PRELIMINARY (Decampong Et Al.)
PRELIMINARY (Decampong Et Al.)
PRELIMINARY (Decampong Et Al.)
An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of the
Secondary Teaching Department
Mindanao State University
Marawi City
Republic of the Philippines
Mindanao State University
Marawi City
This undergraduate thesis entitled “Language Anxiety in the New Normal Learning of
Teacher Education Students in Marawi City” prepared and presented by Nasnia C.
Decampong, Sahanie G. Dimaampao and Nissa Aryannah I. Usman has been
examined and recommended for acceptance and approval.
Accepted and Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with the grade of
Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree
Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English.
Given the sudden changes in face-to-face learning, teacher education students had
experience various anxiety in speaking English Language in new normal learning. The
researcher provided an additional resource that investigated the students' level of anxiety,
mainly in the areas of speaking, test anxiety, and fear of negative evaluation in the
medium of both Modular and Online-Based Learning. Moreover, in this study, the
researchers offered a further detailed investigation that identified what themes that causes
language anxiety among Education students. This study employed a mixed-method
research design utilizing checklist survey questionnaires to the teacher education students
and one-on-one interview. The data were obtained from five-hundred sixty-one (561)
education students from the chosen colleges within Marawi City and forty-two (42)
willing participants participated in interview. In gathering the information and the data
that is needed in this study, the researchers used modified version of the 33-item Foreign
Language Anxiety Scale (FLCAS). The findings revealed that among three components,
the fear of negative evaluation shows the highest rank. This implies that the respondents
were indeed anxious in getting negative remarks than in communicating or having a test.
This finding relates to the interview conducted where self-perceived English proficiency
ranked first. It led to the conclusion that language anxiety can be lessened through
understanding what worry and motivating students to use English more often. Thus, this
study encourage future researchers to ponder more on the using of effective methods,
approaches, and strategies for confidence building.
people who help the researchers in pursuing and accomplishing the study. With this, the
researchers would like to express their heartfelt appreciation and extend their sincerest
untiring support, advice, guidance, and inspiration that continuously enlightened the
researchers throughout the research journey; for her effort, and for patiently spending her
precious time in monitoring and checking the research manuscripts with kind supervision.
To the panel of experts Dr. Lotis B. Daguisonan and Ms. Manar Macapodi for
their shared expertise and experiences in research, for their time and effort, for their
patience and consideration in checking the research manuscripts, for their advice and
guidance, constructive criticism, and words of encouragement that truly reinforce the
researchers’ skills and knowledge that are of great help in the refinement of this research
To Prof. Adelyn S. Nalla, the Research Coordinator, and again Ms. Manar
their time and effort in willingly and sincerely answering the survey questionnaires and
participate in interview session in providing objective data that are essential in the
To our dearest parents, siblings, families, and relatives, for their everlasting love,
care, support, guidance, and inspiration that continuously strengthens and gives hope to
the researchers not just in accomplishing this research output but also in pursuing dreams
in life.
To our Academic Adviser Prof. Roseniya G. Tamano, and all our Instructors,
Classmates, Friends, and Loved ones for this piece of hard work would not be
Above all, Alhamdulillah, thanks to the Almighty Allah, the beneficent and the
most merciful for the blessings, guidance, and will to accomplish this research work.
This piece of work is wholeheartedly dedicated to Almighty Allah (S.W.T), the Most
Powerful and Merciful, Who gave me strength, wisdom, guidance, power of the mind,
protection, skills, and all the blessings of a healthy life. All of these are impossible
foundation of my strength who have incessantly provided me with their moral, emotional,
spiritual, and financial support; may Allah grant them forgiveness and paradise;
Nassser A. Decampong;
To my beloved Siblings;
To my dear friends and Lalitas who have been my bolster of comfort that whenever
thoughts of yielding crossed my mind, they never failed to ease my anxiousness and
distress; to support me in every single way they can, like imparting me sound advice.
- Nasnia –
I humbly and wholeheartedly dedicate this work to the following people who molded and
To my parents, who taught me to work hard and that so much could be done with little,
- Nissa –
We, the researchers, wholeheartedly dedicated this to those special individuals who
extended their hands and guidance to make this paper put into reality- who continually
Last but not least, I want to thank me for believing in me, I want to thank me for doing all
this hard work, I wanna thank me for having no days off. I wanna thank me for never
quitting. I wanna thank me for always been a giver and trying to give more than I receive.
I want to thank me for trying to do more right than wrong. I want to thank me for just
Title Page i
Approval Sheet ii
Abstract iii
Acknowledgement iv
Dedication v
Table of Content vi
List of Tables vii
List of Figure viii
Introduction 1
Theoretical Framework 4
Conceptual Framework 8
Statement of the Problem 9
Null Hypotheses 9
Significance of the Study 10
Scope and Limitations
Definition of Terms 12
Related Literature 14
Related Studies 21
Research Design 32
Research Locale 33
Respondents of the Study 34
Sampling Technique 35
Instruments and its Validity/Reliability 36
Data Gathering Procedures 37
Ethical Consideration 38
Statistical Tools Used 39
Method of Data Analysis 41
Summary of Findings 64
Conclusion 65
Recommendation 66
3 Reliability Statistics 37
4 Scoring Guidelines 42