Liu 2020
Liu 2020
Liu 2020
ABSTRACT Ocean wave parameters, including wave height, direction and period, are necessary to improve
forecasts of ocean wave conditions. Their accurate observation contributes to safety of both offshore
operations and military operations. However, conventional wave observation methods that combine the
three-axis accelerometer-based wave sensor with the gyroscope may show problems such as inner arm error,
transverse sensitivity effect, and gyroscope drift. The first two are due to non-coincidence of centroids inside
the accelerometer. Such problems will reduce reliability of data. To solve the problems, a new type of parallel
six-dimensional accelerometer is developed to reduce principle errors and improve stability of wave buoys.
The solution features a single mass and 12-chain redundancy. When compared with the performance of high-
precision sensors in the wave pool, the wave buoy based on six-dimensional accelerometer is proved to be
more accurate in wave height measurement than 3.75 % × measurement value, with wave direction accuracy
of ± 1◦ , and the wave period measurement accuracy of ± 0.1s.
INDEX TERMS Ocean wave sensor, parallel structure, high precision, wave buoys.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 8, 2020 29627
Y. Liu et al.: Ocean Wave Buoy Based on Parallel Six-Dimensional Accelerometer
of the buoy, such as the AXYS TRIAXYS Directional and Rockwell International Corporation jointly designed an
Wave Buoy [19], [20]. TRIAXYS Directional Wave Buoy inertial sensor including three micro gyroscopes and three
consists of three accelerometers (three sensors are placed micro accelerometers [26]. Wang and Yuan [27] proposed a
orthogonal), three gyroscopes, and an electronic compass. six-dimensional accelerometer based on a coplanar combi-
It provides continuous wave sampling of six parameters nation of six-degree-of-freedom accelerometers. Wang and
(X, Y, Z-axis acceleration and dip), under the motion of 8 Hz. Yuan [28] proposed a ‘‘low cost, gyro-free, simple mass’’
A PC-104 microprocessor in the buoy could take samples, accelerometer. Li et al. [29] and You [30] designed a six-
process data, and store information at the same time. Pro- dimensional accelerometer based on 9-chain, but this scheme
cessed wave data files are logged onto a PCMCIA Flash had the disadvantages of output signals distortion and lack
RAM. The on-board data processor uses a special itera- of real-time due to structural limitations and generalized
tive algorithm developed by the Canadian Hydraulics Centre momentum. Six-dimensional accelerometers have developed
(CHC) of the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) rapidly, but most of them have narrow operating frequency
for time-domain analysis and frequency-domain spectrum band and low precision [31], which cannot meet the require-
analysis. The values of wave height, average wave height, ments of measuring waves (ocean waves have strong ran-
maximum wave height, effective wave period, effective wave domness in frequency and are mostly low-frequency waves
height at spectrum analysis m0 (m0 is the zero moment near the coast). Therefore, there is no report on applying six-
of wave spectrum) time, spectral analysis of all frequen- dimensional accelerometers to wave buoys currently.
cies (mean wave periods), spectral analysis of peak wave To deal with these problems, this paper has designed a
period and time-domain/frequency-domain parameters could new 12-chain parallel accelerometer for the monitoring of
be well obtained. Compared with the wave measurement of wave accelerations. The main advantages of applying the six-
a single accelerometer, the combination of three accelerom- dimensional accelerometer on wave buoy are as follows:
eters and gyroscopes can better reflect the movement track (1) In this paper, the parallel six-dimensional accelerome-
of the buoy in three-dimensional space, and can measure ter is used as the acquisition unit. It is designed as a tetrahedral
the inclination angles to get more accurate displacement redundant parallel structure with single mass. The design has
information [21]. a compact topological structure, good decoupling property,
However, the accuracy of three single-axis accelerometers wide operating frequency band, and low processing cost,
in conventional wave buoys was often affected due to uneven avoids the lever arm effect and lateral sensitivity effect of the
positions (X, Y, and Z planes) and inconsistent starting points combination of three accelerometers. Besides, it improves the
of the units. In addition, lever-arm effect and lateral sen- measurement accuracy.
sitivity error also increased the measurement errors, which (2) According to the piezoelectric theory, the deformations
inevitably accumulated and magnified after two integrations. of 12 branches are inversed and calculated. Next, the motion
Gyroscope drift also diminished the accuracy. It is necessary amount of the inertial mass relative to the shell is calculated
to improve the wave sensor unit. Early studies focused on by using the kinematics theory of the parallel structure, and
three-dimensional linear accelerometers. K. Okada devel- the motion amount of the mass relative to the inertial coor-
oped a piezoelectric tri-axial accelerometer [22], and suc- dinate system is deduced. Finally, six parameters (three line
cessfully measured three-dimensional linear accelerations. accelerations and three angular accelerations on the X, Y, and
The 3355 three-dimensional accelerometer [23] designed by Z axes) are calculated by dynamic modeling and decoupling
EG&G placed three independent sensor units in three sen- algorithm. The decoupling algorithm has the characteristics
sitive directions orthogonally. Its principle was similar to of strong universality, high precision and good real-time
that of the TRIAXYS Wave Buoy, and measurement errors performance.
occurred due to the inconsistency of centroids of three sen- (3) The sensor adopts a gyroscope-free design, which
sors. Takao et al. [24] designed a micromechanical, piezore- avoids the problem of zero drift error when the conventional
sistive three-dimensional accelerometer, using an integrated buoy uses gyroscopes.
multidimensional sensor scheme. By sharing a mass in each The parallel six-dimensional accelerometer in this paper
sensitive direction of the accelerometer, both sensitivity and could well replace the combination of a gravity accelerom-
accuracy were improved, but its dimensional coupling degree eter and a tilt sensor or the combination of three single
was large. accelerometer and gyroscopes in conventional wave buoys.
There was little research on angular accelerometers. After introducing the wave feature algorithm, high-precision
With the assistance of Teledyne Company, JAXA (Japan and high-stability wave feature monitoring are achieved.
Aerospace Exploration Agency) developed a three-axis angu-
lar accelerometer [25], which successfully detected three II. OVERALL DESIGN OF SIX-DIMENSIONAL
angular accelerations of aircraft.In order to solve the prob- ACCELEROMETER-BASED WAVE BUOY
lems such as large volume, high cost, and low precision A wave buoy has three components: the mechanical structure,
in measuring six-dimensional accelerations by using the the sensor system, and the system control module. 1) The
‘‘accelerometers + gyroscopes’’ method, six-dimensional stainless steel spherical buoy is equipped with lead-acid bat-
accelerometers began to develop. For example, Draper Lab teries, a control box (at the gravity center of the buoy control
III. HARDWARE DESIGN OF SENSOR SYSTEM of each branch is a piezoelectric ceramic, and the two ends
A. DESIGN OF ACCELEROMETER are elastic ball joints. The accelerometer has the advantages
The buoy system adopts a redundancy parallel structure of large measuring range, high sensitivity, high precision and
with tetrahedral geometry of 12-SPS (12 is the number wide working frequency bandwidth.
of branches, S represents the ball pair, and P the mobile The accelerometer consists of a mass, elastic ball hinges,
pair). This structure is to form elastomer of the accelerom- piezoelectric ceramics, pre-tightening columns, preload
eter [29], [30]. The digital and physical prototype of this plates, sub boards, and a shell. And it has one inertial mass
new six-dimensional accelerometer is shown in Fig.3 and and twelve identical branches. Each branch is formed by
Fig.4, respectively. The six-dimensional accelerometer con- connecting a cylindrical piezoelectric ceramic and two elastic
tains three parts, including 1) a mass, 2) a box-shaped outer ball hinges located at both ends in series. The connection
casing (including four side plates, a bottom plate, and a top between the piezoelectric ceramics and the elastic ball hinges
beam, all made of duralumin) and 3) 12 branches. The middle is by means of a conductive film and AB glue. One side of a
s0 −s3 s2 s1
into speeds, which will be removed of the trend item to cal- + −
3 s0 −s1 s2
. (1)
culate the effective speeds. The effective speeds are integrated S =
−s s
to obtain the displacements. The displacement signals are 2 1 s0 s3
removed of trend item again to get effective displacement −s1 −s2 −s3 s0
data. s0 s3 −s2 s1
The wave period and wave height can be obtained simul- − −s3 s0 s1 s2
S = . (2)
taneously by applying zero-crossing processing to Z-axis s2 −s1 s0 s3
displacement sequences. Kalman filtering is used to compute −s1 −s2 −s3 s0
the main wave direction by merging the angles obtained by
the electronic compass and the acceleration sequences of the The elements s0 , s1 , s2 , s3 are real numbers, and the column
X and Y axes. The flow chart of the algorithm is shown vectors consisting of elements s0 , s1 , s2 , s3 are recorded as S.
in Fig. 6. Wherein, matrix with positive superscript (‘‘+’’) is the pre-
matrix, and that with negative superscript (‘‘−’’) is the post-
During the study of parallel six-dimensional accelerometers, The conversion relationship between the angular velocity
it is found that decoupling algorithm is crucial to the redun- vector ω and the attitude matrix R is:
dancy parallel 12-SPS structure with tetrahedral geometry.
ω̂ 0
Therefore, how to improve the efficiency and adaptability
Ṙ = R. (3)
of the algorithm is the core problem for the study. As the 0T 0
topological configuration of the sensor’s elastomer deter-
mines the decoupling algorithm, designing a suitable parallel − + +
structure to be the elastomer will be the best option. The basic where, R = (3)T 3, 3 is the pre-quaternion matrix and
decoupling principle of the six-dimensional accelerometer is 3 is post-quaternion matrix. They are matrices where the
to estimate the accelerations of the shell relative to its inertial values of the elements of equation (1) and equation (2) are
frame of reference. The estimation is based on motion param- the real part q0 and imaginary parts q1 , q2 , q3 of quaternions
eters of the mass relative to the shell (including displace- respectively.
ments, velocities, and accelerations). The upper and lower Two dynamic formulas of the parallel six-dimensional
platforms of the parallel structure correspond to the mass acceleration sensor system are derived by Newton-Euler
method: Substituting the above formula into formula (4), the atti-
tude matrix and formula (9) are arranged to obtain:
f1 + f3 − f7 − f9 g
a 1 −f4 + f 6 + f 10 − f 12
0 f5 − f6 + f11 − f12
= R + (4)
0 m −f 2 − f5 + f 8 + f 11 0 3 f1 − f2 + f7 − f8 .
ω̇∗ =
0 0 2nm −f3 + f4 − f9 + f10
f5 − f6 + f11 − f12
f1 − f2 + f7 − f8
. (5) As ω̇∗ has a unique certain value at each sampling instant,
0 2mn −f3 + f4 + f9 + f10 it can be replaced by V : ω̇∗ = V .
0 Thus, two first-order ordinary differential equations are
In above formulas, n is the half-length of the mass edge, derived via the trapezoidal method for the dynamic equations.
a is the three-dimensional linear acceleration vector, and ε is h
) = ω(N −1) +
V(N −1) + V(N ) .
the three-dimensional angular acceleration vector. 2
ω(N −1) h ∗ ω(N )
∗ ∗
Define h ∗
3(N ) = 3(N −1) + 3 + 3 . (18)
T 4 (N −1) 0 4 (N ) 0
W = ωT , 0 . (6)
In above formulas, h is the acquisition step size of the
After combining the above-mentioned formulas (1) (2) (3) output. The right subscripts (N ) and (N − 1) respectively
(6), it is obtained: indicate the times N and N − 1.
+ T + Since most carriers are changed from static to dynamic,
+ − T + − − T +
• + − • the initial amount of auxiliary angular velocity is zero vector
2 3
3 +2 3 3 = W 3 3−W 3 3 . (7)
in general. In addition, in the initial state, the carrier coordi-
nate system coincides with the inertial coordinate system, so:
The multiplication of the pre-matrix and the post-matrix
3(0) = (0, 0, 0, 1)T . (19)
satisfies the commutative law:
+− −+ Premultiply the above formula by 3 )T to obtain:
SS =SS. (8) (N )
in the curve below. Hence, the system fully meets the design
requirements in reality.
Fig. 11 shows the wave direction data observed by the
system and the TRIAXYS MINI buoy. The wave period
FIGURE 10. (a) is the average wave height, (b) is the maximum wave
curves observed by the two buoys are basically the same. The height, (c) is the 1/10 wave height, and (d) is the 1/3 wave height.
wave directions were concentrated from 100◦ to 120◦ , and the
direction with the largest frequency was about 112◦ . There-
fore, the main wave direction was the ESE (east-southeast). C. MARINE EXPERIMENT
The comparison of parameters of the system and conven- Our observation site was around 1.33 kilometers away
tional wave buoys are shown in Table 3. from the shore of Lianyungang Harbor, Jiangsu. Based on
To conclude, the ocean wave observation buoy can accu- the onsite prospect, the water of the observation site was
rately derive wave data during the observation period and it 10-meters-deep, with stable tide and silty sand, as can be
is able to successfully monitor the wave. shown in Fig. 12.
FIGURE 13. (a) is wave height in September 2017, (b) is wave height in
March 2018, and (c) is wave height in September 2018.
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