What Is Sexual Health

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Sexual Health and

Learning What we'll discuss today:
Agenda Definition of Sexual Health

Why is sexual health so important?

What are the consequences of poor

sexual health?

Definition of Hygiene

How to have proper hygiene

What is
Sexual Health?
Defining Sexual Health

The definition of sexual health has progressed since the

World Health Organization (WHO) published its original
definition in 1975.

It is expected that the definition will continue to develop

further as the cultural conversation continues to evolve.

It is important to remember that any attempts to

establish “norms” and an objective definition of sexual
health is dangerous in that they could be used to
exclude or label people as unhealthy or abnormal.
Sexual health is a state of physical,

World Health
emotional, mental and social well-

being related to sexuality; it is not
merely the absence of disease,

dysfunction or infirmity.

Sexual health requires a positive and

respectful approach to sexuality and
sexual relationships, as well as the
For sexual health to be possibility of having pleasurable and
attained and maintained, the
sexual rights of all persons safe sexual experiences, free of
must be respected, protected coercion, discrimination and
and fulfilled.
When someone hears the term, “sexual
health,” they may think it refers only to
According to
avoiding an unplanned pregnancy or
Pandia Health: preventing Sexually Transmitted
Infections (STIs).

While these areas are components,

sexual health is really an umbrella
term that encompasses many facets
of a person’s physical and emotional
well-being surrounding sex and
On September 4th, 2012, the World
Association of Sexual Health
launched World Sexual Health Day to
bring awareness to these issues and
to help people of all sexual
orientations fully understand what it
all means to be a sexually healthy
What are the
characteristics of a
sexually healthy person?
The American Sexual Health Association defines someone who is sexually healthy as possessing
the following characteristics, behaviors, and belief systems around sex and relationships:
They understand that
sexuality is a natural
part of someone’s life
and involves more than
just sexual behavior.
Part of understanding
your sexuality is taking
control of your sexual
health – this may include,
Your sexuality is but is not limited to,
much more than regularly getting tested for
STIs and being on top of
your libido (a.k.a
your reproductive health
sex drive).
They recognize that
everyone has sexual
It is important to respect
Everyone has different each person’s preferences,
preferences—including even if they are different
who they like, what they from your own!
enjoy sexually, and
what they choose to do
with their body.
They make safe,
reliable efforts to
prevent unintended
pregnancy and STIs.
With that said, taking care of
When you choose to be your physical health (i.e. using
sexually active, you also contraception and maintaining
choose to take on the good hygiene) is necessary for
responsibility of potentially the safety of both yourself and
becoming pregnant and/or your partner.
spreading or receiving STIs.
They are willing to
utilize sexual health
Being armed with the In general, resources on topics
necessary information on like consent, sexuality, and sex
how to best take ownership positivity exist to help
of your sexual health will individuals become more sex
lead to you being a more positive.
sexually healthy person
They can experience
sexual pleasure,
satisfaction, and
intimacy when they
Someone who is sexually healthy
Key word here not only knows that they are
allowed to experience sexual
—”desire.” pleasure, but also feels comfortable
creating boundaries (not wanting
to have sex is okay too). Consent is
They can openly
communicate about
their sexual health and
needs with intimate
partners and
healthcare providers
when needed.
Being upfront about your sex Additionally, the more open you
life may seem scary, but it is are with your healthcare
important to do so in order to providers, the more likely you
maintain healthy are to receive the best care
relationships with yourself
and others.
These are worthy goals to set and obtain in order to
make sexual health a priority.

Not everyone will be able to check off each item

from the list, and that’s not necessarily an indicator
that they are lacking in sexual health or are
otherwise unhealthy.
But generally, safety, both physical and emotional,
and happiness for everyone in a sexual relationship
are the keys to living a sexually healthy, authentic

Generally speaking, sexually healthy individuals are

willing to express their own desires while respecting
the preferences of others.
Why is sexual health so
Sexual health is important because it enables people individuals
to take charge of their reproductive health, and their emotional
well-being surrounding their intimate relationships. There are
several components involved in becoming sexually healthy, some
of which include education, safety, and communication (both with
healthcare providers and intimate partners)
Sex education is taught in many schools throughout
the United States.

However, the curricula typically vary and may only

teach students about the possibility of becoming
pregnant or spreading STIs when they have sex.

With that said, individuals may need to take sexual

education into their own hands in order to not only
protect themselves from unintended pregnancy and
STIs, but also to learn their own sexual preferences.
When discussing sexual health, safety is a term that
may refer to prevention of unintended pregnancy
and STIs or protection from sexual abuse.

Sexually healthy individuals engage in safe sex

While the best way to prevent unplanned pregnancy
is to practice abstinence (i.e. not having sex), this is
not realistic for many individuals.

Thankfully, another successful technique is

implementing contraception.
Hormonal methods, such as the pill, patch, ring, and
IUD, are great options for women who want to have
greater control over their reproductive health, as they
are very effective at preventing pregnancy when
used as prescribed.

Safety However, these methods do not protect individuals

from the spread of STIs.

Therefore, it is necessary to use an additional form of

contraception, such as condoms during penetrative
When an individual becomes sexually active, it’s vital
that they communicate with their doctors and
healthcare team.

While it may feel uncomfortable to discuss such an

Communication intimidating topic, the more open you are, the more a
healthcare professional will be able to provide
informed, effective care.

It is especially important to consult a doctor if you

are considering hormonal birth control.
Once they have an idea of your health background
and current lifestyle, they can prescribe something
they feel will be best for you.

Communication It is also important to have strong communication

with your partner.

Relationships thrive when both partners are

respectful, and communicate their needs,
expectations, and boundaries.
A sexually healthy individual will feel comfortable
expressing honesty to their partner whether this
means telling them that they like or dislike a certain
sex position, admitting to having an STI, or simply
Communication stating that you do not want to have sex.

The more comfortable both partners feel with each

other, the stronger a relationship can become.
What are the
consequences of poor
sexual health?
Poor sexual health can lead to a host of
adverse consequences. Lack of access to
education and/or resources can lead to
unintended pregnancy and STIs.

Additionally, failing to communicate

with doctors can lead to
long-term health complications.
For instance, it is important to be open with
your healthcare provider about your sexual
health, as they can help you make sure it is in

Similarly, engaging in a relationship

that is unfulfilling can ultimately
cause poor mental health and
in turn, decrease one’s overall
quality of life.
With that said, being honest both
with your partner and yourself is an
extremely necessary part of
maintaining good
sexual health.

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