Reproductive Health Lecture
Reproductive Health Lecture
Reproductive Health Lecture
We cannot confront the massive
challenges of poverty, hunger,
disease and environmental
destruction unless we address
issues of population and
reproductive health
Sexual and reproductive health
◦ Sexual health. In broad terms, sexual health is a personal sense of sexual well
being as well as the absence of disease, infections or illness associated with
sexual behavior. As such, it includes issues of self-esteem, self expression,
caring for others and cultural values. Sexual health can be described as the
positive integration of physical, emotional, intellectual and social aspects of
sexuality. Sexuality influences thoughts, feelings, interactions and actions
among human beings, and motivates people to find love, contact, warmth and
intimacy. It can be expressed in many different ways and is closely linked to
the environment one finds oneself in. The environment can hinder or enhance
sexual expressions.
What is meant by reproductive health?
◦ The advent of sexuality and the need to manage it in some way are
major features of the adolescent experience. Uncertainty, conflict
and a struggle often accompany the awakening of sexual feelings
over appropriate avenues of expression. Cultural factors also play
an important role in the psychosocial aspects of adolescent
development and in the sexual conduct and meaning adolescents
generate concerning sex.
Gender roles and sexual identity.