Nta Nittt September Session 2023

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National Institute of Technical Teachers Training

SEPTEMBER 2023 Examination


20232122983 Roll Number 2023070272

Candidate's Name ABHRAJIT SAHA Father's Name Arun Kumar Saha

Gender Male Date of Birth 29-Mar-1987

PwD No Scribe NA

Exam Details

Exam Reporting
Module No. Module Name Exam Time Login ID Password
Date Time

Orientation Towards
1 Technical Education and 16.09.2023 10:00 AM-1:00 PM 9:30 AM 113102315 29-Mar-1987
Curriculum Aspects

Professional Ethics &

2 16.09.2023 2:30 PM-5:30 PM 2:00 PM NA NA

Communication Skills,
3 Modes & Knowledge 17.09.2023 10:00 AM-1:00 PM 9:30 AM 133107025 29-Mar-1987

Instructional Planning and

4 17.09.2023 2:30 PM-5:30 PM 2:00 PM NA NA

Technology Enabled
5 Learning & Life Long Self 21.09.2023 10:00 AM-1:00 PM 9:30 AM 153111660 29-Mar-1987

Student Assessment and

6 21.09.2023 2:30 PM-5:30 PM 2:00 PM NA NA

Creative Problem Solving,

7 Innovation and Meaningful 22.09.2023 10:00 AM-1:00 PM 9:30 AM NA NA

Institutional Management
8 & Administrative 22.09.2023 2:30 PM-5:30 PM 2:00 PM NA NA

   Senior Director

*Reporting Time is 30 Minutes prior to commencement of Exam


1.   Admit Card is provisional, subject to satisfying the eligibility conditions as given in the Advertisement available at website:  http://nittt.nta.ac.in/ This Admit Card contains three

pages, Page 1 contains the Personal Details and Exam login credentials,Page 2 contains Important Instructions and Page 3 & Page 4 contains an "Advisory on Online
examination". Candidates are advised to download and print all the pages, read them carefully and follow the instructions strictly.
2.    Candidates are required to appear in the exam in the online (internet based) mode on Laptop /Personal Computers only. Candidates are required to make their own
arrangements for Laptop/Personal Computers  for appearing in the exam.
3.      They will not be able to appear in the exam on Mobile Phones.
4.      Candidates are not required to visit any exam centre for appearing in the exam. They can appear in the exam from their respective location(s).
5.      They should sit in a place where they would be able to appear in the exam peacefully without any interruption during the duration of the exam.
6.      Candidates must ensure that their laptops are fully charged and have stable internet connectivity, during the duration of the exam.
7.      Candidates should make sure that their PCs/Laptops, camera and mic are enabled.
8.      Candidates are required to log in as per timing mentioned on Admit Card. No candidate shall be permitted to report for the exam after the log-in time specif i ed.
9.      You can submit and leave the exam anytime after 60 minutes of the commencement of the Exam.
10.  No candidate will be allowed to appear in the exam without Admit Card and valid ID proof.
11.  They will be required to show their Admit Card and ID proof before the camera of the Laptop/Personal Computer, when asked to do so, to establish their identity.
12.  Candidates will be permitted to keep the following items only, with them, during the exam: 
a.Their Admit Card 
b.Valid ID proof and
c.Drinking water in a transparent water bottle with them during the exam.
13.   Candidates are not allowed to keep any sheets of papers for noting down anything or for doing any rough work.
14.  Candidate must keep with himself/herself any one of the original and valid Photo Identification Proof issued by the Government – PAN card/ Passport/ Aadhaar Card (With
photograph)/ E-Aadhaar/ Ration Card/ Aadhaar Enrolment No. with Photo.
15.  All other ID/Photocopies of IDs even if attested/scanned photo of IDs in mobile phone will NOT be considered as valid ID Proof.
16.  Candidates are expected to maintain the sanctity and integrity of the exam and not resort to any unfair means.
17.  The Exam is remote Proctored.  Candidates are advised to note that they will be under invigilation by Human Proctors during the exam, who will monitor their
movements, including those on their screen.
18.  At any point of time during the exam, if the Proctor finds any suspicious eye movements or any suspicious activities in the exam environment, candidate can be
asked by the Proctor through Chat, to turn the Laptop/Webcam to show his/her surroundings to maintain the sanctity of the examination. Warning on Chat shall
appear on the candidate’s console on suspicious behaviour. If the candidate does not follow the instructions even after repeated warnings from the Proctor, the exam
can be terminated by the Proctor. Candidates are to keep a check on the chat window for any communication from the Proctor.
19. Candidates are advised to be in touch with the NTA website, i.e. www.nta.ac.in/ http://nittt.nta.ac.in/ for any updates regarding the exam. Candidates should also check their
mailbox at the registered E-mail address and SMS in their registered Mobile No. for latest updates and information regarding the  exam.
20.  If at any stage, it is found that the candidate has submitted multiple applications, his/her candidature will be cancelled.
21.  For general queries regarding Admit Cards candidates can write to NTA at nittt@nta.ac.in or call NTA Helpline number 011-40759000, 011-69227700.
22.  For queries relating technical matters candidates should call at 9513765359, 9513778742 or 7406711092 as per timings given below:
Exam day from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM only. Mock test day from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM only.


A webinar will be organized as per details given below to familiarize the candidates with the online exam process. Candidates should attend the webinar Please copy paste the
link as given below for joining the webinar:

Date 12.09.2023 (Tuesday)

Timing 3.00 PM to 4.30 PM

Weblink for joining the webinar Web Link

Candidates must appear in a Mock Test on 14.09.2023 (Thursday). The window for taking the mock test will be open from 10.00 am to 06.00 pm on 06.09.2023.

Date 14.09.2023 (Thursday)

Timing From10:00 AM to 6:00 PM (Candidates can give the Mock Test any time during the day at their convenience)

Login ID D20230728744 D20230728743 D20230728742 D20230728741 D20230728740 NA NA NA

Login 29-Mar-1987 29-Mar-1987 29-Mar-1987 29-Mar-1987 29-Mar-1987 NA NA NA

Mock test is meant to familiarise the candidates with the procedure for taking the exam online so that they do not face any problem on the exam day.
It may be clearly understood that mock test is only for practice/familiarizing the candidates with the procedure for taking the online exam and is not the actual exam for
assessment. Candidate can give mock test upto five times using the above credentials.

Hardware and software specifications for appearing in the exam are as follows:

Software / Hardware Requirement Version / Specifications (Minimum Requirement) Reference Links / Remarks

Operating System ONLY Windows - 10 and above * Mandatory

Processor Dual Core, 4 threads, 2.2 GHz  * Mandatory

RAM 2 GB and above  * Mandatory

Screen Resolution 1024*768  * Mandatory

Webcam must have a minimum resolution of 640x480 @ 15 fps.

Web Camera Webcam maybeinternal or external and connected to the computer  * Mandatory

Any Model (External or Internal) Built-in microphones are acceptable.

Mic External microphone is recommended  * Mandatory

Network Bandwidth 5 Mbps continuous connectivity  * Mandatory

Chrome - Download latest from


Browser Chrome / Edge Edge - Download latest from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge

.Net Framework v4.5.2 https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework/net452

Other points to note

Antivirus Any Make To be Disabled

Mic/Cam settings Under Chrome To be Enabled

Pop up / Ad Blocker Under Chrome To be Disabled

Required for technical team to connect and troubleshoot if required.

Please download the software through the link and install it.
once installed open and share the 9-digit id for us to take remote
Any Desk https://anydesk.com/en/downloads/windows?dv=win_exe access and support to sort the technical issue.

Administrative Privileges in Windows

for installation activities

Compatibility checks Webcam https://webcammictest.com

Compatibility checks Mic https://webcammictest.com/check-microphone.html

Secured Exam Browser’ link shall be provided and to be installed before

Exam Browser: Mock Test & Final Test. * Mandatory

Other Specifications:
1.  Mandatory to use latest version Google Chrome browser.
2.   Ad Blocker should be switched off.
3.   Popup Blocker should be turned off.
4.   Clear Browser Cache before start of the test 

Technical Help Desk:

For any technical problems that may arise before or during the mock test or the actual exam, candidates can contact the Technical Help Desk at
9513765359,9513778742,7406711092 as per timings given below:
Exam day from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM only. Mock test day from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM only.

How to log in
1.    Candidates are required to download the Secured Exam Browser (SEB) from the website https://nittt.nta.ac.in/  for appearing in the test. They will be able to   download the
Secured Exam Browser (SEB) from the said site only from https://nittt.nta.ac.in/
2.    Log in ID and password for logging into the main Exam is given on Page No. 1 and for logging in the mock test is given above on page 3.
3.   Candidates can log in at the SEB at the appointed time on the mock test/ exam day, using the Login ID and password.
4.    Once logged in, they are required to follow the instructions on the screen.

Specific Do’s and Don’ts:

1.   Do not move from your seats, during the exam. You cannot take bio breaks during the duration of the exam.
2.    You should sit facing the screen throughout the exam and should not look sideways or down.
3.    You are not allowed to keep mobile phones, digital watches, or any other electronic devices with you during the exam.
4.    You are not permitted to wear sunglasses/headphones.
5.    You should take the exam, seated in a room where there is sufficient light. You must ensure you are the only person in the room during the exam and there is no disturbance.
Do not entertain any other person in the room.
6.    Do not contact/talk to anyone or take the assistance from anyone during the exam.
7.    Do not keep any text or bits of paper or any material/notes/rough paper with you during the exam.
8.    Do not access any other site/screen on your laptop/Personal computers during the exam.
9.    Do not try to log in from multiple devices.
10.  Do not google or search from any other source.
11.  Do not lip-sync or read the questions aloud.
12.  Do not cover your face with hair/mask/clothing or anything else
13.  Do not have any background noise/voices/music//TV.
14.  You are not allowed to have food/beverage during the exam except water.
15.  Do not use F5 or toggle between applications.

Violation of any of the instructions mentioned above will be treated as Unfair Means and may result in disqualification/cancellation of the candidature. Candidates are
required to strictly adhere to the instructions, rules, and regulations. No candidate should adopt any unfair means or indulge in any unfair practice.
Candidates are advised to go through the Admit Card hosted on the NTA website http://nittt.nta.ac.in/, carefully, before the webinar, Mock Test, and Exam.


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