Project 1
Project 1
Project 1
Competencies covered:
1. EIS ITS2 01 0811 Operate Database Application
Instruction: Under this task the candidate is expected to create a database called
Instruction: Under this task the candidate is expected to create the following tables
Field Data type Properties
OID Text Primary key
Name Text
City Text
Purchase Date Date/Time Must not accept dates before year 2000
Field Data type Properties
VID Text Primary key
Model Text
Production Date Date/Time Input mask of shot date
Plate Number Text
OID Text
Instruction: Under this task the candidate is expected to create the appropriate
relationships between the tables.
Instruction: Under this task the candidate is expected to create single data entry form
containing both tables.
Instruction: Under this task the candidate is expected to record data using the form
created in task four insert the following data into the tables.
OID Name City Purchase Date
AA-0001 Fasika Demisse Addis Ababa 08/05/2002
AD-0010 Kifle Hailu Adama 10/02/2003
AA-0002 Mahlet Bahru Addis Ababa 03/11/2004
JM-0011 Chala Kebede Jimma 04/09/2004
VID Model Production Date Plate Number OID
T-8012 Toyota Carina E 06/07/1996 2-10782 AA-0002
T-8901 Toyota Land cruiser 12/01/1997 2-43294 AA-0001
I-0003 Isuzu FSR 01/06/2001 3-12345 JM-0011
H-0945 Hyundai Atoz 07/10/1999 2-09876 AD-0010
Instruction: Under this task the candidate is expected to perform the following activities
based on the information provided:-
Select the VID, Model, Production Date, owner Name and City of vehicles
purchased after 2003.
Update the Purchase Date of the vehicle with OID JM-0011 to 08/03/2005.
Instruction: Under this task the candidate is expected to create a report for the select
query created in Task Six (6).
Competences Covered:
Instruction: Under this project the candidate is expected to Configure and access
Internet by performing the following two tasks based on the information
[Note: The values for IP address, input mask, default gate way, and preferred
alternate DNS server will be given by the assessor at the assessment venue.]
Instruction: Under this task the candidate is expected to perform the following activities
based on the information provided:-
Instruction: Under this task the candidate is expected to perform the following activities
based on the information provided:-
Competences Covered:
1. ICT ITS2 03 0811 Administrate Network and Hardware Peripherals
2. ICT ITS2 04 0811 Care for Network and Computer Hardware
3. ICT ITS2 08 0811 Apply Problem Solving Techniques to Routine Malfunction
Instruction: Under this project the candidate is expected to configure a Local Area
Network /LAN/ by performing the following two tasks based on the
information provided
Instruction: Under this task the candidate is expected to performing the following
activities based on the information provided
Get ready the given network cable in the correct cabling type
Join the two computers using switch
Configure the two computers so as to communicate each other
Check the computers are connected using network command utilities
Instruction: Under this task the candidate is expected to performing the following
activities based on the information provided
Create two folders called “Network” and “Internet” on one of the computers
Share the folder “Network” to the other computer with Read permission.
Share the folder “Internet” to the other computer with Read/Write
Access the shared folders on the other computer
Install and share a printer on the first computer
Add the shared printer to the second computer and print a test page.
Project 4: Disassemble and reassemble a computer
Time allotted for this project: 0: 30 minutes
Competences Covered:
1. EIS ITS2 02 0811 Update and Document Operational Procedures
2. EIS ITS2 06 0811 Implement Maintenance Procedures
3. EIS ITS2 07 0811 Maintain Equipment and Consumables
4. EIS ITS2 08 0811 Apply Problem Solving Techniques to Routine Malfunction
Instruction: Under this task the candidate is expected to disassemble CD-Drive, Hard
disk drive and RAM of the given computer following the standard
computer maintenance safety procedures.
Instruction: Under t his task the candidate is expected to performing the following
activities based on the information provided