01 Roles & Responsibility

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P.O. Box 44942 Al Masaood Tower, Hamdan Street,


Tel: +971-02-634-6900

Prepared by: HSE Officer Sign: ………………………………….

Approved by: Chief Administration officer Sign: ………………………………….

Revision History
Section Summary of changes Reviewed by Approved by
From To

First release of Manual as
-All Pages 0.0 0.0 HSE Officer Administration 25.07.2015
Issue 1, Revision 0.0

All Pages 0.0 1 Up gradation to OSHAD 3.1 Chief

HSE Officer Administration 01.04.2018
Table of Content

1.1 Purpose

1.2 Scope

1.3 References

1.4 Definition

1.5 Responsibilities and Authorities

1.6 Procedure

1.7 Related Documents

Document Code: ST-OHS-PR-01
Formation Date: 01 April 2018


The purpose of this procedure is to establish, implement and maintain a process for defining OHS roles,
responsibilities and authorities of Site Technology LTD. Co (ST) employees, visitors and contractors involved
in all its facilities and activities. The OHS roles, responsibilities and authorities are defined in order to be
incorporated into the existing ST activities, such as job position/descriptions, performance agreements and/or
duty statements, as appropriate.


This procedure outlines the OHS roles and responsibilities of employees, visitors and contractors involved in all
its facilities and activities of ST, based on the requirements of the OHS Center, as per OSHAD-SF 3/3.1,
Element 01- Roles, Responsibilities and Self Regulation and Guidance Document – OHS Roles and


 OSHAD-SF 3/3.1, Element 01- Roles, Responsibilities & Self Regulation

 OSHAD-SF 3/3.1, Guidance Document - OHS Roles & Responsibilities.


1.4.1 Supervisors – all employees who are non-managers or section heads but are somehow responsible for
the oversight, direction and/or management of other employees in the workplace.

1.4.2 Supplier – A person, entity, their employees or a nominated representative engaged to supply to supply
goods. A supplier may be distinguished from a contractor or subcontractor, who commonly adds
specialized input to deliverables. A supplier is also commonly called a vendor.

1.4.3 Employee-
 Natural persons working for the employer, or for contracted independent contractors; or any individual
who carries out duties or actions specified by an employer for which the individual receives
remuneration from the employer.
 Any male or female working, for a wage or any kind, in the service or under the management or
control of an employer, albeit out of his sight. This term applies also to laborers and employees who
are in an employer's service.'

1.5OSH Roles and Responsibilities Procedure(s)

(a) The Roles and Responsibilities procedure(s) of SITE TECHNOLOGY LTD. CO (ST) implementing an
OSH MS will, at a minimum:
(i) Ensure top management is ultimately responsible for the OSHMS and OSH matters;
(ii) appointed Mr. Krupathanam Gopay a as the ‘Occupational Safety and Health Management
Representative’ with specific responsibility and authority for ensuring that the OSH MS is
implemented and maintained and performance reports are presented to top management at least

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Document Code: ST-OHS-PR-01
Formation Date: 01 April 2018

(iii) Ensure appropriate and competent OSH resources to develop, implement and maintain an
1. The ST will ensure, as a minimum, one Grade A practitioner is employed as defined by OSHAD-SF –
Mechanism 8.0 – OSH Practitioner Registration.

(iv) Establish clearly defined and documented OSH roles and responsibilities and delegated authorities for each role
within the ST;

(v) Ensure roles and responsibilities link with those of external stakeholders as appropriate and applicable;

(vi) Establish clearly defined roles and responsibilities for an OSH Committee as required by OSHAD-SF – Element
4 – Communication and Consultation.

(vii) Ensure effective communication of roles and responsibilities to all employees and stakeholders; and
(viii) Establish the means to measure employee conformance against their defined roles, responsibilities and


(a) SITE TECHNOLOGY LTD. CO (ST) has developed and implemented an OSHMS within their scope of work
complying with the requirements of the OSHAD-SF and requirements specified by the relevant SRA, in order to
protect employees and the community from adverse effects resulting from their activities.

(b) Responsibilities of ST include:

(i) complying with timelines for OSHMS development and implementation set by the ST;
(ii) actively monitoring (e.g. audit and inspect) their system to ensure compliance with the OSHAD-SF;
(iii) undergoing an annual third party external compliance audit by an OSH Auditor registered with Qudorat
and submitting the results to the concerned ST through AL Adaa;
(iv) participating in OSH related activities / campaigns;

(v) notifying and reporting OSH incidents to the SRA and other relevant authorities as per OSHAD-SF
– Management System Elements - Element 7 –Monitoring, Investigating and Reporting; and

(vi) notifying and reporting periodically to the Building & constructionSector authority on the performance
of their OSH MS as per OSHAD-SF – Management System Elements - Element 7 – Monitoring,
Investigating and Reporting.


(i) strive to comply with OSHAD-SF; and
(ii) manage their activities so as to reduce the risk of harm to employees and the community.

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(a) SITE TECHNOLOGY LTD. CO (ST) Top Management will provide and maintain for their employees,
contractors, and relevant other persons a workplace that is, as far as reasonably practicable, safe and without
risks to health.

(b) Top Management will:

(i) provide appropriate resources (e.g. budget, human, equipment, training) for achieving its OSH
(ii) employ or engage persons who are competent in relation to the management of the OSH to provide
advice about the management of such issues;
(iii) ensure appropriate control measures and other safe systems of work are implemented, in line with
OSHAD-SF – Management System Elements - Element 2 – Risk Management;
(iv) ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safe use, handling, storage, transportation and disposal of
materials, substances and wastes;
(v) provide and maintain site, equipment and /or systems of work that are, so far as is reasonably
practicable, safe and without risks to health;
(vi) provide appropriate facilities for the welfare of employees;
(vii) provide such information, instruction, training and supervision to employees, as is appropriate to enable
those persons to perform their work in a way that is safe and without risks to health (in appropriate
(viii) empower employees to stop work or remove themselves from a work situation of immediate or
imminent exposure to a hazard if they consider it constitutes a reasonable risk to the safety and health of
themselves, their colleagues and/or the public;
(ix) provide, without any cost to the employee, appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment
which are reasonably necessary when hazards cannot be otherwise prevented or controlled, as per
OSHAD-SF – CoP 2.0 – Personal Protective Equipment;
(x) monitor the safety and health of employees;
(xi) monitor conditions, discharges and emissions at any workplace under the employer's management and
(xii) keep information and records relating to the management of safety and health of employees, in
compliance to OSHAD-SF – Element 9 – Compliance and Management Review;
(xiii) ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the general public are not at risk by the conduct of the ST;
(xiv) consult with employees and relevant stakeholders on OSH matters, so far as is reasonably practicable.

(c) An employee includes a reference to an independent contractor engaged by an employer and any employees of
the independent contractor, over which the employer has control or would have control.

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(a) While at work, (and while on work premises) an employee will:

(i) take reasonable care of their own safety and health;
(ii) take reasonable care of the safety and health of persons that may be affected by their acts or omissions
at work;
(iii) co-operate with their employer with respect to any instructions and/or actions taken by the employer to
protect the employee and/or comply with OSH requirements;
(iv) report to their immediate supervisor any situation which they have reason to believe could present a
hazard and which they cannot themselves correct;
(v) report all OSH incidents and work-related injuries; and
(vi) not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided at the workplace in the interest
of health, safety, welfare or protection or management of the environment.

Designers of Buildings and Structures for SITE TECHNOLOGY LTD. CO

(a) Designers working for SITE TECHNOLOGY LTD. CO will ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that
buildings and structures are designed to eliminate and minimize risk to the safety and health of persons who
construct, use, demolish or dispose of the building or structure.
(b) A designer of a building or a structure will:
(i)ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that it is designed and/or manufactured to prevent risk of injury.
(ii) eliminate hazards where reasonably practicable;
(iii) reduce the risks from those hazards that are not reasonably practicable to eliminate;
(iv) where significant residual risks remain, designers will provide information to ensure other stakeholders (e.g.
other designers, construction contractors) are aware of these risks and can take account of them;
(v) co-ordinate their work with that of others involved in the process to ensure risks are managed and controlled;
(vi) ensure the integration of hazard identification and risk assessment and risk control methods throughout the
design process to eliminate or, if this is not reasonably practicable, minimize risks to safety and health;
(vii) demonstrate, so far as is reasonably practicable, that measures have been taken to identify hazards and reduce
risk throughout all phases, including:
1. construction and/or manufacturing;
2. installation / commissioning;
3. operation (including maintenance, repair, refurbishment and cleaning operations); and
4. Decommissioning / demolition.

(viii) provide adequate information to relevant stakeholders concerning:

1. the purpose or purposes for which it was designed;
2. any conditions necessary to ensure that the building or structure can be constructed and used for a purpose for
which it was designed in a safe manner and without risks to safety and health; and
3. On request supply such information to a person who constructs/operates/demolishes the building of structure.

(c) A designer will comply with the requirements of OSHAD-SF – CoP 20.0 – Safety in Design (Construction).

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Formation Date: 01 April 2018

(d) For buildings and structures, a designer will comply with the applicable requirements of any other statutory
building code, requirement or guideline as issued by the concerned competent authorities

Provision of Electrical and Mechanical Works, Installation of Integrated Security System, Building Projects
Contracting, Wireless Transmission Towers Repairing and Contracting, Security and Surveillance Systems
Installation and Maintenance, Fiber Optic Networks Installation and Maintenance, Audio Visual Equipment
Installation and Maintenance, Electrical Generators and Transformers Installation and Maintenance Services .

(a) A designer, manufacturer, importer or provider of site, equipment or substances working for SITE

(i) ensure the integration of hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control methods throughout the design
(ii) eliminate hazards where reasonably practicable;
(iii) reduce the risks from those hazards that are not reasonably practicable to eliminate;
(iv) ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that relevant processes are safe and without risk;
(v) where significant residual risks remain, provide information to ensure other stakeholders (eg. operators,
service personnel, etc.) are aware of risks from their work/processes and can take account of them;
(vi) co-ordinate their work with that of others involved to ensure risks are managed and controlled;
(vii) demonstrate, so far as is reasonably practicable, that measures have been taken to identify hazards and reduce
risk throughout all phases, including
1. design and/or manufacturing;
2. installation / commissioning;
3. operation (including maintenance, repair, refurbishment and cleaning operations); and
4. decommissioning.
(viii) ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that site, equipment, or substance is used for a purpose for which it
was designed / manufactured / imported / provided and in a manner to ensure the safety of those persons who
use it;
(ix) provide adequate information to relevant stakeholders concerning:

1. the purpose or purposes for which the site, equipment or substance was designed
/ manufactured / imported / provided;
2. any conditions necessary to ensure that the site, equipment or substance can be manufactured / operated and used
for a purpose for which it was designed in a safe manner and without risks to safety and health; and
3. on request, supply such information to a person who imports / provides / operates or is to import / provide /
operate the site, equipment or substance.

(x) For further requirements on manufacturing, importing, supplying, handling, transporting

and storing hazardous substances refer to OSHAD SF- CoP-1.0 Hazardous Materials.

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 All employees shall be informed of the risk involved to carry out their operation and maintenance
 Everyone regardless of position has responsibility to ensure that OHS and OSHAD are implemented
from the Senior/Top Management down to the lowest level of workmen.
 Management Representative and Chief Administration officer shall be totally responsible for the safety
of men and material in their area of activity.
 The responsibilities stated below shall be complied with.


 Ensure the availability of resources essential to establish, implement, maintain and improve the STOHS
Management System. Resources include human resources and specialized skills, organizational infrastructure,
technology and financial resources.
 Define the OHS Policy and make sure that all requirements are complied with at all functions and levels within
the company.
 Make sure that OHS Policy and OSHAD complied with relevant regulations, standards and rules.
 Responsible for total management and operations of ST to achieve the maximum degree of profitability and
customer satisfaction.
 Provides strong leadership and communication to department heads regarding objectives and strategic policies
and procedures, service standards and operating plans.
 Provides assistance and support to the management with all new projects, assignments and long range business

 Increases management's effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching, and disciplining
managers; communicating values, strategies, and objectives; assigning accountabilities; planning, monitoring,
and appraising job results; developing incentives; developing a climate for offering information and opinions;
providing educational opportunities.
 Plans, prepares, presents and monitors operations and the capital budget, enforcing company standards,
policies and procedures and ensuring compliance w/ local laws.

b) Management Representative

 The Management Representative, who irrespective of other responsibilities, has the responsibility
and authority that includes;
 Ensuring that the Health & Safety Management System processes are implemented and maintained
in compliance with OSHAD-SF 3/3.1;
 Reporting to management on the performance of the OSHAD;
 Monitoring, measuring and analyzing the performance of the implemented management system and
identifying the need for further improvements;
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 Liaison with external parties on matters relating to the OSHAD;

 Planning and managing internal audits;
 Coordination of corrective action follow-up;
 Training of concerned employees on Health & Safety Management System;
 Generating reports regarding the status, progress and the performance of organization;
 Reporting OHS incidents to the Building and Construction Operation Sector other relevant
authorities as per OSHAD-SF 3/3.1 - Element 07 – Monitoring, Investigating and Reporting;
 Reporting periodically to the Building and Construction Operation Sector on the performance of their
OSHAD as per OSHAD-SF 3/3.1 - Element 07 – Monitoring, Investigating and Reporting.


 Accountable for HSE related non conformities and failure of conformity of OSHAD Management

c) HSE Manager

The HSE Manager has the responsibility and authority that includes;

 Ensuring that the Health & Safety Management System processes are implemented and maintained in
compliance with OSHAD-SF 3/3.1 at project Site.
 To carry out the supervision, daily planning and directing of the project team.
 To liaise with client’s representative on all project issues and ensuring all technical and engineering
aspects of the building project meet customers’ and statutory requirement.
 To monitor progress of Building Operation.
 To attend progress meeting with client’s representative on periodically.
 To initiate and undertake actions to prevent the occurrence of Building Operation non-conformity.
 To ensure and carry out safe and healthy working/practice on Site.
 To provide daily, weekly and monthly project reporting to Chief Administration officer.
 To liaison with authorities for work permit, inspections & approvals.
 To perform any other duties as and when required.


 Accountable for HSE related non conformities and failure of conformity of OSHAD Management
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d) Site Engineer

The Site Engineer has the responsibility and authority that includes;

 To assist Chief Administration officer in managing the Site.

 To conduct the verification of material requisition and taking-off quantities / Site measurement.
 To prepare and maintenance of material requirement schedule.
 To preparation and maintenance of subcontractor award schedule.
 To prepare and maintenance of budget and cash-flow.
 To Liaison with Head Office (Contract / Purchasing Department) on subcontractor’s award and
material scheduling.
 Acquisition of Site and Machinery as required by the Construction Operation function.
 Preparation and processing of progress payment claims and variation orders.
 To verify drawings/technical specification for adequacy.
 To monitor progress of Construction Operation.
 To supervise, plan and direct the Construction Operation work force daily.
 To control the storage of material and equipment.
 To perform any other duties as and when required.

 Overseeing Site works;
 Responsible for site security and the organization of human resources.
 Ensuring equipment and procedures comply with safety regulations;
 Checking work progress and preparing site reports;
 Formulate and implement an Health and Safety Management System.
 Provide a safe work place, Environment, Facilities and Equipment.
 Review safety matters on regular basis with the Department Managers.
 Provide budgetary support for all the necessary safety programs initiated.
 Make sure safe behavior of all the employees is a condition of employment.
 Review accident reports and respond where necessary.
 Be visibly committed to making health and safety work. Inspire others to make it work.
 Responsible for all types of reporting to Building & constructionSector authority;
 Liaise with Department Managers in implementation of OHS Management System and issues safety directives
 Monitors, reviews and advises the Chief Administration officer on OHS policies implementation and results
of the OHS audits;
 Makes sure OHS roles, responsibilities, policies, plans and objectives are communicated to all relevant
personnel and stakeholders;
 Monitors OHS training requirements of personnel and coordinates in arranging internal and external training;

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Document Code: ST-OHS-PR-01
Formation Date: 01 April 2018

 The development and implementation of any emergency procedures that may be relevant to their areas of
 Ensuring that all employees are fully aware of their statutory responsibilities and that these responsibilities are
 That risk assessments, which identify significant risk to health and safety are undertaken and the results of
such assessments communicated to employees prior to the commencement of all procedures.
 Ensure regular inspections of the workplace and equipment are undertaken and take appropriate steps to
eliminate or minimize any hazards identified.
 Ensure that the provision of First Aid in the workplace is commensurate to the risks established for that

 Implementation of OSHAD;
 Provide safety instruction, prevent injuries, identify risk and apply preventive measures; and
 Report all OHS matters to Chief Administration officer and IDB

 Involved in the pre-production (planning) stage as well as the production (control and supervision) stage.
 A large part of production management involves dealing with people, particularly those who work in your
 Monitoring product standards and implementing quality-control programs;
 Working with managers to implement the company's policies and goals
 Supervising and motivating team of workers.
 Liaising with different staff members on current and future work.
 Reviewing worker performance and ensuring quality.
 Identifying training needs.
 Establishing a ST's OHS procedures, standards and specifications;
 Making sure that manufacturing or production processes meet OSHAD minimum requirement and standards;
 Setting up and maintaining controls and documentation procedures;
 Monitoring performance by gathering relevant data and producing statistical reports;


 To ensure that all operation meet the OHS legal requirements.

 To ensure that the health, safety and well being of employees are taken care of.
 Hold employees and subcontractors accountable in the Company for the authority and responsibility delegated
to them.

 To implement the occupational health and safety policy and procedures.
 To increase health and safety awareness within the organization.
 Respond to safety risks and concerns.
 Coordinate registration and removal of hazardous waste.
 Conducts routine drills and training for workers.

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 Ensures safety in the production by regular visits and audits.

 Authorize to stop activities which are not adhering to the Organization’s Health and Safety Requirements.


 To report all OHS matters to HSE Manager and Safety Staff.

 Is accountable for keeping the work force in a safe workplace.
 Is accountable for ensure the work area, equipment and tools in safe conditions.

The Accountant is responsible for providing financial and accounting services to the company and to the
CAO to enable him makes sound business decisions. Another key role is to ensure financial practices are in
line will all local legislations and regulations.

 In charge of the ST’s budget and spending;

 Maintaining ST Accounting system;
 Payroll and Petty Cash management;
 In conjunction with CAO, finalizing year to year budget;
 Dealing with banks and maintaining company bank accounts;
 Manages and follows Receivables and Payables;

 To ensure that all operation meet the OHS Legal Requirements;
 To ensure that the health, safety and well being of employees are taken care of.
 Hold employees and supplier accountable for the authority and responsibility delegated to them.


Human Resource / Admin officer ensures that the organization hires staff with appropriate skills as per ST needs.
Does all administration work relevant to company staff and workers.

 Recruiting staff.
 Ensures all staff have requisite visas and work permits.
 Deals with staff pay and conditions.
 Organizing and storing paperwork, documents and computer-based information.
 Conducts Public Relations function on behalf of Company.
 Participate in the development of OHS strategy and implementation plans; and
 Participate in the development and awareness of OHS policies and procedures.


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 Report any incident to Chief Administration officer.

 Maintains historical human resource records.
 Update job requirements and job descriptions for all positions.

j) ST Site Operators / Employees shall:

 Comply with the established procedures and instructions of which they have been informed, instructed and
 Actively participate with line management in the implementation of the OHS Management System.

 Report to their General Foreman for any potentially unsafe condition, which may cause OHS impacts.
 Report all incidents or accidents to their Assistant Foreman.
 Use proper tools for the job.
 Keep their place of work clean and tidy.

 Ensure that all employees are aware regarding OHS program .
 Ensure to obey/complied and implement properly for the rules set by the superiors so that the work safely

 Visitors to facilities of ST shall follow the conditions specified in the “permit to enter”.
 Follow the prescribed routes free from danger within the facilities of ST.
 No visitor shall tamper or operate any Company Area machinery/equipment.
 Visitors shall wear the minimum requirements of personal protective equipment applicable for the area.
 Visitors shall use the washing facilities provided in the Company to clean their hands before leaving the
Company area.
 Visitors shall be escorted during all the visit time by an authorized person.
 No visitor shall be left unattended in a hazardous area before or after office hours.


 To report all OHS matters to his/her escort.

 Take care of their own health and safety matters.
 Follow the prescribed OHS rules.


OHS Roles & Responsibilities, including ‘functions’ shall be developed by the Management Representative of
ST in consultation with the Chief Administration officer.

The OHS roles & responsibilities, including functions shall be approved by the Chief Administration officer
for implementation by the Management Representative.
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An outline of ‘roles & responsibilities’ and ‘functions’ of ST employees, visitors and contractors are specified
 Develop and implement an OSHAD within ST scope of work complying with the requirements of the
OSHAD-SF 3/3.1 and the specific Building & construction Sector authorityrequirements, in order to protect
employees, the community and the environment from adverse effects resulting from its activities.
 Comply with timelines for the development and implementation of OSHAD set by Building & Construction
Sector Authority.
 Monitor ST system to ensure compliance with OSHAD-SF 3/3.1 thru audit and inspections.
 Undergo an annual third party external compliance audit by an OHS Auditor registered with the OHS Center
and submit results to Building & Construction Sector Authority.

 Take part in OHS related activities and campaigns;

 Report OHS incidents to Building & Construction Sector Authority and other relevant authorities as per
OSHAD-SF 3/3.1 – Element 07-Monitoring, Investigation and Reporting; and
 Report periodically to Building & Construction Sector Authority on the performance of OSHAD as per
OSHAD-SF 3/3.1 – Element 07-Monitoring, Investigation and Reporting.

OHS roles & responsibilities shall be clearly defined and documented for each position within ST organization,
ensuring effective communication thru training and information to all employees, visitors and contractors
involved in its facilities and activities. In all cases of training and information sessions, feedback shall be
immediate obtained from participants, according to the guidelines established in ST-OHS-PR-11
Communication and Consultation.

Mechanism for communicating roles and responsibility

a) Roles and responsibilities to the employees are defined by;

 At the time joining HR Manager or Public relation officer is given the documented roles and responsibilities to
new employees.
 According to specific work related job and responsibilities are define under HSE plane and method statement
and distributed to employees before starting the work as per requirement of project and OSHAD-SF 3/3.1.
 Job responsibilities are also defined to the employees and communicate if required by stakeholders and third

b) Office management and other staff must also understand their role in two-way communication systems.
Significant preparatory work is needed to establish these mechanisms and communication tools, particularly in
ensuring a sustainable program, which engages the OHS Representative. Therefore, it is important to include the
OHS community, and program teams in design, in particular when setting up feedback/ complaints systems.
Where staff were not involved they tended to focus on the negative i.e. establishment of a feedback system could
lead to finding negative aspects about the program. Staff expressed surprise when beneficiaries expressed
positive sentiments in feedback collected. Over time, staff saw the value added. Beneficiaries reported the value
in having systems to communicate with the organization.

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Formation Date: 01 April 2018

c) Focus should be given including questions in assessment tools, to determine communication channels or
mediums, the most trusted sources of information, what information beneficiaries wanted and how they wanted
it, community capabilities in this area (i.e. through one central area or person for delivering information).


 OHS-FO-1.1 Employees Performance Review
 Appendix N - Organizational Chart

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