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A summer internship report submitted in partial fulfilment of the

requirements for the award of degree of


Submitted by

Pamulapati Revanth Reddy – 222010312050

Under the guidance of

Khem Prasad

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

GITAM School of Technology
GITAM Deemed to be University
Hyderabad Campus – 502329

August 2023
(Declared as Deemed-to-be-University u/s 3 of UGC Act 1956)


I hereby declare that the summer internship report entitled “CLOUD COMPUTING ” is an
original work done in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GITAM
School of Technology, GITAM (Deemed to be University) submitted in partial fulfilment of
the requirements for the award of the degree of “Bachelor of Technology” in Computer
Science and Engineering. The work had not beensubmitted to any other college or
university for the award of any degree or diploma.







This is to certify that the Internship report entitled “CLOUD COMPUTING ” is a

bonafide record of work carried out by PAMULAPATI REVANTH REDDY
(222010312050) submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of
the degree of Bachelors of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering.

Khem Prasad Sharma Dr. K.S. Sudeep

Assistant Professor Associate Professor &

HOD Dept. of Science



My project would not have been successful without the help of several people.
We would like to thank the personalities who were part of our project in numerous
ways, those who gaveus outstanding support from the birth of the project.

We are extremely thankful to our honorable Pro-Vice Chancellor, Dr. D. Sambasiva rao

for providing necessary infrastructure and resources for the accomplishment of our project.

We are highly indebted to Prof. N. Seetharamaiah, Principal, School of Technology,

for his support during the tenure of the project.

We are very much obliged to our beloved Assoc. Prof. K.S Sudeep, Head of the
Department of Computer Science & Engineering for providing the opportunity to
undertake this project and encouragement in completion of this project.

We hereby wish to express our deep sense of gratitude to Dr. K.S Sudeep,
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
School of Technology for the esteemed guidance, moral support and
invaluable advice provided by her for the success of the project.

We are also thankful to all the staff members of Computer Science and
Engineering department who have cooperated in making our project a success. We
would like to thank all our parents and friends who extended their help,
encouragement and moral support either directly or indirectly in our project work.





Computers have become an indispensable part of life. We need computers everywhere, be it

for work, research or in any such field. As the use of computers in our day-to-day life increases,

the computing resources that we need also go up. For companies like Google and Microsoft,

harnessing the resources as and when they need it is not a problem. But when it comes to smaller

enterprises, affordability becomes a huge factor. With the huge infrastructure come problems like

machines failure, hard drive crashes, software bugs, etc. This might be a big headache for such a

community. Cloud Computing offers a solution to this situation.

Cloud computing is a paradigm shift in which computing is moved away from personal
computers and even the individual enterprise application server to a ‘cloud’ of computers. A
cloud is a virtualized server pool which can provide the different computing resources of
their clients. Users of this system need only be concerned with the computing service being
asked for. The underlying details of how it is achieved are hidden from the user. The data and
the services provided reside in massively scalable data centers and can be ubiquitously
accessed from any connected device all over the world

Cloud computing is a paradigm shift in which computing is moved away from personal
computers and even the individual enterprise application server to a ‘cloud’ of computers. A
cloud is a virtualized server pool which can provide the different computing resources of
their clients. Users of this system need only be concerned with the computing service being
asked for. The underlying details of how it is achieved are hidden from the user. The data and
the services provided reside in massively scalable data centers and can be ubiquitously
accessed from any connected device all over the world

Cloud computing is the style of computing where massively scaled IT related capabilities are

provided as a service across the internet to multiple external customers and are billed by

consumption. Many cloud computing providers have popped up and there is a considerable

growth in the usage of this service. Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, IBM and Amazon have started

providing cloud computing services. Amazon is the pioneer in this field. Smaller companies like

SmugMug, which is an online photo hosting site, has used cloud services for the storing all the

data and doing some of its services.

Cloud Computing is finding use in various areas like web hosting, parallel batch processing,

graphics rendering, financial modeling, web crawling, genomics analysis, etc.

Chapter no Title Pg no
1 Introduction 9

2 Cloud Computing 3

2.1 Characteristics of cloud computing 4

3 Need for cloud computing 6

4 Enabling technologies 8

4.1 Cloud computing applications 8


4.2 Server Architecture 9

4.3 Map Reduce 11
4.4 Google File System 12
4.5 Hadoop 14
5 Cloud computing services 16
5.1 Amazon Web Services 16
5.2 Google App Engine 19
6 Cloud computing in the Real world 21
6.1 Time Machine 21
6.2 IBM Google University Academic 21

6.3 SmugMug 22
6.4 Nasdaq 22
7 conclusion 23
8 references 24

List Of Figures
Sl no Images Pg no
4.1 Cloud computing application 8

4.2 Server Architecture 9

4.3 Map Function 11
4.4 Reduce Function 12

1. Introduction

The Greek myths tell of creatures plucked from the surface of the Earth and enshrined as
constellations in the night sky. Something similar is happening today in the world of
computing. Data and programs are being swept up from desktop PCs and corporate server
rooms and installed in “the compute cloud”. In general, there is a shift in the geography of
computation. What is cloud computing exactly? As a beginning here is a definition

“An emerging computer paradigm where data and services reside in massively scalable

data centers in the cloud and can be accessed from any connected devices over the internet”

Like other definitions of topics like these, an understanding of the term cloud computing

requires an understanding of various other terms which are closely related to this. While there is a

lack of precise scientific definitions for many of these terms, general definitions can be given.

Cloud computing is an emerging paradigm in the computer industry where the

computing is moved to a cloud of computers. It has become one of the buzz
words of the industry. The core concept of cloud computing is, quite simply, that
the vast computing resources that we need will reside somewhere out there in the
cloud of computers and we’ll connect to them and use them as and when needed.

Computing can be described as any activity of using and/or developing computer hardware

and software. It includes everything that sits in the bottom layer, i.e., everything from raw

compute power to storage capabilities. Cloud computing ties together all these entities and

delivers them as a single integrated entity under its own sophisticated management.

Cloud is a term used as a metaphor for the wide area networks (like internet) or
any such large networked environment. It came partly from the cloud-like symbol
used to represent the complexities of the networks in the schematic diagrams. It
represents all the complexities of the network which may include everything from
cables, routers, servers, data centers and all such other devices.

Computing started off with the mainframe era. There were big mainframes and everyone
connected to them via “dumb” terminals. This old model of business computing was
frustrating for the people sitting at the dumb terminals because they could do only what they
were “authorized” to do. They were dependent on the computer administrators to give them
permission or to fix their problems. They had no way of staying up to the latest innovations.

The personal computer was a rebellion against the tyranny of centralized computing
operations. There was a kind of freedom in the use of personal computers. But this was later
replaced by server architectures with enterprise servers and others showing up in the
industry. This made sure that the computing was done and it did not eat up any of the
resources that one had with him. All the computing was performed at servers. Internet grew
in the lap of these servers. With cloud computing we have come a full circle. We come back
to the centralized computing infrastructure. But this time it is something which can easily be
accessed via the internet and something over which we have all the control.

2. Cloud Computing

A definition for cloud computing can be given as an emerging computer

paradigm where data and services reside in massively scalable data centers in
the cloud and can be accessed from any connected devices over the internet.

Cloud computing is a way of providing various services on virtual machines

allocated on top of a large physical machine pool which resides in the cloud. Cloud
computing comes into focus only when we think about what IT has always wanted - a
way to increase capacity or add different capabilities to the current setting on the fly
without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel or licensing new
software. Here ‘on the fly’ and ‘without investing or training’ becomes the keywords
in the current situation. But cloud computing offers a better solution.

We have lots of compute power and storage capabilities residing in the distributed

environment of the cloud. What cloud computing does is to harness the capabilities of these

resources and make available these resources as a single entity which can be changed to

meet the current needs of the user. The basis of cloud computing is to create a set of virtual

servers on the available vast resource pool and give it to the clients. Any web enabled device

can be used to access the resources through the virtual servers. Based on the computing

needs of the client, the infrastructure allotted to the client can be scaled up or down.

From a business point of view, cloud computing is a method to address the

scalability and availability concerns for large scale applications which involves lesser
overhead. Since the resource allocated to the client can be varied based on the needs
of the client and can be done without any fuss, the overhead is very low.

One of the key concepts of cloud computing is that processing of 1000 times the data need

not be 1000 times harder. As and when the amount of data increases, the cloud computing

services can be used to manage the load effectively and make the processing tasks easier. In

the era of enterprise servers and personal computers, hardware was the commodity as the

main criteria for the processing capabilities depended on the hardware configuration
of the server. But with the advent of cloud computing, the commodity has changed to
cycles and bytes - i.e., in cloud computing services, the users are charged based on
the number of cycles of execution performed or the number of bytes transferred. The
hardware or the machines on which the applications run are hidden from the user.
The amount of hardware needed for computing is taken care of by the management
and the client is charged based on how the application uses these resources

2.1. Characteristics of Cloud Computing

1. Self-Healing
Any application or any service running in a cloud computing environment
has the property of self-healing. In case of failure of the application, there is
always a hot backup of the application ready to take over without disruption.
There are multiple copies of the same application - each copy updating itself
regularly so that at times of failure there is at least one copy of the application
which can take over without even the slightest change in its running state.

2. Multi-tenancy
With cloud computing, any application supports multi-tenancy - that is
multiple tenants at the same instant of time. The system allows several customers
to share the infrastructure allotted to them without any of them being aware of the
sharing. This is done by virtualizing the servers on the available machine pool
and then allotting the servers to multiple users. This is done in such a way that
the privacy of the users or the security of their data is not compromised.

3. Linearly Scalable
Cloud computing services are linearly scalable. The system is able to break down

the workloads into pieces and service it across the infrastructure. An exact idea of linear

scalability can be obtained from the fact that if one server is able to process say 1000
transactions per second, then two servers can process 2000 transactions per second.

4. Service-oriented
Cloud computing systems are all service oriented - i.e. the systems are such
that they are created out of other discrete services. Many such discrete services
which are independent of each other are combined together to form this service. This
allows re-use of the different services that are available and that are being created.
Using the services that were just created, other such services can be created.

5. SLA Driven
Usually, businesses have agreements on the amount of services. Scalability
and availability issues cause clients to break these agreements. But cloud computing
services are SLA driven such that when the system experiences peaks of load, it will
automatically adjust itself so as to comply with the service-level agreements.
The services will create additional instances of the applications on more
servers so that the load can be easily managed.

6. Virtualized
The applications in cloud computing are fully decoupled from the underlying
hardware. The cloud computing environment is a fully virtualized environment.

7. Flexible
Another feature of the cloud computing services is that they are flexible. They
can be used to serve a large variety of workload types - varying from small loads of a
small consumer application to very heavy loads of a commercial application

3. Need for Cloud Computing

What could we do with 1000 times more data and CPU power? One simple
question. That’s all it took the interviewers to bewilder the confident job applicants at
Google. This is a question of relevance because the amount of data that an application
handles is increasing day by day and so is the CPU power that one can harness.

There are many answers to this question. With this much CPU power, we could
scale our businesses to 1000 times more users. Right now we are gathering statistics
about every user using an application. With such CPU power at hand, we could monitor
every single user click and every user interaction such that we can gather all the
statistics about the user. We could improve the recommendation systems of users. We
could model better price plan choices. With this CPU power we could simulate the case
where we have say 1,00,000 users in the system without any glitches.

There are lots of other things we could do with so much CPU power and data
capabilities. But what is keeping us back. One of the reasons is the large scale
architecture which comes with these are difficult to manage. There may be many different
problems with the architecture we have to support. The machines may start failing, the
hard drives may crash, the network may go down and many other such hardware
problems. The hardware has to be designed such that the architecture is reliable and
scalable. This large scale architecture has a very expensive upfront and has high
maintenance costs. It requires different resources like machines, power, cooling, etc. The
system also cannot scale as and when needed and so is not easily reconfigurable.

The resources are also constrained by the resources. As the applications become

large, they become I/O bound. The hard drive access speed becomes a limiting factor. Though

the raw CPU power available may not be a factor, the amount of RAM available clearly

becomes a factor. This is also limited in this context. If at all the hardware problems are

managed very well, there arises the software problems. There may be bugs in the software

using this much of data. The workload also demands two important tasks for two

completely different people. The software has to be such that it is bug free and
has good data processing algorithms to manage all the data.

The cloud computing works on the cloud - so there are large groups of often
low-cost servers with specialized connections to spread the data-processing chores
among them. Since there are a lot of low-cost servers connected together, there are
large pools of resources available. So these offer almost unlimited computing
resources. This makes the availability of resources a lesser issue.

The data of the application can also be stored in the cloud. Storage of data
in the cloud has many distinct advantages over other storages. One thing is that
data is spread evenly through the cloud in such a way that there are multiple
copies of the data and there are ways by which failure can be detected and the
data can be rebalanced on the fly. The I/O operations become simpler in the cloud
such that browsing and searching for something in 25GB or more of data
becomes simpler in the cloud, which is nearly impossible to do on a desktop.

The cloud computing applications also provide automatic reconfiguration of the

resources based on the service level agreements. When we are using applications out of
the cloud, to scale the application with respect to the load is a mundane task because the
resources have to be gathered and then provided to the users. If the load on the
application is such that it is present only for a small amount of time as compared to the
time its working out of the load, but occurs frequently, then scaling of the resources
becomes tedious. But when the application is in the cloud, the load can be managed by
spreading it to other available nodes by making a copy of the application on to them. This
can be reverted once the load goes down. It can be done as and when needed. All these
are done automatically such that the resources maintain and manage themselves

4. Enabling technologies

4.1 Cloud computing application architecture

This gives the basic architecture of a cloud computing application. We know that cloud

computing is the shift of computing to a host of hardware infrastructure that is distributed in

the cloud. The commodity hardware infrastructure consists of the various low cost data

servers that are connected to the system and provide their storage and processing and other

computing resources to the application. Cloud computing involves running applications on

virtual servers that are allocated on this distributed hardware infrastructure available in the

cloud. These virtual servers are made in such a way that the different service level agreements

and reliability issues are met. There may be multiple instances of the same virtual server

accessing the different parts of the hardware infrastructure available. This is to make sure that

there are multiple copies of the applications which are ready to take over on another one’s

failure. The virtual server distributes the processing between the infrastructure and the

computing is done and the result returned. There will be a workload distribution
management system, also known as the grid engine, for managing the different requests
coming to the virtual servers. This engine will take care of the creation of multiple copies
and also the preservation of integrity of the data that is stored in the infrastructure. This
will also adjust itself such that even on heavier load, the processing is completed as per
the requirements. The different workload management systems are hidden from the
users. For the user, the processing is done and the result is obtained. There is no
question of where it was done and how it was done. The users are billed based on the
usage of the system - as said before - the commodity is now cycles and bytes. The billing
is usually on the basis of usage per CPU per hour or GB data transfer per hour.

4.2 Server Architecture

Cloud computing makes use of a large physical resource pool in the cloud. As said above,

cloud computing services and applications make use of virtual server instances built upon

this resource pool. There are two applications which help in managing the server instances,

the resources and also the management of the resources by these virtual server instances.

One of these is the Xen hypervisor which provides an abstraction layer between the hardware

and the virtual OS so that the distribution of the resources and the processing is well

managed. Another application that is widely used is the Enomalism server management

system which is used for management of the infrastructure platform.

When Xen is used for virtualization of the servers over the infrastructure, a thin software layer

known as the Xen hypervisor is inserted between the server's hardware and the operating

system. This provides an abstraction layer that allows each physical server to run one or more

"virtual servers," effectively decoupling the operating system and its applications from the

underlying physical server. The Xen hypervisor is a unique open source technology,

developed collaboratively by the Xen community and engineers at over 20 of the most

innovative data center solution vendors, including AMD, Cisco, Dell, HP, IBM, Intel, Mellanox,

Network Appliance, Novell, Red Hat, SGI, Sun, Unisys, Veritas, Voltaire, and Citrix. Xen is

licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL2) and is available at no charge in both

source and object format. The Xen hypervisor is also exceptionally lean-- less than 50,000

lines of code. That translates to extremely low overhead and near-native performance for

guests. Xen re-uses existing device drivers (both closed and open source) from Linux, making

device management easy. Moreover Xen is robust to device driver failure and protects both

guests and the hypervisor from faulty or malicious drivers

The Enomalism virtualized server management system is a complete virtual server

infrastructure platform. Enomalism helps in an effective management of the resources.
Enomalism can be used to tap into the cloud just as you would into a remote server. It
brings together all the features such as deployment planning, load balancing, resource
monitoring, etc. Enomalism is an open source application. It has a very simple and easy
to use web based user interface. It has a module architecture which allows for the
creation of additional system add-ons and plugins. It supports one click deployment of
distributed or replicated applications on a global basis. It supports the management of
various virtual environments including KVM/Qemu, Amazon EC2 and Xen, OpenVZ, Linux
Containers, VirtualBox. It has fine grained user permissions and access privileges.

4.3 Map Reduce

Map Reduce is a software framework developed at Google in 2003 to

supportparallel computations over large (multiple petabyte) data sets on clusters of

commodity computers. This framework is largely taken from ‘map’ and ‘reduce’

functions commonly used in functional programming, although the actual
semantics of the framework are not the same. It is a programming model
and an associated implementation for processing and generating large data
sets. Many of the real worldtasks are expressible in this model. MapReduce
implementations have been written inC++, Java and other languages.

Programs written in this functional style are automatically parallelized and

executed on the cloud. The run-time system takes care of the details of partitioning

the input data, scheduling the program’s execution across a set of machines,

handling machine failures, and managing the required inter-machine

communication. This allows programmers without any experience with parallel and

distributed systems toeasily utilize the resources of a largely distributed system.

The computation takes a set of input key/value pairs, and produces a

set of output key/value pairs. The user of the MapReduce library expresses
the computationas two functions: Map and Reduce.Map, written by the user,
takes an input pair and produces a set of intermediate key/value pairs. The
MapReduce library groups together all intermediate values associated with
the same intermediate key I and passes them to the Reduce function.

The Reduce function, also written by the user, accepts an

intermediate key I and a set of values for that key. It merges together these
values to form a possibly smaller set of values. Typically just zero or one
output value is produced per Reduce invocation. The intermediate values
are supplied to the user's reduce function via an iterator. This allows us to
handle lists of values that are too large to fit in memory.

MapReduce achieves reliability by parceling out a number of operations on the set of data to

each node in the network; each node is expected to report back periodically with completed

work and status updates. If a node falls silent for longer than that interval, the master node

records the node as dead, and sends out the node's assigned work to other nodes. Individual

operations use atomic operations for naming file outputs as a double check to ensure that

there are not parallel conflicting threads running; when files are renamed, it is possible to also

copy them to another name in addition to the name of the task (allowing for side-effects).

4.4 Google File System

Google File System (GFS) is a scalable distributed file system developed
by Google for data intensive applications. It is designed to provide efficient,
reliable access to data using large clusters of commodity hardware. It
provides fault tolerance while running on inexpensive commodity hardware,
and it delivers high aggregate performance to a large number of clients.

Files are divided into chunks of 64 megabytes, which are only extremely rarely
overwritten, or shrunk; files are usually appended to or read. It is also designed
and optimized to run on computing clusters, the nodes of which consist of cheap,

"commodity" computers, which means precautions must be taken against the high
failure rate of individual nodes and the subsequent data loss. Other design decisions
select for high data throughputs, even when it comes at the cost of latency.

The nodes are divided into two types: one Master node and a large number of
Chunkservers. Chunkservers store the data files, with each individual file broken up
into fixed size chunks (hence the name) of about 64 megabytes, similar to clusters or
sectors in regular file systems. Each chunk is assigned a unique 64-bit label, and
logical mappings of files to constituent chunks are maintained. Each chunk is
replicated several times throughout the network, with the minimum being three, but
even more for files that have high demand or need more redundancy.

The Master server doesn't usually store the actual chunks, but rather all the metadata
associated with the chunks, such as the tables mapping the 64-bit labels to chunk
locations and the files they make up, the locations of the copies of the chunks, what
processes are reading or writing to a particular chunk, or taking a "snapshot" of the
chunk pursuant to replicating it (usually at the instigation of the Master server, when,
due to node failures, the number of copies of a chunk has fallen beneath the set
number). All this metadata is kept current by the Master server periodically receiving
updates from each chunk server ("Heart-beat messages").

Permissions for modifications are handled by a system of time-limited, expiring "leases",

where the Master server grants permission to a process for a finite period of time during

which no other process will be granted permission by the Master server to modify the chunk.

The modified chunkserver, which is always the primary chunk holder, then propagates the

changes to the chunkservers with the backup copies. The changes are not saved until all

chunkservers acknowledge, thus guaranteeing the completion and atomicity of the operation.

Programs access the chunks by first querying the Master server for the locations of the

desired chunks; if the chunks are not being operated on (if there are no outstanding leases),

the Master replies with the locations, and the program then contacts and receives the data

from the chunkserver directly. As opposed to many file systems, it's not implemented in the

kernel of an Operating System but accessed through a library to avoid overhead

4.5 Hadoop

Hadoop is a framework for running applications on large cluster built of commodity hardware.

The Hadoop framework transparently provides applications both reliability and data motion.

Hadoop implements the computation paradigm named MapReduce which was explained

above. The application is divided into many small fragments of work, each of which may be

executed or re-executed on any node in the cluster. In addition, it provides a distributed file

system that stores data on the compute nodes, providing very high aggregate bandwidth

across the cluster. Both MapReduce and the distributed file system are designed so that the

node failures are automatically handled by the framework. Hadoop has been implemented

making use of Java. In Hadoop, the combination of the entire JAR files and classed needed to

run a MapReduce program is called a job. All of these components are themselves collected

into a JAR which is usually referred to as the job file. To execute a job, it is submitted to a

jobTracker and then executed.

Tasks in each phase are executed in a fault-tolerant manner. If node(s) fail in the middle of
a computation the tasks assigned to them are re-distributed among the remaining nodes.
Since we are using MapReduce, having many map and reduce tasks enables good load
balancing and allows failed tasks to be re-run with smaller runtime overhead.

The Hadoop MapReduce framework has master/slave architecture. It has a single

master server or a job Tracker and several slave servers or task Trackers, one per
node in the cluster. The job Tracker is the point of interaction between the users
and the framework. Users submit jobs to the job Tracker, which puts them in a
queue of pending jobs and executes them on a first-come first-serve basis. The
job Tracker manages the assignment of MapReduce jobs to the task Trackers. The
task Trackers execute tasks upon instruction from the job Tracker and also
handle data motion between the ‘map’ and ‘reduce’ phases of the MapReduce job.
Hadoop is a framework which has received a wide industry adoption. Hadoop is used along

with other cloud computing technologies like the Amazon services so as to make better use of

the resources. There are many instances where Hadoop has been used. Amazon makes use of

Hadoop for processing millions of sessions which it uses for analytics. This is made use of in

a cluster which has about 1 to 100 nodes. Facebook uses Hadoop to store copies of internal

logs and dimension data sources and use it as a source for reporting/analytics and machine

learning. The New York Times made use of Hadoop for large scale image conversions.

Yahoo uses Hadoop to support research for advertisement systems and web searching tools.

They also use it to do scaling tests to support development of Hadoop.

5. Cloud computing services

Even though cloud computing is a pretty new technology, there are many companies
offering cloud computing services. Different companies like Amazon, Google, Yahoo, IBM
and Microsoft are all players in the cloud computing services industry. But Amazon is the
pioneer in the cloud computing industry with services like EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)
and S3 (Simple Storage Service) dominating the industry. Amazon has an expertise in this
industry and has a small advantage over the others because of this. Microsoft has good
knowledge of the fundamentals of cloud science and is building massive data centers.
IBM, the king of business computing and traditional supercomputers, teams up with
Google to get a foothold in the clouds. Google is far and away the leader in cloud
computing with the company itself built from the ground up on hardware.

5.1 Amazon web services

The ‘Amazon Web Services’ is the set of cloud computing services offered by

Amazon. It involves four different services. They are Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Simple

Storage Service (S3), Simple Queue Service (SQS) and Simple Database Service (SDB).

1. Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that

provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-
scale computing easier for developers. It provides on-demand processing power.
Amazon EC2's simple web service interface allows you to obtain and configure capacity with

minimal friction. It provides you with complete control of your computing resources and lets

you run on Amazon's proven computing environment. Amazon EC2 reduces the time required

to obtain and boot new server instances to minutes, allowing you to quickly scale capacity,

both up and down, as your computing requirements change. Amazon EC2 changes

the economics of computing by allowing you to pay only for capacity that you
actually use. Amazon EC2 provides developers the tools to build failure
resilient applications and isolate themselves from common failure scenarios.
Amazon EC2 presents a true virtual computing environment, allowing
you to use web service interfaces to requisition machines for use, load them
with your custom application environment, manage your network's access
permissions, and run your image using as many or few systems as you desire.

To set up an Amazon EC2 node we have to create an EC2 node configuration which
consists of all our applications, libraries, data and associated configuration settings. This
configuration is then saved as an AMI (Amazon Machine Image). There are also several
stock instances of Amazon AMIs available which can be customized and used. We can
then start, terminate and monitor as many instances of the AMI as needed.

Amazon EC2 enables you to increase or decrease capacity within minutes. You can
commission one, hundreds or even thousands of server instances simultaneously. Thus
the applications can automatically scale itself up and down depending on its needs. You
have root access to each one, and you can interact with them as you would any machine.
You have the choice of several instance types, allowing you to select a configuration of
memory, CPU, and instance storage that is optimal for your application. Amazon EC2
offers a highly reliable environment where replacement instances can be rapidly and
reliably commissioned. Amazon EC2 provides web service interfaces to configure firewall
settings that control network access to and between groups of instances. You will be
charged at the end of each month for your EC2 resources actually consumed. So
charging will be based on the actual usage of the resources.

2. Simple Storage Service (S3)

S3 or Simple Storage Service offers cloud computing storage service. It offers services

for storage of data in the cloud. It provides a high-availability large-store database. It provides

a simple SQL-like language. It has been designed for interactive online use. S3 is

storage for the Internet. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for
developers. S3 provides a simple web services interface that can be used to store and
retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. It gives any
developer access to the same highly scalable, reliable, fast, inexpensive data storage
infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its own global network of web sites.

Amazon S3 allows write, read and delete of objects containing from 1 byte
to 5 gigabytes of data each. The number of objects that you can store is unlimited.
Each object is stored in a bucket and retrieved via a unique developer-assigned
key. A bucket can be located anywhere in Europe or the Americas but can be
accessed from anywhere. Authentication mechanisms are provided to ensure that
the data is kept secure from unauthorized access. Objects can be made private or
public, and rights can be granted to specific users for particular objects. Also the
S3 service also works with a pay only for what you use method of payment.

3. Simple Queue Service (SQS)

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) offers a reliable, highly scalable, hosted queue

for storing messages as they travel between computers. By using SQS, developers can simply

move data between distributed components of their applications that perform different tasks,

without losing messages or requiring each component to be always available.

With SQS, developers can create an unlimited number of SQS queues, each of
which can send and receive an unlimited number of messages.

Messages can be retained in a queue for up to 4 days. It is simple, reliable,
secure and scalable.

4. Simple Database Service (SDB)

Amazon Simple DB is a web service for running queries on structured data in real time. This

service works in close conjunction with the Amazon S3 and EC2, collectively providing the

ability to store, process and query data sets in the cloud. These services are designed to make

web-scale computing easier and more cost-effective to developers. Traditionally, this type of

functionality is accomplished with a clustered relational database, which requires a sizable

upfront investment and often requires a DBA to maintain and administer them. Amazon SDB

provides all these without the operational complexity. It requires no schema, automatically

indexes your data and provides a simple API for storage and access. Developers gain access

to the different functionalities from within the Amazon’s proven computing environment and

are able to scale instantly and need to pay only for what they use.

5.2 Google App Engine

Google App Engine lets you run your web applications on Google's infrastructure.
App Engine applications are easy to build, easy to maintain, and easy to scale as your
traffic and data storage needs grow. You can serve your app using a free domain
name on the domain, or use Google Apps to serve it from your own
domain. You can share your application with the world, or limit access to members of
your organization. App Engine costs nothing to get started. Sign up for a free
account, and you can develop and publish your application at no charge and with no
obligation. A free account can use up to 500MB of persistent storage and enough
CPU and bandwidth for about 5 million page views a month.
Google App Engine makes it easy to build an application that runs reliably, even under heavy

load and with large amounts of data. The environment includes the following features:

dynamic web serving, with full support for common web technologies

persistent storage with queries, sorting and
transactions automatic scaling and load balancing

APIs for authenticating users and sending email using Google Accounts
a fully featured local development environment that simulates Google
App Engine on your computer

Google App Engine applications are implemented using the Python programming language. The

runtime environment includes the full Python language and most of the Python standard library.

Applications run in a secure environment that provides limited access to the underlying operating

system. These limitations allow App Engine to distribute web requests for the application across

multiple servers, and start and stop servers to meet traffic demands.

App Engine includes a service API for integrating with Google Accounts. Your application
can allow a user to sign in with a Google account, and access the email address and
displayable name associated with the account. Using Google Accounts lets the user start
using your application faster, because the user may not need to create a new account. It
also saves you the effort of implementing a user account system just for your application

App Engine provides a variety of services that enable you to perform common operations
when managing your application. The following APIs are provided to access these
services: Applications can access resources on the Internet, such as web services or
other data, using App Engine's URL fetch service. Applications can send email messages
using App Engine's mail service. The mail service uses Google infrastructure to send
email messages. The Image service lets your application manipulate images. With this
API, you can resize, crop, rotate and flip images in JPEG and PNG formats.

In theory, Google claims App Engine can scale nicely. But Google currently places a
limit of 5 million hits per month on each application. This limit nullifies App Engine's
scalability, because any small, dedicated server can have this performance. Google
will eventually allow webmasters to go beyond this limit (if they pay).

6. Cloud Computing in the Real World
6.1 Time Machine
Times machine is a New York Times project in which one can read any issue from Volume

1, Number 1 of The New York Daily Times, on September 18, 1851 through to The New York

Times of December 30, 1922. They made it such that one can choose a date in history and flip

electronically through the pages, displayed with their original look and feel. Here’s what they

did. They scanned all their public domain articles from 1851 to 1992 into TIFF files. They

converted it into PDF files and put them online. Using 100 Linux computers, the job took about

24 hours. Then a coding error was discovered that required the job be rerun. That’s when their

software team decided that the job of maintaining this much data was too much to do in-house.

So they made use of cloud computing services to do the work.

All the content was put in the cloud, in Amazon. They made use of 100 instances
of Amazon EC2 and completed the whole work in less than 24 hours. They
uploaded all the TIFF files into the cloud and made a program in Hadoop which
does the whole job. Using's EC2 computing platform, the Times ran
a PDF conversion app that converted that 4TB of TIFF data into 1.5TB of PDF files.
The PDF files were such that they were fully searchable. The image manipulation
and the search ability of the software were done using cloud computing services.

6.2 IBM University Academic Initative

Google and IBM came up with an initiative to advance large-scale distributed computing by

providing hardware, software, and services to universities. Their idea was to prepare students

"to harness the potential of modern computing systems," the companies will provide

universities with hardware, software, and services to advance training in large-scale

distributed computing. The two companies aim to reduce the cost of distributed
computing research, thereby enabling academic institutions and their students to
more easily contribute to this emerging computing paradigm. Eric Schmidt, CEO
of Google, said in a statement. "In order to most effectively serve the long-term
interests of our users, it is imperative that students are adequately equipped

to harness the potential of modern computing systems and for researchers to

be able to innovate ways to address emerging problems."

The first university to join the initiative is the University of Washington. Carnegie-
Mellon University, MIT, Stanford University, the University of California at
Berkeley, and the University of Maryland are also participating in the program.

As part of the initiative, Google and IBM are providing a cluster of several hundred
computers -- Google's custom servers and IBM Blade Center and System x servers.
Over time, the companies expect the cluster to surpass 1,600 processors. The Linux-
based servers will run open-source software including Xen's virtualization system
and Hadoop, an open source implementation of Google's distributed file system
that's managed by the Apache Software Foundation.

Students working with the cluster will have access to a Creative Commons-
licensed curriculum for massively parallel computing developed by Google
and the University of Washington.
6.3 SumgMug
SmugMug is an online photo hosting application which is fully based on cloud
computing services. They don’t own any hard drives. All their storage is based
in the Amazon S3 instances.
6.4 Nasdaq
NASDAQ which had lots of stock and fund data wanted to make extra revenue selling

historic data for those stocks and funds. But for this offering, called Market Replay, the

company didn't want to worry about optimizing its databases and servers to
handle the new load. So it turned to Amazon's S3 service to host the data, and
created a lightweight reader app that let users pull in the required data. The
traditional approach wouldn't have gotten off the ground economically. NASDAQ
took its market data and created flat files for every entity, each holding enough
data for a 10-minute replay of the stock's or fund's price changes, on a second-
by-second basis. It adds 100,000 files per day to the several million it started with.

7. Conclusion

Cloud computing is a powerful new abstraction for large scale data processing systems which

is scalable, reliable and available. In cloud computing, there are large self-managed server

pools available which reduces the overhead and eliminates management headache. Cloud

computing services can also grow and shrink according to need. Cloud computing is

particularly valuable to small and medium businesses, where effective and affordable IT tools

are critical to helping them become more productive without spending lots of money on in-

house resources and technical equipment. Also it is a new emerging architecture needed to

expand the Internet to become the computing platform of the future.

8. References
1. ,

“What Cloud Computing Really Means”

“Welcome to the new era of cloud computing PPT”
“Demystifying Clouds” - discusses many players in the cloud space


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