Kelompok 2

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Oleh kelompok 2

Margareta Susan Sihombing Eka setyowati

Feby Septania Putri Rizki lutanida

Suci Aspriyanti Anwar Hartini

Ridha Maghfirotunnisa Chyntia haryana

Meilicha Anggraini Pratiwi Sri lestari

Ratna sulistyana Sri Endang Violanta Silaban

Kharissa Rinandyawati Gusti Artha Nainggolan



TAHUN 2023

First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished writing
the paper about "Ethics, Health Code of Ethics, Professional Standart" right in the
calculated time.

The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Dr.
Melyana Nurul Widyawati, S.SiT, M.Keb as lecturer in poltekkes semarang.

In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but with
help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. writer also realized there are
still many mistakes in process of writing this paper.

because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process
of writing this paper. hopefully allah replies all helps and bless you all.the writer
realized tha this paper still imperfect in arrangment and the content. then the writer
hope the criticism from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper.last
but not the least Hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge.

Semarang, August 2023

The writer
Table list of content


Table list of content

Chapter 1 (indoruction)

A. Baclground

B. Formulate of the problem

C. Aims of paper

D. Chapter II (theoritical study)

E. Chapter III (result and discussion)

F. Chapter IV (Conclusion)

Chapter I
A. Background Of The Paper
Every profession absolutely knows or has a code of ethics. Thus doctors,
nurses, midwives, teachers and so on which are professional fields of work have a
code of ethics.
The code of ethics of a profession is in the form of norms that must be
heeded by every member of the profession concerned in carrying out his professional
duties and in his life in society.
The professional code of ethics is "a comprehensive statement from the
profession that provides guidance for its members to carry out practices in their
professional fields both in relation to clients/patients, family, community, colleagues,
profession and themselves". But it is said that the code of ethics in an age where
values – the value of civil society is increasingly complex, the code of ethics can no
longer be used as the only guide in resolving ethical issues, for this reason knowledge
related to law is also needed. Right or wrong in the application of the code of ethics,
the provisions / moral values that apply are up to the profession
The midwifery profession is a health profession that always deals with
humans (especially women), the environment and culture. Therefore, in carrying out
and developing professionalism, they must demonstrate high quality, by meeting
midwifery professional standards, which include midwifery competency standards,
education standards, continuing education standards, midwifery service standards and
midwifery practice standards.

B. Problem formulation
1. What is meant by the midwifery professional standard ?
2. What is the code of ethics for midwives in indonesia?

C. Purpose of the paper

for the midwifery professional code of ethics and understand the standards of
the midwifery profession

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