ENGLISH5 IDEA LE Q4 Feature Article
ENGLISH5 IDEA LE Q4 Feature Article
ENGLISH5 IDEA LE Q4 Feature Article
Face to Face
School Juan Sumulong Elementary Grade Level Five
Teacher Joyce A. San Pascual Learning Area English
Teaching June 21, 2023, Wednesday Quarter 4th QT Week 8
*** Constructivist pedagogy is based on the idea that students learn best when they are
actively involved in constructing their own understanding of concepts and topics.
Strategy: Informal Assessments (provide challenging material is to conduct informal whole
class assessments)
Research-Based Instructional Strategies
- Summarizing & Note Taking (When reading for information, framing questions are
"designed to highlight the critical elements for specific types of information"-
Marzano, Pickering, & Pollock, 2001, p. 34-35)
Establishing Purpose of the Lesson: Decoding Unfamiliar Words
Can you tell why you have that kind of thinking when you see those
Answer: There are people who have been victims of social injustice.
*** Critical pedagogy- It is a teaching philosophy that persuades a classroom teacher to
encourage learners to critique structures of oppression and power.
KRA 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
(4. Used effective verbal and non-verbal classroom strategies to support learner understanding,
participation, engagement and achievement.)
Strategy: Exploration and Encouragement about current events (Engaging them in conversations about
world events will show them how their special talents could be used to address very real problems.)
Research-Based Instructional Strategies
- Pictologics (a teaching method that pictures are the main tools used in this method, associating
meanings to pictures through imagination, and then being ready to explain why we made this
association are in concordance with the definition of critical thinking skills offered by most
advocates in the field.- Shirban Sasi, 2012)
B. Developme Task 1: Picture Perfect (Indirect Instruction)
nt Look and examine the picture below. Can you say something about it? What
does it show? Have you tried being in the same situation?
Indicator 2
Uses a range of
teaching strategies
that enhance learner
achievement in
literacy and
numeracy skills
In doing so, there are helpful expressions to use when you make a stand
about a situation.
These are some expressions used or key signals:
In my view.....
Personally, I think…
To my mind…
As I see it…..
From my point of view…. etc…
Indicator 1
Apply knowledge of *** Socratic Pedagogy- probing questions and explore the underlying beliefs that shape the
content within and perceptions and views of the students.
across curriculum ** Manifested integration of MAPEH- Health (demonstrates understanding of mental emotional,
teaching areas and social health concerns- H5PH-If-14, H5PH-Ih-16, H5PH-Ii-17, H5PH-Ij-18)
(MAPEH- Health) KRA 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
(1. Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas.)
(2. Used research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning to enhance professional
(3. Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and
Indicator 2 learning.)
Strategy: Intellectual Stimulating Question (Providing questions that are open-ended and require more
Uses a range of thoughtful responses)
teaching strategies Research-Based Instructional Strategies
that enhance learner - Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) (Directing reading maturity as a cognitive process-
achievement in Stauffer 1969)
literacy and
numeracy skills
C. Engagemen Activity 2:
t Directions: the teacher will Read each statement. draw a Happy face if you
agree, and sad face if you disagree.
Indicator 4
Manages classroom
structure to engage
learners, individually
or in groups, in
discovery and hands-
on activities within a
range of physical
learning Key Answers: 1. Happy Face 2. Sad Face 3. Sad Face 4. Happy Face 5. Happy Face
environments *** Critical Pedagogy- aims to encourage students to challenge their ideas and thoughts, their
practices, and their beliefs, to gain a deeper understanding and think critically.
** Manifest Integration of ESP- Naisasagawa ang paggalang sa karapatan ng kapwa (EsP4P-
Indicator 1 IIfi– 21)
Apply knowledge of Research-Based Instructional Strategies
content within and - Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) (Using agree/disagree statements challenge
across curriculum students to think critically about their knowledge of a topic, theme or text. The
teaching areas (ESP) strategy exposes to the major ideas in a text and engaging students thinking and
motivating them to learn more. -Raphael 1982)
Activity 3: Graphic Organizer (Independent Study) (Convergent and
Divergent Thinking)
Directions: Complete the given organizer by choosing the effects and write
the letter in proper tube then write your stand.
Indicator 3
Apply a range of
teaching strategies to
develop critical and
creative thinking, as
well as other higher-
order thinking skills
Indicator 6
Uses differentiated,
appropriate learning
experiences to
learners’ gender,
needs, strengths,
interests and
Indicator 5
Plan and deliver
teaching strategies that
are responsive to the
special educational
needs of learners in
difficult circumstances,
including geographic
isolation, chronic *** Cultural Responsive Pedagogy- teaching approach encourages and takes into consideration diverse
illness, displacement races, beliefs, ethnicities, and the background of students. Cultural responsiveness of a political study
due to armed conflict, would mean debates and analysis of a wide range of political topics, in various cultural contexts.
urban resettlement or ** Manifest Integration of Araling Panlipunan- Nasusuri ang mga kontemporaryong isyu ng lipunan tungo
disasters, child abuse sa pagtugon sa mga hamon ng malaya at maunlad na bansa Panlipunan (Hal., OFW, gender, drug at child
and child labor practices abuse, atbp) (AP6TDK-IVe-f-6)
KRA 1. Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning & Assessment and Reporting
(1. Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas.)
(2. Used research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning to enhance professional
KRA 2. Learning Environment
(8. Applied a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments to motivate learners to
work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning.)
KRA 3. Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning & Assessment and Reporting
(9. Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with
disabilities, giftedness and talents)
Strategies: Tiered Learning for Gifted and Talented (Providing work at the entry, advanced, and extension
levels or at varying Depth of Knowledge Levels)
Exploration and Encouragement about current events (Engaging them in conversations about
world events will show them how their special talents could be used to address very real problems.)
Research-Based Instructional Strategies
- Scaffolding Instruction, level of potential development as determined through problem solving
under adult guidance, or in collaboration with more capable peers (Vygotsky, 1978, p. 86).
E. Assessment Direction: Read the given issue and think of its pros and cons.
Decide and shade the circle of your answer then make your stand.
(Convergent and Divergent Thinking)
Indicator 7
Select, develop, Strategies: Modelling of Thinking (Verbalize the thought processes used to consider, analyze and solve
problems. This may be as simple as 'thinking aloud'.)
organize and use
Research-Based Instructional Strategies
appropriate teaching
and learning - Scaffolding Instruction, level of potential development as determined through
resources, including problem solving under adult guidance, or in collaboration with more capable peers
ICT, to address (Vygotsky, 1978, p. 86).
learning goals - Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers (Expository Advance Organizers- Pitler,
Hubbell, and Kuhn have eight recommendations for classroom practice)
- Nonlinguistic Representations (Problem/ Solution Analogies)
Teacher I Master Teacher I Principal IV