BU 127 Course Outline Winter 2023 Final
BU 127 Course Outline Winter 2023 Final
BU 127 Course Outline Winter 2023 Final
Course Syllabus
Winter 2023
Table of Contents
1. Schedule of Classes
2. Instructor Information
3. Introduction and Course Objectives
4. Course My Learning Space Website
5. Course textbook
6. Learning Approach
7. Instructor Office hours and Student Email Help Line
8. Optional Online Labs
9. Grade Determination
10. Research Participation Bonus Marks
11. Recommended Online Assignments
12. Excel and Data Analytics Assignments
13. Midterm Exam Information
14. Final Exam Information
15. Academic Integrity
16. Missed Term Work
17. Religious Observances
18. Accessible Learning Centre
19. Campus Security
20. Intellectual Property
21. Course Schedule
22. Important Dates for this course
1. Schedule of Classes
2. Instructor Information
Accounting is the language of business. If you don’t understand the fundamental concepts, terms,
principles, and tools of accounting, you will find it difficult to properly understand and analyze
many of the decisions that you will be faced with during your career. Even if you don’t end up in a
business career, you will likely experience various personal activities (such as getting a loan) in
which a basic knowledge of accounting should prove useful to you. Accounting information is
critical to the judgment and decision making involved in these personal activities. The knowledge
and skills that you acquire in this course should help you to understand how accounting
information is generated, measured, reported, and interpreted.
The overall objective of this course is to provide you with an integrated framework for preparing,
analyzing and interpreting financial information and financial statements. This framework will be
applied in a financial accounting context which is primarily concerned with providing financial
information to a business’s external stakeholders. These external stakeholders include
shareholders, creditors, customers, suppliers, governments and others.
We will spend a considerable amount of time studying the four financial statements used by
these stakeholders for decision-making purposes. The four financial statements are: 1) The
Statement of Financial Position, 2) The Statement of Comprehensive Income, 3) The Statement of
Changes in Equity and 4) The Statement of Cash Flows. Note that the Statement of
Comprehensive Income includes the Income Statement.
In this course, you should gain a thorough understanding of the items in these four financial
statements and also the economic events and related accounting decisions underlying them.
These include the judgment required to make these decisions and also the factors that influence
them. By the end of the course, you should feel comfortable with the various components of a
company’s annual report and be able to make comparisons with other firms across different
MyLearningSpace (MyLS) will be used to coordinate the online activities for the course, including
all emails and announcements from the course coordinator. Your instructor will inform you of
how they plan to communicate with you between classes, if at all. If you wish to have MyLS email
forwarded to a personal email account, you can do so by making the appropriate setting within
MyLS. It is your responsibility to regularly check MyLS for announcements and to check your
MyLaurier account (or to have email forwarded to a personal account that you regularly check).
Neither the coordinator nor your instructor will be responsible for you missing the information in
any MyLS announcements or emails.
You should verify as soon as possible that you can both log in to MyLS and access the course
website once logged in. The MyLS login page is at http://mylearningspace.wlu.ca/. Questions
about how to use MyLS, including your inability to log in, should be directed to Educational
Technologies staff (MyLS@wlu.ca) and not to your instructor. If you can log in to myLS but do not
have access to the BU127 site, then send an email with your name and ID# to MyLS@wlu.ca and
they will look after getting you added to the access list.
5. Course Textbook
Text: Financial Accounting (Seventh Canadian Edition) by Libby, Libby, Hodge, Kanaan and
Sterling. Published by McGraw Hill.
This text is available in the bookstore ($149.95+tax) and includes a shrink-wrapped ‘Connect’ card
to access the text website. This website includes the eBook version of this text and practice
problems to support your studies. It also provides access to the on-line assignments that are an
important learning resource for this course.
As an alternative to purchasing the hard-copy text, you can purchase only the eBook version of
the text and access the book’s website which, as noted above, includes the eBook version of the
text, practice problems, and provides access to the On-line Assignments. Note: Connect can be
purchased at the bookstore ($89.50+tax) or online through the publisher’s course link provided
for each class ($99.50+tax). A free trial of the eBook version will be offered for 14-days.
If you choose to purchase a Connect card with eBook access, you can also purchase a loose-leaf
printout of the text directly from the publisher for an additional $30+tax.
Exams in this course are open source, so you can bring your textbook to the exam. However, it is
not possible to access the ebook during the final exam. We therefore recommend that
students consider this when making their textbook choice.
Do not purchase a used text. McGraw Hill sells the textbooks with Connect cards that can only
be used by the original purchaser of the text. If you purchase a used text (any edition), you will
not have a usable ‘Connect’ card and will not be able to access the on-line assignments that are
an important component of the course.
6. Learning Approach
Accounting is a subject that you learn by doing. We place a lot of emphasis on having you
complete a series of low stakes assignments and quizzes that are designed to help you learn the
material and to keep up to date. Each week you should do the following:
1. Read the assigned chapter and complete a pre-class Smartbook assignment designed to
gently test your understanding of the chapter you have just read.
2. Complete the demonstration case at the end of the chapter.
3. Prepare solutions to exercises and problems at the end of each chapter. The class
schedule provides a list of recommended exercises and problems that will be taken up in
class or are intended for self-study. There is some repetition of coverage in the self-
study exercises and problems so do as many as you need to in order to feel comfortable
with the material. The course MyLS website contains solutions to all exercises and
problems so you can check your own work and learn from your mistakes. If you do not
understand why your solution varies from the posted solution on MyLS take the time to
ask a lab leader in one of our optional labs.
4. Attend class. Your instructor will go through the major concepts and topics in the
chapter and will take up the exercises and problems listed in the weekly schedule.
5. Prepare a Connect assignment before or after attending class. This online learning
platform has a check my work feature and other aids that will help you to learn from your
6. Attend optional labs if you need help understanding the course material or completing
any of Connect or excel/data analytics assignments.
7. Most weeks you will either have a Connect or excel/data analytics assignment to do.
To help you, we have created weekly checklists on MyLS listing things you should do each week
and assignments that are due.
7. Office Hours and Student Email Help-Line
We have an email help line available to you BU127@wlu.ca You can use this help line to get
answers on course related content. Your instructor will also be available to answer your
questions during office hours. Your instructor’s office hours can be found in Section 2 Instructor
Information. These sessions will open to all students in a group format and you may benefit
from hearing the questions of others. Content is student driven and your instructor will respond
to specific questions by students during these office hours. Your instructor will not be re-
teaching missed lectures during office hours. If you require a private discussion, arrangements
should be made with the instructor in advance of scheduled office hours.
8. Optional Labs
The optional labs start on Monday January 9th and end on Friday April 7. Feel free to take
advantage of them if you find yourself struggling with any of the material. Think of these labs as
free tutoring. Regardless of what section you are in, you may go to any of the labs listed below.
Please note that the labs are structured in a way that students go in with their own questions and
the Teachers Assistants (TAs) then assist them. The TAs will be happy to help you with any
homework problems you have and will provide you with some assistance in completing the
online assignments. They can also help you prepare for exams and can answer questions on the
group project. The days, times, buildings, and rooms of the in-person optional labs are as
Online optional labs are also available. See the zoom meetings section of the course outline for
the timing of online labs.
9. Grade Determination
Higher of
Option A
Connect post class assignments 10%
Connect accounting life cycle assignment 3%
Data Analytics and Excel assignments 7%
Midterm exam 1 20%
Midterm exam 2 20%
Final exam 40%
Option B
Midterm exam 1 25%
Midterm exam 2 25%
Final exam 50%
The second option is designed to allow students to opt out of using the publisher’s online
resources. We do not recommend Option B. If you are unable to afford a textbook, please
contact the course co-ordinator James Moore at jamoore@wlu.ca for possible options. Please
note that you do not have to “opt-in” to an option. We will calculate the higher of the two when
determining your final grade. However, on MyLS, the gradebook will always show your mark
under Option A.
Important Note: You must pass the final exam (>50%) to pass the course. If you do not pass
the final exam you will be assigned a grade of F.
You may receive up to three bonus marks for this course by participating in the Lazaridis
School Research Participation System (LS RPS). This system is designed to: (a) facilitate the
research of faculty and graduate students in Accounting, Marketing, and OB/HRM area
groups; and (b) enable undergraduate students taking Accounting, Marketing, and OB/HRM
courses to gain an appreciation for research and the research process by participating in
actual research projects.
If you are unable or unwilling to participate in research studies and still wish to earn up to
three bonus marks, you can complete an alternative written assignment(s) for one or more
of these marks. Directions on how to pursue this option are provided below. You must still
request an account as a participant at https://wlu-ls.sona-systems.com/ if you are
pursuing the research participation alternative (journal article reviews). If you are
taking more than one course that is eligible for bonus marks (this information is available on
the web site above) any bonus mark(s) you earn in a given study can only be assigned to one
Note that the maximum 3% bonus is contingent on the availability of research studies during
the term. We do not guarantee that students will be able to earn bonus marks totaling
3% through research studies or journal article reviews. As in all courses, you should
prioritize earning 100% of your grade through mandatory course components.
Students should be aware that not attending class to partake in LS RPS studies is
unacceptable. Participating in online studies during class time is also unacceptable.
If you are unable or unwilling to participate in research studies to earn bonus marks, we
provide an alternative means of earning up to 3% (3 points) of bonus marks. This alternative
entails writing reviews of academic journal articles. To learn more about and/or participate
in this option, you must self-register for the MyLS course entitled Lazaridis School
Research Participation Alternative | Winter 2023 via the following steps:
1. Click the “Self-Registration” link near the top right of the page when you first log
into MyLS.
2. Click “Lazaridis School Research Participation Alternative | Winter 2023”
(courses are listed alphabetically, so this one will be at the bottom of the list).
3. Click “Register”, then click “Submit”, then click “Finish”.
4. You should now see “Lazaridis School Research Participation Alternative | Winter
2023” in your list of courses.
Directions on how to complete the reviews, format, and the submission process can be found
once you register for this course. Please contact the System Administrator at lsrps@wlu.ca if
you have any problems with registering for the course or questions about the research
participation alternative (article reviews) submission process.
The online assignments are recommended for all students in this course. To complete these
assignments, you must have access to Connect and Smartbook (our textbook publisher McGraw
Hill’s on-line resources) which are included with the purchase of a new hard-cover or online text.
If you do not wish to complete these assignments you will be graded under Option B (See grade
determination above).
The first type of weekly online assignment uses McGraw Hill’s Smartbook and is designed to
prepare you for class. To optimize your learning in this course you should do these assignments
before class. These assignments should be completed each week before the chapter is covered
in class to introduce you to the topics we will be covering in class and to encourage further
reading of the text where your knowledge is weak. These pre-class assignments include
content-driven questions and adaptive learning technology. Questions are typically multiple-
choice but other formats are used. If you answer the question correctly, you move on to the
next question. If you answer the question incorrectly, Smartbook will direct you to areas of the
e-text that are helpful to you in understanding the topic better. Smartbook will then pose a
similar but different question to see if you now understand the topic. You will continue until you
complete the required number of questions correctly at which time you will receive full marks for
that assignment. If you have a good knowledge of the chapter contents, these assignments
should take about 30 minutes each to complete. There are no marks attached to these
assignments, so completion is voluntary.
The second type of weekly online assignment is known as “Connect” and includes problems that
are similar to the problems and exercises in the textbook. The problems are algorithmic in
nature. Each student receives a similar problem but the amounts, dates, etc. are changed for
each student. Connect gives you access to the textbook on-line resources which includes the
on-line assignments. Connect includes a “check my work” feature that allows you to identify
your mistakes before completing and submitting the assignment. If you have a good knowledge
of the chapter contents, these assignments should take about one hour each to complete.
There are 12 weekly assignments of each type. Your best 10 Connect assignments will count in
the calculation of your final grade under Option A of the grading scheme. Your best 10
assignments will be equally weighted (1% each for Connect assignments) regardless of the
number of points the assignment is out of. You will have a maximum of 3 attempts (submissions
for marking purposes) for each assignment and your best mark of the 3 attempts will be used for
each assignment when counting your best 10. Note: Late assignments will not be accepted for
any reason.
In addition to weekly Connect assignments that correspond to chapters in the text, you will also
complete a lengthier Connect problem relating to the accounting cycle. This problem will be
worth 3% of your course grade under Option A of the grading scheme. You will also complete
four online assignments that are designed to provide you with introductory training in excel and
data analytics. These assignments are worth 7% of your grade under Option A of the grading
To log-in to the online resources, click on any of the McGraw-Hill Connect assignment links within
MyLearningSpace. The first time you access Connect through MyLearningSpace, you will create a
Connect account and be asked to redeem your 20-character Connect access code. This code is
found on the inside cover of your custom text, or by following the instructions on your receipt
from the bookstore. Full registration instructions can be found in the “BU127 Connect
registration instructions” that are also posted to MyLearningSpace.
If you have any difficulties accessing the online assignments or resources call the McGraw Hill
technical support line. Please make sure that you obtain a technical support ticket number from
technical support at the time you call them. This ticket number is important if we need to follow
up on your inquiry. You can also obtain a technical support ticket number online
at https://mhedu.force.com/CXG/s/ContactUs. If you are unable to obtain the necessary
assistance from the technical support line or the discussion board, please contact our McGraw
Hill Digital Consultant Alex Cumine at Alex.Cuminel@mheducation.com and provide Alex with the
ticket number you obtained from technical support. Do not contact Alex without first contacting
customer support.
If you are having difficulty with the content of the assignments (i.e., you cannot get the right
answer), please seek assistance from the lab instructors or your instructor. Also, look for any
postings on the MyLS announcement board. If students are having common problems, we often
post hints.
Assignments are due by the end of the day on their due date. Please refer to the schedule of
important dates on the last page of this course outline for the posting and due dates of all the
If further details or clarifications concerning the assignments become necessary, the information
will be posted on MyLS.
Data analysis and Excel skills are must-have nowadays. Excel is a powerful data analysis tool and
is widely used in the industry. Almost all big and small businesses use Excel in their day to day
functioning. Throughout this course, you will complete 4 data analytics and Excel assignments,
which are closely tied to accounting knowledge you will learn. These assignments involve
organizing and manipulating data, some of the more advanced functionality of Excel, and
visualizing and interpreting data with charts and graphs. The skills you will gain from these
assignments will be useful in the future (e.g., your co-op) and are transferable to other data
analysis tools you may use in other scenarios.
No Excel experience is needed before you start this course, although basic functional knowledge
of Excel will speed you up at the beginning. We will provide learning resources such as video
tutorials to guide you through each assignment.
To successfully complete these assignments, you must have installed the latest version of
Microsoft Excel on your Windows or Mac computer. Each student is able to access the latest
version of Microsoft Office 365 free of charge. You can find more information at
Midterm 1 covers chapters 1,2,3,4 and will be held on Friday March 3 from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm.
Midterm 2 covers chapters 6, 7, 8 and 9 and will be held on Saturday April 1 from 9:00 am - 10:30
am. Room locations will be announced when they are available.
If you have an academic or other important event that you know is in conflict with your midterm
date pleases contact jamoore@wlu.ca as early as possible but no later than one week before the
The final exam is 2.5 hours in length and is scheduled by the Examinations/Registrar’s Office
during the final examination period of April 13-29. The BU127 exam is normally scheduled quite
late in the exam period. The final exam will be comprehensive with an emphasis on material
covered after the midterms. The final exam will be open source. You can bring any printed
material you like into the final exam including your textbook but you will not be able to use a
digital textbook. The final exam will be a traditional paper written exam and will be conducted
in-person on the University’s premises. The final exam will be timed, proctored, and
synchronous. Under no circumstances can your instructor provide relief of any kind concerning
the scheduling of the Final Exam. All petitions to write a deferred final exam must be made under
the University Examination Policy. Information on the petition process can be obtained at
Ethics and values are very important in accounting and the world of business, not-for-profit, and
government organizations. You will be considering ethical issues in accounting throughout this
course. Ethics and values are also important in education. We will assume, unless there is
evidence to the contrary, that you are an ethical student. To help you fulfill your ethical
responsibilities as a student, the ethical standards for this course are listed below.
Examinations: All exams must be the exclusive work of the individual student
Cell phones and other communication devices: University policies state that “No electronic or
communication devices will be allowed in the examination room, including cell phones,
smartphones, pagers etc”. This applies to both midterm and final examinations. Students with
any electronic communications devices with them at their exam table (even if they are turned
off) are in violation of the academic integrity rules of the University.
All students should be aware of the University’s policy on Academic Misconduct, which is
described in the “Academic Privileges and Responsibilities” section of the undergraduate
calendar. Ignorance of this policy will not be accepted.
2. Within 48 hours of the start time of the midterm, complete the self declaration form
found here. https://web.wlu.ca/illness/
Provided you fulfill both steps 1 and 2 with sufficient detail to confirm the existence of illness or
unexpected major life event and no other contradictory information becomes known to the
instructor, then the weight of the missed midterm will be transferred to a 2.5 hour cumulative
final exam to be written in the final examination period at the end of the term. In all other cases,
you will receive zero on the midterm examination.
Due dates and timeslot change requests for quizzes, the midterm exam or course work arising
from conflicts with Religious Observance are managed by the course instructor. Alert the
instructor within two weeks of the start of term of any scheduling conflicts by submitting
the Student Request for Accommodation for Religious Observances form located here:
The Accessible Learning office assists students with disabilities in reaching their full academic
potential. By offering a variety of services and resources, delivered in a respectful, confidential
and professional manner, they are available to support and encourage students’ independence
and self-determination.
The staff at the office is committed to assuring students with disabilities equal access and support
services for programs, facilities and services in the university community.
These disabilities include, but are not limited to:
• Sight
• Hearing
• Medical
• Learning, including ADHD
• Chronic pain
• Acquired brain injuries
• Mobility
• Psychological/psychiatric conditions
The office is located on the first floor of the Arts building. If you wish to enquire about or access
their services, you can reach them at 519-884-0710 x3086 (TDD 519-884-1141) or at
NOTE: Students with disabilities or special needs are advised to contact Laurier’s Accessible
Learning Centre for information regarding its services and resources. Students are encouraged
to review the University Undergraduate Calendar for information regarding all services
available on campus. If you are unsure what resources are appropriate for you or require any
assistance with any type of academic issues, contact the Central Academic Advising Office at
If you are registered with the accessible learning centre to receive additional time for online
assessments like quizzes, midterms or final exams, you can check that your time has been
adjusted by following these steps:
In your course in MyLS, navigate to the ‘Quizzes’ tool
Click on the upcoming online assessment
On this page, check the ‘Time Allowed’. This should reflect the total time allowed for this
assessment plus your additional time.
Please note that times accommodation will be updated through out the term and will not always
be in place for assessments happening later. If the time noted is incorrect less than 48 hours
before your upcoming assessment, please contact myls@wlu.ca for assistance.
Security personnel are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays. Special
Constables will respond to all calls for service and are dispatched on a priority basis through their
office located in the Student Services Building. If you require assistance or wish to report a crime,
please call this office at 519-885-3333, or internally at extension 3333. All payphones on campus
allow for a free call to the security office, or you may use an emergency pole located throughout
campus if you require immediate emergency assistance.
In addition, the Foot Patrol service helps to ensure that all members of the Laurier community
arrive home safely. Foot Patrol operates daily from sunset until 2:30 am on "bar" nights and until
1:30 am on all other evenings. Footers provide walks to anyone who needs to get somewhere
and stress that "No walk is too short and no walk is too long!" To reach the Foot Patrol office, dial
886-FOOT. This line contacts dispatchers while Foot Patrol is operating. During hours when Foot
Patrol is not active, leave a message and a volunteer will reply promptly.
20. Intellectual Property
The educational materials developed and produced for this course, including, but not limited to,
lecture notes and slides, videos and recordings, handout materials, examinations and
assignments, and any materials posted to MyLearningSpace, are the intellectual property of the
course instructor. These materials have been developed for temporary student use only and they
are not intended for wider dissemination and/or communication outside of a given course.
Posting or providing unauthorized audio, video, or textual material of lecture content to third-
party websites violates an instructor’s intellectual property rights, and the Canadian Copyright
Act. Recording lectures in any way is prohibited in this course unless specific permission has
been granted by the instructor. Failure to follow these instructions may be in contravention of
the university’s Student Non-Academic Code of Conduct and/or Code of Academic Conduct and
will result in appropriate penalties. Participation in this course constitutes an agreement by all
parties to abide by the relevant University Policies, and to respect the intellectual property of
others during and after their association with Wilfrid Laurier University.
21. Course Schedule
Course Schedule:
The course schedule shows the expected timing of material coverage. Different sections may
cover the material at a slightly different pace. Your instructor will keep you informed of what
topics will be covered on a class-by-class basis. These may vary with instructor.
Feb 6- Ch 6 Reporting and Interpreting Sales E6-2, E6-6, E6-8, E6- E6-17,P6-2, P6-7, P6-
12 Revenue, Receivables and Cash 9, E6-10, E6-13, E6- 11
(excluding Appendix 6A) 16, E6-19, E6-23, P6-
3, P6-6, P6-10.
Feb 13- Ch 7 Reporting and Interpreting Cost of E7-1,E7-3,E7-11,E7- E7-8, P7-2
19 Sales and Inventory 13, E7-14, E7-17, P7-
(including Appendices 7A and 7B) 1, P7-5, P7-6, P7-9