CVE156 Chap3 Basics of Microsoft Excel

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Computer Programming for CE

MDP_CVE156 1
Basics of Microsoft Excel
Chapter 3

MDP_CVE156 2

3.1 Cell Referencing

3.2 Excel Built-in Functions
3.3 Charts and Graphs

MDP_CVE156 3
▪ To understand cell referencing and how to apply Absolute and
Relative cell addressing
▪ To use Excel Built-in functions to build complex formulas used in
engineering practices
▪ To present our data with a best fit graphical representation in Excel

MDP_CVE156 4

MDP_CVE156 5
3.1 Cell Referencing

In Relative Addressing the cell references in a formula are

automatically adjusted “relatively” when you copy the formula into
another cell. The resulting formula to depending on the
displacement from the original position.

MDP_CVE156 6

Another Advantage of an Electronic Spreadsheet in the ability to Copy Formulas

and re-use them.

If the formula in cell B7 is copied into cell C7, one column to the right of the original
formula, the operands (B4,B5,B6) within the formula will change by the same relative
distance: one column to the right. The displacement from B7 to C7 is one column and zero
rows. This will result in the formula =C4+C5+C6.

Cell references such as B4, B5 and B6 are referred to as relative cell references.
MDP_CVE156 7
What formula will result if the formula =B2+C2/D4 is
copied from cell E8 to cell E12?

MDP_CVE156 8
What formula will result if the formula =B2+C2/D4 is copied
from cell E8 to cell E12?

• The displacement from E8 to cell E12 is 0 columns and 4 rows. This

would be applied to each relative cell reference in the formula.
• In the first operand B2, column B plus 0 columns would remain
column B. Row 2 plus 4 rows would become row 6. So the resulting
cell reference would be B6.
• Similarly, the second operand C2 would become C6 and the third
operand D4 would become D8.
• In cell F12 the resulting formula would be =B6+C6/D8.

MDP_CVE156 9
Relative Addressing- Example:

Copy the formula in cell A3 into cells B3, A4 and

C6. What new formulas will result? A3 = A1+A2
B3:col shift = 1; row shift = 0 = B1+B2
A4:col shift = 0; row shift =1 = A2+A3
C6:col shift = 2; row shift =3 = C4+C5
MDP_CVE156 10

Salesman’s Monthly Expenditures For Travel And Lodging

• This spreadsheet keeps track of a salesman’s monthly expenditures for travel and
lodging, as listed columns B and C respectively. All arrangements for this travel are
made by a local travel agent who charges a service fee of 5% of the base price.

MDP_CVE156 11
How can you write a formula in cell D6 to add 5% to the corresponding
base price cost?

Salesman’s Monthly Expenditures For Travel And Lodging

• In D6 you want to multiply the value 575 by 1.05

• Write the formula = B6*(1+B1)
• What happens when you copy it down and across?
MDP_CVE156 12
Absolute Addressing

• To keep a reference “Absolute ” with respect to both Row

and Column use a $ in front of the column and row: $B$1
• When copying a term in a formula that has absolute cell
referencing, the displacement has no effect on the resulting

MDP_CVE156 13
How can you write a formula in cell D6 to add 5% to the corresponding
base price cost?

• Use the formula: =B6*(1+$B$1)

• Now when this is copied to cell E8 – a
displacement of 1 column and 2 rows the new
formula will be:
• =C8*(1+$B$1)
MDP_CVE156 14
The figure below is another travel cost worksheet. This worksheet
summarizes the travel reimbursement for mileage to and from two different
field sites over a period of three months. The monthly reimbursement costs
are based on the number of trips taken (B5:C7) and the cost per trip. Travel
to site A is reimbursed at $125 per trip (D2) and travel to site B at $175 per
trip (E2).
1 Site A Site B
2 $/trip: $ 125 $ 175
3 # Trips:
4 Site A Site B Site A Site B
5 January 1 2 ???
6 February 2 2
7 March 4 2

What formula could you write in cell D5 to calculate total cost so that it can be copied both
down the column and across the row?
MDP_CVE156 15
What formula could you write in cell D5 to calculate total
cost so that it can be copied both down the column and
across the row?

1 Site A Site B
2 $/trip: $ 125 $ 175
3 # Trips:
4 Site A Site B Site A Site B
5 January 1 2 ???
6 February 2 2
7 March 4 2

• In D5 you want to multiply ‘1’ - #trips to Site A by $125 – $/trip

• If you write the formula = B5*D2 what happens when you copy it down and
across? What should change in the formula & what should stay the same?

MDP_CVE156 16
3.1.3 Mixed Cell Referencing

• To reference a cell Absolutely with respect to Row and

Relatively with respect to Column
• Use this notation : D$2
• Entry in D5 is = B5*D$2. Copy to the following:
• D6 is = ??
• E5 is = ??
• E7 is = ??

MDP_CVE156 17
3.1.3 Mixed Cell Referencing
Instead of costs per month, this worksheet calculates trip costs by
department; for the Sales Group and Service Group respectively.

Write a formula in cell E3, which can be copied across the row and down the
column, to calculate the total trip expenses for the Sales Group to Site A.

MDP_CVE156 18
3.1.3 Mixed Cell Referencing
To reference a cell Absolutely with respect to Column and
Relatively with respect to Row Use this notation : $B3

Write a formula in cell E3, which can be copied across the row and down the
column, to calculate the total trip expenses for the Sales Group to Site A.

MDP_CVE156 19
A Multiplication Table

What formula would you write in cell B2 to calculate the product. This
formula must work when copied down the column and across the row to
form the 5’s Multiplication table.

MDP_CVE156 20
Another convenience in Excel is the
ability to Name cells…
• Names can be assigned to cells.
• Name of a cell is a mapping to its absolute address.
• This name can now be used in formulas to refer to that cell.
It will be considered an absolute address.
• Select the cell you want to name, click on the Name Box,
enter name and then press Enter or use the Name
Manager tool located on the Formulas Ribbon.

MDP_CVE156 21
Can we use a named range for Service Fee?

MDP_CVE156 22

• ##### - Numeric value too wide to display

• #DIV/0! - Divide by 0 occurs
• #N/A - Data being referenced is not available
• #NAME? - Text in formula is not recognized
• #NUM! - Problem with a number in a formula or function
• #REF! - Cell reference is not valid
• #VALUE! - Wrong type of argument or operand

MDP_CVE156 23
3.2 Advanced Excel

MDP_CVE156 24
3.2.1 Built-in Function

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MDP_CVE156 28
A Function is a predefined worksheet
The advantage of
using a function:
• Saves time writing
• Simplifies complex calculations
• Faster execution
• Less chance of typographical errors
• Fewer characters in the formula bar

Example: instead of =C5+C6+C7+C8

use =SUM(C5:C8)

MDP_CVE156 29
Functions take arguments and return a result

The general format of a function is -

• Arguments – argument variables are used by the
function to calculate the result. Arguments appear in a
specific order.
• Syntax – specific format required to use a function its
name and order of arguments
• Result – the value calculated by the function
• Algorithm – a step-by-step procedure for accomplishing
some end task.
MDP_CVE156 30
The SUM Function
• Syntax: SUM(range) or SUM(num1, num2, …)
Can type into cell, use AutoSum toolbar button or function
• Argument: Value or Range of cells to be summed
• Algorithm: Arithmetic sum of all values listed in the range

Example: In the formula =SUM(B2:B8) * 3 Excel will add the values in

cells B2 through B8 and then multiple the result by 3.

MDP_CVE156 31
Arguments of a SUM function

Valid Range Arguments for a SUM function

• A1:A4 - Range along a column
• A1:D1 - Range along a row
• A1:D4 - A two-dimensional range
• A1, D3:D5, 7 - non-contiguous cells*
* not all range arguments of functions can be used with non-
contiguous cells

MDP_CVE156 32
Using functions

What formula is written in cell G5 and copied down the

column to determine the total points earned by the
corresponding student? (grades.xls)

MDP_CVE156 33
Using functions

What formula is written in cell G5 and copied down the

column to determine the total points earned by the
corresponding student? (grades.xls)

MDP_CVE156 34
Function Wizard
• Function wizard: A short-cut to all the functions in excel
(use fx toolbar button) that walks you through building a

MDP_CVE156 35
Common Functions- with only a range argument

SUM(number1,[number2],…) Adds the numbers in a range of cells

AVERAGE(SUM(number1,[number2],) Calculates the arithmetic mean of a
list of values
MIN(SUM(number1,[number2],…) Returns the smallest number of a
range of values
MAX(SUM(number1,[number2],…) Returns the largest number of a range
of values
COUNT(value1,[value2],…) Determines the number of cells in a
range that contain numbers
COUNTA(value1, [value2],…) Counts non-blank cells

Where number1, number2 are 1 to 255 numeric arguments. Arguments can either be
numbers, ranged names or ranges of cell references which contain numbers.
MDP_CVE156 36
How a function’s algorithm can affect the resulting value

• How does the Average

function algorithm treat A
blank cells? 1 10
2 20
• What value will result in 3
cell A5 if it contains the 4 30
formula 5 =AVERAGE(A1:A4)

Blank cells are ignored → the resulting

value is 20
How many Honor students are there?


The COUNT function ignores blank cells and

text → the resulting value is 0

Use =COUNTA(B5:B8) → 2
If scores should only be reported as integers..
How can we fix this in Excel?

The Increase/Decrease
decimal buttons do NOT
change a value only how
the value is displayed.

Use the ROUND function to change the precision of a value

The Round Function changes the precise value of a
number, not just its display
Syntax: Round (number, num_digits)
• = Round (24.44,1) results in the value 24.4
• The ROUND function can be part of a larger formula:

• What value results: =Round (B2,0)*10 if cell B2 contains the

value 81.3?
• How would your write a formula to round the average value in
cells C1:C10 to the nearest ten?

MDP_CVE156 40
Syntax: Round (number, num_digits)
• = Round (24.44,1) results in the value 24.4
• The ROUND function can be part of a larger formula:

• What value results: =Round (B2,0)*10 if cell B2 contains the

value 81.3?
→ 810
• How would your write a formula to round the average value in
cells C1:C10 to the nearest ten?

→ = ROUND(AVERAGE(C1:C10),-1)

MDP_CVE156 41
The ROUND function’s arguments are as follows:

• Number: The first argument is a single value that can be a constant, a cell
reference where the cell contains a numerical value, or a nested formula
that results in a single number value.

• Num_digits: The second argument is the specified number of decimal

places. For example, a value of 0 for the second argument tells the
computer to round to the nearest whole number. A value of 1 for the
second argument tells the computer to round to the nearest tenth (0.1, 0.2
..). A value of -2 for the second argument tells the computer to round to
the nearest hundred (100,200…).

MDP_CVE156 42
The num_digits argument

• Positive num_digits
round to the specified
number of decimal
• A zero results in a whole
• Negative num_digits
round values to tens,
hundreds etc.

MDP_CVE156 43
Consider a spreadsheet with cell A1 containing the numeric value
78.43, and cell A2 containing the numeric value 78.686788. Here
are some additional examples of formulas using the ROUND

• The formula =ROUND(A2,2) results in the value __________.

• The formula =ROUND(A2,0) results in the value _________
• The formula =ROUND(A2,-1)+5 results in the value _________.
• The formula =ROUND(0.1+Min(A1, A2),0) results in the value ______.

MDP_CVE156 44
Consider a spreadsheet with cell A1 containing the numeric value
78.43, and cell A2 containing the numeric value 78.686788. Here
are some additional examples of formulas using the ROUND

• The formula =ROUND(A2,2) results in the value 78.69.

• The formula =ROUND(A2,0) results in the value 79
• The formula =ROUND(A2,-1)+5 results in the value 85.
• The formula =ROUND(0.1+Min(A1, A2),0) results in the value 79.

MDP_CVE156 45
Notice the Σ SUM gives different results
when adding rounded values

The formula in cell C2 is =B2 – copied down

The formula in cell D2 is =Round(B2,0) – copied down
The formula in Cell B5 is =SUM(B2:B4) - copied across

MDP_CVE156 46
Counting the number of honor students

How can we count the number of honor students if regular students

have the letter R in the honor’s column? Before we used a COUNTA
and ignored blanks but counted text.

MDP_CVE156 47
Use the COUNTIF Function

The COUNTIF function counts the number of values that meet

a specified criteria:
=COUNTIF(B5:B8, “H”)

MDP_CVE156 48
The COUNTIF Function counts the number of items in a
range that meet a specific criteria.
COUNTIF (range*, criteria) –
Range - a continuous cell range
Criteria Syntax:
- A number 6 =COUNTIF(B2:B7,6)
- Text “USA” =COUNTIF(A1:A50,“USA”)
- A cell reference B2 =COUNTIF(C3:C10,B2)
- A Boolean expression “>5” =COUNTIF(A1:A10,“>5”)
* The comma tells the computer the next argument is the criteria – so you cannot
list individual cells separated by a comma for the range

MDP_CVE156 49
How many people scored above 6 points on either lab?

=COUNTIF(C5:C8,D5:D8, “>6”)
=COUNTIF(C5:D8, “>6”)
MDP_CVE156 50
How many people scored above 6 points on either lab?

=COUNTIF(C5:C8,D5:D8, “>6”) X
=COUNTIF(C5:D8, “>6”) √
MDP_CVE156 51
This worksheet lists the service ratings for several different phone providers by region
(East, Midwest, South and West). Each provider is given a rating on a 100 point scale,
where 100 is a perfect score.
2 Type East Midwest South West Total
3 Total Possible points 100 100 100 100 400
5 BT&T H 81 90 88 86
6 Blue Phone B 53 80 77 55
7 Horizen H 51 70 91 90
8 Spuce B 90 75 82
10 Average 69 80 83 78

Question #1: Write an Excel formula to determine the number of rating scores for all
providers and all regions that received an unacceptable rating. The minimum acceptable
rating is 80. What value will result?

Question #2: Write an Excel formula in cell B12 (not shown) to determine the number of
networks of either type B or type Z.
MDP_CVE156 52
2 Type East Midwest South West Total
3 Total Possible points 100 100 100 100 400
5 BT&T H 81 90 88 86
6 Blue Phone B 53 80 77 55
7 Horizen H 51 70 91 90
8 Spuce B 90 75 82
10 Average 69 80 83 78

Question #1: Write an Excel formula to determine the number of rating scores for
all providers and all regions that received an unacceptable rating. The minimum
acceptable rating is 80. What value will result?

=COUNTIF(C5:F8, “<80”)

Question #2: Write an Excel formula in cell B12 (not shown) to determine the
number of networks of either type B or type Z.

MDP_CVE156 53
The SUMIF Function sums the values in a range
that meet a specific criteria
SUMIF(range, criteria, sum-range)
Range – Continuous range used to compare the criteria
Criteria – Comparison Criteria
Sum-Range - If criteria is met, the computer will sum the
corresponding entry in this range
The syntax of the criteria is the same as the syntax of the
COUNTIF function:
- a number such as 6
- text such as “Honor”
- a Boolean value such as “<2”
- a cell reference such as A1

MDP_CVE156 54
Sumif Function

Write a formula in cell

C9, which can be
copied down the
column, to summarize
the number of courses
being taken by students
in this college

MDP_CVE156 55
Sumif Function

Write a formula in cell

C9, which can be
copied down the
column, to summarize
the number of courses
being taken by students
in this college

=SUMIF(B$2:B$6,A9, C$2:C$6)

MDP_CVE156 56
1 Service Ratings
2 Type East Midwest South West Total
3 Total Possible points 100 100 100 100 400
5 BT&T H 81 90 88 86 345
6 Blue Phone B 53 80 77 55 265
7 Horizen H 51 70 91 90 302
8 Spuce B 90 75 82 247
# in Total Total Total Total Total - all
10 Summary Network East Midwest South West regions
11 H 2 132 160 179 176 647
12 B 2 143 80 152 137 512
13 Z 0 0 0 0 0 0

Question #1: Write an Excel formula to determine the total points awarded to
all type H network providers from all regions combined.

Question #2: Ratings below 70 for a specific provider/region are considered

unacceptable. Write an Excel formula in cell H5 (not shown) to calculate the
total points for BT&T earned from regions with unacceptable ratings. Write the
formula so that it can be copied down the column.

MDP_CVE156 57
1 Service Ratings
2 Type East Midwest South West Total
3 Total Possible points 100 100 100 100 400
5 BT&T H 81 90 88 86 345
6 Blue Phone B 53 80 77 55 265
7 Horizen H 51 70 91 90 302
8 Spuce B 90 75 82 247
# in Total Total Total Total Total - all
10 Summary Network East Midwest South West regions
11 H 2 132 160 179 176 647
12 B 2 143 80 152 137 512
13 Z 0 0 0 0 0 0

Question #1: Write an Excel formula to determine the total points awarded to all
type H network providers from all regions combined.

=SUMIF(B5:B8,“H”, G5:G8)

Question #2: Ratings below 70 for a specific provider/region are considered

unacceptable. Write an Excel formula in cell H5 (not shown) to calculate the total
points for BT&T earned from regions with unacceptable ratings. Write the formula
so that it can be copied down the column.
MDP_CVE156 58
Use the AVERAGEIF function to average values that meet a specified
criteria – average number of courses taken by students in each
AVERAGEIF(range, criteria, averagif-range) –
works identically to the SUMIF function
except it averages the specified range.

=AVERAGEIF(B$2:B$6,A9, C$2:C$6)

MDP_CVE156 59
A little harder. Calculate the average cumulative for students by college by
year. The formula can be copied down and across.

MDP_CVE156 60
A little harder. Calculate the average cumulative for students by college by
year. The formula can be copied down and across.

Is this equivalent to a sumif/countif?
MDP_CVE156 61
Other Categories of Functions
•Mean, Median, Standard
•Present value, Future value
MDP_CVE156 62
3.3 Charts and Graphs

MDP_CVE156 63
3.3 Charts
• Why are charts useful?
• Visual presentation of differences, similarities, general trends in data
• Easier to view and interpret at a glance
• Chart layout - terminology
• Types of charts
• Deciding which type of chart is appropriate for the problem at hand

MDP_CVE156 64
Chart Title Hotel Guests at The Bates Hotel

1200 Plot


600 Business



Y Axis
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
X Axis Category-Axis Title
MDP_CVE156 65

Not all types of charts are appropriate for all data presentation

• Line/Area Charts show changes or trends

• Scatter Charts (XY) show a functional
• Bar/Column Charts show discreet values
• Pie Charts show parts of a whole

MDP_CVE156 66
A line chart shows a trend with each point
plotted at equal intervals
Time Temperature
Hourly Temperature 8:00 27
9:00 29
45 11:00 38

35 12:00 38
13:00 38
14:00 39
5 16:00 38
17:00 36
18:00 30
21:00 28
Hour of Day 22:00 26
23:00 26

Notice how the distance on the x axis from 8-9am is the same as from 9-11am

MDP_CVE156 67
A Scatter (XY) chart plots two sets of data at scaled
intervals showing a functional relationship

Effects of Interest Rate for a $10,000 Investment

Over 1 year 10000 investment

$4,000 5% $ 500
6% $ 600
$3,000 10% $ 1,000
Earnings $

$2,000 35% $ 3,500


0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
Interest Rate - Percent

Notice how the data points are not distributed evenly but along a scaled x axis of interest rate

MDP_CVE156 68
What type of chart best represent this data?

MDP_CVE156 69
Strength development of concrete samples with different water-to-cement (w/c) ratios

MDP_CVE156 70
What type of chart best represent this data?

School Enrollment by year

Yearly Earnings
Teens with Cellphones

MDP_CVE156 71
What type of chart best represent this data?

MDP_CVE156 72
Bar/Column Charts show and compare discrete

Bar charts are graphs that use horizontal bars to represent a quantity for a
specific item.


12 Philadelphia?
line chart

Boston Hartford NY Washington Miami

MDP_CVE156 73
Bar/Column Charts
City Population
Boston 7
Hartford 3
NY 12
Washington 6.5
Miami 8

Population Population
Population in Millions
8 Washington
6 NY
0 Boston

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14







Population in Millions

The left-hand chart is a Column chart, and the right-hand chart is Bar chart. Each is equally good at displaying this
type of discreet data. Which one to choose is a matter of individual preference and limitations such as width and
length of the page.
MDP_CVE156 74
12 Clusters: Cluster Bar
and Column charts allow

for the use of multiple

Population in
Millions 6

data sets, such as


Boston Hartf ord NY Washington Miami
populations for each city
8 for multiple years.
Population Decade Comparison - by City

City Populations - By Age Category

Stacked: Stacked Bar and

Column charts make it Miami 7.3 8

possible to take a group of Washington 6 6.5

data and subdivide it. This NY 11.7 12

data can then be illustrated Hartford 3.3 3

as a series of bars, where Boston 6 7

each bar contains multiple 0 5 10 15 20 25

Population in Millions
under 25 over 25

MDP_CVE156 75
Pie Charts display parts that make up a

Population Comparisons
Miami Boston
22% 19%
City Population Hartford
Boston 7 8%
Hartford 3
NY 12
Washington 6.5
Miami 8

MDP_CVE156 76
It’s always easy when working with a tool such as charting to either create charts that are
either poorly documented or overly busy or messy. Here are some good rules of thumb
for creating effective, readable charts – whether they be in Excel or anywhere else:
• Choose the correct chart type to convey the points you wish to make.
• Charts should appear neat and clean and be done as simply as possible to convey the
most important message. Well chosen colors and patterns clearly illustrate similarities
and differences.
• Charts should have titles that clearly indicate the subject matter.
• The axes scales should be clearly titled and delineated with well scaled and well
marked intervals. Unit values should reflect the needed “significance.” e.g., values in
the millions need not show decimal places.
• Data should be clearly marked with labels or on an accompanying legend/key.
• If a chart is rotated it should be readable either from the bottom or the right-hand
side of the page.
A good overall chart should be easy to read and tell a complete story which can stand
alone even without the text. When displaying data, it really is true that a picture is worth
a thousand words.
MDP_CVE156 77
Creating a Chart - Walkthrough:

• Select data range

• continuous and contiguous data
• Click on Insert Ribbon and choose chart type

• Select chart headings, axis, labels etc. from

Layout Ribbon
• Modify chart formatting from the Format Ribbon

MDP_CVE156 78
Editing a Chart: Walkthrough

Double click on the chart to select it - use context

sensitive ribbons to select features Design Ribbon

Layout Ribbon

Format Ribbon

MDP_CVE156 79
Here is an example of “bad” and “good” figures. Here, we used a bar chart (Figure 5a) and a
line graph (Figure 5b) to present the strength development of concrete samples. Can you find
four reasons why Figure 5b is better than Figure 5a?

MDP_CVE156 80
First, bar charts are effective when comparing different samples, but it is unintuitive when
we want to see the strength development over time. The line chart, on the other hand,
connects each data point to show the increasing trend over time.

Second, the x-axis of the bar chart does not consider the time interval between each data
point. The line chart, however, uses time as the x- axis, so the time scale is represented
more accurately.

Third, the y-axis of the bar chart starts from a non-zero value. This could be misleading
because it seems like the w/c = 0.5 sample has a good strength at 1 day (Figure 5a), when
the value is actually close to zero (Figure 5b). This kind of mistake can happen when you
are using the default figure that your data visualization tool makes. Remember to adjust
the x and y-axes.

Lastly, the error bars were omitted in the bar chart. Again, always show the error bar, if

MDP_CVE156 81

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