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Topic 10 - Globalized Supply Chains

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Globalized Supply Chains

MSc. Linh Phuc

Summer 2023
01 Globalization and Global Supply Chain
02 An example

03 Where are we?

04 Global integration
Globalization and
Global Supply Chain
Globalization of markets
Moving away from an economic system in which
national markets are distinct entities, isolated by
Globalization trade barriers and barriers of distance, time, and
culture, and toward a system in which national
Trend away from distinct markets are merging into one global market.
national economic units and
toward one huge global Globalization of production
market. Trend by individual firms to disperse parts of their
productive processes to different locations around
the globe to take advantage of differences in cost
and quality of

W. L. Hill, C. and M. Hult, G., 2017. Global Business Today. 10th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Education,
Global Supply Chain
Tier 2 Supplier Tier 1 Supplier Manufacturer Distributor Retailer Customer
(Local) (Domestic) (Domestic) (Domestic) (Domestic) (Local)

Tier 2 Supplier Retailer Customer

(Foreign) (Foreign) (Foreign)

Tier 2 Supplier Tier 1 Supplier Distributor Retailer Customer

(Local) (Foreign) (Foreign) (Local) (Local)

Tier 2 Supplier (Foreign) Retailer Customer
(Foreign) (Foreign) (Foreign)

Chopra, S., Meindl, P. and Vir Kalra, D., 2016. Supply Chain Management: Strategy,
Planning, and Operation. 6th ed. Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd, p.3.
An example
• MST/ Tax code: 2400789720
• Địa chỉ: thôn Đầm Lác, Xã Việt Ngọc, Huyện Tân Yên,
Tỉnh Bắc Giang
Address: Dam Lac village, Viet Ngoc Commune, Tan Yen
District, Bac Giang Province
“Make” Decision

Bến Tre
“Buy” Decision

Bắc Giang Province

“Make” Decision “Buy” Decision
• Operating Expenses • Cost of goods sold
- Rental • Operating Expenses
- Salaries - Rental
• Transportation cost: - Salaries
- Ben Tre -> China: By land • Transportation cost:
- Ben Tre -> India: By sea - Indonesia -> Bac Giang: Sea + Land
- Bac Giang-> China: By land
- Bac Giang-> India: By sea
Where are we ?
a. SWOT of Vietnam in Global Supply Chain

• Stable political system Weaknesses
• Safe and friendly environment
• Low-skilled labor
• Effectively control COVID19
• Complicated laws and
• Low labor cost legal procedures
• Lack of infrastructure for
• Bigger markets
• More jobs Threats
• Benefit other related industries • More competitions, both in
quantity and quality
b. Seaport
The Container Port Performance Index (CPPI)
c. Build more
high-tech IZ
d. Improve the capacity of human resources
Global integration
for liberalizing

➢ Official Website: https://www.wto.org

a forum for ➢ Website of Vietnam: https://wtocenter.vn

The World
a system governments
operators of to negotiate ➢ Most-favoured-nation (MFN): treating other people
trade rules trade
(WTO) equally. Under the WTO agreements, countries cannot
normally discriminate between their trading partners.
Grant someone a special favour (such as a lower customs
duty rate for one of their products) and you have to do the
a place for same for all other WTO members.
them to settle E.g: Apply the same import/ export rates to all MFN
trade disputes
➢ Vietnam joint WTO on 11 January 2007
➢ The aims and purposes of ASEAN
1. To accelerate the economic growth, social progress and cultural
development in the region through joint endeavours in the spirit of
equality and partnership in order to strengthen the foundation for a
prosperous and peaceful community of Southeast Asian Nations;
2. To promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for
justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries of
the region and adherence to the principles of the United Nations ➢ Official Website: https://asean.org
3. To promote active collaboration and mutual assistance on matters ➢ Website of Vietnam: https://aecvcci.vn
of common interest in the economic, social, cultural, technical,
scientific and administrative fields; ➢ Vietnam became A full member of ASEAN
4. To provide assistance to each other in the form of training and on 28 July 1995
research facilities in the educational, professional, technical and
administrative spheres;
5. To collaborate more effectively for the greater utilisation of their
agriculture and industries, the expansion of their trade, including
the study of the problems of international commodity trade, the
improvement of their transportation and communications facilities
and the raising of the living standards of their peoples;
6. To promote Southeast Asian studies; and
7. To maintain close and beneficial cooperation with existing
international and regional organisations with similar aims and
purposes, and explore all avenues for even closer cooperation
among themselves.
Vietnam's FTAs as of
May 2023
No. FTA Status Parties No. FTA Status Parties
FTAs in effect FTA negotiation completed
1 AFTA Effective since 1993 ASEAN
2 ACFTA Effective since 2003 ASEAN, China Negotiations
3 AKFTA Effective since 2007 ASEAN, South Korea Vietnam - commenced in
4 AJCEP Effective since 2008 ASEAN, Japan 16 Vietnam, Israel
Israel FTA December 2015,
5 VJEPA Effective since 2009 Vietnam, Japan completed in April 2023
6 AIFTA Effective since 2010 ASEAN, India
ASEAN, Australia , New FTAs under negotiation
7 AANZFTA Effective since 2010
Zealand Negotiations Vietnam, EFTA
8 VCFTA Effective since 2014 Vietnam, Chile Vietnam -
17 commenced in May (Switzerland, Norway,
9 VKFTA Effective since 2015 Vietnam, South Korea EFTA FTA
2012 Iceland, Liechtenstein)
Vietnam, Russia, Belarus,
VN – EAEU Negotiations
10 Effective since 2016 Amenia, Kazakhstan, ASEAN –
FTA 18 commenced in ASEAN, Canada
Kyrgyzstan Canada FTA
November 2021
Vietnam, Canada, Mexico,
CPTPP (previoEffective since 30/12/2018, Vietnam – In the process of Vietnam, United Arab
Peru, Chile, New Zealand, 19
11 usly knowncame into effect in UAE FTA initiating negotiations Emirates (UAE)
Australia, Japan, Singapore,
as TPP) Vietnam since 14/01/2019
Brunei, Malaysia
Effective in Hong Kong
(China), Laos, Myanmar,
12 AHKFTA ASEAN, Hongkong (China)
Thailands, Singapore and Source: https://trungtamwto.vn/chuyen-
Vietnam since 11/06/2019
Effective since August 01,
Vietnam, EU (27 members) nam-tinh-den-thang-112018
Effective since May 01,
14 UKVFTA Vietnam, The UK
Effective since January 01, ASEAN, China, Korea, Japan,
2022 Australia, New Zealand
Thank you

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