Rubrics For "Model of The Solar System": Poor 1 Pts Good 3 Pts Excellent 5 Pts Total Points (N/A)
Rubrics For "Model of The Solar System": Poor 1 Pts Good 3 Pts Excellent 5 Pts Total Points (N/A)
Rubrics For "Model of The Solar System": Poor 1 Pts Good 3 Pts Excellent 5 Pts Total Points (N/A)
No labels are present, very difficult to find, or difficult Labels are present, but they may have been difficult to find or Labels are clearly present and are easy to read.
to read. handwriting could have been improved.
Very little or no creativity. Minimal color is used. Some thought has been put into the project. There is some There is large amounts of creativity being shown. All
color and the planets are close to their correct color. planets have their correct colors and imagination has
been used when designing the solar system model.
Two or more planets are missing. One planet is missing. All planets are accounted for.
Student was not able to discuss any details about Student was able to discuss details about his/her project. Student was able to discuss details about his/her
his/her project. Student was unable to recall any facts Student was only able to recall a few facts about a few planets project. Student was able to recall a significant
about any planets or the solar system. and the solar system. amount of facts about all the planets and the solar