LitCharts I Hear An Army
LitCharts I Hear An Army
LitCharts I Hear An Army
I Hear an Army
Both iambs and anapests are "rising" feet, meaning they move Arrogant, in black armour, behind them stand,
from unstressed to stressed beats. This creates a sense of Disdaining the reins, with fluttering whips, the
propulsion, evoking the galloping of those horses and the charioteers
army's "charging" motion. The consonance and assonance in
army char
arging" add energy and emphasis to this opening line The reader thus gets to know about the charioteers before
as well. knowing that they are, well, charioteers. The numerous
Line 2 then reveals a bit more about this army: these aren't caesur
ae throughout these lines create this grammatical delay,
modern soldiers with tanks and artillery. Instead, this army uses imbuing the poem with a sense of rising tension. The poem
horses for transport. The pounding of those horses' hooves heightens the soldiers' aura of frightening mystery, placing
creates a sound like "thunder" as their legs go "plunging" them as the sentence's main event (like the headline act at a
through the water (this detail suggests the army has just landed concert).
on a coastline). The horses' powerful movements whip "foam Once again, assonance
assonance, alliter
ation, and consonance ("Arr
about their knees," violently disturbing the surface of the water in blaack arrmorr, behind," "disdain
aining the rein
eins,) add intensity to
(just as they disturb the speaker's sleep). the poem.
The poem uses various techniques to create its own poetic
"thunder," bringing this auditory imagery to life:
They cry unto the night their battle-name:
nd the thund
under of horses plun
unging, foam about their I moan in sleep when I hear afar their whirling laughter.
knees: They cleave the gloom of dreams, a blinding flame,
Clanging, clanging upon the heart as upon an anvil.
The meter here once again relies on march-like iambs and The next stanza reveals that these nightmarish soldiers are just
Clanging, | clang
clanging [...] It's an important moment, revealing the source of the speaker's
distress: heartbreak. Their love has left them (perhaps they
These trochees interrupt the poem's flow (which, again, is broke up, or perhaps this "love" died), making the speaker's
generally iambic; the line before is perfect iambic pentameter, heart sink into "despair."
in fact). This metrical disruption evokes the speaker's disturbed
state of mind. This reframes everything that has come before, making sense
Theyy cry unto the night their battle-name:
I moan in sleep when I hear afar their whirling VOCABULARY
Theyy cleave the gloom of dreams, a blinding flame, Charging (Line 1) - Rushing forward in combat.
Plunging (Line 2) - Dropping quickly.
The army won't let the speaker sleep, making constant noise
Disdaining (Line 4) - Rejecting; finding no need for.
and attacking from the inside of the speaker's mind. The
repetition mirrors this unrelenting warfare. Reins (Line 4) - Long straps used to control the movement of a
(Note, too, the subtle juxtaposition here: while "They" cry and
cleave, the speaker can only "moan." The par
allelism of these Fluttering (Line 4) - A trembling motion.
phrases emphasizes the fact that these soldiers are a product Charioteers (Line 4) - Soldiers riding in horse-drawn carts.
of the speaker's mind and are causing the speaker great Unto (Line 5) - Towards, at.
emotional distress.)
Battle-name (Line 5) - The name of the battle, or perhaps the
The poem continues this effect in lines 9 and 10: individual monikers used by the soldiers when in combat.
Theyy come shaking in triumph their long, green hair: Afar (Line 6) - From far away.
Theyy come out of the sea and run shouting by the Whirling (Line 6) - Swirling or moving in circles.
shore. Cleave (Line 7) - Split.
Gloom (Line 7) - Dark, murky atmosphere.
Those soldiers just keep coming and coming, and there's
nothing the speaker can do to stop them! Clanging (Line 8) - Striking with a loud metallic noise.
Repetition also comes in the form of epizeuxis
epizeuxis: Anvil (Line 8) - A metalworking tool against which another
metal object—the one being shaped—is struck.
Clanging, clanging upon the heart as upon an anvil. Triumph (Line 9) - Victory.
Have you no wisdom thus to despair? (Lines 11-11, Line 11) -
This repetition again emphasizes the soldiers' relentlessness,
The speaker is basically saying, "Don't you know better than to
and it also makes that "clanging" seem even louder (after all,
be sad like this?"
two "clang[s]" are noisier than one).
Anaphora, parallelism, and epizeuxis combine in the poem's
final two lines: FORM, METER, & RHYME
My heart
heart, ha
havve yyou
ou no wisdom thus to despair? FORM
My lo
lovve, m
myy lo
lovve, m
myy lo
lovve, why ha
havve yyou
ou left me "I Hear an Army" consists of three quatr
ains (four-line stanzas),
alone? each of which uses a mostly iambic (da DUM
DUM) rhythm and
follows an ABAC rhrhyme
yme scheme
scheme. This steady stanza structure
The speaker suddenly cries out, but there is no one there to perhaps evokes the rigid organization of an army into separate
answer. The repetitive phrasing of these questions portrays the units (though this particular army seems frighteningly chaotic
"I Hear an Army" has a simple rh
yme scheme running
throughout. In each stanza, the first and third lines rhyme, LITERARY CONTEXT
while the second and fourth do not:
James Joyce was one of the most influential writers of the 20th
ABAC century. Though best known for his novels Ulysses and
On the one hand, this steady pattern adds to the poem's feeling Finnegans Wake and for his short story collection Dubliners,
of relentless momentum. That is, regular rhyme gives the poem Joyce also published three poetry collections.
forward movement as the reader begins to anticipate when the