discretion to break open any locker following due procedure if the rent
has not been paid by the customer for three years in a row. The bank shall ensure to notify the existing
locker-hirer prior to any changes in the allotment and give him/her reasonable opportunity to withdraw
the articles deposited by him/her. A clause will be incorporated in the locker agreement to this effect.

24.1.2 Before breaking open the locker, the branch shall give due notice to the locker-hirer through a
letter and through email and SMS alert to the registered email id and mobile phone number. If the letter
is returned undelivered or the locker-hirer is not traceable, the branch shall issue public notice in two
newspaper dailies (one in English and another in local language) giving reasonable time to the
lockerhirer or to any other person/s who has interest in the contents of locker to respond. The locker
shall be broken open in the presence of an officer of the branch and two independent witnesses. In case
of electronically operated lockers (including Smart Vaults), the use of ‘Vault Administrator’ password
for opening of locker shall be assigned to a senior official and complete audit trail of access shall be
preserved. Further, branches shall also record a video of the break open process together with inventory
assessment and its safe keep and preserve the same so as to provide evidence in case of any dispute or
Court case in future. Branches shall also ensure that the details of breaking open of locker is documented
in CBS or any other computerized systems compliant with the Cyber Security Framework issued by
RBI, apart from locker register. After breaking open of locker, the contents shall be kept in sealed
envelope with detailed inventory inside fireproof safe in a tamper-proof way until customer claims it. A
record of access to the fireproof safe shall invariably be maintained. While returning the contents of the
locker, the branches shall obtain acknowledgement of the customer on the inventory list to avoid any
dispute in future.

24.1.3 Branches shall ensure that the inventory prepared after breaking open of the locker and during
settlement of claims, is in the appropriate forms as provided. Further, Branches shall not open

sealed/closed packets left with them for safe custody or found in locker while releasing them to the
nominee(s) and surviving locker hirers / depositor of safe custody article, unless required by law.


25.1.1 If the locker remains inoperative for a period of seven years and the locker-hirer cannot be
located, even if rent is being paid regularly, the branch shall be at liberty to transfer the contents of the
locker to their nominees/legal heir or dispose of the articles in a transparent manner, as the case may be.
Before breaking open the locker, the branch shall follow the procedure as prescribed in paragraph 24.ii
and 24.iii above. A clause regarding the procedure to be followed for disposal of the articles left
unclaimed for a reasonably long period of time as mentioned above will be incorporated in the locker

25.1.2 The branches shall ensure that appropriate terms are inserted in the locker agreement executed
with the customer specifying the position in case the locker is not in operation for long period. A clause
may also be incorporated in the locker agreement to discharge the branch from liability in case the locker
is not in operation and the locker is opened by the branch and contents are released as per law and as
per the instructions issued by the Reserve Bank and the terms and conditions prescribed in the



The procedure for settlement of claims in respect of Safe deposit locker/s, on the death of the hirer/depositor,
are detailed in the “Claims Manual” Part IV- Other Claims – Item No.2. Branches are advised to follow
these procedures strictly and settle the claims within the permitted timelines.


If prohibitory order from a competent authority or a Court appointing a Receiver in respect of the Locker
is received by the branch, access to the specified locker will be stopped immediately. This will be marked
physically on the Locker as well as in the bank/branch records.


The banks will put in place a detailed Board approved policy outlining the responsibility owed for any
loss or damage to the contents of the lockers due to their negligence as banks owe a separate duty of
care to exercise due diligence in maintaining and operating their locker or safety deposit systems. The
duty of care includes ensuring proper functioning of the locker system, guarding against unauthorized
access to the lockers and providing appropriate safeguards against theft and robbery. Further, Bank will
adhere to the Master Directions on Frauds for reporting requirements about the instances of robberies,
dacoities, thefts and burglaries.


The bank/branch shall not be liable for any damage and/or loss of contents of locker arising from natural
calamities or Acts of God like earthquake, floods, lightning and thunderstorm or any act that is
attributable to the sole fault or negligence of the customer. Bank/Branch shall, however, exercise
appropriate care to their locker systems to protect their premises from such catastrophes.


It is the responsibility of bank/branch to take all steps for the safety and security of the premises in which
the safe deposit vaults are housed. It has the responsibility to ensure that incidents like fire, theft/
burglary/ robbery, dacoity, building collapse do not occur in the branch premises due to its own
shortcomings, negligence and by any act of omission/commission. As banks cannot claim that they bear
no liability towards their customers for loss of contents of the locker, in instances where loss of contents
of locker are due to incidents mentioned above or attributable to fraud committed by its employee(s),
the banks’ liability shall be for an amount equivalent to one hundred times the prevailing annual rent of
the safe deposit locker.


29.1 Branch Insurance Policy

Banks, with the approval of Board, may have a branch insurance policy to minimize the loss due to
incidents like robbery, fire, natural calamities, loss during shifting/merger of branch, etc., affecting
contents of lockers.


Bank will clarify in the locker agreement that they do not keep a record of the contents of the locker or
of any articles removed therefrom or placed therein by the customer, they would not be under any
liability to insure the contents of the locker against any risk whatsoever. Bank shall under no
circumstances offer, directly or indirectly, any insurance product to its locker hirers for insurance of
locker contents.


The bank shall display the model locker agreement with all the Terms & Conditions and the Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs) on various aspects on their websites and/or at branches (if official website
is not available) where locker facility is being provided by them for public viewing. The bank shall
ensure that the customers are made aware of the bank’s terms and conditions to avail those facilities.

Bank shall display updated information on all kinds of charges for safe deposit lockers and safe custody
articles in our website.

Bank shall place in our website, the instructions together with the policies / procedures put in place for
giving access of the locker/safe custody article to the nominee(s) / survivor(s) / legal heir(s) of the

deceased locker hirer/safe custody article. Further, a printed copy of the same shall also be given to the
nominee(s) / survivor(s) / legal heir(s).


Branch shall ensure utmost secrecy of the Safe Deposit Lockers hired by the customer and shall not divulge
any information about hiring of lockers, mode of operation etc. to anyone, except when the disclosure is
required to be made with the clear consent of the hirer(s) or in compliance of the orders of a competent
authority having statutory powers.


Till date, registers to be maintained at branches for smooth operation of Lockers are:

a) Locker Register: For entering full details of locker holder and also for noting details of rent collected.
b) Locker Key Register: Movement of locker keys with key number has to be noted in this register at the
time of issuing or surrendering of locker.
c) Locker Transactions Register: Daily transaction of lockers has to be noted in this register.
Now, we have designed a 2 in 1 Register combining Locker Register and Locker Key Register for simplicity
and to save cost of printing.

Maintaining locker registers are also mandatory even though everything is captured in CBS. RBI clearly
instructs to verify the signature so both to be maintained.

33. FORMS:

The following forms shall be used by the branches in connection with Safe Deposit Locker business.
1. Request for allotment of Safe Deposit Locker
2. Application for Surrendering Locker
3. Agreement for hiring safe deposit locker
4. Form of Inventory of contents of SDL(to be used where there is nomination or survivorship clause)
5. Form of Inventory of contents of SDL(to be used where there is NO nomination or survivorship clause)


One Year from the date of approval of this Policy. But in case of any amendment(s), clarification(s),
circular(s), etc. issued by competent authorities of the bank on the basis of any amendments to the Laws &
Rules of the Land, not being consistent with the provisions laid down in this Policy, then such
amendment(s), clarification(s), circular(s), etc. shall prevail over the provisions of this Policy and this
Policy shall stand amended accordingly. The Board has the power to replace this Policy entirely with a new
Policy. Any guidelines issued by any Regulatory Authority which has the effect of changing any of the
provisions of this policy will also become part of the policy from the date of issuance of such guidelines.


Form of Inventory of articles left in safe custody with banking company (Section 45ZC (3) of the
Banking Regulation Act, 1949)

The following inventory of articles left in safe custody with branch, by Shri/Smt.

(deceased) under an agreement/receipt dated was taken on this,

day of . 20

Sr. Description of Articles in Safe Other Identifying Particulars, if

No. Custody any

The above inventory was taken in the presence of :

1. Shri/Smt. (Nominee) Shri/Smt.

(Appointed on behalf of minor Nominee)

Address OR Address


I, Shri/Smt. (Nominee / appointed on behalf of minor Nominee) hereby acknowledge receipt of the
articles comprised and set out in the above inventory together with a copy of the said inventory.
Shri/Smt. (Nominee) Shri/Smt.
(Appointed on behalf of minor Nominee)
Date & Place
Date & Place

Form of Inventory of Contents of Safety Locker Hired from Banking Company

(Section 45ZE (4) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949)

The following inventory of contents of Safety Locker No. located in the Safe
Deposit Vault of , Branch at

* hired by Shri/Smt. deceased in his/her sole name.

*hired by Shri/Smt. (i) (deceased)
(ii) Jointly
was taken on this day of 20 .

Sr. Description of Articles in Safety Other Identifying Particulars, if

No. Locker any

For the purpose of inventory, access to the locker was given to the Nominee/and the surviving hirers
who produced the key to the locker.
by breaking open the locker under his/her/their instructions.


The above inventory was taken in the presence of:

1. Shri/Smt. (Nominee)
Address (Signature)


1. Shri/Smt. (Nominee)
Address (Signature)

Address (Signature)

Shri/Smt. Survivors
Address (Signature) joint hirers

2. Witness(es) with name, address and signature:

* I, Shri/Smt. (Nominee)
*We, Shri/Smt. (Nominee), Shri/Smt.

and Shri/Smt. the survivors of the joint hirers, hereby acknowledge the receipt of the contents of the
safety locker comprised in and set out in the above inventory together with a copy of the said inventory.

Shri/Smt. (Nominee) Shri/Smt. (Survivor)

Signature Signature
Date & Place
) Signature
Date & Place

(* Delete whichever is not applicable)


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