Quoted Rate E-GP
Quoted Rate E-GP
Quoted Rate E-GP
Bill of Quantities
Bill of Quantities
Price Unit Price Total Price Total Price
Item Measurement
Group Code (if Description of Item Quantity
no. Unit In In Words In Figures In Words
figures (BDT) (BDT) (BDT)
Mobilization &
Geo-Bags Dumping
Survey and data
collection for river bank
topography and river
bathymetry work
(section width <=150m
@20m interval)
One Lakh
involving required
survey manpower and
Five Hundred Thousand
survey equipment
and Seventy Four
1 1 Analyzed (GPS/DGPS, Survey Each X-Section 306.000 570.001 174420.306
point Zero Hundred and
Grade Eco-sounder,
Zero One Twenty point
Total Station, survey
Three Zero
laptop with necessary
software etc.) analyzing
the survey data, and
preparing river cross-
section data
representing them in
tabular form, graphic
form,contour form, etc.
,and as per direction of
engineer in charge.
Mobilization &
Geo-Bags Dumping
Provide, maintain under
water video camera and
video camera operators
with required standard
(H D Quality) digital
camera and digital
video camera for talking
photographs on days Five Lakh
Two Thousand
batch of works and Ninety-Four
Two Hundred
2 1 Analyzed recording under water Day 270.000 2200.001 594000.270 Thousand
point Zero
video so as to complete point Two
Zero One
coverage of all under Seven
water dumping
operation including
printing and digital
formatting of the
photographs and video
filming as per
requirement of technical
specification and as per
instruction of the
Engineer in-charge.
Mobilization &
Geo-Bags Dumping
Provide Diving team
with required no's of Sixteen Lakh
skilled divers, Six Thousand Twenty
3 1 Analyzed equipment, logistic, Day 270.000 6000.001 point Zero 1620000.270 Thousand
supports to be detailed Zero One point Two
below etc. for Seven
performing day to day
under water inspection
of river bank protection
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work by dumping of
geo-textile bags and
furnishing weekly,
monthly and final diving
report both in hard and
soft copy as per
technical Specification
and contractors method
etc. complete.
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strength=>23kn/m, grab
strength=>1500 N, CBR
puncture resistance
=>3800 N.
Manufacturing &
supplying C.C. blocks in
leanest mix. 1:3:6 with
cement sand (FM >=
1.50) and stone chips
(40mm down graded),
to attain a minimum 28
days cylinder strength Two Crore
of 9.0 N/mm2 including Forty-Six
grading, washing stone One Thousand Lakh
chips, mixing, laying in Three Hundred Forty-Eight
9.a 3 40-140-20 forms, consolidation, Each 18370.000 1341.781 and Forty-One 24648516.970 Thousand
curing for at least 21 point Seven Five Hundred
days, including Eight One and Sixteen
preparation of platform, point Nine
shuttering and stacking Seven
in measurable stacks
etc. complete including
supply of all materials
(steel shutter to be
used) as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
40-140-20 :
Manufacturing &
supplying C.C. blocks in
leanest mix. 1:3:6 with
cement sand (FM >=
1.50) and stone chips One Crore
(40mm down graded), Seven Lakh
One Thousand
to attain a minimum 28 Eighty-Seven
Two Hundred
days cylinder strength Thousand
9.b 3 40-140-25 of 9.0 N/mm2 including Each 8823.000 1222.697 10787855.631 Eight
grading, washing stone Hundred and
point Six Nine
chips, mixing, laying in Fifty-Five
forms, consolidation, point Six
curing for at least 21 Three One
days, including
preparation of platform,
shuttering and stacking
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in measurable stacks
etc. complete including
supply of all materials
(steel shutter to be
used) as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
40-140-25 :
Manufacturing &
supplying C.C. blocks in
leanest mix. 1:3:6 with
cement sand (FM >=
1.50) and stone chips
(40mm down graded),
to attain a minimum 28
days cylinder strength One Crore
of 9.0 N/mm2 including Sixty-One
One Thousand
grading, washing stone Lakh
Six Hundred
chips, mixing, laying in Eighty-One
9.c 3 40-140-15 forms, consolidation, Each 9648.000 1677.225 16181866.800 Thousand
curing for at least 21 Eight
point Two Two
days, including Hundred and
preparation of platform, Sixty-Six
shuttering and stacking point Eight
in measurable stacks
etc. complete including
supply of all materials
(steel shutter to be
used) as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
40-140-15 :
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40-320-20 : Beyond
Project Profile
Signboard: Providing
and maintenance Digital
project profile signboard Ten Thousand
14 3 NA as per direction of Each 1.000 10000.001 point Zero 10000.001
point Zero
Engineer in charge. Zero One
Zero One
(recommended size:
1800mm x 1200mm
with 2 nos. RCC piller)
Grand Total: 132297124.510 Thousand
One Hundred
point Five
This Bill of Quantities is Electronically Signed by Mr. Sonjoy Saha on behalf of M/S. Hassan & Brothers
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