Pipe Line Guide AAA
Pipe Line Guide AAA
Pipe Line Guide AAA
Technical Guidelines
For safely working near Water Corporation assets
2022 Edition Revision 3
Table of Contents
Revisions ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
8.0 Technical requirements for protecting our assets – buildings and properties .................................23
8.1 Single storey and multi-storey structures 23
8.1.1 Cantilevered Ground floor slabs 25
8.1.2 Above-ground floor slabs 26
8.2 Piling 26
8.3 Underground structures 27
8.3.1 Laying sewers in basements 28
8.4 Light weight structures 29
8.5 Fences and walls 30
8.6 Retaining walls 32
8.7 Ground anchors 33
9.0 Technical requirements for protecting our assets – streets and verges............................................34
9.1 Earthworks and Cover 34
9.1.1 Cover 34
9.1.2 Pipeline fittings and structures 36
9.1.3 Other 36
9.2 Permanent Protection Methods 37
9.2.1 Sleeves 37
9.2.2 Banding and Jointing 37
9.2.3 Tunnels 38
9.2.4 Bridging Slabs 38
9.2.5 Concrete Encasement 38
9.3 Excavations 39
9.3.1 Open excavations 39
9.3.2 Trenchless excavations 43
9.4 Movement of heavy vehicles 45
9.5 Vibrations 45
9.6 Clearances and Separations 47
9.7 Roadworks 49
9.7.1 Road Development 49
9.7.2 Road crossings 49
9.8 Planting and removing trees 50
9.9 Installing equipment on our assets 51
9.10 Key infrastructure 51
Appendix 1: Zones around our assets – for buildings and structures 53
Graph 1 – Single storey structures and multi-storey structures 54
Graph 2 – Single storey structures and multi-storey structures 55
Graph 3 – Single storey structures and multi-storey structures 56
Graph 4 – Single storey structures and multi-storey structures 57
Graph 5 – Single storey structures and multi-storey structures 58
Graph 6 – Below ground pools, spas, tanks and basements 59
Graph 7 – Below ground pools, spas, tanks and basements 60
Graph 8 – Below ground pools, spas, tanks and basements 61
Graph 9 – Below ground pools, spas, tanks and basements 62
Graph 10 – Below ground pools, spas, tanks and basements 63
Appendix 2: Example Asset Protection Risk Assessment Form 64
1.0 Definitions
In this guideline the following words and expressions have the following meanings. These meanings do not
necessarily align with the meanings given in other Water Corporation publications or in legislation.
Alignment The line on which the pipes are laid and measured from the adjacent
cadastral boundary.
Approval Approval of a third party to conduct work in, on over, under or within the
Prescribed Proximities to Water Corporation assets.
Assets Includes any of our water, wastewater and drainage assets, but in this
guideline, most commonly refers to water pipelines, sewer pipelines and
drainage pipelines and their associated fittings and structures.
Damage Physical damage to and interference with our assets. Damage includes
coating or lining damage, dents, scratches, cracks, bending, displacement,
perforation, ruptures, joint opening. Interference includes preventing or
restricting access for operation and maintenance. Damage can also include
potential impacts that our assets can have on your works.
Design engineer An engineer who is a suitably qualified with appropriate engineering
experience who is responsible for preparing design drawings and
Design standard Water Corporation’s design standard relevant to the works being
Distribution main A water supply pipeline that connects water storage to water reticulation.
Distribution mains are typically larger pipelines that have a diameter of
300mm and greater, and do not normally service individual properties.
Main drain A storm water pipeline that flows by gravity and is controlled by the Water
Corporation. They tend to be larger in size (greater than 450 mm) and
commonly provide an outlet for local authority drainage schemes.
Main Sewer A wastewater collection pipeline that flows by gravity. Main Sewers typically
have a diameter of 300 mm or greater, and do not normally service
individual properties.
Services Includes telecommunications cables, gas mains, power poles and cables, as
well as water, wastewater and drainage assets owned by other
Sewer pressure main A wastewater collection pipeline that operates under pressure. This includes
sewer pipelines that operate under vacuum. Sewer pressure mains do not
service individual properties.
Third party The individual, group of people or organisation that is undertaking work near
Water Corporation assets.
Trunk main A water supply pipeline that connects a main water source, such as a
reservoir, to water storage, such as a water tank. Trunk mains are typically
larger pipelines that have a diameter of 300 mm and greater, and do not
normally service individual properties.
Water Services Act An Act relating to the provision of water services and the regulation of water
2012 service providers, and for related purposes, approved by the Western
Australian parliament and formally proclaimed.
Water Services Regulations or rules, made under the authority of the Water Services Act
Regulations 2013 2012, that define and control how water service providers, such as Water
Corporation, operate to implement the Water Services Act.
Works The development of all types of buildings, structures, and other obstructions
(including residential buildings, pools, sheds, carports, major developments,
transport infrastructure, services, stockpiles, ground anchors, trees,
equipment installed on our assets), and any work that causes changes to
the ground (including movement of heavy vehicles, blasting, pile driving,
ground compaction, dewatering, earthworks, open and trenchless
Zone of influence The zone of influence is an area extending both transversely from and
longitudinally along a buried pipeline. It is the area in which loads from
buildings or structures on the surface may potentially cause damage to the
pipeline. Settlement or disturbance of the ground within this zone may also
cause damage to buildings or structures on the surface above.
2.0 Introduction to working near our assets
We have developed this guideline to assist anyone who is planning or conducting work near our assets.
This includes the development of buildings or structures, and any work that causes changes to the ground,
• development of buildings, transport infrastructure and other structures
• earthworks and excavations
• movement of heavy vehicles (other than on permanent roads)
• work causing excessive vibrations (such as blasting, pile driving, ground compaction)
• installing buried and overhead services
• planting and removing trees
• installing equipment on our assets (such as telecommunications antennas on water tanks).
These and other similar activities, can cause damage to our assets which can be expensive, and highly
disruptive to the community and hazardous to your employees and the general public. Damage can
include physical damage such as rupturing an asset, as well as preventing or restricting access for
operation and maintenance.
This guideline provides information and advice about working safely near our assets to reduce the risk of
potential damage or injury. It describes:
• when you are required to obtain approval from us
• If you are undertaking work in, on, over, under or within the Prescribed Proximities to our
assets, you have a statutory requirement under Section 90 of the Water Services Act 2012 to
seek approval from us prior to starting work
• options for reducing your risk of potential damage or injury
• requirements for protecting our assets.
Please note that in those situations where these guidelines appear to conflict with the Utility Code of
Practice, the Code of Practice takes precedence.
• You therefore have to determine how to best conduct the work in consideration of the information
provided in this guideline, while ensuring that you maintain a safe system of work at all times.
• You have a duty of care to ensure that your works do not damage or interfere with our assets or cause
damage or hazards to any party.
Potential Hazards
Potential hazards associated with Water Corporation assets include, but are not limited to:
• Sudden release of high pressure/large volumes of water which can result in collapse of
excavations, traffic hazards, property damage or personnel injury
• Release of wastewater, resulting in exposure to biohazards and toxic gasses
• Falling into pits and access chambers which present risk of injury and drowning
• Asset specific risks including electric shock, asbestos exposure and falls from heights
Occasionally our assets also fail for reasons that are unrelated to third party works (such as from aging,
corrosion, or mechanical failures) which can also have hazardous impacts.
Authorised Access Only
Unauthorised interference with the water service works of Water Corporation, such as water mains,
sewers, drains, access chambers and other assets (including uncovering, opening, or repairing) is
prohibited and may result in prosecution under the Water Services Act 2012.
Parties are also responsible for all OSH and public safety requirements associated with their works. All
works must be carried out in accordance with the relevant acts, regulations standards and codes of
practice, as well as arranging any approvals, clearances etc required by other agencies
(1) A person must not erect, construct, install, place, or demolish any building, plant, wall, fence or
other obstruction — (a) in, on, over or under; or (b) within the prescribed proximity (if any) to, water
service works of a licensee, except in accordance with the approval of the licensee.
(2) A person must not drill, bore, excavate, or use impact equipment within the prescribed proximity to
water service works, of a prescribed kind, of a licensee, or engage in any other activity within the
prescribed proximity that may damage those works, except in accordance with the approval of the
Penalties for either offence are a fine of $10,000 for an individual, or up to $50,000 for a corporate
Any plans or other information provided by Water Corporation must be used as a guide only. Plans
(including the location of pipes and other assets) are approximate only and it is your responsibility to locate
the exact location of Water Corporation assets before commencing work. Water Corporation does not
warrant or make any representation as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, currency, quality, or
fitness for purpose of any plans or other information (including, but not limited to, the accuracy of the scale
of, or the location of, anything shown on any plan or diagram).
Any damages must be reported immediately by calling our 24-hour Faults and Emergencies line on 131375
3.0 Understanding our assets
Types of Pipelines
We operate an extensive network of water, wastewater, and drainage assets throughout Western Australia.
There are many different types of assets in use but those that are at greatest risk of damage are our buried
pipelines. With increasing population densities, more pipelines are being installed underground. This is
creating an increasing competition for space and an increasing risk that your work may cause damage to
our assets, or that our assets may cause damage to your work.
Our pipelines have different functions, criticalities, sizes, depths, and materials. Many pipes operate at high
pressures and flow rates, and some may contain hazardous gases. Pressurised pipelines present greater
risks than pipelines that flow by gravity.
• Trunk Mains;
• Reticulation Mains
Wastewater pipelines
• Main Sewers
• Reticulation Sewers
Drainage pipelines
Pipeline locations
Many of our pipelines are located in road reserves and public open spaces but pipelines can also be found
in private property. Sewers are the most common type of pipeline located in private property however
occasionally sewer pressure mains, water pipelines and main drains can also be found in private land.
Pipeline condition
Our pipelines vary in age and condition; they can be brand new and in as-new condition to several decades
and in deteriorated condition.
Pipeline Material
Our older pipelines are typically constructed from the following materials:
• AC asbestos cement
• CI cast iron
• VC vitrified clay
• MSCL or S Mild Steel Cement Lined
• RC reinforced concrete.
Common materials for newer pipelines include:
• PVC polyvinyl chloride
• PE polyethylene
• GRP glass fibre reinforced plastic
• DI ductile iron
• MSCL or S steel
• RC reinforced concrete.
Newer pipeline materials are more robust than older pipe materials which are typically more brittle or more
likely to be in worse condition and therefore more easily damaged.
Buried fittings may be located at different depths than the pipeline or may be offset from the centre of the
pipeline and therefore do not always accurately indicate the pipeline location. For example, air valves
extend from the top of a pipeline, while scour valves extend from the bottom and are usually offset to the
side. Similarly, maintenance structures can also be offset from the centreline of the pipe.
Examples of some of the fittings and structures that are visible on the surface are shown below.
Cathodic protection test point (left); valve cover (centre); trafficable sewer maintenance cover
Water Tanks and Towers
Water tanks and towers are also sometimes affected by third party works. Since they are located at points
of high elevation, they are commonly used for mounting telecommunications equipment to avoid building
separate structures
Other assets
Other Water Corporation assets include pumping stations, drainage compensating basins, emergency
wastewater storage facilities, reservoirs, and treatment plants. These assets are usually in dedicated
reserves or landholdings, but this isn’t always the case.
Damage can be avoided by carefully planning and conducting your work. The steps below outline the
process for working safely near our assets:
Plan • Submit a Before You Dig Australia (Formerly DBYD) enquiry to determine the
approximate location of our assets (see Section 4.1)
• Perform a site inspection to identify any surface indicators of underground
assets (see Section 4.2 Site ).
Pothole • At this stage you may be required to confirm the exact depth and location of
assets near your work using potholing (see Section 4.4 Potholing).
Develop a safe • Develop your work plans and safe work methods referencing these
solution and guidelines.
design • Work near our assets must meet our technical requirements (see Section 0).
• Request approval via the Asset Protection Risk Assessment (APRA) process
from us if your proposed work is in, on, over; under or within the Prescribed
Proximities to our assets (see Chapter 6).
• We will contact you within 5 working days of receipt of your application to
confirm that it is being assessed, however please allow up to 20 working days
for us to review your APRA application and either:
Get approval - Approve it
- Approve it with conditions*
- Or if the application is not acceptable, we will request you make changes.
*a condition may include preparation of a detailed design for asset relocation or protection
works. Where this is required you should arrange your schedule to allow for Water Corporation
reviews and consultations (note this process can take several months - an indication of the
time to allow will be provided to you once you’ve submitted your application)
• Once your application has been approved proceed with your work in
accrodance with Water Corporation processes and requirements.
Deliver • Allow for work that needs to be performed by us such as asset inspections,
isolations and connections (note that costs may be incurred – the
associated costs will be provided to you once you’ve submitted your
Close out • Undertake project close out – as per Water Corporation requirements
BYDA allows you to request plans from multiple asset owners who have assets in the work area. You can
request plans on-line at www.byda.com.au/.
The plans are intended to allow you to identify what assets are near your work so you can determine what
steps need to be taken to reduce the risk of potential damage. The plans should never be relied on as
the sole means of locating assets. Actual asset details and locations should be accurately confirmed
using potholing (refer to Section 4.4 Potholing).
The annotations on the BYDA plans will help you to identify asset type, size, and material. Guidance on
how to interpret the BYDA plans will be provided with the response to your BYDA request. A legend sheet
available from our website can also be used to interpret the plans.
The following information should also be considered when you are reviewing the plans:
• Individual sewer and water services to properties are not usually shown on the plans however their
existence should be assumed – some properties such as hospitals may have more than one sewer or
water service to the property.
• Only Water Corporation owned assets are shown on the plans – there may be other water, wastewater
or drainage services not shown on the plans such as drains that belong to local government or Main
Roads Western Australia. Information about these services may need to be requested from these
agencies if they are not returned with your BYDA enquiry.
If you require plans in AutoCAD design format for your work, you can use our online network database
system ESInet to extract network data plans.
bedding, or other pipe support?
Cause subsidence of a pipeline, supporting material or structures?
Cause high loads to be applied directly to a pipeline or the soil above it?
Result in high impacts, shock or vibration near or directly onto a pipeline?
Limit access to a pipeline or other assets for future works or maintenance?
Cause electrical currents to be directly applied to or induced in a pipeline?
Interfere with cathodic protection?
Create a safety hazard?
Impact on the Water Corporation’s ability to maintain its assets
If your work presents a risk, consider what options are available to reduce these risks to allow the work to
be carried out safely. Our preferred options for reducing the risk of potential damage are defined in Chapter
4.4 Potholing
The location, depth, and direction of all assets near your work must be confirmed using potholing. This is
also a requirement under Section 3.21 of the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996.
Potholing is the technique of locating buried assets by careful hand digging of trial holes or using other non-
destructive techniques such as vacuum excavation, air excavation or water excavation. The use of
mechanical excavation equipment to pothole any of our assets is not allowed without a Clearance to Work
Permit. Hand digging and vacuum extraction methodology for potholing does not require a permit.
You can engage independent location services to undertake potholing work for you. You can find Certified
Location services on the Before You Dig Australia Website, listed under ‘Certified Locating Organisation.
• Provide locating assistance during potholing
For additional information on potholing refer to Section 6.3 of the Utility Providers
Code of Practice which is available from the Before You Dig Australia website.
5.0 Reducing risk
If you are considering working near our assets, we recommend you consider the following options to
reduce the risk of potential damage (in order of preference):
The Water Corporation is always available to discuss the viability of any proposal and indicate potential
options. Early discussions can potentially save considerable costs in the future. The preferred method is to
contact us via email at POS_enquiries@watercorporation.com.au.
Redesign your work The preferred option is for you to redesign your work to be outside the
Prescribed Proximities to our asset
Where you are not able to redesign, our assets may be able to be
Relocate our asset
relocated, raised or reconfigured
Where redesign and relocating are not feasible, we may allow you to work
within our Prescribed Proximities if you demonstrate to our satisfaction that
Protect our asset
your work will not damage our asset or cause a risk to people and property
or you adequately protect our asset
Proposed relocations of water reticulation and sewer reticulation assets shall be designed by a suitably
qualified practicing professional engineer with appropriate engineering and design experience, and who is
familiar with our current design standards.
For all other assets, relocation designs must be completed by one of the design engineers from our
prequalified engineering consultants list.
All proposed relocations shall be in accordance with current editions of applicable Water Corporation and
Australian Standards. Some of our most common design standards relating to sewer, water and drainage
assets are listed below. Full List of Design Standards
We also have additional standards for work that may include SCADA, mechanical, electrical, cathodic
protection, and other specialised disciplines.
To enquire about our design standards or request access to our standards please email
We will not be responsible for any costs associated with asset relocation that is necessary to offset
the effects of your work. This includes the cost of any necessary isolations, connections and inspections
that may need to be performed by our personnel.
Asset relocations will normally be like-for-like replacements (material, size, and pressure rating) except for
AC, CI, RC, and VC pipelines which will need to be replaced with an approved pipe material of equal
internal diameter as per our design standards.
We will assess proposed relocations with consideration to future demand requirements in which case we
may request pipelines to be increased in size or strength. In these cases the Water Corporation will
consider contributing to the increased costs associated with the change.
1) demonstrate that redesigning your work and relocating our asset are not feasible options
2) demonstrate that you can develop and implement a safe system of work regarding any hazards
associated with working on or near our asset.
3) adhere to our technical requirements for protecting our assets (see Chapters 8 & 9)
4) where necessary, employ methods that protect our asset and your work from potential damage
• Temporary protection - this type of protection is typically used for temporary works that
will only remain in position for a short time, and can include:
• Permanent protection - this type of protection is typically used for permanent works
that will remain in position for a long time such as buildings and structures.
Water Corporation will not be responsible for any costs associated with protection works that we
consider are necessary to offset the effects of your work.
Proposed protection works for water reticulation and sewer reticulation assets shall be designed by a
suitably qualified practicing professional engineer with appropriate engineering and design experience and
who is familiar with our current design standards.
For all other assets, protection works must be designed by one of the design engineers from our
prequalified engineering consultants list. All permanent protection works shall be designed with a 100-year
design life, or such other design life s may be accepted by Water Corporation and shall be in accordance
with current editions of applicable Water Corporation and Australian Standards (refer Table 2).
Drawings for all permanent protection works must to be certified by the design engineer and submitted to
us for acceptance. It is the designer’s responsibility to ensure that the selected protection method is
suitable for the particular application, including confirming that the ground conditions are acceptable for the
final design.
6.0 Requesting approval
6.1 When you need to request approval
Whether you are an individual property owner, contractor, developer, other service utility or local authority,
you may require approval before working near our assets.
Under Section 90 of the Water Services Act 2012, you are required to request approval if your proposed
works are in, on, over, under or within the Prescribed Proximities to our assets. The Prescribed Proximities
are set out in regulation 47 of the Water Service Regulations 2013 and summarised in Table 3 below.
For full details of the Prescribed Proximities and relevant legislation refer to our legal document available
on our website.
Table 3 Summary of the Prescribed Proximities – works within these proximities requires our
In most instances work conducted outside of the Prescribed Proximities will have no impact on our assets,
however in all situations you must still assess the risk of potential damage associated with your work. If you
have any doubts about the potential for your work to cause damage email us at
Lodge your application online through the Water Corporation BuilderNet© if your work relates to:
• residential buildings
• commercial and industrial buildings
• sheds
• garages and car ports
• swimming pools and spas
• retaining walls.
For other types of work you can lodge your application via our online application form on our website. This
includes work relating to:
• development of key infrastructure (roads, railway, bridges, tunnels, major building developments)
• earthworks and alteration of surfaces
• movement of heavy vehicles (other
than on permanent roads)
• work causing excessive vibrations
(such as blasting, pile driving, ground
• dewatering
• open and trenchless excavations
• installing ground anchors
• installing buried and overhead
• planting and removing trees
• installation of noise walls
• installing equipment on our assets (such as telecommunications antennas on water tanks).
7.0 Zones around our assets
In assessing your application and the risk of potential damage, consideration will be given to the
following zones:
1) Zone of influence.
These zones are mostly specific to buried pipelines and should be taken into consideration when
developing your work plans and work methods.
1) The building restriction zone – refer to the definition in Section 7.2 Building restriction
below for details.
2) The nature of ground – the boundary of the zone of influence is determined by the angle of
repose of the surrounding ground – the angle of repose is the steepest angle at which lose
ground material is stable.
We have developed a set of graphs which illustrate the zone of influence for sewer reticulation,
sewer mains and main drains (i.e. pipelines that operate under gravity) that can be used in the
context of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings and structures (refer Appendix 1:
Zones around our assets – for buildings and structures).
For all other types of work and other types of pipelines, the zone of influence can be
determined using the illustration below as a guide.
If your work presents a high risk, we may request you to engage a suitably qualified geotechnical
design engineer to determine the zone of influence for a particular site.
Figure 1 Zone of influence
The depth of the building exclusion zone is taken from ground level to 600 mm below the pipeline
invert level.
The width of the building restriction zone is the minimum width required to excavate the pipeline
(using trench supports) to safely undertake emergency maintenance and repairs, which depends
on the size and depth of the pipeline.
The building restriction zones indicated on the graphs contained in Appendix 1 should be used for
sewer reticulation, sewer mains and main drains (i.e. pipelines that operate under gravity) in the
context of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings and structures.
For all other types of work and buried pipelines, the following building restriction zones apply:
Pipeline size
Pipeline depth
< 300 mm 300–600mm > 600mm
< 3.0 m 1.2 m 2.0 m 2.2 m + pipeline diameter
3.0 – 5.0 m 2.0 m 2.0 m 3.0 m + pipeline diameter
> 5.0 m 3.0 m 3.0 m 4.0 m + pipeline diameter
*Zone width is defined as total width with pipe centrally located
8.0 Technical requirements for protecting our assets – buildings
and properties
This section details technical requirements for common types of work which may be relevant if you
are considering the need to work within the Prescribed Proximities to our assets.
Depending on the specific aspects of your work, we may identify requirements that differ from
those described in the following sections.
Please read and understand all sections that apply to your work; there may be more than one
section that is relevant. If you need further advice on how to apply these requirements, or if you
need additional information not covered in the following sections, please email us at
*Outbuildings are non-habitable buildings that are detached from main buildings, such as sheds, carports,
patios, or gazebos. They are generally classified as being built from masonry walls or are non-masonry with
floor areas that exceed 42 m2. If you are building a non-masonry outbuilding that has a floor area smaller than
42 m2 refer Section 8.4 Light weight structures.
Single storey and multi-storey structures are generally not allowed within the Prescribed
Proximities to any of our pressurised pipelines (this includes water supply pipelines, sewer
pressure mains and drainage pressure mains). Where you consider there to be no alternative
options, please seek special advice from us at POS_enquiries@watercorporation.com.au .
Single storey and multi-storey structures within the Prescribed Proximities to our sewer reticulation,
sewer mains and main drains may be considered subject to the following requirements:
a) The structure must be self-supporting within the zone of influence – this is commonly
achieved using foundation supports such as piles which extend to a depth below the zone
of influence or to stable rock (refer to Section 8.2 for guidance on pile design).
b) The structure must be outside the building restriction zone – if all other options have been
exhausted, we may allow the use of tunnels to protect against additional loading from
single storey and multi-storey structures inside the building restriction zone however this
option is only permitted as a last resort (refer to Section 9.2.3 for guidance on tunnel
c) An unconfined access way of at least 1.0 m wide must be maintained around the edge of
sewer and drain maintenance structures at all times (see Figure 3).
d) Where a sewer or drain passes between two structures a 2.1 m access passage must be
maintained between the two structures at all times.
Figure 3 Access clearances around sewer and drain maintenance structures
8.1.2 Above-ground floor slabs
Applications to project above ground floor slabs over sewers and drains (such as to form
balconies) may be considered subject to the following requirements:
b) At least 2.4 m minimum headroom (clearance between the ground level and the
underside of the slab) is maintained at all times above the asset.
c) Columns are allowed to be suspended from above ground slabs provided they are
for aesthetic purposes only and do not provide structural support to the slab or
surrounding structure – certification from the design engineer is to be provided
demonstrating that the columns are purely decorative
Above ground floor slabs which do not meet these requirements will be considered in
special situations and will require detailed designs by a qualified structural engineer
8.2 Piling
Piles are a type of foundation that are installed into the ground to provide support to a structure and
are commonly used to transfer loads from buildings to be built within the zone of influence of an
asset (refer to Section 7 for further information on the zone of influence).
Piles must be founded to a depth below the asset’s zone of influence or to refusal in stable rock,
such as limestone.
Sufficient minimum horizontal clearance from the asset should be allowed for to prevent influence
of the pile installation on the asset from vibration or soil movement – the clearance distance shall
be the building restriction zone (see Section 7.2 Building restriction ) plus any additional distance
required to prevent damage to the asset.
Where piling is required, the following information must be provided:
• a pile detail which shows the depth and width of pile (see Figure 5 below)
• a site plan showing the position and spacing of the piles.
The pile detail and site plan must include both the date and the signature of the structural design
engineer, which must be clearly visible.
Piles are to be installed by an experience piling contractor who is accredited (by an approved
Australian authority if required) for the type of piles being installed.
Piles must extend a minimum of 300mm below invert level or the zone of influence to ensure that
the piles remain structurally adequate if the pipe has to be excavated.
Figure 5 Example pile detail
Underground structures are generally not allowed within the Prescribed Proximities to any of our
pressurised pipelines (this includes water supply pipelines, sewer pressure mains and drainage
pressure mains). Where you consider there to be no alternative options, please seek special
advice from us.
Underground structures within the Prescribed Proximities to sewer reticulation, sewer mains and
main drains may be considered subject to the following requirements:
a) The structure must be self-supporting within the zone of influence – this is commonly
achieved using foundation supports such as piles which extend to a depth below the zone
of influence or to stable rock (refer to Section 8.2 for guidance on pile design).
c) An unconfined access way of at least 1.0 m wide must be maintained to and around the
edge of sewer and drain maintenance structures at all times (see Figure 3).
d) Allowance must be made for excavation of the asset for maintenance and repair without
undermining the integrity of the adjacent below ground structure.
Some pools are designed to be supported by the surrounding soil when they are full.
Where continued use of a pool is important, such as public swimming pools and hotel
developments, you may want to consider designing the pool to allow adjacent assets to be
excavated without needing to empty pool.
8.4 Light weight structures
Light weight structures are structures that are detached from main buildings and be readily
dismantled and removed at any time. Some examples include:
• Colourbond sheds
• framed patios
• framed carports
• decking
• above ground demountable pools, spas, and tanks
• road signs.
• road safety barriers
a) Pressurised pipelines (water supply pipelines, sewer, and drainage pressure mains) –
lightweight structures are not to be placed within the zone of influence of our pressurised
b) Sewers and main drains – lightweight structures can be placed over sewers and drains
provided there is a:
• vertical clearance between the top of pipe and footing of at least 750 mm
• horizontal clearance between the pipe wall and footing of at least 600 mm.
c) Lightweight structures are not to be built directly over sewer and drain maintenance
structures and:
• an unconfined access way of at least 1.0 m wide must be maintained around
maintenance structures at all times.
• A horizontal clearance of at least 600 mm must be maintained between
maintenance structures and any footings.
d) A headroom (distance between the ground level above the asset and underside of the
structure) of at least 2.4 m must be maintained at all times.
* Fences and walls greater than 1.8 m high are typically treated in the same manner as single storey
structures (refer Section 8.1)
** For requirements of retaining walls greater than 1.2 m and refer Section 8.6
Figure 8 Fences and walls – along assets (left) and crossing assets (right)
Figure 9 Fences and walls continued
Readily dismantled fences and walls near our assets are exempted from requiring our approval
however the following requirements still need to be considered before working near our assets:
a) Fences and walls parallel to assets are not to be placed within the building restriction zone
and should avoid being placed in the zone of influence where possible.
b) where possible locate the asset centre in order to provide the greatest clearance from the
panel footings
8.6 Retaining walls
Retaining walls are used where there is a difference in ground levels to prevent ground from
subsiding or eroding away.
Retaining walls can be built from many different types of materials including precast interlocking
blocks or materials that are built in situ such as stone, poured concrete, treated timber and brick.
This section covers the requirements for retaining walls that are greater than 1.2 m high*.
* Retaining walls not greater than 1.2 m are treated in the same way as fences and walls – refer to Section
** Ground anchors are sometimes used to support retaining walls – refer to Section 8.7 for ground anchor
Retaining walls are generally not allowed within the Prescribed Proximities to any of our
pressurised pipelines (this includes water supply pipelines, sewer pressure mains and drainage
pressure mains). Where you consider there to be no alternative options, please seek special
advice from us.
Retaining walls within the Prescribed Proximities to our sewer reticulation, sewer mains and main
drains may be considered subject to the following requirements:
a) Retaining walls must be self-supporting within the zone of influence – this is commonly
achieved by using foundation supports, such as piles, founded to a depth below the zone
of influence or to stable rock (refer to Section 8.2 for guidance on pile design).
b) Retaining walls are not to be placed within the building restriction zone.
c) Where retaining walls are required to cross assets, they must cross at a 90 degree angle
and there must be a vertical clearance between the top of pipe and wall footing of at least
750 mm.
d) An unconfined access way of at least 1.0 m wide must be maintained around the edge of
sewer and drain maintenance structures at all times, as per Figure 6.
e) Allowance must be made for excavation within the zone of influence to access the asset
without undermining the integrity of the retaining wall.
f) Allowance must be made that if the main were to fail it would not affect the integrity of the
retaining wall.
g) Designs for major retaining walls (such as for bridges) must be completed by a suitably
qualified structural design engineer to verify that the asset will not be impacted.
9.0 Technical requirements for protecting our assets – streets
and verges
9.1 Earthworks and Cover
The ground cover (depth from ground level to top of asset) over buried assets provides support
and protection from excessive loads and damage.
Earthworks and alteration of surfaces, including removal or placement of soil, gravel, concrete,
bitumen, and paving, may expose assets to excessive loading.
Reduced cover in ground conditions where the water table is higher than the asset also has the
potential to cause flotation. Flotation occurs where there is not enough cover over the pipe to
balance the upward force created by the water table.
Earthworks and alteration of surfaces within the Prescribed Proximities to our assets (as defined in
Table 2) may be considered subject to the following requirements:
9.1.1 Cover
Minimum cover requirements – In general, our minimum cover requirements must be
achieved at all times.
Table 6 below provides a guide to our minimum cover requirements for different types
of assets depending on their location.
The location of the asset determines the type of loading that the asset will be exposed
to. This is normally categorised by two main conditions: trafficable and non-trafficable.
Refer to our design standards for full details of our cover requirements.
Sewer reticulation Road reserves, car parks and other trafficable areas 900 mm
and sewer mains Parklands and other non-trafficable areas 750 mm
Freeways and other primary distributor roads 1,500 mm
Sewer and drainage
pressure mains Other trafficable areas as well as parklands and non-
900 mm
trafficable areas
Road reserves, car parks and other trafficable areas 900 mm
Main drains
Parklands and other non-trafficable areas 750 mm
Residential Service Road reserves, car parks and other trafficable areas 450 mm
Connections Parklands and other non-trafficable areas 450 mm
a) Box out depths – cover can be reduced temporarily to 600mm for boxing out purposes
in road reserves, car parks and other trafficable areas.
9.1.2 Pipeline fittings and structures
a) All maintenance structure covers, valve pit covers and covers associated with all other
pipe fittings must be brought to the new finished ground level.
9.1.3 Other
b) Proposed changes to surface levels must not interfere with overland flow paths or the
drainage capacity of existing pipeline scour facilities.
9.2 Permanent Protection Methods
9.2.1 Sleeves
Sleeves are used to provide protection for nearby infrastructure against potential pipeline leaks and
bursts and enable pipelines to be removed and replaced with minimal impact to the surrounding
environment and infrastructure.
Generally they are installed at the request of another major infrastructure operator such as
PTA/ARC for pipelines under railways or MRWA for those under major roads.
Unless requested, the Water Corporation would generally not choose to sleeve a pipeline unless:
• it is in a location where we could not reasonably expect to access the pipe by open
excavation to repair AND the pipe is essential for customer service, or
• where a burst pipe may result in unacceptable damage to the third party or our own
infrastructure, such as building or structures. Note alternative protection measures may be
appropriate such as pipe encasement or deep foundations for the other structures.
Sleeves can be made from various materials RC and GRP, can have the internal annulus grouted
or ungrouted, and may have electrical isolation requirements depending on their application.
In all cases a detailed design is required which is to be in accordance with the relevant design
9.2.3 Tunnels
The use of tunnels to protect assets against additional loading from roadworks must only be used
as a last resort.
Similar to sleeves, tunnels provide protection and access to pipelines that cannot be excavated for
maintenance and repair.
Tunnels also allow full access to the pipelines without it needing to be removed from the tunnel.
A common application of a tunnel is under key transport infrastructure where sleeves are not
deemed to be appropriate, such as a large water main under a freeway.
Tunnels are not acceptable in high groundwater locations.
9.3 Excavations
An excavation is any operation in which earth, rock or other material in the ground is moved,
removed, or otherwise displaced using tools, machinery, or explosives. Excavations can be open
or trenchless.
Excavations of all types can cause damage from excavation equipment directly impacting our
assets or may affect the stability of our assets by undermining the assets bedding and support
The risk of damage increases with more extensive excavations and larger machinery, or for
excavations near brittle pipe materials (AC, VC, RC, and CI) which can be more easily damaged.
CI, AC, RC, and VC pipelines are assembled from short pipe lengths. Any differential soil
movement can damage these joints causing a leak or burst.
Open excavation work generally means work involving the removal of soil or rock from a site to
form an open face, hole or cavity using tools, machinery, or explosives.
Open excavations within the Prescribed Proximities of our assets will be considered subject to the
following requirements:
a) Any deep excavation (i.e. deeper than the asset or 1500mm, whichever is the lesser) where its
zone of influence passes under the asset, is required to have ground support system such as
shoring in use.
Generally, no deep excavation via open trench is allowed within 4m of a live pressurised asset
(reducing to 2m if a ground supporting system is used) unless an engineering assessment is
carried out.
This assessment would need to include considerations of the relative depths and ages of the
assets, clearances and type of crossing, pipe materials and joint types, soil and backfill
material and any other pertinent information. The Water Corporation may also require further
considerations such as having the asset temporarily taken off-line during the works to prevent
any possible inundation.
When shoring is installed, it is to be in accordance with the relevant standards and codes of
practice to ensure that no ground movement/subsidence occurs on removal particularly in
proximity of AC, RC &VC mains.
• Depending on the specific location, a temporary bypass main and temporary services
may be required.
• Depending on the specific location, tankering and temporary services may be required.
Figure 13 Open excavations – circumstances for depressurisation
Figure 14 Open excavations – not acceptable
b) Buried assets must not be exposed; at least 500 mm cover is to be maintained at all times
including during road box-out – though a minimal exposure is acceptable, such as for service
crossings and if only the top of the pipeline is exposed or where actual cover has yet to be
Establishment of actual cover is to be carried out prior to the works commencing via potholing,
preferably by vacuum excavation techniques
c) Thrust blocks restrain thrust forces in pressurised pipelines and are commonly found at
pipeline fittings and changes in pipeline size and direction – thrust blocks and the ground
supporting them should never be disturbed as this could cause sudden failure of the asset.
d) Excavation of acid sulphate soils can cause damage to assets through corrosion, in particular
steel pipelines – we may require you to address the risks and management controls to our
assets in your acid sulphate soils management plan.
f) Backfilling and reinstatement – our pipelines are installed in compacted bedding, selected fill
and support material which is part of the pipeline design. Where pipelines are exposed, we
require you to backfill and reinstate the pipeline to our standards.
• Unsaturated soil – the first 200 mm cover above the pipe shall be sand containing
stones no greater than 14 mm and no sharp edges. This shall be compacted by
tamping to ensure no voids exist around the pipe. The remaining volume can be filled
with the existing soil, free of any road base, rocks greater than 50 mm or other foreign
matter. This shall be filled in 300 mm lifts with 4 to 6 passes with a small plate
compactor (such as a 300 mm plate compactor) on each lift.
• Saturated soil – when pipelines in saturated soils are exposed, it is preferred that the
excavation is dewatered so that backfilling and compaction can be done using
unsaturated soil. Where dewatering is not feasible, cement stabilisation may be
permitted. In this instance cement stabilised sand (sand: cement ratio no stronger than
20:1 by volume) must be used to 200 mm above the pipe. This is to be compacted by
tamping to ensure there are no voids around the pipe. The remaining volume is to be
filled in 300 mm lifts with 4 to 6 passes with a small plate compactor on each lift.
g) We may require an inspection by one of our representatives before back filling takes place and
may require compaction test results.
Trenchless excavation is becoming increasingly used for laying and renovating underground
services, particularly where there is a need to avoid surface disruption. Trenchless excavations
cause minimal disturbance to soil and surface infrastructure such as to road surfaces and
pavements compared to open excavations. These types of excavations however pose a great risk
to underground services. Care should be taken when using trenchless methods to avoid colliding
with our assets.
Trenchless excavations within the Prescribed Proximities to our assets (as defined in Table 3) will
be considered subject to the following requirements:
b) Potholing must be used to positively locate all underground assets to ensure adequate
clearances are maintained between assets (refer Section 8.12 for clearances). Potholing at
each asset crossing and at regular spacing along parallel assets is recommended. All buried
assets that are cross or parallel within 1 meter of the drill path should be exposed.
c) Where trenchless excavations cross pipelines, the launch pit (rather than the receive pit),
should be located nearest to the most significant pipeline if possible.
d) The depth of the installed utility must be proven at all pipeline crossing points.
e) Continuously monitor the path and depth of the drill head, including during back reaming where
the path of the drill head may deviate from the original path. Potholes are to be kept open to
monitor progress of the drill head near assets and to ensure clearance distances are
f) An asset condition assessment may need to be undertaken upon completion of the work.
9.4 Movement of heavy vehicles
Heavy vehicles, such as construction equipment or other heavy transport, crossing buried assets
can cause damage due to heavy loads and vibration. Even relatively light loads can crack assets if
the asset is brittle with shallow cover RC, AC, VC and CI pipelines are particularly susceptible to
damage from the movement of heavy vehicles.
Movement of heavy vehicles (other than on permanent roads) within the Prescribed Proximities of
our assets (as defined in Table 2) may be considered subject to the following requirements:
a) You must confirm the depth of cover above an asset with potholing – while assets are
installed to meet minimum cover requirements to protect them from damage, the cover
may have altered since the time of installation due to excavation activities, erosion, or
ground subsidence.
Subject to having minimum cover for trafficable conditions (refer Table 5), vehicles that are
legally permitted on public roads are allowed within the Prescribed Proximities.
b) For heavy construction plant or vehicles that exceed maximum legal load limits (such as
piling rigs, cranes, and rollers), you may need to provide an engineering assessment
demonstrating that there will be no excessive loadings or vibrations on our assets. The
assessment should take into consideration the condition of our asset which you may
choose to confirm via an asset condition assessment.
c) The use of protective measures such as increased ground cover above the asset or steel
road plates may be permitted where no other viable options are available. Additional
requirements apply if the vehicle loading is to permanently change from non-trafficable to
trafficable conditions, refer to Section 9.1.
9.5 Vibrations
Excessive vibrations can cause direct damage to our assets, such as damage of pipe joints or
cracking of brittle pipes (AC, RC, VC, and CI), or can cause soil subsidence resulting in collapse of
our assets.
Common types of work that generate excessive vibrations include:
• vibratory ground compaction
• blasting
• demolition works
• pile driving and boring.
The risk of vibration at the asset will vary depending on several factors including the size of the
vibrations, asset condition, ground conditions, and distance from the source of vibration.
Work that creates excessive vibrations within the Prescribed Proximities to our assets (as defined
in Table 2) may be considered subject to the following requirements:
a) Where possible use low vibration work methods and control vibration at the source –
consider substituting equipment that creates large amounts of vibrations for equipment that
generates lesser vibrations, including:
• The use of light rollers, plate compactors and tampers over the use of heavy
vibratory rollers is preferred – light rollers, plate compacters and tampers, working
in layers of 300 mm, are generally permitted within the Prescribed Proximities.
Piling – the use of bored piles over the use of driven piles.
• Where explosive methods cannot be avoided you must provide us with a blast plan
that includes an engineering assessment of the impact of the blast on nearby
assets and proposed risk mitigation actions.
• perform an asset condition assessment to confirm the condition of our asset prior
to you starting work
• undertake prior testing of vibrations to establish safe limits for the specific
conditions of the work
• undertake continuous monitoring of vibrations and asset condition during the work
• adhere to safe vibrations limits (peak particle velocities) which we may specify for
a particular asset – in general, the maximum vibrations at the asset shall not
exceed the limits provided in Table 7 below.
Table 7 Safe vibration limits (PPV), refer to British Standard 5228-2:2009 Code of
Practice for noise and vibration control on construction and open sites, part 2
Safe PPV limit for brittle
Safe PPV limit for other
Vibration type pipelines (AC, RC, VC,
Continuous vibration 2 mm/s maximum 15 mm/s maximum
Intermittent or transient 5 mm/s maximum 30 mm/s maximum
Applications for service installations within the Prescribed Proximities to our assets (as defined in
Table 3) may be considered subject to the following requirements:
Table 8a Minimum clearance requirements for service crossings
Diameter of our
Minimum clearance for service parallel to our pipelines*
At least 600 mm
300mm or less
At least 1000 mm
400 mm or greater
* Generally no deep excavation via open trench is allowed within 4m of a live pressurised
asset reducing to 2m if a ground supporting system is used. Deep excavations closer than
the above will require special consideration such as having the asset temporarily taken
offline during the works to prevent any possible inundation and will be considered on a
case-by-case basis as per section 9.3.1.
• Electrical, gas and telecommunication services installed near our assets may
present a risk to our maintenance personnel – these services are to be clearly
marked and where required provided with suitable protection – this may include
concrete slabs laid 200 mm above the services and buried labelled marker tape
above the slabs and along the service.
• High voltage power lines in the vicinity of metallic pipelines must be assessed for
AC interference hazards in accordance with requirements of Water Corporation
design standard DS23 Pipeline AC Interference and Substation Earthing.
9.7 Roadworks
9.7.1 Road Development
Road development includes any proposed creation or alteration of public and private roads.
Road development applications within the Prescribed Proximities to our assets (as defined in Table
3) may be considered subject to the following requirements:
a) The location for pipelines is in the road verge on the standard alignments specified in the
Utility Providers Code of Practice.
b) Pressurised pipelines (this includes water supply pipelines, sewer, and drainage pressure
mains) are not to be placed beneath the road pavements except for at road crossings and
any relocations are to be placed, if possible, on the current 2.1m alignment.
c) Sewer reticulation, sewer mains and main drains may be allowed beneath road pavements
provided all maintenance structure covers are located outside vehicle wheel alignments
and are fitted with trafficable covers.
9.8 Planting and removing trees
Care must be taken in the planting and removal of trees.
Trees and shrubs rely on their roots to find moisture and nutrients and our assets are an attractive
moisture source. Tree roots can penetrate into assets through joints, damaged sections of pipes or
maintenance structures, causing blockages and subsequent overflows.
Trees can also cause damage to assets as a result of movement such as during a storm or when a
tree is removed.
The risk of damage depends on the type and size of tree, and the type of asset affected. Some
assets are more susceptible to damage by trees than others, such as AC, RC, and VC pipelines.
Some tree species have large and expansive root systems which can still cause damage even if
the tree is not located near to underground assets.
Planting and removal of trees (other than by cutting down and stump grinding) with a mature height
of greater than 5 m within the Prescribed Proximities to our assets (as defined in Table 2) require
our approval.
Planting and removal of trees smaller than 5 m are exempted, except in the case where they are
over critical assets whereupon formal permission is required.
a) Before planting or removing a tree consider the tree height, expanse of the root system
and related risk of damaging assets.
b) For any trees or shrubs planted near an asset we recommend using a root barrier to
restrict root growth in the direction of the asset.
c) Refer to Select the Right Tree for information on common plants and information about
their mature height ranges and recommended minimum planting distances from assets.
d) Minimum setbacks may apply for trees with a mature height of greater than 5 m.
Key infrastructure activities within the Prescribed Proximities to our assets (as defined in Table 2)
are assessed case by case.
It is always advisable to undertake early consultation with us regarding the development of key
transport infrastructure. This allows the design and safety issues to be identified and incorporated
at an early stage, reducing the need for ongoing iterations, costs, and delays to your project. Early
consultation will also allow you to determine what expert advice and input might be needed in the
development of your design, such as geotechnical investigations.
Consideration should always be given to the following when developing your design:
• How to ensure adequate access to our assets for future maintenance, repairs, or
replacements without presenting a risk to key transport infrastructure or our assets.
• Depending on the criticality of our asset we may require pipelines to be placed in sleeves
or tunnels – this is usually mandated where critical assets cross major transport
infrastructure (refer to Section 9.2 for further guidance).
• How to reduce the risk of our assets being impacted by your work, for example protecting
assets from vibrations generated by heavy vehicle.
• How to ensure the impacts and consequences of assets bursts or failure on key transport
infrastructure are minimised.
• Also refer to AS4799-2000 Installation of underground utility services and pipelines within
railway boundaries.
All designs which affect our assets must be submitted in accordance with the relevant Water
Corporation Standards (DS80 – WCX CAD Standard) and be submitted in accordance with the
process outlined in the Developer’s Manual
The Water Corporation also has a list of prequalified Engineering Consultants, who are aware of all
the Corporation’s design requirements and can assist in your design.
Please note that Freeway crossings need prior approval by MRD-WA and Rail crossings by PTA
and ARC, and it is the responsibility of the Design Engineer to organise for agreements between
the parties to be signed prior to approved designs being accepted by the Water Corporation.
Appendix 1: Zones around our assets – for buildings and structures
The following graphs have been developed to define the zone of influence and building restriction zone for
sewer reticulation, sewer mains and main drains in the context of residential, commercial, and industrial
buildings and structures (refer to Sections 8.1 and 8.2).
For all other types of work, the zone of influence can be determined using Figure 4 in Section 7 as a guide,
except for where we request you to engage a suitably qualified geotechnical design engineer to determine
the zone of influence which may be required if your building work presents a high risk.
Sewer or drain
Graph 1 – Single storey structures and multi-storey structures
Sewer/Drain Diameter (mm) Sewer/Drainpipe Material
Concrete Encased
Proposed Structure Type
No Yes 150 225 300 - 600 PVC VC AC All
Single storey
Graph 2 – Single storey structures and multi-storey structures
Sewer/Drain Details
Diameter (mm) Material
Proposed Structure Type Encased
300 -
No Yes 150 225 PVC VC AC All
Single storey
Graph 3 – Single storey structures and multi-storey structures
Sewer/Drain Details
Proposed Structure Type Diameter (mm) Material
300 -
No Yes 150 225 PVC VC AC All
Single storey
Graph 4 – Single storey structures and multi-storey structures
Sewer/Drain Details
Proposed Structure Type Diameter (mm) Pipe Material
300 -
No Yes 150 225 PVC VC AC All
Single storey
Graph 5 – Single storey structures and multi-storey structures
Sewer/Drain Details
Proposed Structure Type Diameter (mm) Material
300 -
No Yes 150 225 PVC VC AC All
Single storey
Graph 6 – Below ground pools, spas, tanks and basements
Sewer/Drain Details
Proposed Structure Type Diameter (mm) Material
No Yes 150 225 300 - PVC VC AC All
Pools, Spas, Tanks and Basements
Graph 7 – Below ground pools, spas, tanks, and basements
Sewer/Drain Details
Proposed Structure Type Diameter (mm) Material
300 -
No Yes 150 225 PVC VC AC All
Pools, Spas, Tanks and Basements
Graph 8 – Below ground pools, spas, tanks, and basements
Sewer/Drain Details
Proposed Structure Type Diameter (mm) Material
300 -
No Yes 150 225 PVC VC AC All
Pools, Spas, Tanks and Basements
Graph 9 – Below ground pools, spas, tanks, and basements
Sewer/Drain Details
Proposed Structure Type Diameter (mm) Material
300 -
No Yes 150 225 PVC VC AC All
Pools, Spas, Tanks and Basements
Shading denotes the situation that applies
Graph 10 – Below ground pools, spas, tanks, and basements
Sewer/Drain Details
Proposed Structure Type Diameter (mm) Material
300 -
No Yes 150 225 PVC VC AC All
Pools, Spas, Tanks and Basements
Appendix 2: Example Asset Protection Risk Assessment Form