Angeles City
College of Nursing
Module 4: Care of the Mother and the Fetus during the Perinatal Period
(Intrapartal Care – Part 1)
Labor and delivery is the culmination of the childbearing cycle and is an intense
period during which the products of conception are expelled from the uterus. It calls for
all the psychologic and physical coping methods that a woman has available to her. No
matter how much childbirth preparation she has had, nor how many times she has
already gone through the experience, the woman will require nursing care that is
efficient and family focused, because childbirth marks the beginning of a new family
Nursing interventions to make labor safe, comfortable, and effective are vital.
Any support person should be treated with respect and should be included in all phases
of the process, whenever possible. Labor and delivery are enormous emotional and
physiologic accomplishments for a woman and her support person, and interventions
that make the experience more positive and memorable for them will mean a lot to
future family interactions.
3. The suture which joins the occipital bone and two parietal bones:
A. Frontal
B. Sagittal
C. Coronal
D. Lambdoid
5. When the fetus presents the smallest anteroposterior diameter because it puts the
whole body into an ovoid shape, occupying the smallest space as possible, the fetal
attitude is:
A. Poor
B. Moderate
C. Good
D. Excellent
6. When the fetal presenting part is at the level of the ischial spine, the station is:
A. 0
B. -1
C. +2
D. +3
9. One of the premonitory signs of labor onset is slight decrease in maternal weight 1
or 2 days before the onset of labor.
A. True
B. False
10. In the mechanisms of labor, which of the following will follow after fetal descent?
A. Internal rotation
B. Flexion
C. Extension
D. External rotation
If your score is lower than 7, you may proceed in studying this module and
approach the instructor for assistance in understanding the contents of the
At the end of reading and studying this module, kindly accomplish the
post-test in order to evaluate your understanding of the Care of the
Mother and the Fetus during the Perinatal Period (Intrapartal Care – Part
3 Techniques:
a. Cutaneous stimulation
b. Distraction
c. Reduction of anxiety
C. Psychosexual Method
- Stresses that pregnancy, labor and birth and the early newborn period are
important points in woman’s life cycle
- The program involved conscious relaxation and levels of progressive
breathing encourages the woman “to flow with” rather than struggle against
contractions of labor.
E. Lamaze Method
- Based on stimulus-response conditioning,
6 Major Concepts of Lamaze:
1. Labor should begin on its own, not induced.
2. Woman should walk, move around, and change position.
3. Woman should bring loved one, friend for continuous support.
4. Interventions that are not medically necessary should be avoided.
5. Women should be allowed to give birth in other positions.
6. Mother and baby should be kept together after birth.
Besides how to prepare for labor, choosing a birth setting is another important decision
that a couple needs to make during pregnancy (Alliman & Phillippi, 2016).
The students will write their answer on the discussion board. They will answer the
question “Who are the best candidates for birthing homes?”
1. Uterine Stretch Theory. Any hollow body organ when stretched to capacity will
necessarily contract and empty because of pressure on nerve endings and
increased irritability of the uterine musculature.
5. Theory of Aging Placenta. The decrease of nutrients and blood supply in the aging
placenta causes uterine contractions.
1. Passageway. This refers to the route the fetus must travel from the uterus through
the cervix and vagina to the external perineum; because these organs are
contained inside the pelvis, the fetus must also pass between the pelvic ring.
Mechanisms of Labor
Passage of a fetus through the birth canal involves a number of different position
changes to keep the smallest diameter of the fetal head always presenting to the
smallest diameter of the birth canal. These position changes are termed as the Cardinal
1. Descent/flexion
2. Internal rotation
3. Extension begins
4. External rotation
5. Extension complete
6. Expulsion
Activity 4. Practice Test
A 10-item multiple choice quiz will be given through the poll results
of the myCLASS Bigbluebutton or through google meet.
1. Lightening. This is the descent/settling of the presenting part into the pelvic inlet
which happens 10-14 days before labor in primigravida and 1 day before labor in
a multipara. And when the largest diameter of the presenting part passes the
pelvic inlet, the head is said to be "engaged." However, lightening is heralded by
the following signs:
a. Relief of dyspnea
b. Relief of abdominal tightness
c. Increased frequency of voiding
d. Increased amount of vaginal discharge
e. Increased lordosis as the fetus enters the pelvis and falls further forward
f. Increased varicosities
g. Shooting pains down the legs because of pressure on the sciatic nerve
2. Increased Braxton Hicks's contractions in the last week or days before labor.
4. Slight decrease is maternal weight. Loss of weight is about 2-3 lbs. One to two
days before the onset of labor because of the decrease in progesterone level and
probably loss of appetite.
The more women know about true labor signs, the better, because they will be
able to recognize them. True labor is said to occur when the following signs are
1. Uterine Contractions. The surest sign that labor has begun is the initiation of
effective, productive, involuntary uterine contractions.
Characteristics of Contractions:
Upper uterine segment – this portion becomes thicker and active, preparing it to
exert the strength necessary to expel the fetus during the expulsion phase.
Lower uterine segment – this portion becomes thin walled, supple, and passive so
that the fetus can pushed cut of the uterus easily.
Contour of the uterus changes from a round ovoid to a structure markedly elongated
in a vertical diameter than horizontally. This serves to straighten the body of the
fetus and place it in better alignment to the cervix and pelvis.
Effacement. This is the shortening and thinning of the cervical canal to paper-thin
edges to primiparas, effacement is accomplished before dilatation begins while
with multiparas, dilatation may proceed before effacement is complete.
Dilatation. This refers to the enlargement of the cervical canal from an opening a
few millimeters wide to one large enough (approximately 10 cm.) to permit
passage of the fetus.
Dilatation occurs for two reasons. First, uterine contractions gradually increase
the diameter of the cervical canal lumen by pulling the cervix up over the
presenting part of the fetus. Second, the fluid-filled membranes press against
the cervix.
4. Show. This is the blood-tinged mucus discharged from the vagina because of
pressure of the descending fetal part on the cervical capillaries, causing their
rupture. Capillary blood mixes mucus when operculum is released.
Rupture of the membranes of bag of waters. This is a sudden gush or a scanty slow
seeping of amniotic fluid from the vagina. The color of the amniotic fluid should
always be noted. At term, this is clear, almost colorless and contains white specks
of vernix caseosa. Green staining means it has been contaminated with meconium,
a sign of fetal distress. Yellow staining may mean blood incompatibility while pink
staining may indicate bleeding.
Once membranes have rupture, labor is inevitable, meaning to say that uterine
contractions will occur within next 24 hours. The initial nursing action is for
patients with ruptured membranes are:
1. Notify physician.
2. Lie patient to bed to ensure that the fetus is not impinging on the cord.
3. Check the fetal heart rate to determine for fetal distress.
4. If the patient claims she can feel a loop of the cord coming out of her
vagina (umbilical cord prolapse), lower the head of the bed
(Trendelenburg position) in order to release pressure on the cord. Also
apply sterile saline-saturated gauze to prevent drying of the cord, if
3. The suture which joins the occipital bone and two parietal bones:
A. Frontal
B. Sagittal
C. Coronal
D. Lambdoid
5. When the fetus presents the smallest anteroposterior diameter because it puts
the whole body into an ovoid shape, occupying the smallest space as possible,
the fetal attitude is:
A. Poor
B. Moderate
C. Good
D. Excellent
6. When the fetal presenting part is at the level of the ischial spine, the station is:
A. 0
B. -1
C. +2
D. +3
9. One of the premonitory signs of labor onset is slight decrease in maternal weight
1 or 2 days before the onset of labor.
A. True
B. False
10. In the mechanisms of labor, which of the following will follow after fetal descent?
A. Internal rotation
B. Flexion
C. Extension
D. External rotation
If your score is lower than 7, you may proceed in studying this module and
approach the instructor for assistance in understanding the contents of the
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