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Business in The Global Economy

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Business in the Global

Chapter 3
Section 3.1 International Business
 Absolute advantage:
 Domestic business: when a country can
produce a good or
service at a lower cost
than other countries
 International business: (based on available
 Comparative advantage:
a situation in which a
 Also called: country specializes in the
production of a good or
 Foreign trade
service at which it is
 World trade relatively more efficient
 Why would the US (make decisions based
choose to engage in on demand of market)
international business?
Section 3.1 International
Business Basics
 Imports:  Exports:

 US Imports (total supply):  US Exports:

 Bananas  Farm machinery
 Spices  Factory machinery
 Coffee  TV channels
 US Imports (partial supply):  Medicines
 Sugar  Publications
 Carpet  Chemicals
 Leather gloves  1 in 6 jobs depends on
 Import materials to international business
manufacture items
Section 3.1 International
Business Basics

US 2015 Trade Partners

Photo credit: US Census
Section 3.1 International
Business Basics
 Countries must find  Balance of payment:
balance between income difference between the
and spending amount of money that
comes into a country and
 Foreign debt: when one the amount that goes out
country owes money to
another country  Occurs through
investments and tourism
 Balance of trade:
difference between  Some countries control
imports and exports for a how much their citizens
country can take when they travel

 Trade surplus: export  Positive BoP: country

more than import receives more money than
pays out
 Trade deficit: import more
than export  Negative BoP: country
pays out more than it
Section 3.1 International
Business Basics
 Challenge in trade:
 Use of different
 Currencies have
different values
 Examples:
 Russia: ruble
 European Union: euro
 Brazil: real
 India: rupee
 Saudi Arabia: riyal
Photo credit: OCBC
Business Banking
Section 3.1 International
Business Basics
 Foreign exchange market:  Factors that affect
currency exchange rates:
 Balance of payments
 Exchange rate: value of a
currency in one country  Economic conditions
compared with the value in  Political stability
 Conversion website:
 Supply and demand affect value
 Required for all international
Section 3.1 International
Business Basics
 Balance of payments:  Political stability:
 Favorable: allows  Sudden change in
currency to be stable or government creates
rise in value undesirable environment
for international business
 Increase in demand for
country’s products and  Development of new laws
currency could restrict foreign
 Economic condition:
 Uncertainty reduces
 Inflation and buying confidence
power decreases, less
 Interest rates can create
lower consumer demand,
thereby creating lower
demand for currency
End of Section 3.1
Section 3.2: The Global
 Environment continued:
 International business  Cultural (accepted
environment: behaviors, customs,
and values of society)
 Geography: Influences:
 Location  Body Language

 Climate  Language

 Terrain  Religion
 Values
 Seaports
 Customs
 Natural resources
 Relationship
Section 3.2: The Global
 Environment continued:  Environment continued:
 Economic Development:  Political and Legal
 Literacy level
 Type of system
 Technological
opportunities  Stability of government
 Agricultural  Business policies/laws
 Infrastructure:
communication, and
utility systems
Section 3.2: The Global
 Trade barriers:  Quotas:
 Restrict free trade  Limit as to quantity of
goods that can be
 Formal and informal traded
 Reasons for limits:
 Formal:
 Safety (physical and
 Quotas industrial)
 Tariffs  Regulate supply/prices
 Embargoes  Express dissatisfaction
 Informal:
 Culture
 Traditions
 Religion
Section 3.2: The Global
 Tariffs:  Embargoes:
 Elimination of trade with
 Taxes placed on
another country
imported goods
 Ex: Cuba
 Set to encourage
domestic business  Reasons:
 How set:  Dissatisfaction of
 Weight (pound, gallon,
etc.)  Safety (physical and
 Value of product
 Prevent sensitive goods
 Many believe this should from being sent to
be used in the US on wrong people
imported items. Why?
Section 3.2: The Global

 Encouraging International
 Creates jobs
 Fosters economic stability
 Develops allies
 Ways to encourage:
 Free-trade zones
 Free-trade agreements
 Common markets
Section 3.2: The Global
 Free-Trade Zones:
 Selected area where products can
be imported duty-free and then
stored, assembled, and/or used in
 Usually in seaports/airports
 Free-Trade Agreements:
 Member countries agree to
remove duties, also called import
taxes, and trade barriers on
products traded among them
 Example: NAFTA
Section 3.2: The Global
 Common Markets:  Examples of common
 Members do away with
duties and other trade  EU: European Union
barriers  LAIA: Latin American
 Allow companies to Integration Association
invest freely in each
 Goals:
member’s country
 Expand trade
 AKA: economic
community  Promote regional
economic integration
 Have a common,
external duty on
products imported from
non-member countries
End of Section 3.2
Section 3.3: International
Business Organizations
 MNC Strategies:
 Global strategy: use the
 Multinational company
same product and
(MNC): marketing strategy
 Multinational strategy:
treat each market
 Home country: contains differently and appeal to
the parent company their individual needs
 Adapt to:
 Host country: contains a
 Customs
branch of the company
 Tastes
 Buying habits
Section 3.3: International
Business Organizations

 Drawbacks of MNC:
 MNC Benefits:
 Become dependent on
 Variety of products
MNC for jobs in host
available for consumers
 Competitive prices
 MNC dominates in host
 Career opportunities country
 Foster positive  Consumer dependency
relationships between
 Influence/control over
political power
Section 3.3: International
Business Organizations
 Entering the global market:
 Licensing:
 Selling the right to use some intangible property (production
process, trademark, brand name) for fee or royalty
 Low financial investment, financial return, and risk
 Ex: Gerber selling baby food in Japan, characters/emblems on
different products

 Franchising:
 The right to use a company name or business process in a
specific way (for a fee)
 Branch company (franchisee) adopts many attributes of parent
company (franchisor) such as:
 Name
 Colors
 Advertising (meet legal requirements and cultural sensitivity)
 Packaging
Section 3.3: International
Business Organizations
 Joint Venture:
 Agreement between two or
more companies to share a
business project
 Share:
 Raw materials
 Shipping facilities
 Management activities
 Production facilities

 Popular in manufacturing
 Ex: Ford and Mazda
Section 3.3: International
Business Organizations
 World Trade Organization
(WTO): https://www.wto.org/
 Created in 1995 to promote
global trade
 Settles disputes and enforces
free trade between members
(over 150)
 Goals:
 Lower tariffs that discourage free
 Eliminate import quotas
 Reduce barriers for banks,
insurance, and other financial
 Assist poor countries with Photo credit:ww2.cfo.com
economic growth
Section 3.3: International
Business Organizations
 International Monetary Fund (IMF):
 Established in 1946 due to growing
economic interdependence between
 Over 150 members
 Promotes economic cooperation and
maintains system of world trade and
exchange rates
 Before IMF:
Photo credit: IMF Org.
 Country could change currency value to
attract foreign customers
 Impose trade restrictions or lower value
of currency
 Possible trade wars
Section 3.3: International
Business Organizations
 World Bank: http://www.worldbank.org/
 AKA: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(over 180 members)
 Established in 1944 to provide loans for rebuilding after WWII
 Today: provide economic aid to less-developed countries
 Used to build: communication systems, transportation networks, and
energy plants
 Two divisions:
 International Development Association—loans for developing countries
 International Finance Corporation—promotes joint ventures and provides
capital/technical help to private companies in nations with limited resources

Photo credit: The World Bank

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