Day 4 Passage Questionnaire

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__ Worksheet for Text 2: Monty’s method 1 Explainin your own words He looks the part. a 2 Explain the meaning of in the horse world, he’s a bit ofa god. a) 3 Whydoes Monty say that no horses have read or heard about him? @ 4 Explain, using your own words, what the writer means by: (Lmarkeach: 3) a somagicolas to beggar belief bIt’ssecond nature to him. ¢ _itisonlya sideshow 5 Give another word for the words in bold in the text. (Lmarkeach: 8) a techniques b credited with © acknowledges d_ collusion e imitating f scurries & revolutionise hs charismatic Beplain in your own words: (2marks each: 4) a ourpredatory ancestry means we put up with a lot more il-treatment before we run. 'b positive actions reap positive consequences; negative actions incur negative consequences. What does Monty mean when he says There’s not a bad kid born. ... There’s nota bad horse born? 2) Quote two words or phrases which show that the writer is impressed by Monty's personality @ Quote two words or phrases which show that the writer is impressed by Monty's achievement. Q [Total: 25 marks]

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