Tle9 Computer System Servicing Module 3

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San Ignacio St., Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte 3023
Technology and
Livelihood Education
Computer System Servicing
First Quarter: Module 3
Applying Quality Standards
(TLE_IACSS9-12 AQS-Ic-3)
Technology and
Livelihood Education
Computer System Servicing
First Quarter: Module 3
Applying Quality Standards
(TLE_IACSS9-12 AQS-Ic-3)

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines


Learning can be both fun and interactive. So we present to you this Learning
Material that will provide valuable understanding of the topic being presented. As a
21st century learner, this material can be your stepping-stone in achieving proficiency
in the subject matter.
The elements serve as guides in your learning journey. The contents of this
learning materials, carefully prepared and developed by dedicated teachers from
various schools in the City of San Jose del Monte, provide deeper understanding.
Treat this module like a friend and it will connect you with the wonderful world
of learning. If you are excited to have fun while learning, this module is for you.

What I Need to Know

This module contains training materials and activities for you to complete. The
unit of competency “Apply Quality Standards” contains knowledge, skills and
attitudes required for Computer System Servicing.
You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order to
complete each of the learning outcomes of the module. There are sets of activities
and assessments to answer.

Content Standard:

The learners demonstrate an understanding of concepts and underlying

principles in applying quality standard in computer systems servicing

Performance Standard:

The learners shall be able to apply quality standards in computer

systems servicing.

Learning Competency:
Learning Outcomes:
3. Engage in quality improvement - TLE_IACSS9-12 AQS-Ic-3

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this module, the learner is expected to:
1. Participate process improvement procedures in relative to workplace
2. carry out work in accordance with process improvement procedures; and
3. monitor performance of operation or quality of product or service to ensure
customer satisfaction.

What I Know

Directions: Read and understand each question. Choose the letter of the correct
answer from the choices. Use a whole sheet of paper for your answer.
1. What quality improvement tool helps minimize clerical work?
a. cause and effect diagram c. flowcharts
b. check sheet d. pareto diagram
2. What quality improvement tool displays statistically determined upper and lower
limits drawn on either side of a process average?
a. check sheet c. fish bone diagram
b. control chart d. flowcharts
3. What quality improvement tool shows how two variables are related and is used to
test for cause and effect relationships?
a. flowcharts c. pareto diagram
b. histogram d. scatter diagram
4. Which of the following is a work behavior that results in performance problems?
a. changing a job or task c. reliable
b. designing a new job or task d. resistance to change
5. A set of written instructions that identifies the health and safety issues in the
a. quality assurance c. total control
b. quality awareness d. workplace procedure
6. What quality improvement tool plots data in a frequency distribution table?
a. control chart c. histogram
b. fish bone diagram d. pareto diagram
7. It covers all activities from design, development, production, installation, servicing
and documentation.
a. failure control c. statistical control
b. quality assurance d. total quality control
8. What is the other term for cause and effect diagram?
a. check sheet c. fish bone diagram
b. control chart d. flowcharts
9. The most necessary inspection control technique.
a. failure control c. statistical control
b. quality assurance d. total quality control
10. What quality improvement tool puts data in a hierarchical order that allows the
most significant problem to be corrected first?
a. cause and effect diagram c. flowcharts
b. check sheet d. pareto diagram

What’s In

Directions: Match Column A with Column B. Copy and answer in a whole sheet of

_____1. Inappropriate behavior a. Unwillingness, refusal or inability to update
_____2. Resistance to change
_____3. Inappropriate inter- b. Negativism, lack of cooperation, hostility
personal relations c. a set of written instructions that identifies the
_____4. Inappropriate physical health and safety issues, which may arise from
behavior the jobs, and tasks that make up a system of
_____5. Work procedure
d. a diagram that puts data in a hierarchical
order, which allows the most significant
problem to be correct first
e. Inappropriate communication style: over-
aggressive, passive, Impatient, inconsiderate,

f. Smoking, eating, drinking in inappropriate


What’s New

Directions: Read the statement carefully then identify the answer for the given
statement. Select an answer from the box below. Copy and answer in a whole sheet
of paper.

1. Describe a process in as much detail as possible by graphically displaying the

steps in proper sequence.
2. Plots data in a frequency distribution table; commonly used to present quality
improvement data
3. A chart that displays statistically determined upper and lower limits drawn on
either side of a process average.
4. A diagram that puts data in a hierarchical order, which allows the most significant
problem to be corrected first
5. It shows how many times each particular value occurs, and their information is
increasingly helpful as more data are collected
6. A diagram that shows how two variables are related and is used to test for cause
and effect relationships
7. Displays all contributing factors and their relationships to the outcome to identify
areas where data should be collected and analyzed

Select your answer here

pareto diagram histogram

fish bone diagram check sheet

scatter diagram flowchart

control chart pie chart

What is It

LO.3 Engage in Quality Improvement

Quality Improvement
In technical usage, quality have two meanings:
1. the characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to
satisfy stated or implied needs
2. a product or service free of deficiencies

The quality of a product or service refers to the perception of the degree to which
the product or service meets the customer's expectations.
The dimensions of quality refer to the attributes that quality achieves in Operations

Quality <-> Dependability <-> Speed <-> Flexibility <-> Cost

• Quality supports dependability
• Dependability supports Speed
• Speed supports Flexibility
• Flexibility supports Cost

In the manufacturing industry, it is commonly stated “Quality drives productivity.”

Improved productivity is a source of greater revenues, employment opportunities and
technological advances. The best way to think about quality is in process control. If
the process is under control, inspection is not necessary. When we try to improve
quality, typically defined as producing fewer defective parts, we did so at the expense
of increased cost, increased task time, longer cycle time, etc.

Quality and Task-Completion Checking

The importance of documenting checks applies whatever the size of the team and
whatever the complexity of the software. In the production of assets, this may involve
checking to confirm the following:

• that all the asset files listed in the product specification document have been

• that files are correctly named;

• that files are the correct byte size or near the projected file size (examining the
file-sizes in a directory listing can be helpful in identifying problem files which
are either much too large or much too small);

• that files are the correct resolution (screen-size and bit depth in the case of
graphics; duration, sampling frequency and bit-depth in the case of sound files);

• that the quality of files displaying on the target monitor or heard on target
listening equipment is acceptable.

Quality Improvement Process

Manufacturers can choose from a variety of tools to improve their quality

processes. The trick is to know which tools to use for each situation and increasing
the sophistication of the tools in the repertoire.

Easy to implement and follow up, the most commonly used and well-known quality
process is the plan/do/check/act (PDCA) cycle. Other processes are a takeoff of this
method, much in the way that computers today are takeoffs of the original IBM system.
The PDCA cycle promotes continuous improvement and thus be visualized as a spiral
instead of a closed circle.

Another popular quality improvement process is the six-step PROFIT model in

which the acronym stands for:

P = Problem definition.

R = Root cause identification and analysis.

O = Optimal solution based on root cause(s).

F = Finalize how the corrective action will be implemented.

I = Implement the plan.

T = Track the effectiveness of the implementation and verify that the desired
results are met.

If the desired results are not meet, the cycle must repeated. Both the PDCA and
the PROFIT models can used for problem solving as well as for continuous quality
improvement. In companies that follow total quality principles, whichever model is
chosen, it should be used consistently in every department or function in which quality
improvement teams are working.
Once the basic problem-solving or quality improvement process is understood, the
addition of quality tools can make the process proceed more quickly and

Seven simple tools to be used by any professional to ease the quality improvement

Flowcharts - describe a process in as much detail as possible by graphically

displaying the steps in
proper sequence. A
good flowchart should
show all process
steps under analysis
by the quality
improvement team,
identify critical
process points for
control, suggest areas
for further
improvement, and
help explain and solve a problem.

Flowcharts indicate the process steps in the appropriate sequence, the conditions
in those steps, and the related constraints by using elements such as arrows, yes/no
choices, or if/then statements.

Check Sheets - help organize data by category. They show how many times each
particular value
occurs, and their
information is
increasingly helpful as
more data are
collected. More than
50 observations
should be available to
be charted for this tool
to be useful. Check
sheets minimize
clerical work since the
operator merely adds a
mark to the tally on the prepared sheet rather than writing out a figure. One can easily
see where to set priorities based on results shown on this check sheet. Assuming the
production flow is the same on each day, the part with the largest number of defects
carries the highest priority for correction.

Pareto Diagrams - The Pareto diagram named after Vilfredo Pareto, a 19th-century
Italian economist.

A Pareto diagram
puts data in a hierarchical
order, which allows the
most significant problems
to be corrected first. The
Pareto analysis technique
used primarily to identify
and evaluate
nonconformities, although
it can summarize all types
of data. The diagram most
often used in

To create a Pareto
diagram, the operator
collects random data, regroups the categories in order of frequency, and creates a bar
graph based on the results.

Cause and Effect Diagrams - sometimes called an Ishikawa diagram after its
inventor. It also known as
a fish bone diagram
because of its shape. A
cause and effect diagram
describes a relationship
between variables. The
undesirable outcome
shown as effect, and
related causes shown
leading to, the said effect.
This popular tool has one
severe limitation,
however, in that users can
overlook important,
complex interactions
between causes. Thus, if
a problem caused by a
combination of factors, it is difficult to use this tool to depict and solve it.

A fish bone diagram displays all contributing factors and their relationships to the
outcome to identify areas where data should be collected and analyzed. The major

areas of potential causes shown as the main bones, later, the sub-areas depicted.
Thorough analysis of each cause can eliminate causes one by one, and the most
probable root cause can be select for corrective action. Quantitative information can
also be used to prioritize means for improvement, whether it be to machine, design, or

Histograms - The histogram plots data in a frequency distribution table. What

distinguishes the
12000 Chart Title
histogram from a check
10000 sheet is that its data is
grouped into rows so that
the identity of individual
6000 values is lost. Commonly
used to present quality
4000 improvement data,
histograms work best with
small amounts of data
0 that vary considerably.
Totals Sales When used in process
capability studies,
histograms can display
Store 1 Store 2 Store 3 Store 4 Store 5 Store 6 specification limits to
show what portion of the
data does not meet the specifications.
After the raw data are collected, they are grouped in value and frequency and
plotted in a graphical form. A histogram's shape shows the nature of the distribution of
the data, as well as central tendency average and variability. Specification limits can
be used to display the capability of the process.
Scatter Diagrams - shows how two variables are related and is used to test for cause
and effect relationships. It
Chart Title cannot prove that one variable
7000 causes the change in the other,
6000 only that a relationship exists
5000 and how strong it is. In a scatter
4000 diagram, the horizontal (x) axis
3000 represents the measurement
2000 values of one variable, and the
1000 vertical (y) axis represents the
0 measurements of the second
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 variable.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Control Charts - displays statistically determined upper and lower limits drawn on
either side of a process
Chart Title
average. This chart
7000 shows if the collected
6000 data are within upper
5000 and lower limits
previously determined
through calculations of
3000 raw data from earlier
2000 trials.
1000 The key to
0 successful problem
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 resolution is the ability
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 to identify the problem,
use the appropriate
tools based on the nature of the problem, and communicate the solution quickly to
others. Inexperienced personnel might do best by starting with the Pareto chart and
the cause and effect diagram before tackling the use of the other tools. These tools
are most widely used by quality improvement teams.

Quality Management Terms:

• Quality Improvement can be distinguished from Quality Control in that

• Quality Improvement is the purposeful change of a process to improve the
reliability of achieving an outcome.
• Quality Control is the ongoing effort to maintain the integrity of a process to maintain
the reliability of achieving an outcome.
• Quality Assurance is the planned or systematic actions necessary to provide enough
confidence that a product or service will satisfy the given requirements for quality.

What’s More

Guided Activity
Directions: Identify the name of the following diagram by arranging jumbled letters
to form the correct word/s. Write your answer in a whole sheet of paper.

1. toghisram 2. trolocn arcth

3. castert catrh
4. esuac dan tceffe gramaid

5. eckch steeh

6. repato margaid

7. trahcwolf

Independent Activity
Directions: Read and understand each statement. Select a chart from the guided
activity and draw the best to use in monitoring the performance of operation or quality
of product or service. Copy and answer in a whole sheet of paper.

1. The A-team want to focus on the root cause of the problem not on its symptoms.
2. The management want to displays data in an easy-to-interpret graphical manner,
which shows frequency of occurrence of data values.
3. The management wants to discuss the major causes of defects to the working
group. What chart or diagram is best to use if they want to see the priority causes of
the defects, and thus identify solutions for them?
4. What chart or diagram is best to use, if you want to prepare a tally sheet to collect
data on frequency of occurrence?
5. The management team wants to process a corrective action approach to
understand causes of poor performance. What chart or diagram is best to use?
6. What chart or diagram is best to use, if you want to determine if a process is stable
and in-control, or unstable and out-of-control?
7. The management wants to communicate to workers how a process is done. What
chart or diagram is best to use.

What I Have Learned


Directions: Suppose you are told to assemble a Computer System Unit, how
will you explain the following terms based on the project you are doing? Copy
and answer the table on a whole sheet of paper.

Assess Quality of Engage in Quality

Assess Own Work
Received Materials Improvement

What I Can Do


Directions: Read the problem carefully and analyze how you can improve the
quality of the final output using the six-step quality improvement process -
PROFIT MODEL. Copy and answer in a whole sheet of paper.

Mr. Santos bought system unit parts from Manila PC store. He completely
bought the parts except for the CPU because he is short of money. He realized
that he has a CPU from his old system unit, so he decided to use it. After he
assembled all system unit parts, he is very excited to test his work. However,
he found out that the computer is not processing well. Help Mr. Santos to
improve the quality of his work.


Directions: Read and understand each question. Choose the letter of the correct
answer from the choices. Use another sheet of paper for your answer.
1. Which of the following is a work behavior, which results in performance problems?
a. changing a job or task c. reliable
b. designing a new job or task d. Resistance to change
2. It covers all activities from design, development, production, installation, servicing
and documentation.
a. failure control c. statistical control
b. quality assurance d. total quality control
3. The most necessary inspection control technique.
a. failure control c. statistical control
b. quality assurance d. total quality control
4. What quality improvement tool helps minimize clerical work?
a. cause and effect diagram c. flowcharts
b. check sheet d. pareto diagram
5. What quality improvement tool puts data in a hierarchical order, which allows the
most significant problem to be corrected first?
a. cause and effect diagram c. flowcharts
b. check sheet d. pareto diagram
6. What is the other term for cause and effect diagram?
a. check sheet c. fish bone diagram
b. control chart d. flowcharts
7. What quality improvement tool displays statistically determined upper and lower
limits drawn on either side of a process average?
a. check sheet c. fish bone diagram
b. control chart d. flowcharts
8. What quality improvement tool plots data in a frequency distribution table?
a. control chart c. histogram
b. fish bone diagram d. pareto diagram
9. What quality improvement process tool shows how two variables are related and is
used to test for cause and effect relationships?
a. flowcharts c. pareto diagram
b. histogram d. scatter diagram
10. A set of written instructions that identifies the health and safety issues in the
a. quality assurance c. total control
b. quality awareness d. workplace procedure

Additional Activities


Directions: Make a chart or diagram of family routines. Use the given chart/diagram
below. Copy and answer this in a whole sheet of paper.

Name of Charts/Diagrams Illustration of Your Answer


Line graph

Flow chart

Pareto diagram

Cause and effect diagram


Scatter diagram

Check sheet

Control chart

What’s More
Guided Activity
1. d
1. histogram 5. check sheet
2. b
2. control chart 6. pareto diagram
3. d
3. scatter chart 7. flowchart
4. b
4. cause and effect diagram
5. d
Independent Activity
6. c
1. cause and effect diagram
7. b
2. histogram
8. c
3. pareto diagram
9. d
4. check sheet
10. d
5. scatter chart
6. control chart
7. flowchart
What I Know
What’s In 1. b
2. b
What’s New 1. b
3. d
1. flowchart 2. a
4. d
2. histogram 3. e
5. d
3. control chart 4. f 6. c
4. pareto diagram 5. c 7. b
5. check sheet 8. c
6. fish bone diagram 9. d
7. scatter diagram 10. d
Answer Key

Legaspi, Carlos, and Mark Anthony Caina. 2014. Operate A Personal Computer.
Dasmariñas Computer Learning Center.

Mc Laughlin, Robert, and Susan Ralston Sasser. 1993. Fix your Own PC. Tandang
Sora St., Caloocan City: Philippines Graphics Arts, Inc.

Government of the Philippines, Department of Education. 2011. PC Hardware

Servicing. Manila.

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