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Presented by:
Marilyn G. Dagalea
• To detect the presence of Monosaccharide, disaccharides and
polysaccharides using different tests.
Monosaccharide and

Disaccharides Moore’s
Test (Influence of
Concentrated Alkali)
1. Mix 1 ml of 5% glucose
with 1ml concentrated
2. Boil and note the change
of color and odor

5% Glucose Soln.

Conc. NaOH

Positive Result
Molisch’s Test

(a-napthol reaction) 1.
Place 1ml of 5 % glucose
solution in a test tube
2. Add 1 drop of Molisch’s
reagent and mix
3. Incline the tube and allow
1 ml of conc. Sulfuric acid
to flow on the side of the
tube. (Note: Do not

Sulfuric acid
5% Glucose Soln.
Molisch’s Reagents

Positive Result

Fehling’s Test
1. Place 5 ml each of Fehling’s A and
Fehling’s B in a test tube
Reduction Test 2. Dilute it with 4 cc of water
3. Boil 1 ml of this mixture in a water
bath ( if change in color is observed,
it indicates contamination. Discard
and get a freshly prepared solution)
Drop of
4. If color is unchanged after boiling, glucose Positive Result
add 5% glucose solution drop by
drop heating the mixture after each
5. Note the changes produced.

Fehling’s A Fehling’s B
Benedict’s Test
Glucose Soln.

1. Mix 1 ml of Benedict’s
reagent with 2 drops of
2. Boil
for 2 Benedict’s reagent
allow to cool.
3. Observe for any change in color.
Positive Result
of 50% glucose with 0.1 ml of
Nylanders Test 2. Heat for 5 minutes in a water bath
1. Mix 1 ml note the result.
Glucose Soln.

Positive Result
Nylander’s Reagent

Barfoed’s Test
Glucose Soln.

1. Mix 1 ml of Barfoed’s
reagent with 0.1 ml of
5% glucose solution.
2. Heat for
30 seconds
and allow
to stand for
15 minutes.

Barfoed’s reagent
Positive Result

2. Warm and note the result.

acid Test
1. To 1 ml
of 5% Glucose Soln. Picric acid Soln. Sodium
glucose Carbonate

add 0.5 ml
picric acid
solution and 0.2 ml of 10% Sodium
Positive Result
Seliwanoff’s Test
1. Place 1 ml of Seliwanoff’s
reagent in each of 6 test tube.
2. To the first test tube , add 3
drops of 2% freshly
solution of fructose, to the

2nd test tube add glucose, to

the 3rd test tube add
galactose, to the 4th test tube
add sucrose, to the 5th test
tube add maltose and to the
6 test tube add lactose.
3. Boil in a water bath
4. Note the color produced and
record the time required for
the development of pink in
each of the tubes.
Positive Result

Polysaccharides piece of white paper 2. Drop of Lugol’s

solution on it.
Iodine test 3. Note the result.
on Starch
1. Place a

pinch of starch on a glass over a

Starch Positive Result

Powder Iodine Solution

Test Positive results
Moore’s test Maroon –orange with caramel odor
Molisch’s test Violet ring at the junction of two liquids
Fehling’s test Yellow to brick red ppt.
Benedict’s test Yellow to brick red ppt.
Nylander’s test Black metallic bismuth
Barfoed’s test Reddish ppt of copper oxide
Picric acid test Mahogany red ppt.
Seliwanoff’s test Red color /solution
Mucic acid test Crystal formation

Sugar solution Mucic acid Fehling’s test Benedict’s test Barfoed’s test

Glucose - + + +
Fructose - + + +
Galactose + + + +
Maltose - + + -
Sucrose - - - -
lactose + + + -

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