Assessment of Fiber Optic Pressure Sensors: NUREG/CR-6312

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Assessment of Fiber Optic

Pressure Sensors

Prepared by
H. M. Hashemian, C. L. Black, J. l? Farmer

Analysis and Measurement Services Corporation

Prepared for
U.S. NucIear ReguIatory Commission

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Assessment of Fiber Optic

Pressure Sensors

Manuscript Completed: March 1995

Date Published: April 1995

Prepared by
H. M. Hashemian, C. L. Black, J. P.Farmer
C. Antonescu, NRC Program Manager

.Analysis and Measurement Services Corporation

AMs 9111 Cross Park Drive
Knoxville, TN 37923

Prepared for
Division of Systems Technology
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 205554001
NRC Job Code W6315



As a result of problems such as drift in nuclear manufacturers exist in the United States and
plant pressure sensors and the recent oil loss abroad which supply suitable fiber optic
syndrome in some models of Rosemount pressure sensors for industrial applications.
pressure transmitters, the nuclear industry has Presently, fiber optic pressure sensors are
become interested in fiber optic pressure mostly used in special applications for which
sensors. Fiber optic sensing technologies have conventional sensors are not able to meet the
been considered for the development of requirements.
advanced instrumentation and control (I&C)
systems for the next generation of reactors and Fiber optic pressure sensors are typically more
in older plants which are retrofitted with new expensive than conventional pressure sensors
I&C systems. and are not as readily available. Today, none
of the traditional suppliers of nuclear-grade
This report presents the results of a six-month sensors supply fiber optic pressure sensors for
Phase I study to establish the state-of-the-art safety-related applications in nuclear power
in fiber optic pressure sensing and describes plants. The susceptibility of fiber optic
the design and principle of operation of pressure sensors to nuclear radiation is a
various fiber optic pressure sensors. This study problem that may preclude the use of these
involved a literature review, contact with sensors in high radiation environments of a
experts in the field, an industrial survey, a site plant.
visit to a fiber optic sensor manufacturer, and
laboratory testing of a fiber optic pressure
sensor. The laboratory work involved both Fiber optic pressure sensors provide EMI/RFI
static and dynamic performance tests. In immunity, are generally more accurate than
addition, current requirements for conventional pressure sensors, offer smaller
environmental and seismic qualification of size in both the sensor and the cabling,
sensors for nuclear power plants were provide faster dynamic response, and allow
reviewed to determine the extent of the multiplexing of signals which enables several
qualification tests that fiber optic pressure process parameters to be measured at once.
sensors may have to meet before they can be Fiber optic sensors can be used in flammable
used in nuclear power plants. environments because they will not easily
induce ignition. Also, the optical fibers
This project has concluded that fiber optic themselves are chemically inert, which makes
pressure sensors are still in the research and them suitable for corrosive environments and
development stage and only a few prevents them from affecting the process.
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Section Page

ABSTRACT....................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................... xi

1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................... 1

2. BACKGROUND ..................................................... 2

2.1 History of Fiber Optic Seqsors ............ .........................- 2

2.2 Principle of Operation of Fiber Optic Sensors ........................... 2
2.3 Fiber Optic Cables .............................................. -4

2.3.1 Theory of Operation ....................................... - 4

2.3.2 Cable Types ............................................. 10
2.3.3 Optical Fiber Attenuation ............:...................... 14
2.3.4 Cable Connections ........................................ 14

3. RELATED RESEARCH ............................................... 17

3.1 . NASA ....................................................... 17

3.2 NIST ........................................................ 17
3.3 EPRI-NSF .................................................... 17
3.4 EPRI ........................................................ 18
3.5 U.S.Navy .................................................... 18
4. (201.4VE”I’X9:)F?AJ. PRESSURE SENSORS ................................ 19

4.1 Pressure Sensing Elements ........................................ 19

4.2 Displacement Sensors ............................................ 19
4.3 Smart Sensors .................................................. 23

5. mBER OPTIC PRESSURE SENSORS ................................... 25

5.1 Intensity-Modulated Sensors ....................................... 25

5.1.1 Transmissive Intensity Sensors ................................ 25

5.1.2 Reflective Intensity Sensors .................................. 28
5.1.3 Microbend Sensors ........................................ 32

5.2 Phase-Modulated Sensors ......................................... 37

5.2.1 Mach-Zehnder Interferometer ................................ 37

5.2.2 Fabry-Perot Interferometer .................................. 37
5.2.3 Michelson Interferometer ................................... 41


Section PaRe
5.3 Spectrum-Modulated Sensors ...................................... 41

5.3.1 Fabry-Perot Sensors ....................................... 41

5.3.2 Absorption Spectral Attenuation Sensors ....................... 47
5.3.3 Diffractive Wavelength-Modulated Sensors ...................... 47

5.4 Time and Frequency Modulated Sensors .............................. 47

5.4.1 Resonating Element Quartz Transducer ........................ 47

5.4.2 Fluorescent Decay Sensor ................................... 52


FIBER OPTIC PRESSURE SENSORS .................................... 54

6.1 Advantages .................................................... 54

6.2 Disadvantages ................................................. 54
6.3 Intercomparison of Fiber Optic Sensors .............................. 56

6.3.1 Intensity-Modulated Sensors ................................. 56

6.3.2 Phase Modulated Sensors ................................... 56
6.3.3 Spectrum-Modulated Sensors ................................ 57
6.3.4 Time or Frequency-Based Encoding Techniques .................. 57

7. FAILUREMODES ................................................... 58

7.1 Failure Modes of Optical Sources ................................... 58

7.2 Failure Modes of Optical Fibers .................................... 59
7.3 Failure Modes of Optical Detectors ................................. 60


NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS .......................................... 61

8.1 IEEE Standards ................................................ 61

8.2 Qualification Testing ............................................. 62
8.3 AgingTests ................................................... 62

9. INDUSTRY SURVEY RESULTS ....................................... 67

9.1 Description of Survey ............................................ 67

9.2 Manufacturers Survey ............................................ 69
9.3 Babcock & Wilcox Site Visit ....................................... 74




10.1 Description of Sensor ....................................... b .... 76

10.1.1 Principle of Operation ..................... : . .... ......... 76

10.1.2 Fiber Optic Cables ....................... : ......:....+ ...... 79

10.1.3 Interface Unit ......................... .................. 79

10.2 Calculation of Pressure and Temperature .......... ....+ .... ...I ..... 79
10.3 Laboratory Testing .................. ...... ........: .. ........ 84
; A

10.3.1 Temperature Cycling ..................... A ................. 84

10.3.2 Vibration Testing ......................................... 86
10.3.3 DynamicTesting ........................ .......... .... 86 ..;
11. CONCLUSIONS ......................................... ...... ... 95A ;i

REFERENCES ...................................................... 96




..................... ... _ _ _ ~ - . . . . .


2.1 Illustration of the Basic Components of a Fiber Optic Sensing System

2.2 Illustration of Time Division Multiplexing in a Distributed Sensing System

2.3 Use of an Optical Beamsplitter to Create Two Light Beams from One Source

2.4 Propagation of a Light Beam Through a Fiber Optic Cable

2.5 Three Scenarios for a Light Beam Striking the Boundary Bemeen the Core and Cladding of
a Fiber Optic Cable

2.6 Illustration of the Acceptance Cone for a Light Beam Entering a Fiber Optic Cable and How
Numerical Aperture Relates to the Size of the Acceptance Cone

2.7 Three Fiber Optic Cable Types and their Refractive Index Profiles as well as the Relative
Amount of Modal Dispersion Associated with Each

2.8 Attenuation or Loss of Signal Power due to Macrobending

2.9 Illustration of Three Different Types of Improper Mating Between Fiber Optic Cables

4.1 Types of Pressure Sensing Elements Used to Convert Pressure to a Mechanical Displacement

4.2 Six Types of Displacement Sensors which Convert Mechanical Displacement to an Electrical

4.3 Block Diagram of the Components of a Typical Smart Sensor

5.1 Illustration of a Movable Shutter Transmissive Intensity-Modulated Pressure Sensor

5.2 Drawing of an Opposed Grating Transmissive Intensity-Modulated Pressure Sensor

5.3 Illustration of Fiber Displacement as used in a Displacement Transmissive Intensity-

Modulated Pressure Sensor

5.4 Illustration of a Frustrated Total Internal Reflection (FTIR) Pressure Sensor

5.5 Example of a Reflective Intensity-Modulated Pressure Sensor

5.6 Five Types of Reflection Sensor Probe Bundle Distributions and Associated Sensor Response

5.7 Illustration of a Near Total Internal Reflection (NTIR)Pressure Sensor

5.8 Drawing of a Microbend-Type Intensity-Modulated Pressure Sensor along with a Typical

Response Curve

5.9 Illustration of a Quasi-Distributed Microbend Intensity-Modulated Pressure Sensor

5.10 Illustration of Phase Shift Due to a Change in the Length of the Fiber

5.11 Drawing of a Mach-Zehnder Interferometric Pressure Sensor

5.12 Drawing of a Fabry-Perot Interferometric Pressure Sensor

5.13 Drawing of an Extrinsic Fabxy-Perot Interferometric (EFPI)Pressure Sensor with a

Mu1timode Reflector

5.14 Drawing of an Extrinsic Fabry-Perot Interferometric (EWI) Pressure Sensor with a

Membrane Reflector

5.15 Illustration of a Michelson Interferometric Pressure Sensor

5.16 Diagram of the Wavelength-Encoding Pressure Sensing Concept

5.17 Drawing of a Fabry-Perot Etalon Dual-Wavelength Spectrum-Modulated Pressure Sensor

5.18 Drawing of a Fabry-Perot Etalon Spectrum-Modulated Pressure Sensor Using a Reference


5.19 Illustration of an Absorbing Glass Spectrum-Modulated Pressure Sensor

5.20 Illustration of the Diffractive Property of a Reflective Grating

5.21 Drawing of a Reflective Configuration of a Diffraction Grating Spectrum-Modulated Pressure


5.22 Drawing of a Fluorescent Decay-Time Encoded Pressure Sensor

8.1 Flow Chart Showing the Qualification Test Sequence for Class 1E Equipment

8.2 Design Basis Event Testing Profile for Qualification Testing of Class 1E Equipment

9.1 Breakdown of the Contacts Made During the Industry Survey

9.2 Involvement of the Manufacturers Surveyed in Fiber Optic Pressure Sensing

9.3 Popularity of the Four Main Fiber Optic Pressure Sensing Techniques

9.4 Distribution of Measurands for the Fiber Optic Sensors Identified in the Manufacturers

9.5 Microbend Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor Developed by Babcock & Wilcox

10.1 Drawing of the Paroscientific Fiber Optic Sensing System

10.2 Picture of the Paroscientific Fiber Optic Pressure Transducer and Interface Unit

10.3 Drawing of the Internal Components of the Paroscientific Fiber Optic Pressure Transducer

10.4 Illustration of the Protective Housings Placed Around the Internals of the Fiber Optic
Pressure Transducer

10.5 Drawing of the Fiber Optic Cable Used with the Paroscientific Pressure Sensor

10.6 Block Diagram of the Paroscientific Pressure Sensor Showing the Components of the
Transducer and the Interface Unit

10.7 Relationship Between the Transducer Internal Temperature and the Temperature-
Compensated Pressure Output for the Paroscientific Sensor

10.8 Temperature Lag Between the External and Internal Temperature Seen by the Fiber Optic
Pressure Transducer

10.9 Photograph of the Test Setup for a Series of Temperature Cycling Tests Performed in the
Environmental Chamber

10.10 Results of One Series of Temperature Cycling Tests

10.11 Photograph of the Test Setup for Vibration Tests

10.12 Results of One Series of Vibration Tests Showing no Visible Effect on the
Fiber Optic Sensor Output as the Vibration Beam Motor was Cycled On and Off

10.13 Illustration of the Test Setup for Dynamic Ramp Testing

10.14 Results of an Increasing Pressure Ramp Showing the Faster Dynamic Response of the Fiber
Optic Pressure Sensor versus the Reference Sensor



The cooperation of two fiber optic sensor manufacturers is gratefully acknowledged. Paroscientific,
Incorporated of Redmond, Washington, contributed a fiber optic pressure sensor for the laboratory
tests conducted,in this project. Babcock & Wilcox (B&W), of,Lynchburg, Virginia, arranged for a
visit of Analysis and Measurement Services (AMs)personnel to B&W facilities in Alliance, Ohio,
where fiber optic sensors are developed.


Measurement of pressure in industrial Technology (NIST), National Science

processes is performed by a variety of sensors, Foundation (NSF), and the U.S. Department
most of which operate by converting the of Defense have interest in fiber optic sensing
applied pressure to a mechanical movement. technologies. Research and development
The mechanical movement is then measured efforts are underway at these organizations as
by a displacement sensor and converted to an well as several universities to design and
electrical signal. In conventional pressure develop fiber optic temperature, pressure,
sensors, the displacement is typically measured vibration, and other sensors for industrial
by electromechanical devices such as strain applications. Presently, fiber optic pressure
gages, differential transformers, capacitance sensors are used in limited applications in
sensors, and others. In fiber optic pressure medical, aerospace, chemical, and automotive
sensors, the displacement is measured by industries.
altering light delivered by a fiber optic
transmission system to the sensing element. This report presents the results of a Phase I
The intensity or another characteristic of the feasibility study to establish the state-of-the-art
return light is used to measure the in fiber optic pressure sensing and determine
displacement of the sensing element. the qualification requirements of these sensors
for use in nuclear power plants.
Fiber optic pressure sensors have several Through a survey of manufacturers including
advantages over conventional pressure sensors. a visit to a fiber optic sensor development
This includes high sensitivity, resistance to facility, as well as the review of relevant
electromagnetic and radio frequency literature and contacts with experts in the
interference (EMI/RFI), reduced calibration field, the operational characteristics,
requirements, fast response time, and electrical advantages, disadvantages, and failure modes
isolation. However, fiber optic pressure of fiber optic pressure sensors were identified.
sensors have different failure mechanisms and These efforts were supplemented by an
failure modes than conventional pressure experimental evaluation of a fiber optic
sensors and adequate data and experience do pressure sensor. A prototype pressure sensor
not currently exist on long term performance was obtained from Paroscientific, Incorporated
of these sensors in industrial processes. and laboratory tested to establish its static and : I
Therefore, substantial research is needed to dynamic capabilities at normal conditions. The
establish the technical basis for the use of results were compared to those of a
these sensors in nuclear power plants. conventional pressure transmitter to ' I
demonstrate the basic differences between the
A number of industrial and government two sensors. In addition, the design and
organizations including the Electric Power qualification criteria for the current generation
Research Institute (EPRI), National of sensors in nuclear power plants were used
Aeronautics and Space Administration to provide guidelines for fiber optic pressure
(NASA), National Institute of Standards and sensors to be used in nuclear power plants.

Fiber optic sensors use light beams to transfer industrial applications, fiber optic
the sensed process parameter from the sensing instrumentation has found its way into many
element to the instrumentation where it is niche markets, mostly where conventional
processed. Unlike the conventional sensors technologies have been inadequate. This
which typically vary the amplitude of an typically involved harsh or electrically noisy
electrical signal in proportion to the changing environments or involved situations where
process, fiber optic sensors can modulate the size was a critical factor.
amplitude of the light, or use frequency, phase,
or wavelength modulation. Each of these
modulation techniques offers certain
advantages and disadvantages which will be 2.2 Principle of Operation of
discussed in Chapter 6. In order to provide a Fiber Optic Sensors
basis for the discussions of the advantages and
disadvantages of fiber optic sensors and
describe the current state-of-the-art for this Figure 2.1 illustrates the basic components of
technology, some background information is a fiber optic sensing system. A transducer
presented below in this chapter. modulates a light signal according to the value
of the process parameter being sensed. This
modulated light signal travels through a fiber
2.1 History of Fiber Optic Sensors optic communication link to an interface unit.
The communication link is typically in the
form of a fiber optic cable or cables. Note
Fiber optic technologieswere pioneered by the that in some cases the transducer may be the
telecommunications industry. Fiber optic cable itself. This. intrinsic sensing is
communication lines offer many advantages accomplished by allohng the process to alter
over standard electrical cables such as the optical properties of the fiber core
increased bandwidth and lower attenuation. resulting in direct modulation of the light
However, it was the aerospace industry that signal. The interface unit is used to either
pioneered the use of fiber optics in process process the incoming light signal (ie, convert it
instrumentation. The major advantages of to an electrical signal) or condition and
fiber optic instrumentation over conventional multiplex it with light signals from other fiber
sensing systems for the aerospace industry optic instrumentation.
include their small size, low mass, high
accuracy and fast dynamic response The basic operation of a fiber optic sensor
capabilities. From here, fiber optic sensors involves a light source which provides light to
expanded into other industries including the a transducer. The transducer modulates the
chemical, medical and automotive industries light that is then sent to an optical detector
which required small and accurate sensors and then to the signal processing equipment.
which could withstand the harsh environments The light source for a fiber optic sensor is
to which they would be subjected. Although typically a light emitting diode (LED) or a
conventional sensors are still prevalent in most laser. Both of these sources convert electrical


I 1 I 1
Process Transducer , Fiber Optic Link
Convert Light Signal
Parameter Modulates Light, I/ to Electrical Signal
Temperature, Proportional to
Process Parameter
K -or-
Combine. Light Signal
Pressure, etc. i’
Value With Other Signals

._ 2.1 Illustration of the Basic Components
of a Fiber Optic Sensing System

power into light with distinct spectral power' to the transmitter. This optical power
Characteristics. For fiber optic systems can be converted to electricity and used to
involved in telecommunications,which involve power a conventional electrically-based
long distance signal transmission, a laser is transmitter. The modulated electrical signal is
usually used as the light source because of its then converted back into a light signal for
higher optical power output. However, fiber transmission to the processing electronics.
optic sensors typically utilize LEDs because of This is commonly referred to as "Power by
their availability, high reliability and low cost.(') Light."
In a distributed control system containing
many fiber optic process sensors, one light
source can be shared among several sensors. 2.3 Fiber Optic Cables
This is accomplished using optical couplers as
shown in Figure 2.2, which illustrates a
common type of distributed system that uses The remaining component of a fiber optic
time division multiplexing (TDM). The sensor is the fiber optic cable which carries the
number of sensors which can be light signals to and from the transducer. An
"daisy-chained" in this manner depends on the illustration of a fiber optic cable is given in
optical power requirements of the sensors and Figure 2.4. The main components are the
signal detection instrumentation and to the solid core which runs through the center of
optical power output of the light source. the cable and provides a path for the light
example of a simple coupling device is shown signal to travel and the cladding which
in Figure 2.3. In this figure, the collimating surrounds the core. Although other
lens supplies parallel light beams to the components, such as inner and outer jackets,
beamsplitter which provides light to both of various coating materials and strength
the receiving fiber cables through focusing members, are typically included in fiber optic
lenses. cables to provide added strength and life
expectancy, they do not contribute to the
As seen in Figure 2.2, an optical detector transmission of the light signals and will not be
receives the modulated light signals and discussed here.
converts them to electrical signals which are
processed by electronic instrumentation. The
optical detectors typically consist of a
2.3.1 Theory of Operation
photodiode along with some conditioning
circuitry which can amplify or buffer the
electrical signal produced by the diode in order
As shown in Figure 2.4, the light enters the
to interface properly with the signal processing
core and traverses the length of the cable by
devices.(') The optical detector and the light
reflecting at the boundary between the core
source are selected by matching the
and the cladding. The total internal reflection
characteristics of the light signals produced by
of the light beam within the core is made
the source and the characteristics of the light
possible by the difference in the optical
signals which can be effectively sensed by the
properties between the core and the cladding.
optical detector. This allows for maximum
Note that the fiber shown in this figure is a
efficiency in the fiber optic sensing system.
multimode step index fiber. The propagation
In some sensing systems, fiber optic of light in other fiber types may differ and will
technologies are used to transmit optical be explained later.


Figure 23 Use of an Optical Beamsplitter to

Create Two Light Beams from One Source


Figure 2.4 Propagation of a Light Beam Through a Fiber Optic Cable

Figure 2.5 shows three scenarios for a light angle of refraction. However, some of the
beam striking the boundary between the core incident ray is reflected back into the core.
and cladding. The top of this figure shows the This is referred to as Fresnel Reflection and
light beam striking the boundary at a small the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of
angle relative to the normal which is incidence. Note that another possible
perpendicular to the boundary. This small scenario, in which the angle of incidence is 0
angle (0)is called the angle of incidence and degrees, is not shown in this figure. In this
the light beam is referred to as the incident case, all of the incident ray would enter the
ray. According to Snell's law, if an incident cladding along the normal with no reflection
ray encounters a border between two media into the core. However, for all cases where
with different optical properties, some or all of the angle of incidence is greater than 0
the light may enter the second medium, which degrees, some or all of the incident ray will be
is referred to as the refracted ray, while some reflected back into the core.
or all of the light may be reflected back into
the original medium. The amount of light The second scenario shown in Figure 2.5
which k refracted and reflected depends upon represents an important situation. If equation
the velocities of light in the two media as well 2.1 is solved for the sine of the angle of
as the angle of incidence. The ratio of the incidence, then:
speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of
light in a particular medium is a dimensionless
value known as the index of refraction (n).
Snell's law gives the relationship between the
angle of incidence and the angle of refraction
(a)in terms of the indices of refraction of the If the angle of incidence is such that the ratio
two mediums as follows: of the indexes of refraction for the core and
the cladding is equal to the sine of the angle
of incidence or:

%re = index of refraction (core)
ncladding = index of refraction (cladding) sin(@) = 1 or 0 = 90" (2.4)
0 = angle of incidence
@ = angle of refraction
The angle of incidence (0)which causes this
unique situation is called the critical angle
In the first case at the top of Figure 2.5,the (0J. At this angle of incidence, as seen in the
small angle of incidence results in most of the figure, all of the incident ray travels along the
incident ray entering the cladding at an angle boundary between the core and the cladding
greater than the angle of incidence. This is after striking it.
due to the fact that the index of refraction for
the cladding is much smaller than the index of The bottom of Figure 2.5 represents the ideal
refraction for the core resulting in a greater situation for a light beam traveling through a

Fresnel Reflection AMs-DWG FOPOZSA

Incident Reflected

core (n 1 Boundary

c l a d * h Ray

Critical Angle
Incident I
Ray I

Total Internal Reflection

Incident Reflected

e> e,

Figure 2.5 Three Scenarios for a Light Beam Striking the Boundary
Between the Core and Cladding of a Fiber Optic Cable

fiber optic cable. In this scenario, the angle of acceptance cone for an optical fiber. It is
incidence is greater than the critical angle or: equal to the sine of the maximum acceptance
angle and is large for a fiber with a large
sin(0> > ncladding/neore (2.5) acceptance cone (Figure 2.6b).

23.2 Cable mes
sin(@) > 1 (2.6)
The materials from which fiber optic cables are
manufactured vary greatly and depend on the
which is not solvable for the angle of
requirements for the optical transmission being
refraction (@). This means that no refraction
performed. Glass and silica are the most
occurs and all of the incident light beam is
common materials for the core while
reflected back into the core at an angle equal
sometimes plastic may be used. The cladding
to the angle of incidence. This situation,
can also be made out of plastic or a grade of
known as total internal reflection, repeats itself
glass or silica different from that of the core.
as the light beam travels the length of the
All-glass fibers offer the highest bandwidth and
typically the lowest attenuation, or loss,
although they are the most expensive type.
Another important factor is the entry of the These are typically used for long distance
light beam into the cable. In order to promote c o m m u n i c a t i o n s such as in t h e
total internal reflection within the core, the telecommunications industry. All plastic fibers
light beam must enter the cable at an have the highest attenuation but are the most
appropriate angle, called the acceptance angle rugged and easiest to handle. For fiber optic
(Qa), so that it initially strikes the core to instrumentation, Plastic Coated Silica (PCS)
cladding interface at an angle greater than or fibers are typically used. PCS fibers have a
equal to the critical angle. Light beams which glass core and a plastic cladding. They tend to
enter the core at an angle larger than the have a higher numerical aperture than all-glass
maximum acceptance angle will be significantly fibers and are less expensive.(')
diminished each time they strike the core to
cladding interface resulting in reduced output Depending on the characteristics of both the
power. Figure 2.6a illustrates this by showing light source and the fiber optic cable itself,
the acceptance cone for light beams entering one or many modes of light may enter and
the core of the cable. Only light beams within propagate through the core. The number of
this cone will propagate through the cable modes distinguishes how many individual light
properly with the rest dissipating into the beams are propagating through the core at the
cladding. Note that the limits of the same time. The light beams which enter near
acceptmce cone represent the angles at which the edge of the acceptance cone, and
the light source refracts into the core at an therefore strike the core to cladding interface
angle identical to the complement of the more frequently, are referred to as the higher
critical angle (90 degrees - 0c).(2) This order modes. Those entering the core with a
refraction is due to the light beams entering low acceptance angle are called the lower
the core from the air which has a different order modes. If only one mode can propagate
index of refraction. Numerical aperture (NA) through the core, then the fiber is called a
is a term used to describe the size of the single-mode fiber. If more than one mode is

-1 0-
n n
cd d

\ \'\ ,

-1 1-
allowed then it is known as a multimode fiber. decreased refractive index, the modes which
Another important characteristic of the fiber is are farthest from the center of the core travel
its refractive index profile. The two basic faster than the other modes. This helps
types of refractive index profiles are step index overcome the greater distance they have to
and graded index. travel and results in a lower modal dispersion
than in the multimode step index fiber and
The combination of mode types and refractive therefore, a greater bandwidth.
index profiles gives many different types of
fiber optic cables. Three of the fiber types are
illustrated in Figure 2.7. The multimode step The last type of fiber illustrated in Figure 2.7
index fiber seen at the top of this figure has a is a single-mode step index fiber. This is

distinct refractive index profile for both the identical to the multimode step index fiber
core and the cladding making it a step index except that only one mode of light can
type. It is also seen in this figure that many propagate through the core at one time. This
different light modes can propagate through is accomplished by decreasing the core
the core at the same time making it a diameter and the numerical aperture of the
multimode fiber. One of the major drawbacks fiber or by using light beams with a longer
of this type of fiber is known as modal wavelength. A combination of these factors
dispersion. As seen in the figure, the light can also be employed to attain single-mode
beams which have a large angle of incidence operation. A single-mode fiber offers
travel through the core over a shorter distance essentially no modal dispersion and therefore,
than those with a lower angle of incidence. the greatest bandwidth of the three fiber types.
Therefore, the different modes arrive at the Although not shown in this figure, single-mode
end of the fiber at slightly different times. fibers can also employ a graded refractive
This limits the bandwidth of the fiber because index profile.
adjacent light pulses must be separated by a
time interval great enough to avoid Single-mode fibers are the most efficient types
overlapping, thereby reducing the speed at of optical fibers in terms of their large
which information can be sent over the fiber. bandwidth and low attenuation. However,
they often require laser light sources and their
In order to overcome the problem of modal small diameters, typically about 2 to 10
dispersion, a second type of fiber, called a microns, require careful alignment when
multimode graded index fiber, can be used. connecting them to the light source, couplers,
This fiber differs from the multimode step etc.. Although this results in high costs to the
index fiber only in its refractive index profile. end user, the advantages of this type of fiber
As seen in Figure 2.7, the cladding has a make them desirable for telecommunications.
distinct refractive index but the refractive Multimode graded index fibers, because of
index of the core increases from the boundary their higher bandwidth and lower distortion
between the core and the cladding to its than multimode step index fibers, are often
maximum refractive index which is located at used for local area network (LAN)
the center of the core. The result of the applications where the relative distances
varying refractive index of the core is the between the source and the detector are not
propagation of light in an almost sinusoidal as great as in telecommunications. For
pattern as seen in the figure. Because of the instrumentation purposes, multimode step
increase in the velocity of the light beams with index fibers are typically used because of their

8 ' ,


deftaitivb Modal
Ihd 'X '
Profile I

Multimode Step Index

Multimode Graded Index

t T'
'k . Single Mode Step Index

#&@'e 2i? Three Fiber Optic Cable Tspes and their Refractive Index Profiles as
well as the Relative Amount of Modal Dispersion Assqciated with Each

low cost and easy connectivity. Their large macrobending results in attenuation of the
core size, typically between 50 and 1,000 optical signal in a multimode step index fiber.
microns, makes them the easiest type of fiber As seen in the figure, the normal, which is
to connect to and the modal dispersion is perpendicular to the core to cladding interface,
typically not a problem in industrial changes throughout the bending region. I

applications because of the lower required Therefore, as some of the modes enter the
bandwidth and relatively small propagation bending region, they strike the core to
distances.(') cladding interface at angles of incidence (0)
that are lower than the critical angle. This
results in some refraction into the cladding
2 3 3 Optical Fiber Attenuation which constitutes a loss in optical power
output. The other type of bending is
One of the major advantages of optical fibers microbending. This is caused by ripples or
over electrical lines is their lower attenuation imperfections in the core to cladding interface,
or loss. Also, optical fibers used for or external forces exerted on the fiber. The
transmission of digital signals have a constant reason for the attenuation is similar to that for
attenuation in relation to their frequency macrobending. As will be seen in Chapter 5,
whereas electrical attenuation changes with bending losses due to external forces can be
frequency. These two factors allow optical used to sense changes in the measurand for a
repeaters to be placed at much greater fiber optic sensor.
distances from each other than electrical
repeaters. However, attenuation in optical 2.3.4 Cable Connections
fibers still occurs. Losses in fiber optic cables
can be due to absorption, scattering or Proper connections between optical cables and
ex6essive bendingJ3) other components, including other fibers, is a
critical part of assembling a fiber optic system.
Absorption in optical fibers is due to The connection can be either permanent,
impurities in the core such as metal ions. referred to as a splice, or made by using
These ions absorb light energy at certain removable connectors. Either way, the quality
wavelengths and turn it into heat. Of course, of the connection determines how well the
the lower the amount of impurities, which are light can propagate through it. Figure 2.9
a result of the manufacturing process, the illustrates three different causes of attenuation
lower the attenuation. Scattering can also in optical fiber connections: end separation,
cause losses in optical power. This is a result angular misalignment, and lateral offset.(') Of
of inhomogeneities in the core which create course, a particular connection may possess
localized changes in its refractive index any combination of the three attenuation
resulting in scattering of the incident light, scenarios shown in this figure. The difficulty
some of which may be reflected at an angle in obtaining a high quality connection is
lower than the critical angle and lost in the dependent on the tools and materials as well
cladding. Both absorption and scattering are as the type of optical fiber ,used. The high
caused by inherent properties of the fiber itself numerical aperture of multimode step index
introduced during manufacturing. fibers allows the most tolerance for
interconnections while the single mode fibers,
The third source of attenuation is bending of which have relatively small numerical
the fiber. Figure 2.8 illustrates how apertures, require the highest precision.


BendinQ Losses

Light Beams

1 No Bending Losses

Figure 2.8 Attenuation or Loss of Signal Power due to Macrobending

-1 5-




Figure 2.9 Illustration of Three Different Types of

Improper Mating Between Fiber Optic Cables

-1 6-

A number of organizations have been involved research efforts in applied technology in the
in research and development of fiber optic area of optical electronics. The objectives of
sensing technologies. A sample of these this initiative are the development of novel
research and development efforts is fiber optic sensing technologies, as well as
summarized below. methods to characterize the performance of
optical and optoelectronic components.

3.1 NASA The fiber optic sensors which have been

solicited for development include pressure
sensors as well as fiber optic sensors that
The National Aeronautics and Space measure voltage, current and other physical
Administration (NASA) has sponsored and quantities. Since the nature of this research is
conducted several fiber optic sensing research applied technology, commercialization
projects. The topics of research have included opportunities are emphasized.
electro-optical sensing and control in advanced
aircraft and space systems,(4)-fiber optics for
aircraft communication, control, and sensing,(') 3.3 EPRI-NSF
along with vibrational modal analysis.(6) In a
NASA-Lewis funded Fiber Optic Control The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
System Integration (FOCSI) project, fiber and the National Science Foundation (NSF)
optic sensors were used to monitor pressure, have jointly allocated up to 3.5 million dollars
temperature, flow, strain, and other parameters in funds to support a research initiative of 9 to
in the engine and airframe of an airplane. 12 awards in the area of Sensors and Sensor
The fiber optic sensors were installed in Systems for Power Systems and other
parallel with existing instrumentation, and Dispersed Civil Infrastructure Systems
although the project funding has been (SPSCIS).(8) In addition to electric power
completed, data is still being acquired and systems, the civil infrastructure systems as
downloaded to a mainframe computer when defined in the proposal solicitation include
the instrumented plane is flown. The fiber highways, railroads, waterways, and
optic sensors installed in the airplane included communications systems. However, most of
a fiber optic pressure transducer developed by the solicited topics address power generation
Babcock & Wilcox (B&W). This sensor is a and delivery.
dual-wavelength referenced microbend
intensityctype pressure transd~cer.(~) The focus of the EPRI-NSF initiative is new
approaches to sensor needs and issues, as
opposed to traditional or conventional
3.2 NIST approaches. The primary goal of this initiative
is to stimulate development of new sensing
The National Institute of Standards and techniques, intelligent sensors, and optical
Technology (NIST) has solicited cooperative sensors. Final proposal submissions have
already been collected and research awards are fiber optic cables at the University of
planned for the fiscal year 1995. Cincinnati's 6oCoirradiator (gamma irradiation)
and the Ohio State University's Research
3.4 EPRI Reactor (mixed gamma and neutron
irradiation).(13) Radiation induced darkening
of optical fibers and the resulting attenuation
In addition to sponsoring research jointly with
in fibers produced by various manufacturers
NSF, EPRI has initiated work at the
was studied. The relationship between dose-
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the
rate, gammaheutron radiation type,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to
temperature, and optical power on the
investigate and evaluate fiber optic sensors for
attenuation was also investigated as
use in power plants. The purpose of these
documented in Reference 18.
efforts, directed by EPRI's Office of
Exploratory and Applied Research (EAR), is
to advance the state of the art in optical In order to help bring fiber optic sensors to
sensing.(g) EPRI initiated an effort in 1992 at the utility marketplace, and facilitate
ORNL to identify and evaluate advanced interaction between EPRI, power utilities, and
pressure sensing concepts. Sixteen sensor optical sensor manufacturers, an Optical
technologies were considered by the Sensing Manufacturers and Utilities Group
researchers at ORNL. Fiber optic sensors (OPSWG) has been formed.(14)
were identified among the sixteen technologies
as having the highest potential to both
increase measurement accuracy and reduce 3.5 U.S. Navy
maintenance cost.("? 11)

The Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA),

Additional EPRI-funded work includes a
the ship acquisition branch of the United
wavelength-encoded pressure sensor developed
States Navy, has developed a comprehensive
at the United Technologies Research Center
effort to "take advantage of fiber optic sensors
(UTRC) and a wavelength-encoded
and put them on Navy ships."('5) NAVSEA is
temperature and stress sensor developed at
developing standards and specifications for the
Mechanical Technology, Inc (MTI). MTI's
most promising fiber optic sensing
sensor has been installed at the EPRI
technologies, including pressure sensing.
Instrumentation and Control Technology
Investigation into fiber optic sensor reliability
Center, located at TVA's Kingston Fossil
and durability, as well as multiplexing is
underway. Extensive reliability, durability, and
failure mode analyses have been performed by
Researchers at ORNL and Ohio State the Carderock Division, Naval Surface
University have performed radiation testing on Warfare Center (CDNSWC).('~)


Pressure sensors currently used in the safety the two sides of the diaphragm causes a
systems of nuclear power plants typically mechanical displacement. Two diaphragms
convert the mechanical displacement caused by may be placed next to each other to form an
the process pressure to an electrical signal with elastic sensing element known as a capsule.
an amplitude proportional to the sensed The space between the diaphragms is typically
pressure. This standard electrical signal is in filled with a fluid such as silicone oil.('?
the form of either a 4-20 or 10-50 milliampere
(mA) current which is sent over two wires
from the sensor in the field to the Bellows
instrumentation in the control room area. A bellows-type sensing element uses many
This instrumentation also provides the power thin-walled tubes which form deep
source for the sensor in the form of a direct convolutions and is sealed at one end. The
current (DC) power supply. applied pressure moves a rod attached to the
bellows which transmits the movement to the
The electronic instrumentation measures the displacement sensor. This concept is similar to
incoming current signal and converts it to that of the diaphragm sensing element, but a
either digital information or to an analog more sizeable area is involved. A restraining
signal which is used to drive indicators and the spring is usually included with the bellows
reactor trip logic and safety systems. Although configuration to oppose the axial deflection.
there is much flexibility in the way the This spring can be adjusted in order to
incorning current signal is processed, the use of calibrate the transmitter. 2 .

an electrical signal to transfer the sensed

pressure from the sensor to the electronic
instrumentation is common to all conventional Bourdon Tube
process sensors.
A Bourdon tube is a curved or twisted tube
with an elliptical cross section which is sealed
4.1 Pressure Sensing Elements at one end. There are two common types of
Bourdon tubes, the "C" type and the "spiral"
type. The latter is made by winding the tube
The pressure sensing element, which converts
through several turns to a m p w the
the measured pressure to a mechanical displacement. The basis of operation of a
displacement, is typically one of three types:
Bourdon tube is that a closed end, coiled tube ..,
Diaphragm, Bellows, or Bourdon tube (Figure
with a non-circular cross section will straighten
4.1). These sensing elements are described out when pressure enters it. This results in an
below. accurate and very repeatable sensing element.
4.2 Displacement Sensors
A diaphragm sensing element consists of a
circular plate fastened,around the edges to a The conversion of the mechanical
fiied surface. The change in pressure between displacement caused by the sensing element to

Diaphragm Bellows

Pressure - - Pressure -


SDiral-Type .Bourdon Tube C-Type Bourdon Tube


Pressure Input Pressure

Figure 4.1 'Qpes of Pressure Sensing Elements Used to

Convert Pressure to a Mechanical Displacemept

an electrical signal is necessary for the voltage seen on the right side of the magnet is
transmission of the pressure signal to the dependent on the distance of the armature
remote electronics. This is performed by from the magnet. The change in the size of
displacement sensors. The most common the air gap results in a change in the electrical
displacement sensors are described below and output induced in the sensing coil (B) on the
are shown in Figure 4.2. right side of the magnet. Some inductance
sensors use only one coil while others may
Strain Gaupe change the relative positions of the two coils
according to the amount of mechanical
A strain gauge is manufactured such that a displacement.('?
change in induced stress results in a change in
resistance. As seen in Figure 4.2a, the wires in
the strain gauge, which are typically very small, Differential Transformers
are commonly routed in a comb-like pattern to
cover the maximum surface area and offer The basic operation of a differential
high measurement resolution. The changes in transformer sensor is similar to that of an
resistance are converted to electrical signals inductance sensor. A common type of
using a Wheatstone bridge circuit. differential transformer is the Linear Variable
Differential Transformer (LVDT) shown in
Figure 4.2d. When an alternating current
(AC) electrical signal is applied to the primary
Capacitance Sensors
coil it induces electrical signals in the two
secondary coils (E, and E$) with a phase
A capacitance sensor, illustrated in Figure
difference dependent on the relative position
4.2b, consists of two fixed metal plat& and a
of the transformer core which conveys the
metal diaphragm in the middle which moves
mechanical displacement. When the
according to the applied pressure. The
transformer core is in the center of the two
capacitances (C, and CJ depend on the
secondary coils, E, and E$ are out of phase by
distances between the movable diaphragm and
180 degrees and, therefore, cancel each other
the fixed plates. This differential capacitance
out. As the core moves from the center, the
is used to modulate the electrical signal at the
relative phases change and a voltage (q),
output of a bridge circuit similar to the one
which is proportional to the mechanical
utilized by the strain gauges.
displacement, is induced.

Inductance Sensors Potentiometer Sensors

Figure 4 . 2 ~shows one of several types of Figure 4.2e shows a simple form of a
displacement sensors which utilize electrical potentiometer sensor in which a slide-wire
inductance to measure the mechanical resistor moves according to the sensed
displacement. The movement of the armature pressure. The difference between the output
changes the permeance, the magnetic voltage and the input voltage is directly
equivalent of electrical conductance, of the dependent on the position of the wiper. This
magnetic flux path around the fixed magnet. is due to the change in resistance seen
This magnetic flux is induced by the exciter between the output terminals (A and C) as the
coil (A) on the left side of the magnet. The wiper moves.


Sensing Diaphragm
Fixed Fixed
Capacitanc apacitance
Flexible Plate Plate Plate

Cl cz
(a) (b)

Applied Pressure
' I i \

Primary I Secondary
Exciter 7
a T
E3 ill t
Transformer Core

(C) (d)

Output Signal

r 1-- - - 1,-I
I \
Input Signal Leadwires

Input Pressure
(e) (f)

Figure 4.2 Six Types of Displacement Sensors which Convert

Mechanical Displacement to an Electrical Signal

Piezoelectric Sensors coefficients which are stored in the
transmitter’s memory. These coefficients
Piezoelectricity is the generation of an allow for zero and span adjustments,
electrical signal due to strain, especially on a linearization, digital dampening, etc.(I8)
crystalline structure. Figure 4.2f illustrates the Information from internal sensors, which can
use of a quartz crystal as a piezoelectric monitor temperature and other environmental
sensor. The induced voltage from the crystal conditions which may affect the output of the
is very small and must be amplified as shown transmitter, can be used to compensate for
in this figure. This induced voltage is also such effects in the digitized data. The adjusted
direction-sensitive producing opposite voltage data can be converted back to an analog
polarities for both tension and compression. current .signal through a Digital to Analog
(D/A) converter and sent through the
electrical cables to the remote electronics.
4.3 Smart Sensors This allows the smart sensor to be used with
existing instrumentation.
A new generation of process pressure sensors,
known as smart sensors, is growing in As seen in Figure 4.3, a communications unit
popularity and finding its way &to the nuclear can be placed across the current loop to
industry. The major difference between smart enable control of the available features in the
sensors and other conventional pressure transmitter. The communications unit
sensors is in how the transmitter modulates the provides high input impedance to avoid
electrical current signal according to the affecting the current loop signal and uses high
mechanical displacement. The generation of frequency AC signals to communicate with the
the analog signal produced by the sensing transmitter. Because the AC signals do not
element and the displacement sensor can be interfere with the DC current signal, the
accomplished through any of the means communications unit is able to communicate
previously discussed. However, the smart with the transmitter while the sensing system
sensor uses an Analog to Digital (AD) continues to operate normally. Remote
converter to produce a digitized signal that communications with transmitters in the field
represents the measured pressure (Figure 4.3). provide easy diagnostic testing, storage and
recall of specific information about the
The digital signal from the A/D can be transmitter, as well as error reporting which
conditioned according to the programmed could not be done with conventional sensors.
For Temperature


To Digital
Sensor Linearization
Transfer Function
To Analog
E Instrumentation
Converter (ND) Engineering Units Converter (D/A)
Damping I


Non-volatile Memory
Linearity Constants

Range Constants
Transmitter Configuration

Figure 4 3 Block Diagram of the Components of a Ililypical Smart Sensor


Two distinct methods may be utilized by a modulate the frequency of the light signal or
fiber optic sensing system to measure a process use an optical phenomenon known as
variable. These methods are referred to as fluorescence.
extrinsic and intrinsic sensing. In an extrinsic
sensor, the fiber optic cables are only used to
supply light to and from an "off-fiber" 5.1 Intensity-Modulated Sensors
transducer. The fiber optic cable may be
viewed as strictly providing light to a "black In intensity-type sensors, the light emitted
box" After the black box has modulated the from an optical source is carried along a fiber,
light signal with information about the its intensity is modified at the transducer and
measurand, a second fiber optic cable, or the light is returned to an optical detector.
alternatively the original cable, transmits the These sensors are analog in nature, as the light
information to a remote interface unit. In an intensity detected is proportional to the
intrinsic sensor, the modulation occurs inside measured variable. Intensity-modulated
the fiber. In this sensing mode, the measured sensors can be classified as using one of three
property is allowed to deform the fiber which general modulation mechanisms: transmission,
changes its optical properties resulting in reflection, and microbending.
modulation of the transmitted light.

5.1.1 Transmissive Intensity Sensors

In a fiber optic sensor, different characteristics
or properties of the transmitted light can be The transmissive concept is normally
modified to carry information about the associated with intensity-modulated sensors in
measured variable. Fiber optic sensor designs which the light is interrupted while passing
may be divided into four main categories through a break in the fiber optic cable. All
depending on the properties of the light signal of the transmissive sensors described below
that are modulated. These include directly measure displacement or deflection of
intensity-modulated, phase-modulated, a diaphragm.
spectrum-modulated, and time and
frequency-modulated sensors. In The simplest of the transmissive concept fiber
intensity-modulated sensors, which are also optic pressure sensor designs is shown in
known as intensity-type sensors, the measurand Figure 5.1. A movable shutter connected to a
affects the intensity, or brightness, of the light flexible diaphragm is allowed to interrupt the
transmitted along a fiber optic cable. light path between the light source and optical
Phase-modulated, or interferometric, sensors detector in proportion to the pressure applied
encode the measurand in the phase difference to the diaphragm. Therefore, the intensity of
between the light returning from a sensing the light received at the detector is related to
optical path and the light from a reference the measured pressure.
optical path. Spectrum-modulated, or
wavelength-encoding, sensors alter the spectral A similar design, depicted in Figure 5.2,
properties of the light. Other sensor types can consists of both a fixed and a movable


Transmitting 4 ,-

. . .


Figure 5.1 Illustration of a Movable Shutter Transmissive

Intensity-Modulated Pressure Sensor



Focusing Lens

Opposed Grating

Figure52 Drawing of an Opposed Grating Transmissive

Intensity-Modulated Pressure Sensor

diffraction grating which modulate the light sensitivity as the transmitted intensity is
intensity reaching the detector. The fixed and proportional to the inverse square of the
movable gratings are located close to each displacement.
other, so that with no displacement of the
diaphragm, they are aligned and act as a single Frustrated total internal reflection (FTlR) is a
grating. As the diaphragm flexes under modification of the transmissive concept
applied pressure, the movable grating blocks (Figure 5.4). In this sensor, the ends of each
more of the light transmitted through the fixed fiber optic segment are polished parallel to
grating. At a certain pressure, the movable one another at an angle to the fiber axis. An
grating is displaced by a distance equal to the optically transparent liquid or gas with an
grating spacing, and no light will be index of refraction less than that of the optical
transmitted. As the grating spacing becomes fiber core separates the two fiber tips. One of
smaller, the sensitivity of the sensor increases, the segments is fixed and the other is attached
achieving the highest sensitivity reported for a to a diaphragm. As pressure is applied to the
transmissive intensity sensor.(lg)This sensor, as diaphragm, the movable segment is displaced
described, should only be used in an absolute radially with respect to the fixed segment.
pressure sensing configuration, as it is Due to the interaction between the incident
impossible to distinguish between positive and and reflected light in the movable segment,
negative pressures across the diaphragm. some light energy may be coupled into the
Likewise, the applied pressure should not be fixed segment. This is due to a wave
allowed to reach the maximum pressure phenomenon known as evanescence. The
corresponding to zero light transmission. At amount of light coupled into the fixed fiber
this pressure, positive and negative pressure depends on its distance from the movable
changes are indistinguishable. Use of a second fiber. This sensor is one of the most sensitive
set of gratings and probes would allow signal of those employing transmissive intensity
processing electronics to distinguish the mod~lation.('~)
direction of the change in deflection.

Another type of transmissive sensor involves 5.1.2 Reflective Intensity Sensors

displacement, either axially or radially, of a
movable fiber optic segment to modulate The fiber optic cables in a reflective intensity
intensity, as displayed in Figure 5.3. In these sensor typically consist of several optical fibers
designs, the movable segment is mechanically in a bundle. Some of the fibers serve to
connected to a diaphragm and the light beam transmit the light to the sensor, and the rest
travels from the fixed segment into the return the modulated light to the optical
movable segment. The amount of light that detector. The sensor consists of a reflective
reaches the movable segment is dependent on diaphragm or membrane that is allowed to
the amount of displacement. Radial deflect with the applied pressure. The light
displacement yields a more sensitive transducer beam is "bounced" off of the reflective
and provides a relatively linear intensity diaphragm and picked up by the receiving
reduction as the movable fiber goes from no fibers (Figure 5.5). As the diaphragm is
displacement (full intensity) to displacement of displaced, the intensity of the reflected light is
one probe diameter (no transmission) from the modulated. This fiber optic sensor design
fixed fiber. Axial displacement transducers enjoys several advantages, including non-
have a greater range at the expense of less contact measurement, simplicity and low cost.



1 I



Figure 5.3 Illustration of Fiber Displacement as used in a Displacement

hnsmissive Intensity-Modulated Pressure Sensor


Sensing Optical Fiber Fixed Optical Fiber


Light Modulated
Source Light


Vertical displacement

Figure 5.4 Illustration of a Frustrated Total Internal

Reflection (F”IR) Pressure Sensor


Light Source

Detector / Diaphragm

Figure 5.5 Epnple of a Reflective IntensiQ-Modulated Pressure Sensor

, I

The geometric distribution of the transmitting 5.13 Microbend Sensors
and receiving fibers in the bundle greatly
affects the sensitivity and linearity of the Microbending, as described in Chapter 2,
sensor response. Several arrangements are results in attenuation or loss due to some light
possible, as shown with their resulting response beams refracting into the cladding. The higher
characteristics in Figure 5.6. The randomly order modes of light are the ones most
distributed arrangement of fibers has been affected by a microbend since they encounter
shown to provide a highly linear response, and the core to cladding interface at angles only
is relatively insensitive to light source, fiber slightly greater than the critical angle.
optic, and diaphragm orientations, as Additionally, upon encountering a microbend,
compared to other bundle arrangements.(20) lower order light modes may be transformed
The response characteristics of a particular into higher order modes which can be
bundle arrangement may be tailored to a refracted into the cladding at the next
specific application by use of a lens assembly microbend. A series of microbends can
attached to the end of the fiber optic bundle. therefore lead to significant light losses.
This can be used to eliminate the front slope,
or increasing portion, of each response curve Figure 5.8 shows a diaphragm pressure
giving the sensor a one-to-one relationship transducer containing a fiber optic microbend
between distance and intensity. This sensor. The microbend sensor consists of a
multimode step index optical fiber which is
eliminates the possibility of erroneous readings
because of the two-to-one relationship of the squeezed between grooved or corrugated
original curve. The lens assembly can also be surfaces. One of the corrugated surfaces is
used to extend the range of the sensor. attached to the diaphragm, and as the
diaphragm is displaced, the fiber is squeezed
and bent. As the fiber is bent, an amount of
light proportional to the pressure applied to
the diaphragm is lost due to microbending
Another reflective pressure sensor is the near attenuation. In general, as the number of
total internal reflection (NTIR)sensor. This bending points on the corrugated surfaces is
sensor, as shown in Figure 5.7, requires only increased, and as the spacing between the
one single-mode fiber, the end of which has corrugations is decreased, the sensitivity of the
been polished just slightly below the critical sensor is enhanced. The fiber optic cable in
angle. The tip of the fiber is the sensor microbend pressure sensors is usually jacketed
element, which is subjected to the process in a metallic or polymer buffer coating to
pressure. Light travels along the fiber, strikes protect the optical fiber from normal
the polished end, reflects to the mirrored microbend stress, high temperature, and other
surface, reflects back to the polished end, and environmental stressors. Also, this coating
is transmitted back along the fiber. Process may extend the mechanical life of the sensor.
pressure variations cause unequal changes in
the refractive indices of the fiber and the Figure 5.9 shows a different microbend-type
surrounding medium. As the refractive indices sensor in which the fiber cable contains a
change, the critical angle shifts. These shifts in continuous spiral-wound deformer element
the critical angle r&ult in variations in the inside the protective jacket surrounding the
amount of light reflected back. This cladding. The deformer element introduces
intensity-type sensor configuration possesses microbending losses as lateral pressure is
the advantage of being very small. applied. The total attenuation can be related


r Single



Coaxial Hemispherical Random Fiber Pair Single

Figure 5.6 Five Types of Reflection Sensor Probe Bundle

Distributions and Associated Sensor Response Curves


Detector c Signal

Optical Fiber
I aser

l U W U V V

-- -
Light Beam

Figure 5.7 Illustration of a Near Total Internal

Reflection (NTIR) Pressure Sensor



. ,'...





1 1 I 1 I 1 I I I

0 15 30 45

Displacement (koa inch)

Figure 5.8 Drawing of a Microbend-Type Intensity-Modulated

Pressure Sensor along with a Typical Response Curve

U S - D W C FOP043A


Spiral Jacket Member

Figure 5.9 Illustration of a Quasi-Distributed Microbend

Intensity-Modulated Pressure Sensor

to the sum of the distributed pressures or the fiber optic cable. Metallic buffer coatings
alternatively, a technique known as optical do not permit pressure-induced distortion of
time domain reflectometry (OTDR)may be the fiber optic cable as easily as more flexible
used to determine the amount of pressure at materials (e.g., plastics). This results in a
specific locations.(21) reduction in sensitivity to applied pressure for
metallic coated fiber optic cables, while plastic
coatings result in increased sensitivity. In
5.2 Phase-Modulated Sensors order to minimize . undesired pressure
sensitivity in the non-measurement regions of
Phase-modulated sensors use interferometric the interferometer (i.e. leads and reference
methods to sense the measured variable. fibers), metallic coated fibers may be used in
Interferometry is the use of interference those areas.
phenomena, based on the wave properties of
light, to perform measurements. In 5.2.2 Fabqy-Perot Interferometer
phase-modulated sensors, changes in the
measurand result in a phase difference Fabry-Perot interferometric pressure sensors
between the modulated light and a reference incorporate a resonance cavity, also referred to
light beam (Figure 5.10). Since the as an etalon, consisting of two partial
phase-modulated fiber optic sensors use reflectors on either side of an optically \

interferometric measurement techniques, they transparent medium. One of the reflectors, or

are also referred to as interferometers. mirrors, is attached to a diaphragm, and the
cavity length is allowed to vary with the
There are four interferometric configurations: applied pressure. A schematic of the
Mach-Zehnder, Michelson, Fabry-Perot, and Fabry-Perot configuration is shown in Figure
Sagnac. The Mach-Zehnder, Michelson, and 5.12.
Fabry-Perot configurations may be utilized for
configuration is chiefly used for gyroscopic
The light from the laser source impacts the
applications and will not be covered here.
first mirror, where some of the light is
reflected back to the laser, while the rest of
5.2.1 Mach-Zehnder Interferometer the light continues on to the second mirror.
Some of this light is reflected back into the
The configuration of a Mach-Zehnder resonance cavity, and some is transmitted to
interferometric sensor is shown in Figure 5.11. the detector. The light which passes straight
The light source is split into a reference leg through the etalon without being reflected
and a measurement leg. The measurement leg functions as the reference beam. Due to the
experiences both a length change and change high, but not perfect, reflectivity of the
in refractive index due to the pressure applied mirrors, some of the light which is trapped in
directly to the fiber. The two beams are then the sensing cavity is bounced back and forth
recombined and the phase modulation is many times before it escapes to either the
detected by measuring the intensity of the source or the detector. This results in a
recombined light. compounding of phase delays which increases
the sensitivity of the Fabry-Perot sensor with
The response and sensitivity of a respect to the other interferometric
Mach-Zehnder fiber optic pressure sensor are configuration^.('^) However, experience has
dependent on the type of buffer coating on indicated that the majority of the light


Reference Fiber

Sensing Fiber -IC-



Phase Shift

Figure 5.10 Illustration of Phase Shift Due to a Change in the Length of the Fiber

U S - D W C FOP0148

Light J \ Optical
Source Detector

Figure 5.11 Drawing Qfa Mach-Zehnder Interferometric Pressure Sensor


LASER u 4 -


Figure 5.12 Drawing of a Fabry-Perot Interferometric Pressure Sensor

reaching the detector has either passed straight reference legs are terminated with a reflective
through the resonance cavity with no mirror. This results in the elimination of one
reflections, or has only experienced one extra coupler, but also introduces a significant
cycle inside the c a ~ i t y . ( ~ *Another
* ~ ~ ~ ~chief
) disadvantage. I n t h e Michelson
advantage of the Fabry-Perot configuration is interferometric configuration, the coupler
that it only requires one fiber, and is therefore feeds light back both into the detector and the
insensitive to intensity variations between the laser. Feedback into the laser creates a source
* measurement and reference fibers. of optical noise which reduces the sensitivityof
the interferometer.
The Fabry-Perot interferometer has at least
two extrinsic configurations, as shown in
Figures 5.13 and 5.14. Both designs include a 5.3 Spectrum-Modulated Sensors
coupler, as the light is required to reflect back
in the direction of the laser source to reach Spectrum-modulated or wavelength encoding
the detector. fiber optic sensors rely on spectral attenuation
or shifting to encode the measured process
The extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometer parameter. The detector must be able to
(EFPI) cavity depicted in Figure 5.13 consists determine optical intensities at different
of an air gap between the polished ends of the wavelengths to determine the value of the
single-mode transmission fiber and a measurand.
multimode fiber. The polished fiber ends
serve as reflectors. The other end of the Wavelength-modulated sensors incorporate a
multimode fiber is shattered to minimize light source with specific spectral features.
back-reflections of light which is not properly The light from the source is transmitted to a
reflected at the polished end of the multimode transducer, where wavelength-specific features
fiber. As the process changes, the distance are introduced (Figure 5.16). These features
between the single-mode and multimode fibers are introduced at one or more wavelengths
changes. This results in a modulation of the related to the pressure applied to the
phase difference between the reflected light transducer. Either a spectrometer, or
beams. alternatively,multiple filters and detectors are
used to detect the spectral location of these
The EFPI sensor shown in Figure 5.14 features. In this figure, the process pressure
resembles a reflective intensity type sensor, in alters the light intensity at a specific
that the diaphragm serves as one of the wavelength related to the process value.
mirrors which create the resonance cavity.
The rest of the components in this sensor are
configured exactly as in the previously 5.3.1 Fabry-Perot Sensors
described EFPI sensor and its operation is
A typical wavelength encoding Fabry-Perot
etalon sensor is shown in Figure 5.17. This
5.2.3 Michelson Interferometer sensor consists of a single fiber with a shallow
cavity resonator at the tip. The light source to
The Michelson interferometer configuration is the cavity is provided by an LED with a
illustrated in Figure 5.15. This interferometer narrow wavelength band. The interference of
is very similar to the Mach-Zehnder the reflected light beams results in modulation
configuration, except that the sensing and of the light intensity at specific wavelengths.

(ecruoS- Sensor Head FOwmA


Multimode Fiber


.Reflected Light--

Figure 5.13 Drawing of an Extrinsic Fabry-Perot Interferometric (EFPI)

Pressure Sensor with a Multimode Reflector


" 'r

Figure 5.14 DAwing of an Extrinsic Fabry-Perot Interferometric (EE%%j

Pressure Sensor with a Membrane Reflector



3 Sensing

Detector Reference

Figure 5.15 Illustration of a Michelson Interferometric Pressure Sensor


Source Intensity ---+ Wavelength (AI

+--- f(X,P).lntensity


Figure 5.16 Diagram of the Wavelength-Encoding Pressure Sensing Concept


Beamsplitters SENSOR
rShallow Cavitv


Figure 5.17 Drawing of a Fabry-Perot Etalon Dual-Wavelength

Spectrum-Modulated Pressure Sensor
The modulated light is then split and subjected and is displaced radially with respect to the
to two different optical filters which transmit segments as a diaphragm is deflected with
distinct wavelength bands. The ratio of the applied pressure. A broadband source is used
intensities of the two different wavelength to provide the light that is transmitted from
bands, or colors, is related to the external one fiber segment to the other. Some of the
pressure. This sensor provides attenuation or light exiting the transmitting segment
loss compensation, assuming the loss encounters the glass modulator and is filtered
mechanism is uniform ("grey") with respect to as it propagates to the receiving segment. The
the two wavelength bands. rest of the light is unmodulated as it enters the
receiving segment. The received light is sent
Another Fabry-Perot etalon based sensor to two optical detectors after being filtered at
utilizes a broadband LED along with a two separate center frequencies. The ratio of
reference resonance cavity (Figure 5.18).(24) the two detected intensities is related to the
The reference cavity is used to detect the pressure applied to the diaphragm.
locations of a number of periodically spaced
intensity minima in the output spectrum of the
5.3.3 Diffractive Wavelength-Modulated
sensing resonance cavity. The locations of
these minima are ,..related to the applied Sensors
pressure. Since'light with a broad spectral The diffractive property of reflective gratings
band and multiple spectral features is being may be used to provide wavelength modulation
analyzed, this sensor is less sensitive than the for fiber optic pressure measurement. Figure
previously described Fabry-Perot etalon sensor 5.20 shows how the grating spacing may be
to wavelength-dependent attenuation and varied with mechanical displacement to
spectral shifts in the light source. provide narrowband light at a specific output
angle. This narrowband light will then vary in
The light intensity detected at the optical wavelength as the grating is horizontally
detector is minimized when the separation of displaced. As shown in Figure 5.21, a
the reference etalon matches that of the spectrometer, or similar device, is used to
sensing etalon:" -;The separation of the detect the spectral properties of the returned
reference cavity is varied by a piezoelectric light.
translator (PZT). The PZT's voltage is
controlled to minimize the electrical signal
produced by the detector. The reference 5.4 Time and Frequency
cavity's mirrors are metal coated and the Modulated Sensors
impedance of the: parallel-plate capacitor
formed by the cavity is measured and related Some fiber optic pressure sensors time-code
to the process variable. the measurand and are essentially independent
of attenuation effects. Sensors which fall into
this category either use a frequency signal
5.3.2 Absorption Spectral Attenuation generated by a quartz crystal resonator or a
Sensors fluorescent decay rate to transmit the
measured pressure.
The sensor shown in Figure 5.19 uses the 5.4.1 Resonating Element Quartz
wavelength-dependent filtering of an absorbing Transducer
glass modulator to modulate the spectrum of
the light signal. The modulator glass is placed Sensors utilizing a resonating element quartz
between two segments of a transmission loop transducer operate by modulating the resonant

PZT t: Reference

II' ' Mirror Diaphragm
Control Detector \ /

Broad Band
4 k -
I LED I Sensing

Figure 5.18 Drawing of a Fabry-Perot Etalon Spectrum-Modulated

Pressure Sensor Using a Reference Etalon

Leg 1
,-Glass Modulator

---- Receiving


Til \
Pressure Diaphragm

Figure 5.19 Illustration of an Absorbing Glass

Spectrum-Modulated Pressure Sensor


Narrow Band 1-ight

Broad Rent4 1 inkt In
uai IU L l Y l I L II I
Out at Annle of
I Interrei3

Grating with Variable Spacing

Figure 5.20 Illustration of the Diffractive Property o f a Refltktive Grating


/L-r \

Source Spectrometer Processing

Optical Fiber

Figure 5.21 Drawing of a Reflective Configuration of a Diffraction

Grating Spectrum-Modulated Pressure Sensor

frequency of load-sensitive quartz crystals. to supply light to the sensor and to transmit
This change in resonant frequency can be used the modulated signal back to the optical
to modulate the light beam. The pressure detector. The end of the fiber is attached to
sensing element is designed to minimize a diaphragm causing the fiber tip to move
environmental effects, and a similar quartz vertically from one fluorescent disc to another
crystal temperature element can be used to as the diaphragm is deflected with the applied
provide additional thermal compensation. The pressure. The sensor contains two different
pressure and temperature frequency neodymium-doped glass fluorescent discs
information is optically transmitted back characterized by distinct fluorescent decay
through a separate fiber optic cable to the rates. As the fiber tip is displaced, the relative
optical detector and signal processing intensity contribution of each fluorescent disc
electronics. A fiber optic pressure sensor changes. Phase-sensitive detection methods
utilizing this technique will be described in are then used to determine the relative
Chapter 10. contributions of each disc which are
proportional to the process variable. The
5.4.2 Fluorescent Decay Sensor dynamic response of a fluorescent decay-rate
sensor is dominated by the fluorescent decay
A fiber optik pressure sensor which uses rates of the discs rather than mechanical limits
fluorescent decay-rate modulation is shown in imposed by the diaphragm. Improvements in
Figure 5.22.(25) This sensor design dynamic response may be possible with the use
incorporates a single multimode optical fiber of other fluorescing material combinations.

/ Optical Fiber


Fluorescent Discs'


Pressure Inlet

Figure 5.22 Drdwing of a Fluorescent Decay-Time Encoded Pressure Sensor


6.1 Advantages sensors. With the inhc , d i t y of

many fiber optic sensors,(") scvcral scnsors can
Some of the relative advantages which fiber be used with a single transmission cable. Since
optic pressure sensors possess over some fiber optic sensing modulation
conventional sensors are given in Table 6.1. techniques are digital in nature, fiber optic
Although not all fiber optic pressure sensors sensing is easily made compatible with digital
demonstrate every advantage listed in this control systems.(29) Many fiber optic
table, many demonstrate most of these transducer designs are extremely small and
advantages as discussed below. lightweight.(30)This allows sensor placement in
locations previously inaccessible with
Since fiber optic cables are dielectric and the conventional sensing technologies.
sensing mechanisms used are usually optic and
optomechanical, fiber optic pressure sensors The small size and weight of fiber optic
are immune to radio frequency interference transducers renders them less vulnerable to
(RFI) and electromagnetic interference vibration and shock.(3) Fiber optic pressure
(EMI).o This property allows high signal-to- sensors offer significantly greater ~ensitivity(~')
noise ratios and transmission without shielding and dynamic range(32) than conventional
requirements in electrically noisy pressure transmitters, and can provide
environments. As with EM1 and RFI,noise advantages in the following areas: linearity,(33)
emission and cross-talk among fiber optic stability,(34)reliability,(3s)and response time.(30)
cables is nonexistent.(26)Optical fibers may be
bundled together and several bundles may be High temperature environments can introduce
run in close proximity. diaphragm "creep" and unpredictable and
non-repeatable measurements in conventional
The dielectric property of fiber optic cables pressure transmitters. Many fiber optic
eliminates shock hazards, as well as the need pressure sensors have been designed so that
for surge protection and signal isolation.(3) they a r e unaffected by elevated
Fiber optic sensors are immune to ground temperatures.(3236)For this reason, as well as
faults and electrical hazards (e.g., ground tolerance to vibration and shock, fiber optic
loops, common mode voltages, and changes in pressure sensors can be used in adverse
ground potential).(27)Typical materials used in environments.(37)
fiber optic cables are chemically inert in most
process environments.(') This property both
protects the integrity of the cable and prevents 6.2 Disadvantages
undesirable chemical reaction with or
contamination of the process environment.
Fiber optic sensors have some disadvantages
Transmission loss, or attenuation, is generally when compared to conventional sensors. These
much smaller in optical fibers than in the may include fragility of the sensing element
electrical leads of conventional process and fiber optic cable, poor compatibility with


Advantages of Fiber Optic Pressure Sensors

EMvRm Immunity
Noise, Crosstalk, and Ground Loop Immunity
Elimination of Spark and Shock Hazards
Useful in Explosive Environments
Low Signal Attenuation for Remote Measurements

Small in Size and Mass

Resistant to Harsh Environments
High Temperature Tolerance
Chemically Inert
Hiih Tolerance to Vibration and Shock

1I High Resolution
High Dynamic Range
Good Linearity
Temperature Compensation or Low Temperature
Multiplexing Capability
process environments, radiation-induced these changes. Intensity-based sensors can be
darkening of the fiber optic cables resulting in susceptible to the following sources of
increased attenuation, complex and expensive attenuation: connector alignments or changes
signal processing equipment and, in certain in alignment during maintenance, any
cases, poor performance in static pressure movement, bending, or vibration of the fiber,
measurements.(") radiation-induced darkening, and changes in
source intensity or optical detector
Many fiber optic sensors, especially of the sensitivity.(")
intensity-modulated variety, are particularly
vulnerable to fluctuations in the transmission The effects mentioned above can all be
characteristics of the fiber optic cables due to reduced or alleviated by using a reference fiber
environmental and mechanical stressors, as or a reference light beam or both.(40)
well as variations in the sensitivity of detectors However, intensity-based sensors mostly fall
and the efficiency of light sources with into the extrinsic sensing category, and inherit
temperature and aging. These specific certain susceptibilities. Extrinsic sensors suffer
problems are usually eliminated or reduced from the following difficulties which stem from
with the application of compensation having the light exit from and return to the
techniques (e.g., use of a reference fiber or fiber optic cable: "problems with alignment,
dual-wavelength measurement), and are not vibration, contamination of surfaces, and
necessarily present with other modulation possible stray light effects."(") These affects
techniques.(q may be compensated to some extent by using
a reference light beam, but may lead to
6.3 Intercomparison of Fiber degraded sensor performance and sensor
Optic Sensors failure.

The microbend intensity-type sensor is an

In order to highlight the specific advantages
intrinsic sensor, and does not inherit the
and disadvantages of fiber optic sensors, the
four different types of fiber optic sensors are liabilities of extrinsic sensing. In addition, this
sensor has been well characterized and
compared below.
demonstrated with various compensation
technique^.(^**^') However, microbend sensors
6.3.1 Intensity-Modulated Sensors
have been reported to be susceptible to
calibration drift due to aging effects.
Intensity-modulated sensors, as compared to
other fiber optic sensor types, require 6.3.2 Phase Modulated Sensors
relatively simple electronics to decode the
measurand from the modulated light.(38) This Interferometric sensors are less affected than
results in a simpler and less expensive device intensity-modulated sensors by irrelevant
to develop or manufacture.(39) However, some intensity or phase variations in the non-
uncompensated intensity-type designs suffer measurement regions of the fiber optic
from unintentional attenuation in the cables, cables.(") Due to the extreme accuracy that
as well as variations in the light source and can be obtained in measuring phase
optical detector. If the light intensity is differences, phase-modulated sensors are much
affected by changes other than in the area more sensitive than intensity-modulated
where the process measurement takes place, sensors.(39)However, phase-modulated sensors
then the output of the sensor will be biased by are also generally more expensive.(42)

The sensitivity of interferometric sensors configurations share the same simplicity of
makes them more cross-sensitive to implementation as intensity-modulated
environmental effects, when compared to sensors.(45)
other fiber optic pressure sensors.(43) Cross-
sensitivity has occasionally been demonstrated
6.3.4 Time or Frequency-Based Encoding
to limit the ability to measure static
pressure,(44)as slowly varying environmental
effects can be difficult to compensate for and Intensity fluctuations associated with source
may induce significant drift. efficiency, detector sensitivity and attenuation
may be addressed by encoding the measurand
using frequency or decay time. Light
The Fabry-Perot interferometric sensors offer modulation in this manner can almost entirely
simpler implementation than other eliminate the sensitivity of the transducer to
interferometric methods because they do not apparent intensity fluctuations.(n
require a reference fiber. This modulation
technique also offers higher sensitivity than The force-dependent resonating element
other interferometric methods.(Ig) quartz sensor is recognized to be extremely
insensitive to attenuation and sourceldetector
influences. The optical detector and remote
6.3.3 Spectrum-Modulated Sensors electronics are only required to count the
number of pulses in a specified amount of time
Measurement of the modulation of spectral and are therefore immune to attenuation of
components of light can eliminate most, if not the Intensity compensation schemes
all, of the sensor’s sensitivity to intensity for other sensing techniques involve
fluctuations or attenuation.(”) This inherent comparisons of relative intensities, and are
compensation is limited, since it is based on based on assumptions concerning the nature of
the assumption that all losses are wavelength the fluctuations (e.g., uniform attenuation with
independent. This assumption may not always respect to wavelength). Frequency-modulation
hold true. offers the most robust insensitivity to intensity
fluctuation mechanisms (e.g., attenuation
Fabry-Perot etalon based sensors, which enjoy losses, detector sensitivity, and source
the loss-compensation benefits of wavelength efficiency), as intensity variation and
encoding, can be implemented so that fluctuation will not affect the sensor output
detection of the intensity of only two narrow until the optical power is reduced below the
wavelength bands is necessary. These etalon minimum level discernable by the detector.

The components of a fiber optic pressure temperature cycling may result in eventual
sensing system may be separated into the mechanical breakdown or misalignment of
following subsystems: optical source, transducer components.
transmission medium, transducer, and the
optical detector. The failure modes and
degradation mechanisms of each of these 7.1 Failure Modes of Optical
individual components must be considered in
qualification testing and reliability estimation
for use of these sensors in safety related
The typical definition of failure for light
instrumentation in nuclear power plants.
emitting diodes (LEDs) is a fifty percent
reduction in optical power output. A common
Although fiber optic pressure sensing cannot
failure definition for laser diodes is a fifty
be considered a fully characterized technology
percent increase in threshold current. This
from the standpoint of operating experience,
increase in threshold current also results in a
the use of fiber optics in the communications
decrease in delivered output power for the
field has been well demonstrated. In addition,
laser diode.
extensive reliability and failure mode analyses
have been performed on those components
Both LEDs and laser diodes are subject to
mutual to both fiber optic sensing and
either catastrophic failure, where power
communication systems.('6i47) In addition to
reduction is abrupt, or gradual failure over a
stressors common to many other applications,
period of time. Gradual failure can be offset
the effects of gamma and neutron radiation
by an increase in the current supplied by the
fields must be investigated in order for sensors
drive electronics, but such an increase leads to
to be installed in nuclear power plants.
overheating of the source and eventual
Radiation effects on fiber optic system
catastrophic failure.
components have been investigated but more
testing on long-term effects is needed.(47i48)
The failure modes associated with LEDs are
A detailed assessment of the failure modes of the following: rapid degradation due to the
process transducer mechanisms is not included formation of dark line defects (DLDs) and
here, as these components are specific to each dark spot defects (DSDs), and slow
separate sensor design. For many sensors, degradation due to thermally driven diffusion
especially extrinsic sensors, the main of impurities into the device. DLDs and
transducer degradation mechanism is DSDs are caused by material impurities or
misalignment caused either by vibration, shock, crystal lattice defects generated in the material
or poor assembly and installation. during manufacturing. However, the adverse
Alternatively, except for those sensors which effects produced by these impurities may not
are considered non-contact (reflective develop for many years. DLDs and DSDs in
intensity-based and Fabry-Perot etalon LEDs may be reduced by improving the
wavelength-modulated sensors) and the following manufacturing factors: material
interferometric sensors, pressure and selection, device fabrication, and quality

Slow degradation describes the were selected based on their potential
reduction of output power over time as radiation hardness.
diffusion of impurities gradually "contaminates"
the purity of the active region of the LED.
This degradation increases with temperature, 7.2 Failure Modes of Optical
and is not a result of manufacturing defects. Fibers
The mechanisms of failure in laser diodes
Failures in fiber optic cables are manifested in
include the incubation mode, formations of
increased signal attenuation or in breakage of
DSDs, and laser "wear-out." The incubation
the fiber. Attenuation sources are hydrogen
mode consists of manufacturing defects, and is
migration into the fiber, creation of OH
an early failure mode. This failure mode may
groups, formation of micro-cracks, and gamma
be avoided with the application of simple
and neutron radiation-darkening of the fiber.
screening and burn-in procedures. DSDs are
formed in laser diodes as component
Hydrogen may migrate into the cable during
degradation results in increased thermal
temperature cycling in a moist environment,
resistance between the heat sink and the laser
leading to degradation in the physical strength
device. As the temperature builds up in the
of the jacketing and coating of the fiber cable,
laser diode, DSDs are formed, decreasing the
as well as changing the optical properties of
output power. The formation of DSDs may be
the core. Hydrogen impurities may also be
minimized by including a protective layer,
initially present in the cable after manufacture
known as a passivation layer, in the device. (16)
and may lead to changes in the optical
properties of the fiber core. Hydrogen
Laser wear-out is attributable to the following migration may be reduced by selecting cable
conditions: material degradations due to materials which do not generate hydrogen and
ambient temperature, which may be reduced cable coatings which are resistant to the
by decreasing operating temperature; facet ingress of hydrogen.
oxidation staining caused by photo-oxidation in
high humidity environments, which is reduced Fiber cable micro-cracks are generated by
by the application of a thin layer of a special bending stresses in the cable. Micro-cracks
coating; and crystal lattice defects which lead may be avoided by adhering to bending radius
to the formation of DLDs. Crystal lattice and fiber handling specifications. Also, the
defects may be avoided or reduced by proper selection of cable materials can reduce
improved material selection and quality the creation of micro-cracks during thermal
control. cycling due to the differences in thermal
coefficients of expansion.
Radiation testing has been performed on
LEDs and no significant degradation was Radiation darkening has been demonstrated in
detected up to gamma radiation doses of 105 some fiber optic cables to significantlyincrease
Grays (Gy),with output power reduction of attenuation of the light This effect
only five percent at doses of lo6 A is dynamic, as attenuation is shown to increase
study of the neutron radiation effect on LEDs with radiation dose, and to decrease with
demonstrated that neutron fluences up to 3 x photo-bleaching and annealing.
1014 n/cm2 had no effect on output power.(47) Photo-bleaching and annealing reduce the
Note that the devices chosen for these studies adverse effects of radiation darkening by the

application of optical power and temperature. ionizing radiation as well as intense optical
Selection of certain fiber materials, such as radiation. However, certain optical detectors
pure silica, can result in fibers that are have been shown to operate reliably in high
extremely radiation resistant. Such pure-silica radiation environments, with negligible
fibers are considered appropriate and suitable reduction in optical resp~nsitivity.(~q
for use even in high radiation environments.
Dark current is the reverse current flow of a
Connectors, splices, and couplers which serve reverse-biased diode in the absence of a light
to direct and transmit light, are functionally signal. The common failure definition or
considered to be part of the fiber optic cable condition for these devices is an order of
for the failure mode analysis. These devices magnitude increase in dark current. Dark
may introduce substantial losses in the fiber current occurs with all diodes, and is
optic system. The failure modes of these dependent on operating temperature
devices include poor alignment, contamination (approximately doubles for each 10 degrees
of surfaces, aging due to handling and Celsius increase in temperature). This effect
re-mating, and vibration. These mechanisms may be reduced by lowering the ambient
may be alleviated or eliminated with proper temperature of the electronics.
handling and alignment procedures.
High relative humidity has been found to
7.3 Failure Modes of Optical cause electrochemical oxidation in optical
Detectors detectors. This leads to electrical short circuits
and possibly catastrophic failure. This failure
The failure modes for optical detectors include mode may be avoided by hermetically sealing
increased dark current and electrochemical electronic components that operate in high
oxidation. These devices are also sensitive to humidity environments.


This chapter presents a review of the key design basis event, and containment
points in two of the existing IEEE standards test conditions for the performance of
for qualification testing of safety-related Class 1E functions."(49)
equipment such as pressure transmitters in
nuclear power plants. The purpose of this
The IEEE 323-1974 includes seismic
review is to provide the reader with an idea of
qualificationrequirements which are described
the level of effort that may be involved in
in IEEE 344-1975. The IEEE 344-1975 is
qualifying a fiber optic pressure sensor for use
used as a supplement to IEEE 323-1974.
in nuclear safety-related applications. Of
course, special test procedures based on the
The scope of IEEE 344-1975 is quoted below
general guidelines in IEEE standards will
to show the intent of the seismic qualification
probably be developed by fiber optic sensor
manufacturers when the sensors are ready to
be qualified for use in nuclear power plants.
The current procedures for qualification
testing of conventional pressure transmitters "Theserecommended practices provide
may not suffice due to some major differences direction for establishinp
- procedures

between the principle of operation of that will vield data which verifv that
conventional pressure sensors and fiber optic the Class 1E equipment can meet its
pressure sensors. performance requirements during and
following one SSE (safe shutdown
earthquake) meceded bv a number of
8.1 IEEE Standards OBEs (operating basis

Safety-related electrical equipment is referred

to as "Class 1E" equipment as defined in the Qualification, actording to the IEEE
Institute of Electrical and Electronics standards, can be accomplishedin several ways:
Engineers (IEEE) Standard 323-1974, type testing, operating experience, analysis or
commonly referred to as IEEE 323-1974. This a combination of the three. Type testing,
standard describes the basic requirements for which involves subjecting the equipment to
qualifying Class 1E equipment. A quote from normal and abnormal conditions, would
this standard is given below to identify the goal probably be the first step in qualification
of the qualification tests. testing of a new pressure sensor. Qualification
by analysis would involve the generation of
"These qualification requirements, mathematical models to simulate the effects of
when met, will confirm the adequacy potential conditions that the equipment may
of the equipment desim
- under normal, experience in a plant. This typically implies
abnormal, design
- basis event, post that data, short term and long term, would be
used to corroborate the assumptions made in The sequence in which the qualification tests
the mathematical models. For fiber optic are performed is also specified in the IEEE
pressure sensors, qualification by analysis could 323-1974 standard. A typical test sequence is
present problems because sufficient operating illustrated in Figure 8.1. The Design Basis
data is not yet available from industrial Event (DBE) testing may follow the test
applications of these sensors. For the same profile shown in Figure 8.2. The dotted line
reason, qualification from operating experience shows the conditions that the equipment will
may not be feasible for fiber optic pressure be subjected to. The solid line shows the
sensors. Therefore, qualification by type actual test parameters based on postulated
testing as described below would probably be plant conditions plus performance margins
the most suitable method for fiber optic which are added to account for variations in
pressure sensors. the production of the equipment and possible
errors in defining its performance
8.2 Qualification Testing
8.3 Aging Tests
Type testing methods for qualification of Class
1E equipment are presented in IEEE 323- According to IEEE 323-1974, aging tests can
1974. Table 8.1 provides a listing of the take several forms. If previous aging data for
equipment characteristics that are monitored specific components exist, they are used where
during these tests. The qualification tests are applicable. Alternatively, accelerated aging
performed at conditions which meet or exceed tests may be used including the effects of heat,
the conditions that the equipment will be vibration, radiation, etc. Thermal aging, for
exposed to during its useful life including both example, is performed according to the
normal and abnormal operations. Arrhenius equation. This equation defines the
temperature and time period necessary to
Categories 11and V in Table 8.1 deal with the thermally age the equipment so that it can be
electrical characteristics of the equipment. As tested to verify that it will operate properly
discussed earlier in this report, fiber optic throughout its useful life.
pressure sensors are electrically isolated in the
field and their electrical components will The component of a fiber optic sensor that
usually be located in a mild environment such may be susceptible to aging degradation is the
as the control room area. Therefore, in fiber optic cable. As discussed in Chapter 6,
writing qualification test procedures for fiber one of the major drawbacks of fiber optic
optic pressure sensors, these categories may sensors for nuclear power plants is the effect
not apply in the same way that they do for of radiation on fiber optic cables. Although
conventional pressure sensors. For example, advances in the manufacturing of these cables
Category V discusses monitoring insulation have reduced this weakness, extensive testing
resistance, voltage and current, while for fiber may be necessary to ensure that fiber optic
optic sensors, the qualification tests should sensors will operate properly in a nuclear
involve monitoring such factors as optical power plant for a sufficiently long period of
frequency, attenuation, and distortion. time.


Equipment Characteristics to be Monitored

During IEEE 323-1 974 Class 1E Qualification Testing

Environment Temperature, pressure, moisture content, gas

composition, vibration, and time

Input Electrical Frequency, current, voltage, power to the

Characteristics equipment, .and time duration of the input

Fluid Characteristics Concentration of chemical constituents in fluid

injected into the test chamber plus the flow rate
and spray disposition and temperature of such

Radiological Features Nuclear radiation data including energy type,

energy level, exposure rate, and integrated dose

Electrical Characteristics Insulation resistance of electrical components;

voltage, current and power output; response time;
frequency characteristics and simulated load

Mechanical Characteristics Thrust, torque, time, and load profile

Auxiliary Function Function measurements related to Class 1 E

Measurements equipments which are included in the equipment
but not necessary for its own operation; that is
items which are required to provide a signal to
control other Class 1E equipment

Assure no damage
due to handling
since manufacture

I Normal Operation
Operate under normal
conditions to
provide baseline data for
later comparisons

Abnormal Operation
Operate under
extreme conditions
given by equipment

Put equipment in a
condition equivalent
to the end-of-life
I condition

Subject equipment to
mechanical vibration
including simulated
seismic vibration
(IEEE 344-1975)

, Desian Basis Event (DBE)

Operature under a
simulated design
basis event

Post Accident Test

Operation under
simulated post
accident conditions

Disassemble txe
equipment and
inspect its status
and condition

Figure 8.1 Flow Chart Showing the Qualification

Test Sequence for Class 1E Equipment


Simulated Service Condition Test Profile

to Assure
Performance Margin
Additional Peak Transient
Specified Period of Operating
Extended Period
to Assure
Performance Margin
Capability to Function Durin and
Following a Design Basis vent

Figure 8.2 Design Basis Event Testing Profile for Qualification Testing of Class 1E Equipment
Although the electronic components in a fiber would require aging tests similar to that for the
optic sensor would normally be located in cables and the transmitter in the field.
controlled areas and subject to mild
Overall, qualifjing a fiber optic sensor for
environments, qualification testing may still be
nuclear safety-related applications would
necessary for the electronics. The average probably be a major task. In fact, discussions
temperature in containment for nuclear power with manufacturers of nuclear plant pressure
plants may approach 120 degrees F and the sensors conducted as a part of this project
gamma radiation dose levels may be on the have indicated that the qualification issue is
order of 30,000 Gy over a sixty five year one of the reasons why these manufacturers
period. For the control room environment, have not seriously considered developing fiber
the temperature is typically between 65 and 70 optic sensors for nuclear safety-related
degrees F while the dose level over sixty years applications.
would typically be less than 10 It should be pointed out that qualification of
However, radiation is still a potential source of a sensor as Class 1E equipment is more
failure in fiber optic electronics, especially in involved than what has been described in this
the light sources and optical detectors as chapter. The qualification question will be
outlined in Chapter 7. The qualification addressed in more detail in the Phase II
testing of the electronics, although less intense, project.


A critical aspect of this research project was sensors and related components. However,
the accumulation of knowledge from the this breakdown is somewhat arbitrary in that
individuals 'and organizations involved in fiber many of the individualssurveyed could fall into
optic sensing technologies. This was several categories. For instance, many of the
accomplished by an informal survey of the fiber optic sensor manufacturer contacts were
fiber optic manufacturers and interviews with also authors of various publications. This also
the experts in this field. Along with the affects the "Researcher" category because
information obtained from the literature many of the manufacturers also perform
reviewed, the manufacturers survey and the extensive research on fiber optic technologies.
interviewsprovidedcomprehensiveinformation However, for simplicity, the survey contacts
on the state-of-the-art in fiber optic pressure were placed into a category that was most
sensing as well as the advantages, related to their overall involvement in this
disadvantages and failure modes of fiber optic technology.
pressure sensors. Discussions and site visits
with manufacturers of fiber optic sensors, as Two questionnaires were used in performing
well as various customers, researchers and the survey described in this chapter; one for
acknowledged industry experts, provided an the survey of manufacturers and another for
objective assessment of the current interest in interviews of industry experts, scientists,
and potential of fiber optic pressure sensors authors, etc. These questionnaires are
for use in the nuclear industry. included in Appendix B. The questionnaires
were mailed to the contacts but only a few
Appendix A contains a listing of the relevant written response were received. Subsequently,
literature obtained and reviewed during this telephone contacts were made and the
research effort. Included in this listing are questionnaires were completed over the
papers, journal and magazine articles, books, telephone. Note that this was an informal
and other publications pertaining to fiber optic survey with the purpose of determining the
sensing as well as product bulletins from state of fiber optic pressure sensing
manufacturers of fiber optic sensors. technologies. A scientific survey will be
designed and performed in Phase IT.
9.1 Description of Survey
One of the most important questions asked
during the survey involved the potential of
Approximately one hundred individuals and fiber optic pressure sensors for safety-related
organizations in the United States, Canada and measurements in nuclear power plants.
European nations were contacted during the Although a wide variety of responses were
Phase I effort. These contacts represented a given to this question, the overall response was
wide variety of expertise in fiber optic sensing positive. Most manufacturers and industry
technology. Figure 9.1 gives a breakdown of experts felt that the necessary technology is
the contacts made during the project by currently available to design a fiber optic
identifying their involvement in fiber optic pressure sensor that can meet or exceed the
sensing. The majority of the organizations nuclear industry design and qualification
contacted were manufacturers of fiber optic criteria. However, because of the current lack

Industry Survey Breakdown J PF218A-01A



Figure 9.1 Breakdown of the Contacts Made During the Industry Survey

of research and testing into such items as long The three remaining categories shown in
term radiation effects, this may not be possible Figure 9.2 are companies that manufactured
in the near future. fiber optic pressure sensors at one time but
are no longer involved in the technology,
companies that went out of business, and
9.2 Manufacturers Survey companies that only manufacture fiber optic
sensors that measure process variables other
As mentioned above, most of the organizations than pressure. Not shown in Figure 9.2 are
contacted were manufacturers of fiber optic companies that manufacture fiber optic system
sensors and fiber optic sensing system components only. These components include
components. These manufacturers were optical sources and detectors, as well as fiber
identified through the literature review, optic cables. Information from these contacts
searches of manufacturing indices, as well as was very helpful in establishing the
through information obtained from various characterizations and failure modes of the
individuals contacted during the project. Over components that make up a fiber optic
sixty companies were contacted in order to pressure sensing system.
establish their involvement in fiber optic
Chapters 5 and 6 discuss the different types of
sensing, as well as to determine their interest
fiber optic pressure sensors as well as their
in supplying products to the nuclear
advantages, disadvantages and failure modes.
Although a variety of fiber optic sensing
methodologies were described in these
Figure 9.2 gives a breakdown of the
chapters, four distinct categories were
involvement of the manufacturers surveyed in
established. Figure 9.3 shows the results of
the development of fiber optic pressure the manufacturers survey in terms of the
sensors. As shown in this figure, only a small popularity of these four sensing techniques.
number (five) of manufacturers actually stock The main reasons given for the popularity of
fiber optic pressure sensors. However, most of the intensity modulation technique over the
these sensors are intended for specific other three was its simplicity, ruggedness and
industrial uses such as in the chemical, low cost.
medical, automotive and aerospace industries.
Therefore, intercomparisons of the sensors An evaluation of the popularity of different
manufactured by these companies was aot fiber optic sensing measurands was also
possible. performed as shown in Figure 9.4. As seen in
this figure, temperature is the most popular
Custom manufacturers were defined as those measurand although a significant number fall
organizations that only design and fabricate under the "Other" category. This category
fiber optic pressure sensors per customer includes the measurands listed in Table 9.1.
requirements on an as-needed basis. These The variety of measurands is consistent with
companies also typically manufacture fiber the conclusion that most fiber optic sensors
optic sensors for measuring other process have been developed for highly specialized
variables. The manufacturers listed under the applications. Note that the popularity of
"R&D Phase" category in Figure 9.2 are pressure may be somewhat biased by the fact
companies that are currently developing a fiber that the overall intent of the survey was to
optic pressure sensor for commercialization. evaluate the fiber optic pressure sensing
However, as for the manufacturers that stock industry. Therefore, manufacturers of other
sensors, these companies are typically targeting types of fiber optic sensors may have been
a niche market. overlooked.

Manufacturers Survey

Custom Stock Sensors


h R&DPhase

Previous I y

Fiber Optic Out of Business


Figure 9.2 Involvement of the Manufacturers

Surveyed in Fiber Optic Pressure Sensing

Fiber Optic Pressure JPF218A-024

Sensing Techniques



Figure 9.3 Popularity of the Four Main Fiber

Optic Pressure Sensing Techniques

Fiber Optic JPF219A43A

Sensing Measurands





Figure 9.4 Distribution of Measurands for the Fiber Optic

Sensors Identified in the Manufacturers Survey


Other Fiber Optic Sensing Measurands

Identified Through the Industry Survey

I Air/Fuel Ratio



I Electrical Current

Electromagnetic Fields

Rotation Rate

~ ~~~ ~~
Refractive Index





Void Fraction


-- I
An important part of the manufacturers survey sensors. This company has also manufactured
was to establish the current interest of fiber fiber optic sensors that measure flow,
optic pressure sensor manufacturers in temperature, strain, displacement and void
entering the nuclear market. Although most fraction. Their fiber optic pressure sensors
were interested, all of these manufacturers had have employed both the microbend and
some reservations. Their reservations were Fabry-Perot interferometry techniques.
mostly due to the design and qualification
criteria, as well as skepticism concerning the
interest of the nuclear industry in procuring Two AMs engineers visited the B&W Applied
such technologies. Most could not see an Measurements Section facilities in Alliance,
economic benefit for meeting the nuclear
Ohio in October 1994. They toured the
utility industry’s requirements at this time.
facilities and spoke with individuals involved in
Also, note that most of the fiber optic pressure
sensor manufacturers surveyed were companies fiber optic sensing including Dr. John W.
with no previous involvement in the nuclear Berthold. Dr. Berthold is an expert in fiber
industry. The manufacturers that currently optic sensing technologies and has published
supply conventional pressure sensors to the many papers on the development and
nuclear industry are only moderately interested applications of these technologies.
in developing fiber optic pressure sensors. A
few have performed some limited
investigations into this technology for nuclear Figure 9.5 is a picture of a microbend fiber
power plants, but none are vigorouslypursuing optic pressure sensing system developed by
this issue. B&W. This is an absolute pressure
measurement system which can potentially
9.3 Babcock & Wilcox Site Visit handle pressures up to 2,750 PSI and
temperatures up to 300 degrees E This
Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) was identified as a system also offers temperature correction to
custom manufacturer of fiber optic pressure provide greater accuracy.


Figure 9.5 Microbend Fiber Optic Pressure

Sensor Developed by Babcock & Wilcox


In an attempt to enhance the information crystal resonance technologies to modulate the

compiled in the previous chapters on fiber frequency of the light signal according to both
optic sensing technologies, a fiber optic the sensed pressure and the temperature
pressure sensor was obtained from inside the transducer. This is accomplished by
Paroscientific, Incorporated of Redmond, using two quartz crystals, one for pressure and
Washington, for laboratory testing. This one for internal temperature, which resonate
testing included measurements of the static at different frequencies depending on the
and dynamic performance of the sensor. values of the measurands. The light beams
that exit the transducer have frequencies which
are dependent upon the resonating
10.1 Description of Sensor frequencies of the crystals. The resonant
frequency of the pressure sensing crystal is
primarily dependent on the sensed pressure
The particular fiber optic pressure sensing but is somewhat affected by temperature.
system obtained from Paroscientific was a Therefore, the internal temperature sensing
temperature-compensated demonstration unit crystal, which has an optical frequency output
which consists of a quartz crystal resonance dependent on temperature alone, is used to
pressure transducer, an electronic interface compensate for this small effect on the
unit, and two fiber optic cables. The sensor is pressure crystal. The temperature range of
used for barometric pressure measurements this particular transducer is -65 to 225 degrees
between 11.5 and 16 PSIA (PSI absolute). Fahrenheit although similar transducer designs
Paroscientific also manufactures fiber optic can go up to approximately 250 degrees
sensors which measure pressures up to 40,000 Fahrenheit.
The major advantages of the frequency
An interface unit supplies the optical power to modulation techniques for fiber optic pressure
the transducer through one of the fiber optic sensing are high accuracy, repeatability, low
cables. The transducer then modulates the hysteresis and power consumption, along with
light according to the measured pressure and long term stability.(”) This particular sensor
returns the modulated light to the interface offers a 0.01% accuracy and its stability is
unit through the second fiber optic cable. A comparable to timepieces which use crystal
drawing of the Paroscientific system showing oscillators. However, the quartz crystals
the setup and the dimensions of the transducer themselves are very sensitive to shock,
and the interface unit is given in Figure 10.1 vibration, and other stresses. The results of
and a picture of these two components is given overstressing the crystals are typically
in Figure 10.2. catastrophic in terms of the performance of
the sensor. In order to alleviate the potential
10.1.1 Principle of Operation for such problems, the crystals are mounted on
mechanical isolation systems and mounting
The Paroscientific fiber optic pressure pads. Balance weights are also included to
transducer tested in the laboratory uses quartz reduce the sensitivity of the sensor to

.. ,




k 825' -> 7m J

Back. 'Front
I - It
Interface Unit Transducer

:I - - z

2 Fiber Optic Cables I ,

Figure 10.1 .Drawing of the Paroscientific Fiber Optic Sensing System

Figure 10.2 Picture of the Paroscientific Fiber Optic
Pressure Transducer and Interface Unit

acceleration, shock and vibration. The applied provide local pressure readings. A computer
pressure is transferred to the quartz crystal can be linked to the interface unit through a
through a bellows configuration in this standard RS-232 communications interface.
particular sensor, although a Bourdon tube This allows the user to control the interface
configuration is used in transducers which unit display, receive pressure and temperature
measure higher pressures. measurements with the desired format and
resolution, and control other features of the
Figure 10.3 shows the internals of the sensing system. The communications protocol
Paroscientific pressure transducer. Note that used with this system is such that up to 98
the actual sizes of the components are not different transmitters can be attached to a
accurately portrayed in this figure. The single RS-232 port and controlled by a single
sensing elements 'are, very small compared to computer.(52)
the dimensions of the transmitter housing.
This transducer is large because it was Figure 10.6 is a block diagram of the entire
designed for use in explosive environments. sensing system that illustrates how the

Therefore, a neoprene boot is sandwiched individual components of the interface unit

between two cylindrical stainless steel housings function. The optical receiver/demodulator
to protect the internals of the transducer converts the incoming modulated light signals
(Figure 10.4). to electrical pulses. A digital counter, which is
driven by a high frequency digital clock, is used
10.1.2 Fiber Optic Cables to count the number of pulses that occur in a
specific amount of time. The time between
The light beams are sent to and from the
pulse counts is called the period and is
pressure transducer through fiber optic cables
inversely proportional to the frequency of the
which may be up to 500 meters long. The
incoming light signal. A microprocessor is
fiber optic cables for the Paroscientific sensor
used to control the counter which is
are supplied by the SpecTran Specialty Optics
multiplexed to allow it to measure the period
Company. They are multimode step index
of both the temperature and pressure signals.
fibers with a high numerical aperture. Their
The period measurements are then processed
high numerical aperture make them very
by the output circuitry according to the
tolerant to improper connections as well as
coefficients stored in the memory of the
macrobending. It also allows a greater amount
interface unit. This memory is in the form of
of the light source to enter the cable thereby
an Erasable and Programmable Read-only
increasing optical power and allowing the use
Memory (EPROM) that contains unalterable
of less expensive light sources and optical
information as well as an Electrically Erasable
detectors. Their ruggedness and low cost
and Programmable Read-only Memory
make them ideal for fiber optic
(EEPROM) that contains measurement
instrumentation. A drawing of the SpecTran
conversion characteristics, display modes, and
fiber optic cable is given in Figure 10.5.
other parameters, which can be changed by the
10.1.3 Interface Unit host computer.

The electronic interface unit, which can be 10.2 Calculation of Pressure and
located remotely from the pressure transducer,
supplies light to the transducer and interprets
the modulated light signals from it. A digital The period measurements from the counter
display is provided with the interface unit to are converted to both temperature and





. \ \
I /



Figure 10.3 Drawing of the Internal Components of the

Paroscientific Fiber Optic Pressure Transducer



Figure 10.4 Illustration of the Protective Housings Placed Around

the Internals of the Fiber Optic Pressure Transducer


Outer Jacket

Tefzel 0Buffer Pure Silica Core

\ /

\ f

/ Bonded Hard
KevlarB Braid Polymer Cladding

Figure 10.5 Drawing of the Fiber Optic Cable Used

with the Paroscientific Pressure Sensor
,~' ~
n -1

r----- --I

+j I
L _I

pressure based on the calibration coefficients interface unit and sent to the host computer is
stored in the EEPROM. The calculation of calculated as follows:
the transducer’s internal temperature is
performed as follows:

Temperature (“C) = YlU+YzUz+Y3U3 where

where PM = Pressure Multiplier (Span)

PA = Pressure Adder (Zero)
U = Temperature Period - U, microseconds UM = Units Multiplier

and The units multiplier term can be used to

display the measured pressure in units other
Y, and U, = Calibration Coefficients than PSIA while the pressure multiplier and
adder terms allow the user to alter the
calibration of the sensor without disturbing the
The temperature-compensated pressure can be original calibration coefficients. The original
calculated from both the pressure and coefficients are calculated and stored in the
temperature periods as follows: interface unit by the manufacturer before

P = C(l - T~~auz)[l-D(l-T~Ll?auz)]
10.3 Laboratory Testing

c = c,+c$J+qJz The laboratory testing performed with the

Paroscientific sensor was aimed at providing a
D = Dl+DzU better understanding of the operation of fiber
optic pressure sensors. The testing involved
O TI+TZU+T3U2+TqU3+T5U4 both static and dynamic characterizations of
the fiber optic sensor and demonstrated its
and temperature compensating abilities.

Tau = Pressure Period in Microseconds

C,, D, and T, = Calibration Coefficients 10.3.1 Temperature Cycling

The relationship between the temperature As mentioned earlier, the Paroscientific sensor
inside t h e transducer and t h e uses a second crystal in the design that
temperature-compensated pressure (P) is measures the internal temperature of the
shown in Figure 10.7. In this figure, the device. Because of the protective enclosures
pressure period measured by the interface unit placed around the sensing elements, there is a
is held constant to reveal the temperature significant lag between the external
compensation characteristics of the device. temperature and the temperature seen by the
The actual pressure output displayed by the sensing elements. This temperature lag is

Temperature-Compensated Pressure




6 0.08
2 0.06

-54 -28 -4 20 43 65 86 107
Temperature (Degrees C)

Figure 10.7 Relationship Between the Transducer Internal Temperature and the
Temperature-Compensated Pressure Output for the Paroscientific Sensor
shown in Figure 10.8. An environmental 10.3.2 Vibration Testing
chamber that had been used in previous
instrumentation aging research projects was One of the major concerns with the
utilized for the temperature cycling tests. The Paroscientific sensor was the potential damage
Paroscientific sensor, along with a to the sensing crystals due to vibration and
conventional pressure sensor, is shown in the other mechanical stressors. As mentioned
environmental chamber in Figure 10.9. above, a mechanical isolation system including
mounting pads and balance weights is
In order to demonstrate the temperature employed in this sensor to reduce the adverse
compensation capabilities of the Paroscientific effects of such stressors and protect the
sensor, a conventional pressure sensor was crystals. Because the Paroscientific sensor was
placed outside the environmental chamber as a demonstration unit on loan for this research
a reference while the fiber optic sensor project, destructive vibration testing could not
remained inside. The temperature in the be performed. Therefore, the intent of the
environmental chamber was cycled from room vibration testing was to demonstrate the ability
temperature, approximately 70 degrees F, to of the fiber optic sensor to measure pressure
150 degrees F. The temperature was then accurately despite induced vibration.
held constant for a period of approximately 13
hours before the heating was stopped and the
environmental chamber was allowed to cool Figure 10.11 shows the test setup for the
down to room temperature. vibration testing. The fiber optic sensor and a
conventional sensor were fmed to a vibration
Figure 10.10(a) shows the temperature of the beam and exposed to the same pressure
environmental chamber versus the internal source. The beam was pinned at one end to
temperature of the fiber optic sensor for one restrict movement to only one direction. A
test run. Figure 10.10(b) shows the output of motor was fxed to the other end of the beam
the conventional sensor versus both the to induce vibration. Various size weights were
uncompensated and temperature-compensated tied to the shaft of the motor to produce an
pressure signals coming from the fiber optic imbalance and thereby increase the vibration
sensor. The uncompensated pressure signal, as of the beam. Figure 10.12 shows the results
shown in this figure, follows the outline of the for one set of vibration tests by comparing the
reference sensor output but shows an output of the Paroscientific sensor to that of
increasing deviation as the internal the conventional sensor. The motor was
temperature increases. The periodically turned on and off, as shown in this
temperature-compensated pressure output, figure, to illustrate that the induced vibration
however, more closely follows the outline of had no effect on the output of the fiber optic
the conventional sensor. Note that the intent pressure sensor.
of this test was to demonstrate the
temperature compensation abilities of the fiber 10.3.3 Dynamic Testing
optic sensor and not to determine its accuracy.
Figure lO.lO(c) illustrates the temperature One of the potential advantages of fiber optic
compensation more clearly by showing the sensors over conventional pressure sensors is
deviation of the temperature-compensated faster dynamic response. The transmission of
measurement from the uncompensated output the pressure signal to the remote electronics
of the fiber optic sensor. utilizes light beams which makes it almost

Internal Temperature Lag





60 ! I I I 1

0 2 4 ' 6 8 10
Time (hours)

Figure 10.8 Temperature Lag Between the External and Internal

Temperature Seen by the Fiber Optic Pressure Transducer


Figure 10.9 Photograph of the Test Setup for a Series of Temperature
Cycling Tests Performed in the Environmental Chamber



6 120 Environmental




Uncompensated Conventional

Pressure I

Temperature Compensation - , ~

3 0.028
C Amount of
gm 0.021 Temperature
.- I Compensation I
?! 0.007

0 5 9 14 19 23 28
Time (sec)


Figure 10.10 Results of One Series of Temperature Cycling Tests

Figure 10.11 Photograph of the Test Setup for Vibration Tests

Vibration Tests




0 60 120 180 240 300
Time (sec)

Figure 10.12 Results of One Series of Vibration Tests Showing no Visible Effect on the
Fiber Optic Sensor Output as the Vibration Beam Motor was Cycled On and Off

instantaneous. Therefore, the limiting factors sensor. The Validyne transmitter is a
are the sensing elements that convert the high-speed reference transmitter with a
process measurement to a mechanical response time of less than 10 milliseconds. A
I .

displacement and the remote electronics that computer initiated the ramp test by triggering
convert the incoming light signal to a a solenoid and then acquired data from both
measured pressure. The dynamic testing the reference sensor and the fiber optic
performed on the Paroscientific sensor sensor. A manually-controlled needle valve
attempted to establish its dynamic response was used to control the rate of the pressure
characteristics. ramp.

Figure 10.13 illustrates the test setup for the

ramp testing performed on the fiber optic Figure 10.14(a) shows the results from one
pressure sensor. As seen in this figure, the ramp test while 10.14(b) shows the same
pressure ramp was applied to both the fiber results zoomed in on the first part of the
optic sensor and a pressure transmitter transient. As seen in this figure, the dynamic
produced by the Validyne Engineering response of the fiber optic pressure sensor is
Corporation which was used as a reference faster than that of the Validyne transmitter.




5 0.6

E 0.4


0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time (sec)



a 0.6
E 0.4


0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Time (sec)


Figure 10.14 Results of an Increasing Pressure Ramp Showing the Faster Dynamic
Response of the Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor versus the Reference Sensor


The results of a six-month Phase I research has not been extensively demonstrated
project funded by the Office of Nuclear in harsh environments.
Regulatory Research of the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission are documented in Fiber optic pressure sensors are not
this report. The purpose of this effort was to readily available for industrial
establish the state-of-the-art in fiber optic applications; there is only a handful of
sensing and determine if these sensors can be manufacturers which produce these
used for safety-related applications in nuclear sensors mostly as special order items
power plants. The study included for specific applications in medical,
experimental work involving a fiber optic aerospace, chemical, and automotive
pressure sensor that was tested at the AMs industries.
laboratory. Furthermore, an informal survey
of over one hundred fiber optic sensor 3) Fiber optic pressure sensors have not
manufacturers, researchers, authors, and others been qualified according to the E E E
was performed using questionnaires that were standards that are used for
sent out and followed by telephone contacts. qualification testing of Class 1E
These efforts in addition to an extensive equipment for nuclear power plants.
literature review have led to the conclusion
that although fiber optic pressure sensors have 4) There, are questions about the ability
several advantages over the conventional of fiber optic pressure sensors to serve
pressure sensors, they are not presently ready 1 in nuclear radiation environments.
for use in nuclear power plants because:
'-_ I

5) Fiber optic pressure sensors are much

1) Fiber optic sensing technologies are more expensive than conventional
still evolving and their performance sensors.

1. Fiber Optics I, Instrument Society of America (ISA), Research Triangle Park, North Carolina,

2. Saleh, B.E.A., and Teich, M.C., Fundamentals of Photonics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
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3. Udd, E., Fiber Optic Sensors: an Introduction for Engineers and Scientists, John Wiley & Sons,
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4. Glomb, W.L., "Electro-Optic Architecture (EOA) for Sensors and Actuators in Aircraft
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6. Murphy, KA., et al., "Single Mode Variable-Sensitivity Fiber Optic Sensors," NASA Report
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Toolsfor Manufacturing and Advanced Automation, Boston, Massachusetts, September 7-10,

8. National Science Foundation, Research Initiative Announcement and Description -- 'Sensors

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Arlington, Virginia, January 1993.

9. Electric Power Research Institute, "Fiber-Optic Sensors," RP8004 Technical Brief, January

10. Shepard, R.L., and Thacker, L.H., "Evaluation of Pressure Sensing Concepts: A Technology
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11. Weiss, J.M., "Power Plant Fiber-optic Sensors Being Developed," EPRI Journal, p. 5,
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12. Valenti, M., "A New Generation of Power Plant Sensors," Mechanical Engineering, pp. 54-58,
September 1994.

13. Berthold, J.W., Wverview of Fiber-optic Intensity Sensors for Industry," Presented at the
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21, 1987.

14. Miller, D.W., et al., "An Experimental Performance Assessment of Currently Available
Optical Fibers In Nuclear Reactor Radiation Environments," Presented at the Nuclear Plant
Instrumentation, Control and Man-Machine Interface Technologies, Oak Ridge, TN,April

15. Jacobson, C.P., "Fiber Optic Sensors for Navy Ships," SPIE, Vol. 2072, pp. 6-11, February

16. Hegner, H.R., and Whitesel, H.K., "Study of Fiber Optic Sensor Reliability, Durability and
Failure Modes for Shipboard Machinery," SPIE, Vol. 2072, pp. 12-21, February 1994.

17. Hashemian, H.M., et al., "Long Term Performance and Aging Characteristics of Nuclear Plant
PressureTransmitters,"NUREG/CR-5851,U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington,
DC, March 1993.

18. Hashemian, H.M., et al., "Validation of Smart Sensor Technologies for Instrument Calibration
Reduction in Nuclear Power Plants," NUREG/CR-5903, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, DC, January 1993.

19. Krohn, D.A., Fiber Optic Sensors - Fundamentals andtipplications, Second Edition, Instrument
Society of America (ISA), Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, 1992.

20. Lin, H., and Ho, C., "Optical Pressure Transducer," Rev. Sci Instrum, Vol. 64, No. 7, pp.
1999-2002, July 1993.

21. Kersey, AD., and Dandridge, A, "Distributed and Multiplexed Fiber-optic Sensors," Optical
Fiber Sensors, 1988 Technical Digest Series, Vol. 2, Optical Society of America, Washington,
D.C., pp. 60-71, 1988.

22. Murphy, KA., et al., "Quadrature Phase-Shifted, Extrinsic Fabry-Perot Optical Fiber Sensors,"
Optic Letters, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 273-275, February 15, 1991.

23. Claus, R.O., et al., "ExtrinsicFabry-Perot Sensor For Strain and Crack Opening Displacement
Measurements From - 200 to 900 OC," Smart Mater. Struct., Vol. 1, pp. 237-242, 1992.

24. Beheim, G., Fritsch, IC, and Poorman, R.N., "Fiber-Linked Interferometric Pressure Sensor,"
Rev. Sci Instrum., Vol. 58, No. 9, pp. 1655-1659, September 1987.

25. Gustafsson, IC, and Hok, B., "A Fibre-Optic Pressure Sensor in Silicon Based on
Fluorescence Decay," Sensors and Actuators, 19, pp. 327-332, 1989.

26. Georgopoulos, C.J., Fiber Optics and Optical Isolators, Don White Consultants, Inc.,
Gainesville, Virginia, 1982.

27. Culshaw, B., "Fiber-optic Sensors - A Brief Review," Sensors &Actuators, Optical Transducers
--Proceedings of the S&A Symposium of the University of Twente Enschede, The
Netherlands, pp. 13-30, November 15-16, 1990.
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Fiber Optic Sensing and Related Texts

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Zhilin, V.G., Optical-Fiber Velocity and Pressure Transducers, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation,
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-AI -
Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor Papers

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July 1987.

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Cho, Y.C., and Soderman, P.T., "Fiber-Optic Interferometric Sensors for Measurements of Pressure
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Wu, Y., et al., "Fiber-Optic Ultrasonic Sensor Using Raman-Nath Light Diffraction," IEEE
Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control,Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 166-171, March

Yoshino, Y., "Heterodyne Technology for Optical Sensors," Optical Fiber Sensors, 1988 Technical
Digest Series, Vol. 2, Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C., pp. 40-43, 1988.

-A1 0-
Fiber Optic Product Bulletins & Manufacturers' Literature

3M, "Fiber Optic Cable 200/230 for Industrial Communications," 3M Data Sheet, 1993.

3M, "Series 6000 Modular Fiber Optic Modem," 3M Product Bulletin, 1993.

Applied Measurement Technologies, Babcock & Wilcox, "AMTECPublications," Alliance, OH.

Applied Measurement Technologies, Babcock & Wilcox, "Current List of AhTl'EC PRODUCTS
Applied MeasurementTechnologies, Babcock & Wilcox, "Developmentof a Long-Term, Post-Closure
Radiation Monitoring System," Alliance, OH.

Applied Measurement Technologies, Babcock & Wilcox, "Fiber Optic Void Fraction Sensor,"
Alliance, OH.

Applied Measurement Technologies, Babcock & Wilcox, "Pressure Transducer That Performs In
Hostile Environments."

McCarter-Carr, "Fiber Optics," Catalog #99.

Photonetics, "Fiberoptic Absorbance Measurement Probes," Wakefield MA.

Photonetics, "Fiberoptic Analytical Instruments," Wakefield, MA.

Photonetics, "Fiberoptic Pressure Sensor Metallic Probes," Wakefield, MA.

Photonetics, "Fiberoptic Pressure Sensor Non-Conductive Probes," Wakefield, MA.

Photonetics, "Fiberoptic Temperature Sensor Metallic Probes," Wakefield, MA.

Photonetics, "Fiberoptic Temperature Sensor Non-Conductive Probes," Wakefield, MA.

Photonetics, "Fiberoptic Transmission/Reflection Measurement Cells,"Wakefield MA.

Photonetics, "Fiberoptic Refractive Index Sensor Probes," Wakefield, MA.

Photonetics, "Fiberoptic Sensor Systems for Two-Phase Flows," Wakefield, MA.

Weed Fiber-Optics, "CCTR Series 8 Channel Contract Closure Data Link,"Round Rock, TX

Weed Fiber-Optics, "EOS-FMSeries Intrinsically Safe Control Module," Round Rock, TX, October
Weed Fiber-Optics, "FOTR Series Analog Fiber Optic Data Links," Round Rock, TX

Weed Fiber-Optics, "Fiber Optic Liquid Level Switch," Round Rock, TX.

Weed Fiber-Optics, "Light Talk," Volume 1, Number 1, Round Rock, TX.

Weed Fiber-Optics, "Light Talk," Volume 1, Number 2, Round Rock, TX

Weed Fiber-Optics, "Light Talk," Volume 1, Number 3, Round Rock, TX.

Weed Fiber-Optics, "Light Talk," Volume 1, Number 4, Round Rock, TX.

Weed Fiber-Optics, "MUX64 Series 64 Channel AnalogDigital Fiber Optic Multiplexer," Round
Rock, TX, July 19, 1991.

Weed Fiber Optics, "Pushbutton Components," Round Rock, TX.

Weed Fiber-Optics, "Rugged RS 232 Fiber Optic Modems Asynchronous," Round Rock, TX.

Weed Fiber-Optics, "Series 8000 4 Channel Multiplexer," Round Rock, TX





Name / Title:


Date questionnaire completed: Conducted By

(If telephone survey)

Section 1
(For all Fiber Optic Sensor Manufacturers)

1. Do you manufacture fiber optic pressure sensors? Yes No -

If yes, what type?

-Diaphragm deflection (Extrinsic)

-Diaphragm deflection (Intrinsic)
-Mach-Zehnder interferometry

2. What other types of fiber optic sensors do you manufacture? (Check all
that apply)

_. Sound
- Bending
- Void Fraction
- Other

3. Do you have a specification sheet for your sensor(s)? Yes No -

If yes, please include a copy with your survey response.

(skip 4-1 1 as appropriate, if you are including a specification sheet)

Fiber Optic Sensor Survey

4. What is the operating temperature range for your sensors?

5. What is the operating relative humidity range for your sensor(s)?

6. What is the measurement range of your sensor(s)?

7. What is the resolution of the digital (or analog) output?

0. What is the calibrated accuracy of your sensor(s)?

9. Is the calibration accuracy temperature dependent? Yes No -

10. Does your sensor(s) have a drift specification?

11. What is the recommended calibrating interval?

12. How many sensors are supported by each transmitter (electronics)?

13. What is the range of prices for your sensor elements? For your transmitters?

Section 2
(For Fiber Optic Sensor Manufacturers that Supply
Fiber Optic Pressure Sensors)

14. Do you manufacture sensors capable of measuring water pressure?

15. Do you manufacture sensors capable of measuring fluid level?

16. Do you manufacture sensors capable of measuring fluid flow?

17. Have you determined the response time of your sensors? Yes -No -
If yes, what is the range? Sec.

Fiber Optic Sensor Survey






Have you determined the response time of your
sensor/transmitter system?
If no, is that something you would like to know?

Do you perform any other tests which we have not asked about?

For what additional characteristics do you test?

No -
No -

Have you identified any failure modes in your sensors/transmitterso in similar

sensors/transmitters from other manufacturers?

Is your company interested in providing pressure transmitters to the nuclear

24. Would you be interested in having a sample of your transmitters tested at no

25. Do you have any non-proprietary test data, papers or

evaluations that you could release for publications? Yes No


Name / Tile:


Date questionnaire completed: Conducted By

(If telephone survey)

1. What is your involvement, if any, with fiber optics?

2. Do you make, design, test, perform research on, or use fiber optic sensors?
Also, if so, what types of sensors.

3. Do you make, design, test, perform research on, or use fiber optic pressure
sensors? Also, if so, what types of pressure sensors.

4. What is the state of the art in fiber optic pressure sensing?

5. What is the most popular use (or measurand) for fiber optic sensors?

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of fiber optic sensors over
conventional sensors? What are the specific advantages and disadvantages of
fiber optic pressure sensors over conventional pressure sensors?

7. What are the markets for fiber optic sensors, in general (where are they used)?
What are the markets for fiber optic pressure sensors?

8. Do you perceive a current lack of availability of fiber optic pressure sensors? If

so, then what are the reasons for this lack of availability?

9. Do fiber optic pressure sensors have the potential to be used for safety-related
applications in nuclear power plants?

10. What type of fiber optic pressure sensors has the best potentialfor nuclear plant
use? Please explain.

Fiber Optic Sensor Interview

11. What type of research and development work is currently in progress in this

12. What type of research and development can AMS perform that would be
beneficial to industry?

13. Can you provide a fiber optic pressure sensor for testing in this research project,
or can you refer us to anyone else who might be able to provide a sensor?

14. Can you provide lab testing data, or pictures or diagrams, etc. or refer us to
another source of information?

nasi Ikrbnad bv NRC. Add Val., Supp.. Rev.,

I N R u i l 1102,
(See instructionson the rcvencl
md Addendum Numtars. If my.1


Assessment of Fiber Optic Pressure Sensors MONTH

April 1995
W63 15

H.M. Hashemian, C.L. Black, J.P. Farmer Technical


7/1/94 - 1/31/95

B. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION (IfNRC. provide Division. OtfkeorR&m. US.N u e k u R ~ g u I ~ t w

r a n d r r u i l i n g d d r r n ; l m w a c f v ~provide
nmr ndnulm.dam)

Analysis and Measurement Services Corporation

AMs 9111 Cross.Park Drive
Knoxville, TN 37923

9. SPONSORING ORGANIZATION -NAME AND ADDRESS (IfNRC. (ype "&me ~s~bove:'ifeonnxmr.praldeNRCD%Son. OIFkeorRegion. U.S. Nuclc.rR~ufJro~Comminion.

Division of Systems Technology

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
U . S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, D.C. 20555-0001


The principle of operation of fiber optic pressure sensors and the potential of
these sensors for use in nuclear power plants are described in this report.
Also included is a review of current research on fiber optic sensing
technologies, a comparison of fiber optic pressure sensors with conventional
pressure sensors, a discussion on advantages and disadvantages of fiber optic
pressure sensors, a review of failure modes of these sensors, and results of a
survey of fiber optic sensor manufacturers.


Fiber Optic Sensors
Nuclear Power Plants (This Pwel

Pressure Sensors Unclassified

(This RcPoRl
Advanced Reactors Unclassified


NRC FORM 335 12691

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