Operational Definition - Biology

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2006 – line graph

Based on this experiment, what can you deduce about this enzyme?

( Pepsin on albumin)

This enzyme/pepsin hydrolysed/digest/act on albumen suspension which is cloudy to become clear and the
rate of enzyme/pepsin reaction is affected by the concentration of substrate/albumen

2007 – line graph

Based on the results of this experiment, what can be deduced about photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is a process where Hydrilla sp. in sodium hydrogen carbonate solution produces bubbles and
the number of bubbles released is influenced by light intensity

2008 –line graph


State the operational definition for population distribution of Pleurococcus sp.

Population distribution is defined as the total surface area covered by Pleurococcus sp. in a 10cm X 10cm grid
at different light intensity/is affected by light intensity.

2009 – line graph

Based on the result of this experiment, state the operational definition for the process of photosynthesis.

The process of photosynthesis is where the aquatic plant in sodium hydrogen carbonate solution produces gas
bubbles and the length of the gas bubble released is influenced by light intensity.

2010 – line graph

State the operational definition for exhaled air.

Exhaled air is the air column/air sample collected in the J-tube which contains CO2 and is absorbed by
potassium hydroxide. The length of air column is influenced by time of activity.

2011 – line graph

Define operationally hydrolysis of starch.

Hydrolysis of starch is the process where amylase breaks down starch and is shown by the time taken for
iodine solution to remain yellow. Hydrolysis of starch is affected by the pH value of the solution

2012 – bar chart

Define operationally the energy value of food.

Energy value of food is the heat released by 2g cashew nut, dried bread, and dried fish which can be shown by
increase in temperature of 20ml water by 65°C and affected by different type of food sample.
2013 – line graph

State the operational definition for growth.

Growth is an increase in height of the maize seedlings after 4 days which is measured by using ruler and
affected by different concentration of Knop’s solution.

2014 – bar chart

State the operational definition for variation.

Variation refers to the mass of ladies fingers’ plant which can be determined by different in mass and affected


by pH value of the soil.

2015 – bar chart

State the operational definition for polluted water.

Polluted water is the water sample from Location P which can be shown by time taken for decolourisation of
methylene blue solution. Level of water pollution is affected by different sources of water samples.

2016 – line graph

State the operational definition for transpiration.

Transpiration is a loss of water from balsam plant that is determined by the change in mass of potometer in 30
minutes and affected by air humidity/mass of anhydrous calcium chloride.

2017- bar chart

State the operational definition for Vitamin C

Vitamin C is ascorbic acid present in guava, papaya and mango juice which can be shown by volume of fruit
juice used to decolourise1ml of 0.1% DCPIP solution. Content of vitamin C is affected by different type of fruit

2018- Line graph

SPM 2019?????????

- Intraspecific/interspecific competition
- Capture, mark, release, recapture
- Osmosis /potato strip
- Urine
- Pollution/B.O.D
- Growth
- Inheritance
- Variation/camouflage
- Photosynthesis
- Transpiration


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