17 00567 Food
17 00567 Food
17 00567 Food
Relevant Legislation
Food Safety Act 1990 (as amended)
Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 applied by The General Food Regulations 2004 (as amended)
Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 and No 853/2004 applied by Regulation 19(1) of the Food Safety
and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and related regulations
Food Information Regulations 2014
As a guide, contraventions relating to cleaning, temperature control and poor practice, should
be dealt with straight away.
Contraventions relating to structural repairs, your food safety management system and staff
training, should be completed within the next 2 months.
Health and safety contraventions should be dealt with within 3 months unless otherwise stated.
To assist you the report may also include Observations of current practice, useful
Information, Recommendations of good practice and reminders of Legal Requirements .
My inspection was not intended to identify every contravention of the law and only covers those
areas, practices and procedures examined at the time of the inspection. If the report fails to
mention a particular matter this does not mean you have necessarily complied with the law.
The food safety section has been divided into the three areas which you are scored against for
the hygiene rating: 1.food hygiene and safety procedures, 2. structural requirements and 3.
confidence in management/control procedures. Each section begins with a summary of what
was observed and the score you have been given. Details of how these scores combine to
produce your overall food hygiene rating are shown in the table.
Your Rating is 5 4 3 2 1 0
Food hygiene standards are high. You demonstrated a very good standard of compliance
with legal requirements. You have safe food handling practices and procedures and all the
necessary control measures to prevent cross-contamination are in place. Some minor
contraventions require your attention. (Score 5)
Observation It was noted that the food available on site is prepared in the kitchen by a
separate company. Therefore the inspection of the kitchen is covered in correspondence
with the proprietor of that food business. This inspection refers to the bar, servery and
Temperature Control
Observation its was noted that you display tapas for self service by customers and
monitor the temperature of the dishes during display using a probe thermometer.
2. Structure and Cleaning
The structure facilities and standard of cleaning and maintenance are all of a good
standard and only minor repairs and/or improvements are required. Pest control and waste
disposal provisions are adequate. The minor contraventions require your attention. (Score
Cleaning of Structure
Contravention The following structural items were dirty and require more frequent and
thorough cleaning:
shelving in the bar,
high level trunking,
The cellar was untidy with no clear separation between storage of staff outdoor clothing,
food/drink storage and the office area
Contravention The following structural items could not be effectively cleaned and must be
covered or made non-absorbent:
flaking paint and dampness evident to cellar walls
Contravention there were several fruit flies seen in the premises. These do not appear to
be attracted to the electric fly killer. It is recommended that you consult the pest control
company you use regarding this pest. Improved cleaning to remove all sticky deposits from
shelves in the bar area may help.
3. Confidence in Management
There are generally satisfactory food safety controls in place although there is evidence of
some non-compliance with the law. All the significant food hazards are understood and
controls are in place. You are progressing towards a written food safety management
system. The contraventions require your attention; although not critical to food safety they
may become so if not addressed. (Score 10)
Contravention You currently do not have a food safety management system or what you
have in place is not suitable given the food risks associated with your business. Provide a
simple documented system such as 'Cook Safe' or Safer Food Better Business (SFBB).:
It was noted that the manager is currently developing a cleaning schedule and rota,
temperature monitoring record sheets and opening and closing check sheets.
Our records indicate that this business has previously had a documented food safety
management system in place, however no documentation was available a the time of the
Contravention Ensure that your food safety management system is available on site so
your staff can refer to your procedures and so that daily records of checks can be
completed. ensure that your staff have been suitably trained in those parts of your FSMS
that are relevant to their job role:
Contravention Your Food safety management (FSM) system is not adequate in its scope
and/or is not sufficiently detailed. Ensure your FSM system is regularly reviewed, covers all
of your food handling operations and that the controls in place at points critical to food
safety are fully documented, monitored and verifiable. In particular address the following
create a cleaning schedule (what how and when) and a rota for staff to initial/sign
after the cleaning has been done.
create temperature monitoring records for the 'hot' tapas dishes on display.
create opening and closing checks sheets
Whilst your business does not involve the preparation and cooking of food, you do handle
and serve high risk foods and therefore need to be satisfied that your suppliers (i.e.Alley
Ole Kitchen) have sound systems in place to produce safe food and you are safely
displaying the foods on offer to your customers.
Contravention You have not yet identified the allergens present in the food you prepare.:
Contravention You have not properly informed your customers about the presence of
allergens in the food you prepare.:
Contravention You have not warned your customers about the potential for
cross-contamination with allergens.:
Observation Gas cylinders were found lying on the cellar floor. All cylinders full or empty
should be suitably chained. 'Empty' cylinders can pose as great a risk as 'full'.