7 Lesson Plan Math

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Mendigorin, Katrina, C.


Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in

Mathematics III

I. Objectives:

● Students will be able to Identify less than, greater than and equal symbols.
● Students will be able to compare numbers using relation symbols (>,<,and =).
● Students can write relation symbols in a sentence.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Comparing numbers using relation symbols (>,< and =)

B. Materials: Pictures, charts, tarpaper, cartolina, pentel pen, board, chalk

C. Reference: Mathematics Grade 3 pg. 25-29

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activities Pupil’s Activities

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Everyone stand up and let us pray. (A pupil will lead the prayer)
Will you please lead the prayer?
(Pupil 1)

2. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning ma’am.
Good morning classmates!
Before you seat down kindly pick
up all the pieces of paper under
your chair and arrange it properly.
Please take your seats.

3. Checking of Attendance
Class secretary is there any I’m glad to announce that nobody is absent for
absentees for today? today.

Very Good! For your perfect

attendance, give yourselves a Yes
Complete Clap!
Are you Ready?

In my count ready 1-2-3 blow!

1-2-3, 1-2-3 Yes Complete!

4. Checking of Assignment

Class do we have an assignment?

Kindly pass it forward and I will
check it later.

5. Energizing Song

Class, do you want some energizer?

Yes Ma’am!
Alright! To make your minds alive
and attentive for today’s lesson, let
us have first our energizer. Are you
ready to dance and have fun?

Everybody will dance.

(Student’s will dance)
( Energizer song play)

6. Review

Class, before we proceed to our new

Let us have a short review about our
lesson yesterday.
Do you still remember our lesson (Pupil will answer) our lesson yesterday is all
yesterday? about rounding off numbers to the nearest
Yes Very Good our lesson yesterday is all
about rounding off numbers to the nearest

Let me see if you still remember our

lesson yesterday.

Round this numbers to the nearest

Who wants to answer for # 1,2,3,4?

1. 1,736 (thousands) 2000

2. 1,236 1000
3. 3,100 3000
4. 3,670 4000

Very Good.

7. Motivation

Class I prepared here a game and all you

have to do is to pick one envelope and inside
this envelope it has pictures and you are going
to compare how many picture you’ve got
to your classmates. Is that clear?

Class present in front.

A. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation

Now, class I will show you a chart.

Best friends Number of

Rubber bands
Sally 1637
Carmy 1259
How many rubber bands did Sally collect? 1,637
How about Carmy? 1,259
Who collected more rubber bands? Sally

What can you say about their digits in the They are equal.
thousand place?
How about in hundred place? They are not the same in number.
Which hundred is more? Six hundred is greater than two hundred
So 1,637 is greater than 1,259.

Very Good!

2. Discussion

So class let’s proceed to our topic for today.

And our topic for today is all about
“Comparing Numbers Using Relation
Symbols (>, <, =)”. And the first symbol we
can use to indicate relationships between
numbers is the Greater than symbol (>). This
is a symbol used to show numbers greater
than the other. And the second one is the
Less than symbol (<).
This is a symbol used to show numbers less
than the other. And the third or the last
symbol is the equal symbol. This is a symbol
used to show numbers having the same value.

For example:
1259 is less than 1637
In symbol it is written as 1259<1637
1637 is greater than 1259
In symbol it is written as 1637 > 1259
2500 is equal to 2000+500
In symbol it is written as 2500=2000+500
Let’s see if you really understand our lesson.
5846 9649 <
5000 9000 <
9000 9000 =
500 300 >


Now let see if you really understand the

How do we compare numbers? To compare numbers we use the following
What symbols do we use? symbols > for greater than, < for less than, and
= for equal.

Very Good!


Class let us have a group activity, I will group

you into two(2). Each group will receive an
envelope with activities.
I am giving you two (2) minutes to
finish the activity.

But before we start, what are those standards Work quietly

that we need to remember before doing an Work neatly
activity? Work cooperatively
Finish your work on time

Group 1
Compare the numbers using symbols (>,<, or
1. 3345 5263 1. <
2. 8925 9438 2. <
3. 9300 9000+300 3. =
4. 7342 3742 4. >
5. 6476 7568 5. <
Group 2
Compare the following numbers
Match the given number in (Column A) to its
symbol in (Column B).

(Column A) (Column B)

1. 8786 8678 < a. >

2. 7891 7891 > b. =
3. 3413 3712 = c. <
4. 2737 7321 > d. <
5. 7634 5863 < e. >

IV. Evaluation
Compare the following numbers. Write(>,<, or
=) in the blanks.

1. 1678 1785 1. <

2. 5487 3860 2. >
3. 2346 2346 3. =
4. 5863 7634 4. <
5. 7876 6787 5. >

V. Assignment

Write the correct symbol (>, <, = in the


1. 8691 8961
2. 5287 5872
3. 5600 5000+600
4. 4993 4939
5. 8540 8540

Prepared by: Mendigorin, Katrina C.


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