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Student’s Book we’re from Zwolle. I think the Netherlands is a great

place to live.
3 The number one place for happy teenagers is …
T1 the Netherlands.
95% of Dutch teenagers say their life is good. Here are
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some of the reasons:
Workbook Intro A by Gill Holley and Kate Pickering
People: People are open. It isn’t difficult for Dutch
Number 1 is an easy one, I think. The answer is, of
teenagers to talk to their parents and teachers.
course, the United States of America. So, thank you to
the USA for Hollywood and the movies. Food: The Dutch diet is good for you.

Number 2 is a bit more difficult, but the answer is Education: Dutch schools are good. Most students are
China. happy at school. It’s easy to change subjects or repeat
a year.
Number 3 – we all love tapas: those little things to eat
are just delicious. And where are they from? Is it 4 Quick Fun Facts
Mexico? No, it’s Spain. 86% of Dutch people speak English as a second
Number 4 – now, we all know that China and the USA language.
are very important countries for technology, but the 25% of the country is under the sea! The top place in
inventor of Wi-Fi is from… Australia! Thank you the Netherlands is just 323 m high.
Australia for Wi-Fi.
The Dutch are bike crazy! A typical person cycles 900
Number 5 – Sherlock Holmes is the world’s favorite km a year.
detective. But which country is the home of Sherlock
Holmes? That’s right: it’s the UK.
Number 6 – mmmm chocolate! I LOVE chocolate. But T4
where does it come from? The answer is Mexico. A: Welcome to the ‘Where am I?’ quiz show.
Ready? I’m in a big city. It’s hot. I can see

T2 pyramids.
B: You’re in Cairo in Egypt.
1 the USA, American
A: OK, this time we’re in a city in Europe. I
2 China, Chinese can see a big metal tower …
3 Spain, Spanish B: The Eiffel Tower! We’re in Paris!
4 Australia, Australian A: Fantastic. Now, I can see nine big letters:
5 the UK, British H-O-L-L-Y …

6 Mexico, Mexican B: Hollywood – it’s in Los Angeles. You’re in

the USA!

T3 A: Congratulations! This time I’m in a soccer

stadium in a capital city in Europe. The
The Netherlands: a good place to be a teenager players are in red and white. Atlético de

1 Country Fact File

Name: The Netherlands
Population: 17 million
Chloe: Hi, Liam. How are you?
Nationality: Dutch
Liam: Hi Chloe! Fine, thanks – just doing my
Capital city: Amsterdam
Currency: The euro
Chloe: Right!
2 Meet Thomas
Liam: In fact, I have some questions for you.
Thomas: Hi, I’m Thomas. I’m 13 years old. I’m half
Chloe: What about?
English and half Dutch. This is me and my brother –
Liam: It’s about where you live, New Zealand!

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Chloe: OK. What are your questions?

Liam: Let’s see. Is New Zealand a big country?
1 Are you Spanish?
Chloe: No, it isn’t. It’s about the same size as the
2 Is your city small?
3 Is the city center quiet?
Liam: And what’s the population?
4 Are the winters cold?
Chloe: About 4 million people, I think – and
about 27 million sheep! 5 Is your country beautiful?
Liam: Wow! 6 Are you and your family from Turkey?
Chloe: Most people live on the North Island. 7 Are your classmates noisy today?
Liam: Is Auckland the capital?
Chloe: No, it’s Wellington. Auckland’s a big, T8
crowded city and Wellington’s small, but
Australia – Australian, Brazil – Brazilian, China –
it’s the capital.
Chinese, India – Indian, Japan – Japanese, Mexico –
Liam: And is English the official language? Mexican, New Zealand – New Zealand, Russia –
Chloe: Yes, it is, and Maori. Some people speak Russian, Spain – Spanish, the Netherlands – Dutch, the
English with Maori words. We call it New UK – British, the USA – American, Turkey – Turkish
Zild, but it isn’t an official language.
Liam: What about the weather? Are the winters T9
cold there?
beautiful, ugly, clean, dirty, empty, crowded, hot, cold,
Chloe: No, they aren’t. I mean, they’re cold on interesting, boring, modern, old, quiet, noisy, safe,
the South Island, but not here. And in dangerous
summer it’s hot.
Liam: Sounds nice. Is it a good place to live?
Are you happy there? T10
Chloe: Yes, I am. It’s quiet and beautiful, with Meet the Putmans
interesting things to do. A lot of people The Putmans are a big, happy family. That’s not
play sports. Rugby’s the national sport, unusual, but all 26 people in this family live in one
but we do other sports, too. house! Every day is interesting in the Putman family,
Liam: Right! Now, what else … and you can see them in this reality show.
The grandparents’ names are Bill and Barb Putman.

T6 They’ve got three sons and a daughter: Billy, Brandon,

Blake and Blair (yes, all the names begin with the letter
Lily: Are you from New Zealand? ‘B’!). The four children are married, with children of their
own. In total, Bill and Barb have got 16 grandchildren!
Erin: No, I’m not. I’m from the USA.
The Putmans live in Montana in the USA. It’s a big
Lily: Are your parents from the USA?
family, but their house is small. It’s only got two
Erin: No, they aren’t. They’re from Shanghai in bathrooms, and the children haven’t got their own
China. bedroom. They share a room with their brothers and
Lily: Is Shanghai a small city?
And the Putmans haven’t got a car − they’ve got a bus!
Erin: No, it isn’t. It’s very big! The population is
The parents use it to take the children to school.
about 26 million.
But the children are never lonely. They’ve got a lot of
Lily: Are you and your family happy in the
brothers, sisters and cousins to play with. They help
each other with their homework after school. Then at
Erin: Yes, we are. Very happy! six o’clock every evening, they eat together with their
parents at three big tables.
The Putman home is noisy, but it’s fun. Watch them
tonight at eight o’clock.

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T11 Liam: I don’t know. Jodie, have you got any

Interviewer: Good afternoon and welcome to The
Jodie: Yes, I have. What colour?
Family Program. We’re here with Doctor
Sally Carver to talk about families with Charlie: Have you got a blue pencil?
twins – two children born at the same Jodie: Sure. Here you are.
time. First, Sally, what’s the difference
between identical and non-identical
twins? T13
Doctor: With identical twins, the children are both aunt, brother, child/children, cousin, daughter, father,
boys or both girls and they look exactly granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother, grandson,
the same. mother, nephew, niece, parents, sister, son, uncle
Interviewer: And with non-identical twins?
Doctor: With non-identical twins you can have a
brother and a sister.
light, dark, old, young, tall, short
Interviewer: But they still look similar.

Doctor: That depends. Some non-identical twins
have got the same color hair or eyes, but
others are very different.
arm, beard, ear, eye, foot/feet, hair, hand, head, leg,
Interviewer: Have you got any interesting examples? mustache, mouth, nose, teeth
Doctor: Yes, I have. Lucy and Maria Aylmer.
Interviewer: OK, what’s special about the Aylmer T16
long, short, curly, straight
Doctor: Well, their father is white, with blue eyes
and brown hair. But their mother is half
Jamaican, and she’s Black with brown T17
eyes and black hair.
Interviewer: And the girls? A As well as the traditional cheese and

Doctor: Both girls have got long hair, but Lucy is tomato, this unusual pizza from Iceland
fair with long straight hair and she’s got has banana on top.
blue eyes like their dad.
Interviewer: And what about Maria: has she got blue B This chocolate pizza is a popular dessert
eyes? in Brazil.
Doctor: No, she hasn’t. Maria’s got brown eyes
and black curly hair like their mother. C Italy is the home of pizza and there are
They look very different and lots of lots of different toppings. This one is a
people think they are best friends, not
sisters. popular potato pizza.

Interviewer: How fascinating! Now … D In Russia, the Moscow pizza has different

types of fish as well as cheese.

Charlie: Liam, have you got a pen? T18
Liam: Yes, I have. Here you are.
Meatless Mondays
Charlie: Have you got any pencils?
Today, 375 million people are vegetarian: they don’t eat
Liam: No, I haven’t. any meat or fish. And a lot of people eat less meat
because of Meatless Mondays – this means that people
Charlie: Has Jodie got any pencils?
promise not to eat meat or fish one day a week. But
why is it a good thing?

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Meatless Mondays help people think about the planet Noah: That’s OK. Is there a shopping center in
and their diet. Meat production is bad for the your town?
environment. For example, farm animals produce more
Ed: Yes, there is – but we call them shopping
gas than all the cars and planes in the world. And did
malls in the USA.
you know that you need 1,600 liters of water to produce
one burger? Also, a diet with a lot of meat is not good Noah: Of course.
for your body. Some people think a diet with more Ed: My favorite place is the Mall of America in
vegetables and some fruit is a very good idea. Minnesota.
Meatless Mondays are now popular in 40 countries. A Noah: What’s good about it?
lot of schools, universities, hospitals and even cities
have Meatless Mondays. The idea to have one day Ed: It has good sports stores, a great game
without meat every week often starts with just one store, and there are restaurants with food
individual. Vancouver student Meghan Little is a vegan: from all over the world.
she doesn’t eat any food from animals. This includes Noah: Is there a movie theater, too?
milk and cheese. Because of Meghan’s work, Mondays
Ed: Yes, and you can see concerts and play
are now meat-free at her school and four other schools
mini golf …
in North Vancouver. With Meatless Mondays, one
person can make a big difference to the lives of their Noah: Really? OK, thanks! Excuse me …
family and friends, and to the planet.

T19 apple, banana, bread, cheese, chicken, chocolate,
Noah: Hi! Noah Turner here. Today, I’m in coffee, cookie, fish, juice, meat, oil, orange, peas,
London to find out if shopping centers are potato, rice, sandwich, soup, tea, tomato, water
popular with teens. So, come with me.

Excuse me.
Zoe: Hi!
bakery, bookstore, café, clothing store, food stand,
Noah: You have some shopping bags. Can I
game store, hairdresser’s, movie theater, newsstand,
ask you some questions?
pharmacy, phone store, restaurant, shoe store, sports
Zoe: Sure. store, stationery store, supermarket
Noah: What’s your favorite place to go
Zoe: I like the Westfield Center. It has clothing
stores, shoe stores – everything you want 1 two fifteen
all in one place. And there aren’t any 2 eleven fifty
stores where I live.
3 four o’clock
Noah: Are there any good restaurants?
4 seven thirty
5 nine forty
Zoe: Yes, there are. There are some cafés
and food stands. I like the food there 6 nine twenty-five
because it’s healthy – and it isn’t

Noah: Are there other things to do at the
shopping center? Life in a K-pop academy

Zoe: Yes, there’s a movie theater. I usually go K-pop is popular all over the world. K-pop singers and
there with my friends. bands like BTS and Chungha have millions of fans, and
many teenagers want to be the next big star. If they’re
Noah: OK, thanks. Um … excuse me. Can I ask
lucky, they go to a special academy in South Korea.
you some questions about shopping?
They learn to dance and sing – but life for a K-pop
Ed: Um … I’m not from here, I’m from the academy student isn’t easy!

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Most students are 8 to 14 years old, so they have tomorrow piano lesson at 6:00 pm,
normal classes during the day. They get up early, homework: English.
sometimes at five o’clock, and have breakfast. They
Flora: Right, that’s good, but where do you add
start school at eight. They study all day, and they don’t
relax between classes. Most students practice, listen to
music or write songs during the breaks. Ross: So you click on ‘New activities’ and it
opens this window here. OK? Then you
They finish school at five o’clock, but they don’t go
write in the activity and say when you
home. They go to the practice rooms until dinner time.
want to do it. Tuesday February 10th:
After dinner, at seven o’clock, they have dancing and Play basketball with Flora. Then you click
singing, and language classes, too. Korean students here, and there it is.
learn English, Chinese and Japanese, and students
Flora: Oh that’s great. It’s really cool. Can you
from other countries learn Korean. K-pop stars often
help me download it?
travel to other countries for concerts, so foreign
languages are important. Ross: Sure – OK, so …

Classes finish at ten o’clock, but most students practice

for another hour or two. Then they go home. They
usually go to bed after midnight, and the next day, they
start again! five past six, six o’ five, ten past six, six ten, quarter
past six, six fifteen, twenty past six, six twenty, twenty-
Lee Jae-Gi is from Seoul. He doesn’t relax after school.
five past six, six twenty-five, half past six, six thirty, five
He studies K-pop, hip hop and singing for three hours
to ten, nine fifty-five, ten to ten, nine fifty, quarter to ten,
every evening. He wants to go to a K-pop academy in
nine forty-five, twenty to ten, nine forty, twenty-five to
the future.
ten, nine thirty-five, five o’clock, noon, midnight
Jamie Choi goes to a K-pop school in New York. She

also makes music videos and puts them on the internet.
She’d like to become a K-pop star one day.
do homework, finish school, get up, go home, go to
T24 bed, go to school, have breakfast, have dinner, have
classes, have lunch, relax, start school
Flora: OK, so let’s think … Monday guitar

lesson, Tuesday basketball, Thursday
swimming …
Ross: Hi Flora. What’s the matter? Are you OK? chat on my phone, go out on my bike, go shopping, go
swimming, go to the movies, listen to music, meet
Flora: I do so many things, I don’t know what I
friends, play basketball, play sports, play the guitar,
have this evening.
play the piano, play video games, read, sleep, take
Ross: OK. So you do a lot of different activities, photos, watch TV
but you like doing them, right?
Flora: Yes, but I forget things all the time – I
never remember which activity I have Workbook
each day.
Ross: Maybe I can help. I have this new app on
my phone. It helps me organize my life.
Flora: Do you use it a lot? Does it help? 1 They’re from New Zealand.

Ross: Yes, it does. I use it all the time. It’s 2 I’m from India.
fantastic – I love it! 3 My parents are from Turkey.
Flora: That sounds good. How does it work? 4 We’re in Class 7B.
Ross: OK, so here on the left you have the days 5 Anna is 11.
of the week. And on the right you can see
6 My mother is a doctor.
the activities I have today: go shopping
with Clare, homework: biology and math; 7 You’re in my English class.

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T29 T31
Fabio: Hi. Are you new in this school? Todd: Hi. I’m Todd. Today we ask ‘Which is
America’s Top Teen City?’ So Heather,
Keira: Yes, I am. My name’s Keira.
what’s the answer?
Fabio: Hi. I’m Fabio. Where are you from, Keira?
Heather: Hi Todd – well, the number one city for
Are you English?
teens is … Irvine, California.
Keira: No, I’m not. I’m from Ireland. Fabio –
Todd: OK, so why is Irvine so special?
that’s not an English name.
Heather: Well, parents like Irvine because it’s a
Fabio: No, it isn’t. I’m from England, but my
very clean, safe city. It has great schools
mum and dad…
and lots of jobs.
Keira: Wait – are they Italian?
Todd: OK, but why is Irvine the top teen city?
Fabio: Yes, they are! They’re from Milan.
Heather: There are lots of reasons. Irvine has
some amazing parks, like Orange County
T30 Great Park where you can play different
sports and go up in a big orange balloon
Focus on … PERU – it’s very exciting. But if you like
Country Fact File shopping, go to the Irvine Spectrum
Center. It has lots of great stores and it
Name: Republic of Peru also has some excellent restaurants.
Nationality: Peruvian Todd: Sounds good. Any other
Capital city: Lima recommendations?

Population: 32.9 million Heather: Well Todd, another excellent place for
teens is the Beall Center for Art and
Official languages: Spanish, Quechua and Aymara
Technology. They have a summer camp
Currency: Sol (plural soles) for teens with some really interesting
City life programs like robotics.

Seventy percent of Peruvians live in cities. Eight million Todd: Sounds great. Now…
people live in the capital, Lima. It’s a great place to visit
with beautiful beaches, fantastic restaurants and
interesting museums. Other important cities are
Arequipa and Callao. My book recommendation
Geography My favorite book is The Rest of the Story by Sarah
Peru is a big country in South America. It’s a very Dessen. It’s the story of a girl named Emma Saylor. Her
beautiful country with mountains and beaches. Its mother, Waverly, is dead and Emma lives in the city
neighbors are Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia and with her father, Matthew, who is a dentist. The family is
Chile. The most important mountains are the Andes. quite rich. Emma doesn’t know her mother’s family but
Two important rivers are the Amazon and the Ucayali. when her father gets married again, she goes to spend
Ubinas is an active volcano! the summer where they live, at North Lake. She meets
her cousins and her grandmother, Mimi, and she works
Places to visit with them in the family business, a small hotel. At the
See the Inca city at Machu Picchu. lake, some people are rich but others, like her mother’s
family, aren’t rich. Emma makes friends with a boy
Visit the pyramids at Pachacamac near Lima.
named Roo and learns secrets about her mother and
Go to beautiful Huascaran National Park. father. This helps her understand who she is.
Peru is a great place for all kinds of adventure sports. This is a story about families and love and it’s a great
book for summer vacation. Sarah Dessen understands
teenagers very well and I like all her books. I
recommend you read it!

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T33 are all types of vegetables, fish and meat on the table
and you cook the food in hot soup in the center.
Nat: Oh that was really difficult!
I love bread and cheese, so it’s no surprise that I also
Gemma: No, it wasn’t. It was easy!! I love this love fondue. My favorite restaurant is the Melting Pot in
game! Sacramento but there are three more Melting Pots in
Nat: Me too! California. And if you’re not in California, there are
another 94 restaurants in the United States, Mexico and
Alex: OK, Gemma, it’s your turn now. OK – I’m Canada. It’s not a problem if you don’t like cheese: you
going to write a name on the paper … can also eat a great chocolate fondue!
and put it on your head. There. OK, now
ask us questions. Why pay to eat in a restaurant and then cook the food
yourself? Because it’s the perfect way to have a good
Gemma: Right, let’s see. Umm Am I a man? time with your friends and family.
Alex: No, you aren’t.
Gemma: Have I got long hair? T35
Nat: I don’t know. What do you think, Alex?
A: Where’s Jesse today?
Alex: I’m not sure.
B: He’s at the Junior Chef Competition.
Gemma: OK, forget that question. What’s my job?
A: Junior Chef – what’s that?
Why am I famous?
B: Well you know they’ve got all these TV
Nat: You can’t ask that! You can only ask
shows like Masterchef and Bake Off?
Yes/No questions.
A: Yes, sure.
Gemma: OK, sorry. Um, Yes/No questions…Umm
Am I an actor? B: Well it’s something similar but the
competition is at Jesse’s school.
Alex: No, you aren’t.
A: What happens?
Gemma: Am I good at sports?
B: So the students are in teams of three with
Nat: Yes, you are.
one adult – Jesse’s with Conor and
Gemma: Oh good – so a woman who’s good at Henry and Henry’s dad. And they have to
sports. Umm, am I a tennis player? plan and cook a meal.
Nat: No, you aren’t. A: Like on the TV show?
Gemma: Mmm – am I a gymnast? B: Yes and no. It’s the same because they
have just 90 minutes to cook and then
Alex: Yes, you are!
people try the food and decide the
Gemma: Oooo, ooo, ooo, am I short? winner…
Nat: Yes, you are. A: So what’s different?
Gemma: Oh, what’s her name? The Olympic B: The idea is to create food that school
champion… Ummm – am I Simone cooks can make later. So it has to be a
Biles? healthy meal with meat or tofu,
Alex & Nat: Yes!!!! vegetables and fruit.
A: OK…

T34 B: But also you can only spend $3.25 on

each meal.
Eating Out – California
A: Wow, that’s not a lot of money.
In most restaurants, you order your food, someone
B: I know. But Jesse and his team are
cooks it for you in the restaurant’s kitchen and a waiter
making pasta – I tried some yesterday
brings the food to your table. But now there’s a new
and it was delicious!
type of restaurant where you are the cook: make-it-
yourself restaurants. A: I hope they win. Now…
If you like Asian food, why not try the Little Sheep
Mongolian Hot Pot restaurant in San Francisco? There

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T36 Exam trainer

Top five facts about … time zones
There are 24 hours in a day, so is the world divided T38
into 24 time zones? No, it isn’t. There are 38 time Calvin: Hi Mum. Is everything OK?
zones! All countries use Greenwich Mean Time
Mum: Yes, but I’ve got my German class this
(GMT) from Greenwich, London as the starting point.
evening and I remembered we haven’t
Countries are either ahead of or behind GMT.
got any fruit. I haven’t got time to get any.
There are 11 time zones in Russia. Pavel has breakfast Can you buy some on your way home
in Moscow at 7:00 am. But for his cousin Katya in from school?
Vladivostok it’s 2:00 pm. It takes eight hours to fly from Calvin: Yes, of course. What do you want?
Vladivostok to Moscow, but if Katya flies at 7:00 pm she
gets to Moscow at 8:00 pm the same day! Mum: Can you get some apples and some
bananas, please? Have you got any
With 9,597 million square kilometers, China is a very
big country. So it has a lot of time zones, right? No, it
doesn’t. China has only one enormous time zone. Calvin: Yes, no problem. You can give me the
money when you get home.
The International Space Station moves all the time, so
which time zone is it in? That’s easy. The ISS has the
same time as Greenwich. T39
Do you want to celebrate your birthday twice? No Question 1
problem. Start in Samoa and go just 50 kilometers
You hear two sisters talking. Why didn’t Marco go
(25 minutes by plane) to American Samoa. When you
travel, you cross the International Date Line and your
birthday starts all over again! Ana: Hi Judy. How was your day?
Judy: It was OK, I didn’t do anything special. I

T37 had a lot of homework. What about you?

Ana: It was great. I went swimming with Bella
Quiet please everybody. Quiet please. and then we met Marco and we all had a
Good morning and welcome to Summer in England. I’m pizza together.
Angela Cox and I’m the director of the school. Here is Judy: How is Marco? Is he feeling better? He
some important information about your time here. was ill yesterday.
From Monday to Friday you get up at 7:30 and Ana: Yes, that’s why he didn’t want to go
breakfast is from 8:00 to 8:45. On Mondays, Tuesdays, swimming.
Thursdays and Fridays, there are lessons in the
Question 2
morning. Your first English class starts at 9:00. Don’t be
late. Lunch is at 1:00 and after lunch you have ‘Use You hear a teacher talking to the class about a
your English’ from 2:15 to 3:30. In ‘Use your English’ problem. What is the problem?
you do projects like making films, working on the school
Teacher: OK everyone. Listen please. The
blog or robotics in English. From 3:30 to 6:30 we have
cleaners came to speak to me today.
free time. You have to do your homework and then you
They say people are eating in the
can do sports or go shopping. Dinner is at 7:00. After
classroom during the break. Now you
that we have evening activities – one day we have a
know that you can only eat in two places
quiz, another evening there is a party and so on.
in the school: in the cafeteria and outside
Marcus Bryant is our social organizer. In a minute, he’s
in the playground. Not in the classrooms.
going to tell you more about the social program.
So this has to stop. You can only stay in
On Wednesdays there are no classes because we have the classrooms between classes if there
an all-day trip. This Wednesday, we go to Oxford and are no problems.
on Saturday this week there is a visit to London.
Question 3
Now let’s talk about…
Two friends are talking about an exam. What did Amy
think about it?

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Ben: Well at least that’s finished. What did you

think about it, Amy?

Amy: Oh, it was terrible. It was so difficult. I got
all the answers wrong.
Ben: I’m sure it wasn’t that bad. Number 3 was 1
quite easy.
Examiner: Now, please tell me if you like doing your
Amy: Number 3? I think I only answered half of hobbies alone or with other people.
that. That was one of the difficult ones.
Candidate: Alone.
And I didn’t have time to finish.

T40 Examiner: Now, please tell me if you like doing your

hobbies alone or with other people.
Hi Tom! Come in. Let me show you round – it’s not very Candidate: I like doing my hobbies with other people
big. because it’s more fun. For example, I
This first room on the right is my bedroom. My parents’ play football and go out on my bike with
room is next to my bedroom. Sometimes they get angry my friends.
if I listen to music too loud. On the left, opposite my

room is the bathroom. We haven’t got a bath, just a
shower. Next to the bathroom is the kitchen. It’s
opposite my parents’ room. There’s a door from the
kitchen directly into the living room, or you can go in Hello. I’m Barbara Scott. What’s your name?
from the hall. The living room is the biggest room in the
How old are you?
house with a big window looking onto the street.

Where do you live?

T41 Now, let’s talk about clothes.
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap.
Write one word or a number or a date or a time. What clothes do you wear at school?
A teacher is telling students about a visit to a museum.
Do you wear different clothes at the weekend?
Good morning. I wanted to give you some information
about our visit to the Science Museum next week. Now, please tell me if you like going shopping for
There are some changes from the information I gave
you before, so listen carefully please.
In the end, we’re not going on Tuesday but on
Wednesday. Remember you can come to school and
get the bus together or you can go directly to the
museum. It’s on Milsom Street, that’s M-I-L-S-O-M
Milsom Street.
Students who are coming on the bus – you need to be
at school at 9:15. The bus leaves at half past nine, so
don’t be late. If you’re going direct to the museum,
please be there at 10:00.
Remember, the final day to pay for this visit is Friday.
Please give your money to Mrs Jones. Don’t forget. If
you don’t pay, you can’t go. The cost of the trip is £8
which includes your museum ticket and lunch.

Get Involved! American Edition Level 1A © Macmillan Education Limited 2022

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