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BE Iyr Syllabus 2023

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IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards





BE I Year Programme
(Common to All Branches)
Batch 2022– 2023 and onwards

IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards






Batch 2022– 2023 and onwards
(Subject to Revision)


(Computer Engineering, Information Technology and Civil Engineering)

SEM - 1
S.NO Sub Code Sub Name Number of Sub
Credit Type
1. 1AMRC1 Applied Mathematics-I 3-1-0 PC1
2. 1ACRC2 Applied Chemistry and Environmental Sciences 3-1-1 PC2
3. 1MERC3 Elements of Mechanical Engineering 3-1-1 PC3
4. 1ETRC4 Basic Electronics 3-1-1 PC4
5. 1MERC5 Workshop Practice 0-1-2 PC5
6. 1SSRS1 Technical English 3-1-0 SS1
7. 1BERV1 Comprehensive Viva I 0-0-4 Viva1
Total Credit for SEM I 26 actual + 4 Virtual

SEM - 2
S.NO Sub Code Sub Name Number of Sub
Credit Type
1. 2AMRC1 Applied Mathematics-II 3-1-0 PC1
2. 2APRC2 Applied Physics 3-1-1 PC2
3. 2MERC3 Engineering Drawing 2-1-2 PC3
4. 2EIRC4 Electrical Engineering 3-1-1 PC4
5. 2CORC5 Introduction to Computer Programming 3-1-1 PC5
6. 2SSRS2 Humanities 2-0-0 SS2
7. 2BERV2 Comprehensive Viva II 0-0-4 Viva2
Total Credit for SEM II 26 actual + 4 Virtual

IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards




Batch 2022– 2023 and onwards
(Subject to Revision)

B. E. I YEAR (Common to all branches)

(Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and

Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering*)

SEM - 1
S.NO Sub Code Sub Name Number of Sub
Credit Type
1. 2AMRC1 Applied Mathematics-II 3-1-0 PC1
2. 2APRC2 Applied Physics 3-1-1 PC2
3. 2MERC3 Engineering Drawing 2-1-2 PC3
4. 2EIRC4 Electrical Engineering 3-1-1 PC4
5. 2CORC5 Introduction to Computer Programming 3-1-1 PC5
6. 2SSRS2 Humanities 2-0-0 SS2
7. 2BERV2 Comprehensive Viva II 0-0-4 Viva2
Total Credit for SEM 1 26 actual + 4 Virtual

SEM - 2
S.NO Sub Code Sub Name Number of Sub
Credit Type
1. 1AMRC1 Applied Mathematics-I 3-1-0 PC1
2. 1ACRC2 Applied Chemistry and Environmental Sciences 3-1-1 PC2
3. 1MERC3 Elements of Mechanical Engineering 3-1-1 PC3
4. 1ETRC4 Basic Electronics 3-1-1 PC4
5. 1MERC5 Workshop Practice 0-1-2 PC5
6. 1SSRS1 Technical English 3-1-0 SS1
7. 1BERV1 Comprehensive Viva I 0-0-4 Viva1
Total Credit for SEM 2 26 actual + 4 Virtual

Semester 1 for three branches and Semester 2 for other three branches for the teaching load balancing.

IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

Semester 1

IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India BE-I Year (Common to all branches)
Institute of Engineering & Technology Semester- 1
Subject Code & Name Instructions
Hours per Week
1AMRC1: L T P L T P Total
Applied Mathematics-I 3 1 - 3 1 - 4
Duration of Theory Paper:
3 Hours

Learning Objectives:
 To develop the concepts of calculus, useful to create mathematical models in order to
arrive into an optimal solution in various disciplines like physics, engineering,
economics, and statistics.
 Provide the fundamentals of formal techniques like differentiation to find the slope of a
curve, find approximation to the original function by Taylor’s series, determine the
stationary points of functions in order to sketch their graphs, optimization of functions
and so on; Integration to find areas, volumes, central points and many useful things;
Vector fields to represent many physical quantities like velocities, forces (useful in fluid
mechanics), particle displacements (useful in solid mechanics), and electric and
magnetic fields (electromagnetism).

Prerequisites: Knowledge of basics of functions, limits, derivatives, and integrals.

Differential Calculus: Review of Successive differentiation, Leibnitz theorem and
problems; Expansion of functions by Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s Theorem; Asymptotes;
Curvature in Cartesian and Polar Coordinates; Envelopes; Evolutes and Involutes.

Advanced Differential Calculus: Function of Several Variables; Partial Differentiation;
Approximations and errors; Jacobians; Taylor’s Series of Two Variables; Maxima and
Minima of Function of Two and More Variables; Lagrange’s Method of Undetermined

Integral Calculus: Beta and Gamma functions; detailed study of tracing of curves-
Cartesian, polar and parametric curves; Area; Length of Curve; Volume; Surface of
Revolution; Theorems of Pappus and Guldin and problems.

Advanced Integral Calculus: Multiple integrals: Double and Triple Integration; Change of
Order of Integration; Area; Volume; Centre of Gravity; Moment of Inertia.

IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

Vector Calculus: Differentiation of a Vector; Gradient; Divergence; Curl; Integration of a
Vector Function; Gauss’s, Green’s and Stoke’s Theorems.

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completing the course, students will be able to:
 Apply the concept of function derivatives to study the behaviour and rate of how
different quantities change, how the graph of a function can actually be computed,
analysed, and predicted and use integrals to find the summation of infinitely many
small factors to determine whole.
 Learn the applicability of calculus in various fields like, in physics, it is used in the
study of motion, electricity, heat, light, harmonics, acoustics, astronomy, dynamics and
advanced physics concepts including electromagnetism and Einstein's theory of
relativity use calculus. In the field of chemistry, calculus can be used to predict
functions such as reaction rates and radioactive decay. In addition, it is used to check
answers for different mathematical disciplines such as statistics, analytical geometry,
and algebra.
 Find a way to construct relatively simple quantitative models of change, and deduce
their consequences.


[1] B.S.Grewal, “Engineering Mathematics”, 39/e, Khanna Publishers, 2006.

[2] Erwin. Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 8th edition, John Willy and sons
Publications, 1999.
[3] Ramana B V, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company
Ltd., New Delhi, 2006.
[4] C.Ray Wylie & Louis C. Barretle, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd., 6/e, 2003.
[5] H.K.Das, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, S.Chand New Delhi.
[6] E Mendelson, G J Hademenos, F Ayres, “Schaum's Easy Outline: Calculus”, McGraw-Hill,
[7] R C Wrede, M Spiegel, “Schaum's Outline of Advanced Calculus”, 2/e, McGraw-Hill, 2002.

IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India BE -I Year (Common to all branches)

Institute of Engineering & Technology Semester- 1 or 2
Subject Code & Name Instructions
Hours per Week
1ACRC2: L T P L T P Total
Applied Chemistry & 3 1 2 3 1 1 5
Environmental Science
Duration of Theory Paper:
3 Hours

Learning Objectives:
 To learn chemistry of various engineering materials and processes, their importance, properties,
testing, structure-property-uses relationship, tailoring, and their applications in various
 To understand and aware with various environmental issues and pollution and control studies in
modern society for sustainable development.
Prerequisite: Nil



Sources, impurities, applications, Hardness- its expression and determination; Boiler troubles and
their causes; Industrial water requirement, Treatment of water for industrial and domestic purpose;
Water softening, De-ionization of water; Analysis of water; Water quality parameters, Numerical
problems on water analysis and water treatment processes.


Introduction, classification and requirement of engineering materials. Material testing.
Polymers: Chemistry of polymer materials and their diversification; Types of polymerization and
their brief account; Examples of polymers.
Cement, Glass and Refractories: Different types, composition, properties and uses.

Introduction, Principle and functions of lubrication, Types of lubricants, Mechanism of lubrication,
Properties, tests and applications of solid, semi-solid and liquid lubricants; Synthetic lubricants and
lubricating emulsions; Cutting fluids: Numerical problems on Lubricants.


Classification, Lamberts and Beers Law; Spectroscopy, Introduction, Principle and applications of
Colorimetry, IR, UV-Vis, NMR and Mass spectroscopy; Chromatographic Techniques and
applications, Numerical Problems on spectroscopic techniques.


Components of Environment and their interactions, Natural resources, Energy, Ecosystem, Impacts
of development of environment, Environment protection act, EIA, Sustainable development.
Pollution and its types, Description, effects and control measures of Air, Water, Land and Noise
pollution, Chemical toxicology, Global warming, Depletion of ozone layer, Acid rains,
Eutrophication, Rain water harvesting, Pollution case studies.

IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completing the course, students will be able to:
 Apply applications of various engineering materials in different technologies.
 Relate structure-property-uses relationship of engineering materials and tailoring of materials
for technology development.
 Use of material testing and material characterization required in different engineering
 Understand the components of Environment and their interactions with modern world. Also to
analyse factors affecting, causes of Environmental Pollution and to apply possible control
measures for Sustainable development.

[1] Jain & Jain, Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai Publications, 2007.
[2] S. S. Dara, A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry, S. Chand & Company, 2007.
[3] B. Joseph, Environmental Studies, Tata McGraw Hill.
[4] A.K. De, Environmental Chemistry, New Age International, 1996.
[5] Shashi Chawala, A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai Publications, 2006.

List of Experiments
1. Determination of Total Hardness of water sample by EDTA titration method.
2. Study of Steam Emulsification Number (SEN) of oil sample.
3. Determination of CO3--, HCO3- and total Alkalinity of water sample.
4. Study of Flash point and fire point of oils.
5. Determination of % Purity of NaOH-NaCl mixture by Titration method.
6. Determination of Aniline Point of lubricating/fuel oil.
7. Determination of Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) in Water sample.
8. Determination of pH of given solution using Digital pH meter.
9. Determination of concentration of KMnO4 solution and to verify Beers- Lamberts law by
10. Determination of Redwood Viscosity of lubricating oil.
11. Study and interpretation of UV-Visible, IR and NMR spectra of unknown compounds.

IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India BE-I Year (Common to all
Institute of Engineering & Technology branches)
Semester- 1
Subject Code & Name Instructions
Hours per Week
1MERC3: Elements of Mechanical L T P L T P Total
Engineering 3 1 2 3 1 1 5
Duration of Theory Paper:
3 Hours

Learning Objectives:
 To understand the basic fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering in light of thermal
engineering and production engineering.
 To provide an insight about the basic thermal and production processes, materials,
components and applications.
Prerequisites: Nil.
Thermodynamics and energy, Temperature and Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Systems and control
volume, Properties of a system, Energy transfer by heat and work, First law of thermodynamics,
Energy analysis of closed systems, Internal energy and enthalpy of ideal gases, Energy analysis of
steady flow systems, Analysis of some steady flow engineering devices, Relevant review problems.

Properties of pure substance, p-v and T-s diagram for a pure substance, Mollier diagram for a pure
substance, Quality or dryness fraction, Steam tables, Methods for measurement of steam quality,
Relevant review problems.

Basic considerations in the analysis of power cycles, Air standard assumptions, Overview of
reciprocating engines, Thermodynamic analysis of Otto cycle: Ideal cycle for spark ignition engines,
Thermodynamic analysis of Diesel cycle: Ideal cycle for compression ignition engines, Comparison
of Otto and Diesel cycles, Effect of Specific Heat and Dissociation on the performance of the
cycles, Relevant review problems.

Metal Casting: Classification and overview of metal casting processes: sand casting, expandable
mould casting and permanent mould casting; Patterns, cores and moulding; Elements of gating
systems; Heating, pouring and solidification; Casting quality: cleaning, finishing and defects.

Welding and Machining: Fundamentals of welding and overview of welding processes: Oxy-
Acetylene gas welding, Arc welding: TIG, MIG, SAW etc., Resistance welding; Soldering &
Brazing; weld quality and defects; Fundamentals of metal machining and introduction to turning
and related operations; Constructional features of lathe, Geometry of single point cutting tool and
cutting tool materials.

Learning Outcomes:
 Upon Completing the Course, Student will able to:
 Understand basics of thermodynamics and components of steam.
 Identify engineering materials, their properties, manufacturing methods encountered in

IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

engineering practice.
 Understand basics of internal combustion engines.
 Understand functions and operations of welding, casting and machine tools including milling,
shaping, grinding and lathe machines.

1. Nag P K, Engineering Thermodynamics, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Fourth Edition.
2. P N Rao, Manufacturing Technology, Vol. I and Vol.2 Tata McGraw-Hill, 4th Edition, 2014.
3. Hajra & Chaudhary, Work Shop Technology, Vol. 1 & 2, 12th Edition, Media Promoters & Pub,
4. Cengel Y A, Boles M A, Thermodynamics-An Engineering Approach, The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Fifth Edition.
5. Mikell P. Groover, Fundamentals of Modern manufacturing, 3rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons.

List of Experiments:

1. Study of Simple Vertical Boiler.

2. Study of Cochran Boiler.
3. Study of Lancashire Boiler.
4. Study of Babcock & Wilcox Boiler.
5. Study of Boiler Mountings and Accessories.
6. Study of Two Stroke Petrol Engine.
7. Study of Two Stroke Diesel Engine.
8. Study of Four Stroke Petrol Engine.
9. Study of Four Stroke Diesel Engine.

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IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India BE-I Year (Common to all branches)
Institute of Engineering & Technology Semester- 1
Subject Code & Name Instructions
Hours per Week
1ETRC4: L T P L T P Total
Basic Electronics 3 1 2 3 1 1 5
Duration of Theory Paper:
3 Hours

Learning Objectives:
 To introduce the basic concepts of electronics along with the understanding of working
fundamental circuit devises such as diode, transistors and op-amp.
 To apply the basics of diode to describe the working of rectifier circuits such as Full and half
wave rectifiers and zener diode as a voltage regulator in line and load regulation.
 Describe the application of transistors for Current and voltage amplification, the
characteristics of different configurations of the transistor, DC load line and bias point. List,
explain, and design and analyse the different biasing circuits, to give basic knowledge of
working of op-amp, its characteristics and applications.


Intrinsic, Extrinsic semiconductors, PN Junction, PN Junction under Zero, Forward and reverse Bias,
Minority and Majority carrier distribution, Space charge width and electric field in forward and
reverse bias, PN junction diode current equation, diode equivalent circuit, Junction breakdown

P-N diode applications: Clipper circuits, Clamper circuits, DC power supply: Half wave rectifier,
full wave rectifier (center tapped and bridge) with and without filter.

Types of diodes: Zener diode and its application for regulated power supply, Light emitting diode,
7- segment LED, Photo diode, PIN diode, Tunnel Diode, Varactor diode

Bipolar Junction Transistor: Bipolar principal of operation, Different modes of operation- Common
Base, Common Emitter, Common Collector configuration, Concept of Q point, Biasing methods
(Common emitter)- fixed biasing, self-biasing, feedback biasing and stability. BJT applications- as
amplifier, and as switch.

OP-AMP block diagram, ideal OP-AMP characteristics, transfer curve, open loop and close loop
configuration. Feedback: positive feedback, negative feedback, concept of stability, Application of
OP-AMP: Inverting, non-inverting op-amp, summer, subtractor, integrator, differentiator,

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IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completing the course, students will be able to:

 Students will be able to get the knowledge of Q point and can calculate it using different
biasing circuits. They will easily compare different biasing circuits on the basis of stability
 Students will be able to solve clipper and clamper circuits. They get the knowledge of op-
amp and its various applications as integrator, differentiator and as an oscillator.


[1] Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith “Microelectronics Circuits Theory and Applications”,
Oxford, 6e.
[2] R.L.Boylestad, L. Nashelsky, Electronic devices, and circuit theory, Prentice Hall, 2002.
[3] Millman, Grabel, Microelectronics, Mc-Graw-Hill.
[4] Hayt, Kammerly and Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill, sixth edition.
[5] R.A. Gayakwad, OP-amps and linear integrated circuits, Prentice Hall of India

List of Experiments:
[1]. To study, characterization, and calibration of Multimeter, Function Generator, Oscilloscope
and basic electronics components (Resistor, capacitor, inductor).
[2]. To obtain V-I characteristics of PN junction diode (Si, Ge) and light emitting diode
[3]. To obtain V-I characteristics of Zener and application of Zener diode as Line and Load
[4]. To observe waveforms at the output of following circuit:
a) clipper circuit.
b) clamper circuits.
[5]. To observe waveform at the output of half wave rectifier with and without filter capacitor.
To measure DC voltage, DC current, ripple factor with and without filter capacitor.
[6]. To observe waveform at the output of full wave center tapped rectifier with and without
filter capacitor. To measure DC voltage, DC current, ripple factor with and without filter

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IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India BE-I Year (Common to all branches)
Institute of Engineering & Technology Semester- I & II
Subject Code & Name Instructions
Hours per Week
1MERC5: L T P L T P Total
Workshop Practice 0 1 2 0 1 2 3
Duration of Theory Paper:
Only practical examination.

Learning Objectives:
 To develop the basic working skills with engineering tools and machines
 To develop the practical understanding of engineering materials, processes and manufacturing.
Prerequisite(s): nil


Introduction of and practice work on the following trade shops, processes, tools, material and their
application in manufacturing:
1. Smithy
2. Fitting
3. Carpentry
4. Welding
5. Foundry
6. Machine shop
7. Plumbing Shop

Learning Outcomes:
Upon Completing the Course, Student will able to:
 To prepare simple wooden joints using wood working tools
 To Produce Fitting jobs as per specified dimensions
 To prepare simple lap, butt, T-, joint and Corner joints using arc welding equipment.
 To create gating elements in foundry shop.
 Learn to the essential parts of lathe machine as well perform the basic operation on lathe machine.
 To create threading operation in plumbing shop.

[1] W. A. J. Chapman, Workshop Technology, Vol-I/II, Elsevier Butterworth Heinenman, 5/e.
[2] S.K. Hajra Choudhury, Elements of Workshop Technology, Media Promoters of Publishers.

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IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India BE-I Year (Common to all branches)
Institute of Engineering & Technology Semester- 1
Subject Code & Name Instructions
Hours per Week
1SSRS1: L T P L T P Total
Technical English 3 1 - 3 1 - 4
Duration of Theory Paper:
3 Hours

Learning Objectives:
 To develop the English communication skills in terms of reading, writing and understanding of
Engineering terms.
 To develop the technical ideas in English and to be able to express the technical ideas.
Pre requisites: Basic knowledge of English and communication skills

Basic of technical communication: Meaning of technical communication; process of communication;
Forms of communication: Verbal and Non-verbal; technology-enabled communication; Barriers to
communication; Essentials of effective communication; Types of communication; Defining
audiences for technical communication; Aspects of communication: Global, Ethical and Legal.

Professional correspondence: Qualities of professional correspondence: Goodwill techniques; Types
of correspondence: Letters, Memos, E-mails; Business Letters: Elements of a Letters, Basic Letter
Formats; Types of Business Letters: Positive Letters, Negative Letters, Inquiry Letters, Sales Letters,
Complain and Adjustment Letters. Memos: Meaning and Format of Memos. Writing job application
letters & Designing Resumes; Meeting and Minutes.

Technical Writing: Meaning & Concept of Technical Writing: Process of Technical Writing: Forms
of Technical Writing: Technical Description, Summaries, Instructions& User Manuals: Technical
Reports: Meaning and Essentials of Good Report Writing: Classification of Reports; Report Formats:
Formal and Informal; Common Informal Technical Reports: Progress Reports, Lab Reports,
Feasibility reports, Problem Solving Reports.

Reading Comprehension; Precis Writing; Expansion of an idea; Dialogue Writing; Paragraph
Writing (Related to Technical Communication).

Foreign Words & Phrases; Antonyms and Synonyms; Transitional Words and Phrases; Articles, Use
of Prepositions, Modal Verbs, Connectives, Relative Clauses, Noun/Nominal Compounds:
Correction of Sentences and Homophones; Punctuation, Abbreviations, Capitalization and Number
Usage; Use of Technical Words and Jargons.

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completing the course, students will be able to:
 Apply various technical terms and terminologies practically
 The course aims at developing the fundamentals of Technical English and mastery in the
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professional writing like Business letters, Business correspondence .designing Business

Memorandum, Resume and E-mail writing.
 Will be able to write formal and informal reports in work place.
 Will have complete knowledge of comprehending different passages and Precis writing.
 Apply various grammatical skills practically.

[1] A. Esenberg, A Beginner’s Guide to Technical Communication, McGraw-Hills.
[2] A. J. Rutherford, Basic Communication Skills for Technology, Pearson Education Asia.
[3] C. L. Bovee, J. V. Thill& B Schatzman, Business Communication Today, 7/e, Pearson
Education, 2002.
[4] R. V. Lesikar, J. D. Perrit, Jr., & ME Flately, Lesikar’s Basic Business Communication.
[5] R. C. Sharma and K. Mohan, Business Correspondence and Report Writing, Tata McGraw-Hill,

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IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

Semester 2

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IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India BE I Year (Common to all branches)

Institute of Engineering & Technology Semester- 2
Subject Code & Name Instructions Credits
Hours per Week
2AMRC1: L T P L T P Total
Applied Mathematics-II 3 1 - 3 1 - 4
Duration of Theory Paper:
3 Hours

Learning Objectives:
 To introduce the mathematical concepts of Matrix Algebra, Differential Equation
Probability and Statistics and Fuzzy sets for solving engineering problems that shall
be used in various branches of engineering.
 Provide the basics of Matrix mathematics useful in providing a more compact way
to deal with groups of equations in linear algebra; Differential equations, a
mathematical equation that relates some function (usually represent physical
quantities) with its derivatives (represent their rates of change), and the equation
defines a relationship between the two; Probability distributions describe the
dispersion of the values of a random variable; Curve fitting and regression analysis,
to find the "best fit" line or curve for a series of data points; Theory of equations,
which tells when an algebraic equation has an algebraic solution; Fuzzy sets
generalize classical sets (Crisp sets), as the characteristic functions of classical sets
are special cases of the membership functions of fuzzy sets.

Prerequisites: Knowledge of basics of determinants, matrices, derivatives, integrals, sets,

probability and statistics.
Matrix Algebra: Review of Matrices; Elementary Operations on Rows and Columns;
Normal Form; Linear Dependence; Rank; Application of Rank Theory in Solving System of
Linear Equations; Linear Transformation; Orthogonal, Unitary and Hermitian Matrices;
Characteristic Equation; Eigen- Values and Eigen-Vectors; Caley-Hamilton Theorem;
Quadratic and Linear forms.

First Order Ordinary Differential Equation: Exact Differential Equation; Equations Solvable
for x, y and p; Clairaut’s Form; Application to Simple Problems.
Higher Order Ordinary Differential Equation: Linear Differential Equations with Constant &
Variable Coefficients; Method of Variation of Parameters, Simultaneous Differential
Equations; Application to Simple Problems.

First Order Partial Differential Equations: Formation of Partial Differential Equations;
Partial Differential Equations of First Order and First Degree i.e. Pp + Qq = R.
Higher Order Partial Differential Equations: Linear Homogenous Partial Differential
equations of nth order with constant coefficients; method of Separation of variables; their
Simple applications.
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IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

Probability and Statistics: Conditional Probability, Baye’s Theorem; Binomial, Poisson
and Normal distributions and their Mean and Variance, Methods of least squares and curve
fitting, Correlation and Regression Analysis.

Theory of Equations: Polynomial equations, relation between root and coefficients,
symmetric functions of roots, cube roots of unity, Cardon’s method for solution of cubic
Fuzzy sets: Membership function, definition, Operations on Fuzzy sets, Properties of Fuzzy

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completing the course, students will be able to:
 Express a linear map between finite-dimensional vector spaces with a matrix, calculate the
electrical properties of a circuit, with voltage, amperage, resistance, etc. with matrix
arithmetic, use them in 3D geometry (e.g. computer graphics), can try to improve linear
solvers efficiency. Matrices can also represent quadratic forms (for example, in analysis to
study hessian matrices, which help us to study the behavior of critical points) and also
computers run Markov simulations based on stochastic matrices in order to model events
ranging from gambling through weather forecasting to quantum mechanics.
 Use differential equations to model natural phenomena, engineering systems and many
other situations like exponential growth and decay, the population growth of species or the
change in investment return over time, describing the movement of electricity, in
modelling chemical reactions, in finding optimum investment strategies, describing the
motion of waves, pendulums or chaotic systems.
 Handle probability distributions, to indicate the likelihood of an event or outcome, which
are used for making forecasts and risk assessments. Pdf's are quite important and widely
used in insurance, engineering, physics, evolutionary biology, computer science and even
social sciences such as psychiatry, economics and even medical trials.
 Use fitted curves as an aid for data visualization, to infer values of a function where no
data are available, and to summarize the relationships among two or more variables.
 Apply Fuzzy sets and logic to reason like a human in terms of linguistic variables, design
Traffic monitoring systems, AC and heating ventilation, Gene Expression data analysis,
Facial pattern recognition, Weather forecasting systems and many more.

[1] B.S. Grewal, “Engineering Mathematics”, 39/e, Khanna Publishers, 2006.
[2] Erwin. Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 8th edition, John Willy and sons
Publications, 1999.
[3] BV Ramana, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2006.
[4] C. Ray Wylie & Louis C. Barretle, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw
Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 6/e, 2003.
[5] H.K. Das, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, S.Chand New Delhi, 2014.
[6] Zafar Ahsan, “Differential Equation and their Applications”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2004.
[7] S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor, “Fundamentals of Mathematical statistics”, Sultan Chand &
Sons., 2000.
[8] Freund John E, “Mathematical Statistics”, PHI, N.D., 7th Ed., 2010.
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[9] G. J. Klir and Bo Yuan, “Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Applications”, PHI, New
Delhi, 2005.
[10] H. J. Zimmerman, “Fuzzy Set Theory and its Applications”, Allied Publishers, 1996.
[11] Timothy J. Ross, “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications”, 3rd Edition, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., 2010.

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IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India BE - I Year (Common to all branches)

Institute of Engineering & Technology Semester- 2
Subject Code & Name Instructions
Hours per Credits
2APRC2: L T P L T P Total
Applied Physics 3 1 2 3 1 1 5
Duration of Theory Paper:
3 Hours

Learning Objectives:
To introduce the fundamental concepts of physics that are useful in solving problems of engineering
especially for semiconductors, optics, electromagnetism and quantum mechanics.


Unit-I Optics-I: Interference of Light Waves: Thin film, Newton’s Ring experiment, Michelson
interferometer; Diffraction of Light Waves: Fresnel’s & Fraunhoffer diffraction, Zone plate, Single
slit experiment, diffraction by double slit, Diffraction at Circular aperture, Plane transmission

Unit-II Optics-II: Polarization of Light Waves, Double refraction, Nicol Prism, Half Wave &
Quarter Wave plates, Circularly & elliptically polarized light, Polarimeter; LASER: Stimulated &
spontaneous emission, Population Inversion, Optical Resonator, Einstein’s coefficients, He-Ne
Laser, Co2 Laser, Semiconductor Laser; Optical Fiber: types of Fibers (material, refractive index,
mode), Acceptance angle, Numerical aperture, V-Number, Propagation of Light through Fibers,

Unit-III Crystal Structure and Semiconductors: Symmetry & properties of Simple crystal structure,
Miller’s Indices, Interplanar spacing, production and properties of x-ray, Bragg’s law;
Semiconductors: Band theory of Semiconductors, Intrinsic & extrinsic semiconductors, Fermi level
, pn junction diode, LED, Zener diode, npn & pnp Transistors.

Unit-IV Electromagnetism: Continuity equation for Charge & Current, Inconsistency of Ampere’s
law for time varying field, Concept of Displacement current, Maxwell’s equations; Wave equations
for E & H, Propagation of one dimensional electromagnetic waves in dielectric medium, Energy
density in electromagnetic field: Poynting Vector.

Unit-V Quantum Physics: Planck’s law, Compton’s effect, Concept of Matter Waves, Devison &
Germer’s experiment, Phase velocity & Group velocity, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle;
Schrodinger ‘s Wave Equation, Interpretation of Wave function Ψ, Time dependent & Time
Independent equations, Schrodinger’s Wave equation for a free particle in a box.

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completing the course, students will be able to:
1. The student will demonstrate the ability to use concepts of Morden physics to their engineering
2. The course aims at developing the fundamentals of wave optics, crystal structure, structure of
atoms and their applicable to obtain quantitative solutions of problems in physics.
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IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards


[1] R K Gaur & S L Gupta, Engineering Physics, Dhanpat Rai& Sons, 2006
[2] H.K. Malik & A.K.Singh, Engineering Physics, Tata MCgRAW Hill, 2011
[3] N. Gupta & S.K. Tiwary , A Text Book of Engineering Physics, Dhanpat Rai & Co. 2009
[4] W. T. Silfast, Laser Fundamentals Cambr. Un. Press, 1996,
[5]D Halliday and R Resnick,Physics Vol-II, Wiley Eastern, 1993
[6] H White, Modern Physics:Van Nostrand; 15/e
[7] D P Khandelwal, Optics and Atomic Physics.
[8] R Feyaman,Feyaman Lectures on Physics, /e, Narosa Publication, 1998
[9]S.O. Pillai, Solid State Physics, New Age International Publication, 2010
[10]R.S. Sedha, A Text Book of Applied Electronic, S. Chand & company Lmt. 2005
[11] R.P. Goyal, Unified physics-II,,andIII Shive lal Agrawal & Co. ,1994

List of Practical Assignments:

During the learning of course, students need to carryout following assignments:
1. To Study the Characteristics of a Diode / Zener Diode.
2. To Study the Characteristics of a Transistor (PNP).
3. To Study the Charging & DisCharging of a Capacitor.
4. To Study the Regulated Power Supply using Zener Diode.
5. To Study the Energy Band Gap of a semiconductor.
6. To determine the specific rotation of sugar solution with the help of polarimeter.
7. To determine the refractive index and dispersive power of material of prism with the
help of spectrometer.
8. To determine “R” by the Newton’s Ring Method.
9. To determine “λ” by the Plane Transmission Grating.
10. To verify Malus Law using He-Ne laser.
11. To determine Resolving Power of a Telescope.
12. To determine the value of Planck’s constant with the help of LEDs.

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IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India BE (Common to all branches/ Branch)

Institute of Engineering & Technology Semester- A/B,B/A
Subject Code & Name Instructions
Hours per Week
2MERC3: Engineering L T P L T P Total
Drawing 2 1 4 2 1 2 5
Duration of Theory
3 Hours

Learning Objectives:
 To understand the concepts of imagining, envisioning and visualizing the objects & machine
parts and drawing them with the instruments & tools.
To introduce the students to the “universal language of Engineers” for effective communication
through drafting exercises of geometrical solids.
Pre requisite(s): Nil

Introduction, need & Classification of Engineering Drawings, Drawing Instruments and their uses,
Indian Standards for Drawing, Drawing Sheet Layout, Various conventions used in drawing,
Technical Lettering, Dimensioning, Basic Geometrical Constructions. Engineering Scales &
Engineering Curves

Unit - II
Orthographic Projections, Isometric Projections, Oblique Projections, Perspective Projections &
Missing Views.

Unit - III
Projection of Points, Straight Lines and Plane Surfaces.

Unit - IV
Projection of Solids, Section of Solids & Development of Surfaces.

Unit - V
Interpenetration of Solids / Intersection of Surfaces, Introduction to Computer Aided Drawings,
Drawing of Machine elements like Riveted Joints, Screw fasteners and Welded Joints.

Learning Outcomes:
 Upon Completing the Course, Student will able to:
 Understand the importance of BIS and ISO Standards in Engineering Drafting.
 Graphically construct and understand the importance of mathematical curves in engineering
 Visualize geometrical solids in 3D space through exercises in Orthographic Projections.
 Interpret Orthographic, Isometric and Perspective views of objects.
 Develop the surfaces of geometrical solids.


[1]. 1.Bhatt N D, Engineering Drawing, Charoter Publishing House, Anand, Gujrat 2.Agrawal B,
and Agrawal C M, Engineering Drawing, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.

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IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

[2]. 1.French T E, Vierck C J, Foster R J, Engineering. Drawing and Graphic Technology Mc

Graw-Hill International, Singapore, Low Price Edition.
[3]. 2.Luzadder W J, Duff J M, Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, Prentice- Hall India,
New Delhi.
[4]. 3.Dhananjay A Jolhe, Engineering drawing, Tata McGraw Hill.
[5]. 4.Shah M B and Rana B C , Engineering Drawing, Pearson Education, New Delhi.

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IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India BE - I Year (Common to all branches)

Institute of Engineering & Technology Semester- 2
Subject Code & Name Instructions
Hours per Week
2EIRC4: L T P L T P Total
Electrical Engineering 3 1 2 3 1 1 5
Duration of Theory Paper:
3 Hours

Learning Objectives:
 To understand the concepts and practical ideas of AC/DC circuits along with basic 3 phase
power management, Properties of different magnetic material used in Electromagnetic
Circuits to create an idea among students that how different magnetic materials were choose
for different practical machines.
 Practical concepts of Transformers and different Electric Machines to make students easy
understanding of electrical machines surrounded by us and also they are basic to all the
engineering streams.
Prerequisite(s): Basic circuital laws and their practical applications.


AC circuits: Generation of EMF, Phasor Quantities, RMS, Average, Form Factor, Peak Factor
etc., Phasor Diagrams; Single Phase AC Circuits: R, L, C And Combinations, Resonance, Q-
Factor, Bandwidth; Three Phase AC Circuits: Generation, EMF, Phase Sequence, Analysis of Star
and Delta Connections, and Power Measurement in Single Phase& Three Phase Circuit.

Circuit analysis tools: Kirchhoff’s laws, Analysis of DC circuits, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s
theorem, Max power transfer theorem, Superposition theorem, and Source transformation.


Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, Fleming’s left hand rule and right hand rule, statically
and dynamically induced EMF’s, self and mutual inductance, coefficient of coupling, energy
stored in magnetic field. comparison between electrical and magnetic circuits.
Transformer: Single phase transformers: Construction, principle of working, e.m.f equations,
voltage and current ratios, Analysis of transformer on no load and load conditions, Equivalent
resistance and reactance, losses, definition of regulation and efficiency, Cooling methods, Auto

DC Generators: Construction, working principles, EMF equations of DC generators, Armature
reaction and Commutation, DC Generator Characteristics.
DC Motors: Construction, working principles, Torque equations of DC Motors, Speed Regulation
and Characteristics, Starting of DC motor, Speed Control of DC motor, Losses and Efficiency of
DC Machines.

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IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

AC Machines: General aspects of AC motors, Three Phase induction motor: working principle,
construction, Single phase Induction Motor: working principle, construction and starting
methods., Three phase Synchronous Motor: working principle, construction and starting methods.

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completing the course, students will be able:
 To solve circuit problems based on KVL, KCL laws and different network theorems
which helps them to solve practical circuits for future industries exposure.
 The course also covers basic knowledge of alternating circuits and their practical
applications, which helps students to understand their domestic home load in better way.
 Students were also able to understand uses of different magnetic materials available in
market for constructing different electrical machines and they also able to solve their
circuit parameters which helps in designing a electrical machine at initial level.
 After this course, students were able to understand different properties, characteristics and
functioning of different parts of transformer and different rotating electrical machines at
basic level.


[1] V Del Toro, Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, 2/e, PHI, 2000.

[2] D P Kothari, I J Nagrath, Basic Electrical Engineering, 2/e, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002
(Fifth Reprint 2003).
[3] A Sudhakar, Network Theory, 2/e, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004
[4] P S Bimbhara, Electrical Machinery, 7/e, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2006.

List of Practicals

1. Verification of Kirchhoff’s laws.

2. Verification of Thevenin’s Theorem.
3. Verification of Norton’s Theorem.
4. Verification of Superposition Theorem.
5. Verification of Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
6. To determine the turns ratio of single phase transformer.
7. To measure power consumed by single phase circuit using single phase wattmeter.
8. To determine the efficiency of single phase transformer by direct loading.
9. To study the speed control of DC motor.
10. Study of DC generator.

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IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India BE I Year (Common to all branches)

Institute of Engineering & Technology Semester- 2
Subject Code & Name Instructions Credits
Hours per
2CORC5: L T P L T P Total
Introduction to Computer 3 1 2 3 1 1 5
Duration of Theory Paper: 3

Learning Objectives:
 To learn basic and advanced problem solving through programming.
 To learn the syntax and semantics of the C++ programming language.
 To learn how to implement classes with object-oriented programming.
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of computer, algorithms, flowcharts, operators etc.

Programming with C++: - C++ Data Types, Tokens, Keywords Variables and Constants,
Operators, Precedence of Operators, Arithmetic and Logical Expressions, Assignment
Statements and Type Casting. Control structures- Iteration statements, Jump Statements and
Selective statements, Difference between C and C++.

Functions: Introduction - Call by Value and Call by Reference, Default Arguments, Storage
Access specifiers, Recursion programming, Function Overloading
Arrays: - Introduction to Arrays – Initialization and programming of 1 D Array and Multi
dimensional Arrays, Passing arrays to functions, Strings, Programming of array string
Standard Library String Functions.

Unit- III
Pointers: - Declaration and Initialization of Pointers, Pointers and Arrays: -Array of Pointers,
Pointer to an array, Function returning a pointer, Reference variables and use of alias. Invoking
functions by passing pointers/arrays.
Structures: - Structure elements, Nested Structures, Array of Structures, Array within
structures and passing structures to functions.
Introduction to standard template library (STL) in C++: - Vector, Set, Map, Pair

Object Oriented Programming Paradigm - Basic Concepts of OOP - Benefits of OOP.
Classes in C++, class declaration, declaring objects, Defining Member functions, Array of
objects, Array within a class, Objects as function argument, Visibility modes of class, Static
class members and member functions, Constructor characteristics and its types, Destructor,
Friend function and friend class.

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IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

Introduction to Operator Overloading - Rules for Operator overloading – Overloading of
binary and unary operators
Inheritance – Derived class and base class: Defining a derived class, Accessing base class
member, Inheritance Types: Multilevel, Multiple, Hierarchical, Hybrid
File Handling - File classes, Opening and Closing a file, File modes, Manipulation of file
pointers, Functions for I/O operations, Random Access to Files.

Learning Outcomes: -
Upon completing the course, students will be able to:
 To develop C++ programs using basic and advanced constructs that will solve real life
 The course aims to understand the features of basic and object-oriented
programming in C++.
 Apply the major object-oriented concepts to implement object-oriented programs in C++
i.e., encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.

[1] Sumita Arora , Computer Science with C++ For Class XI and Class XII (Both) Dhanpat
[2] Yashvant Kanetkar ,Let us C++ ,BPB publication .
[3] E Balagurusamy, Object Oriented Programming with C++, McGraw Hill Education.
[4] Ravichandran, Programming With C++, Tata McGraw Hill.
[5] Herbert Schildt , C++:The Complete Reference McGraw-Hill Education
[6] Bjarne Stroustrup ,The C++ programming Language Addison-Wesley Professional
[7] Robert Lafore ,Object Oriented Programming in C++ Pearson

List of Practical Assignments:

During the learning of course, students need to carryout following assignments:
1. Programs of digits manipulation in a number (Armstrong, Palindrome, Prime, GCD)
2. Programs of series summation (Fibonacci, cos, tan, log) .
3. Programs of printing number pyramids and design patterns (Diamond, Sandbox, Triangle).
4. Programs of Parameter passing , Recursion programming and Function Overloading.
5. Programs of 2D arrays addition, multiplication and transpose.
6. Programs of string manipulations. (Palindrome, Reverse, Insertion, Deletion and Shifting
of characters)
7. Programs showing demonstration of pointers, array of pointers, pointer to an array,
Function returning a pointer, reference variables and use of alias and invoking functions
by passing pointers/arrays.
8. Programs giving demonstration of structures, array of structures and array within
9. Programs for implementing STL library through Vector, Set, Map, Pair and using them in
basic competitive programming programs
10. Programs for implementing basic object-oriented programming through visibility
modes of a class, constructors, destructors, friend and static.
11. Programs for implementing unary and binary operator overloading.
12. Programs for implementing all types of inheritance
13. Program for reading, writing, counting, appending, searching data in file.

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IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India BE-I Year (Common to all branches)
Institute of Engineering & Technology Semester- 2
Subject Code & Name Instructions
Hours per Week
2SSRS2: L T P L T P Total
Humanities 2 - - 2 - - 2
Duration of Theory Paper:
3 Hours
Learning Objectives:
 To introduce students to understand and interpret the human experience from individual to
entire culture.
 It also helps to understand how human beings across time and cultures understand happiness
& suffering, understand good from bad, debate political questions.
 To understand that their actions have a Social, economic and environmental impact. To
inspire ethical & moral course of thinking.
Prerequisite(s): Nil.

Man and society- Theories of man and society, Methodological individualism, structuralism,
Society and its features- Social Institutions; Social Stratification and Change; Contemporary
Indian Philosophy-its characteristics andCross-cultural Issues.

Human Behavior: Biological Bases of Behavior, Psychobiology of learning, memory, emotions
and personality, Temperament and personality: trait structure and persistence,
Extraversion/sociability, Aggression-hostility/agreeableness, Philosophy of Mind &
Cognition.Concepts of good life – quality of life and subjective well-being; happiness, life
satisfaction, and positive affect.

Perspectives on Knowledge, Science and Technology, Technological Shaping of Society and
Social Shaping of Technology and its Human roots, Role of Humanities in Engineering:
Professionalism in Engineering; Professional Engineering Bodies.

Governance and Engineers: Political parties; Types & Forms of Governance; Utilitarianism;
capitalism, socialism and communism; Marxist and neo-Marxist thoughts; democracy in public
and private spheres.

Engineering and Corporate Social responsibility- Ecology and Natural Resources, Role of
corporations in the society, Morals, Values, Consciousness, Experience: Basic codes of Ethics;
Engineering Ethics, Evolution of CSR, Strategic CSR, Role of stakeholders in CSR, Consumer
awareness towards CSR,CSR as competitive advantage, the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI)
& Sustainability , Issues in CSR- organizational, economic & social.

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IET-DAVV, CBCS Scheme for Batch 2022-2023 and onwards

Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of course we will have
 Aspire students to be world citizens of broad perspective who can make educated and ethical
 Students who articulate their own values & beliefs and can apply them in their personal &
professional life.
 To become a model human being.

[1] D J Kemper, Introduction to Engineering Profession, 2/e, Suanders Publication, 1998.
[2] A S Chauhan, A Text Book of Social Science Jain Brothers 9/e, 2008.
[3] R C Agrawal, Principle of Political Science.
[5] W.B. Werther& D. Chandler, Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility, Thousand Oaks,
[6] Stephen P. Robbins, Organizational Behaviour, Pearson Edu., 10th Ed., 2003.

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