CW1 Balancing of Rotating Masses
CW1 Balancing of Rotating Masses
CW1 Balancing of Rotating Masses
SID: 10812927
Report Title Balancing of rotating masses
Submission Date 05/11/21
The goal of this lab session was to balance a multi-plane four mass system statically and dynamically.
This was done by means of a plot using graph paper and with Catia v5. Upon comparison of the
results of both methods, it is clear to see that both approaches were accurate as the percentage
error ranged between 0.78% - 2.29% only. Catia v5 is able to provide a much more accurate reading
in comparison to a hand drawn plot as it eliminates any human errors. All in all, the aim of the
investigation was met as the results that were obtained from the two methods of calculation lead to
produce static and dynamic balance of the multi-plane four mass system.
An imbalanced rotating machine can lead to failure in structures, excessive vibration as well as noise,
excessive loading of support bearings and large dynamic forces. This will cost companies a lot of time and
money to repair the damages. Therefore, it is extremely crucial during the design and manufacturing
phase of the machine that the rotating parts are balanced statically and dynamically so when it is up and
running it can operate efficiently. Balancing is essentially trying to improve the distribution of mass in a
body so that it is able to rotate in its bearing without any unbalanced centrifugal forces. That can only be
achieved to a certain degree. Hence, balance is achieved when a rotating system of mass does not
produce any resultant centrifugal forces or couples and when there is an even distribution of masses
around the axis of rotation which occurs when the centre of gravity of the rotor is on the axis of rotation.
Nonetheless, if the centre of gravity does not lie on the axis of rotation, an unbalanced force will be
produced. This frequently occurs in rotating machines which have large masses, and operate at extremely
high speeds such as generators, gas turbines, compressors, and steam turbines. The goal of this lab
session was to balance a multi-plane four mass system statically and dynamically.
Firstly, the system is checked that it is initially statically and dynamically unbalanced. To do so, mass 1
and mass 2 are secured in their pre-determined axial and angular positions. Once that’s done, the drive
belt is disconnected. If the system revolves at a singular rest position, the system is said to be statically
unbalanced. Then, the drive belt is reconnected, and the safety cover is placed, if the system begins to
vibrate, the system is dynamically unbalanced. Using the mr values that have been provided, a force
polygon is drawn to scale (1mm → This is done by firstly drawing a vertical line of 73mm (mr1),
then a second line of 92mm (mr2) is drawn at an angle of 200 degrees from the end of mr1. Given that
the angles for mr3 and mr4 are unknown, a compass is used to draw two arcs to determine the relative
positions of mr3 and mr4. Then, their angular positions can be measured using a protractor and the
results are recorded into table 1. Once the force polygon diagram is completed, the results obtained can
be used to produce a couple polygon which leads to obtain the values of mrl3 and mrl4 and therefore the
axial values of l3 and l4 can be calculated. The couple polygon is also drawn to scale (1mm → 50
kg.mm2). Lastly, masses 3 and 4 are secured on the shaft using the angular and axial positions obtained
and the system is checked to see if it is in static and dynamic balance.
Equipment’s used for vector diagram: Components of Apparatus:
Figure 4 - Typical view of static & dynamic balancing systems Figure 5 - Typical view of 4 out of balance masses in 4 different planes on a rotating shaft
Example calculations
Table 1 - Values obtained by using the graphical method
Table 2 - Values obtained by using the analytical method in Catia v5
Figure 6 - Graphical method force polygon Figure 7 - Graphical method couple polygon
In summary, the aim of this lab session was to balance a multi-plane four mass system statically and
dynamically by adding two masses to the rotating shaft at certain axial and angular positions. The axial
and angular positions were determined by a graphical method which were hand drawn and by using Catia
v5. From the values that were obtained and recorded in tables 1, 2 & 3, it can be concluded that the
rotating masses in figure 3 will be statically and dynamically balanced based on the calculated values of
axial and angular positions of masses 3 & 4. Nevertheless, due to the random errors and systematic
errors that were present in the experiment, there were differences in the values between the two
methods with a percentage error ranging between 0.21% - 2.29%. The percentage error can be reduced
by taking averages of repeats and by using instruments with a higher degree of precision and resolution.
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2. Joseph, U., 2021. Sustaining Life Span of Rotating Equipment in Plants - Reliabilityweb. [online]
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3. 2019. Lecture note #2, Physical Measurements, PHYS 201L. [online] Available at:
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