AERO001 Training Course Document 3V
AERO001 Training Course Document 3V
AERO001 Training Course Document 3V
Get your Procedure Designers ready for PBN Implementation 5
Online and Classroom Training 6
Online Training: Course Descriptions 7
Classroom-based Training: Course Descriptions 11
Customised Training and Mentoring 15
4 PBN and Procedure Design |training
Get your Procedure Designers
ready for PBN Implementation
Aeropath: Experienced Procedure Design, Effective Training Solutions
Aeropath has the largest commercial Procedure Design organisation in Asia-Pacific and decades of design
experience throughout the region. We have used our experience to develop a training syllabus that
effectively covers the spectrum from fundamental concepts to Advanced PBN. Our courses have been
built by designers and training experts, with both new and experienced designers in mind.
All Aeropath procedure designers are trained to the highest All Aeropath training options can be supplemented with
international standards. We operate in a variety of regulatory a unique mentoring package, where our industry leading
environments and the terrain we encounter is varied and designers come to your site to work with your team in their
challenging. Our customers include State regulators, ANSPs, environment to consolidate their training.
Airlines and Airport Authorities. Our broad experience
Our courses and mentoring programs are delivered by active
is reflected in our training, ensuring a great fit with your
designers, so on the spot feedback can be offered and real-
organisation’s needs.
world solutions discussed. The working relationships that
We have options for classroom based and online learning to result from our approach ensure that your team remains
suit your style and budget. We also offer standalone courses part of a global network of design professionals.
that teach fundamental skills and concepts beneficial to
any aviation professional, such as Introduction to PBN and
Obstacle Assessment.
Online and Classroom Training
Our designers, instructors, training material, and software are world class. Aeropath holds certifications from
multiple juristictions and is a contributing member to ICAO’s Instrument Flight Procedures Panel (IFPP). We have
received ICAO recognition for PBN and Conventional procedures and our practices are aligned with the latest
We offer classroom based training options from basic We also offer a range of advanced courses for use your iPad, Android or Windows tablet for
to advance. We also offer the ability to customise the experienced designers to enhance their skills added convenience? No problem, we’ve got you
in-class content to meet your learning requirements, and maintain their competency according to the covered – our eLearning app runs on all platforms.
offering you a practical and cost-effective solution for latest criteria. Advanced courses include Baro-
The following sections describe our online and
your specific training needs. VNAV, RNP-AR, Point in Space, and a module
classroom-based training options, including
dedicated to PANS-OPS recurrent training.
The duration of our classroom training varies, customised training, in more detail.
depending on the topic and experience of the Instead of attending classroom sessions, your
participants. For example, a training package for designers can enjoy learning at their own pace
new procedure designers can be completed in through our value-packed online training
as little as 6 weeks and includes all the necessary modules. Our interactive eLearning app provides a
subjects to start designing – General Criteria, comprehensive range of subjects to choose from.
Conventional Procedures, and Performance Based
You pay only for what you need and can start your
training at a time that suits you. Do you want to
E-1 | APV (BARO-VNAV) E-2 | RNP-AR E-3 | Helicopters (Point in Space)
This course describes the vertical component This course will cover RNP Authorization Required Procedures
of the APV/Baro-VNAV procedure criteria. (RNP AR) as described in the ICAO Doc 9905. A specialised course that covers the general criteria
The general criteria and Section 1, 2 and 3, as amplified Prerequisites: Knowledge of General Criteria, Conventional and the modified area navigation (RNAV) approach
or modified by criteria in this course, apply. Baro-VNAV Procedures and Performance Based Navigation. procedure; applicable to helicopters only.
approach procedures are classified as APV procedures in
Syllabus: This course also covers the Point-in-space Approach and
support of Type A 3D approach operations. They utilize a
Departure procedures that consists of an instrument
DA/H and not an MDA/H, and neither a FAF nor a missed RNP AR – General Criteria
segment followed by a visual segment or vice versa. These
approach point (MAPt) is identified. They use obstacle
RNP AR – Arrivals specified procedures are designed by using the same
assessment surfaces similar to those for ILS, but based on
RNP AR – Intermediate and Initial Segments conventional techniques and practices as for aeroplane
the specific lateral guidance system. Baro-VNAV procedures
are used in association with LNAV-only procedures. The RNP AR – Final Approach
LNAV-only FAF and MAPt are needed to define the lateral Prerequisites: Knowledge of General Criteria, Conventional
areas and to support the lateral guidance but they are not RNP AR – Missed Approach Procedures and Performance Based Navigation.
used for the vertical navigation function. Practical application Syllabus:
Prerequisites: Knowledge of General Criteria, General Helicopter Criteria
Conventional Procedures and Performance Based Navigation.
Point in Space Departure
Point in Space Approaches
Practical application
Practical application
10 PBN and Procedure Design |training
Classroom-based Training: Course Descriptions
We offer the following selection of courses in an instructor-led, classroom environment:
Module I | General Criteria and Module II | Performance Based Module III | RNP Navigation (Doc 9905)
Conventional Practice Navigation (PBN) & BARO-VNAV
The course is based on PANS-OPS ICAO Doc 8168 Procedures This Course describes the vertical component
Volume II Construction of Visual and Instrument This course will explain the components which are of the APV/Baro-VNAV procedure criteria.
Flight Procedures; it describes the essential areas required for the construction of RNAV instrument Required Navigation Performance Authorization Required
and obstacle clearance requirements for the flight procedures based on the Global Navigation (RNP-AR) APCH operations are classified as approach
achievement of safe, regular instrument flight Satellite System (GNSS). procedures with vertical guidance (APVs). This type of
operations. operation requires a positive vertical navigation (VNAV)
Prerequisites: Knowledge of General Criteria and guidance system for the final approach segment (FAS). Baro-
Prerequisites: Geodesy for procedure designers; if you are Conventional Procedures VNAV approach procedure are classified as AVP procedure,
not sure we have a free self-assessment test. they utilize a DA/H and not an MDA/H, and neither a FAF
Duration: 2 Weeks
Duration: 4 Weeks nor a missed approach point (MAPt) is identified. They use
Syllabus: obstacle assessment surfaces similar to those for ILS, but
Syllabus: based on the specific lateral guidance system.
RNAV changes introduced in November 2014
Introduction to PANS-OPS Conventional Departures Prerequisites: Knowledge of General Criteria, Conventional
RNAV – Missed Approach
Vol II & General Design Procedures and Performance Based Navigation.
Circling Approach
Criteria RNAV Holding Pattern
(Visual Manoeuvring) Duration: 2 Weeks
Terminal Area Fixes and RNAV – Arrivals
Minimum Sector Altitude Syllabus:
Introduction to Non- APV (BARO-VNAV)
Conventional Departures Proposed changes to PANS-OPS criteria
Precision Approaches RNP – Final Segment
ILS Precision Approach RNAV – Final Segment
Non Precision Approach – RNP – Missed Approach
Final Segment Introduction RNAV Departure with transition
and Principals RNP – Arrivals
Non Precision Approach – RNAV – Intermediate and Initial Segments
Intermediate and Initial Surfaces RNP – Intermediate and Initial Segments
Practical application
Segments Advanced RNP
Obstacle Assessment
Non Precision Approach – Practical application
Reversal and Racetrack
procedures Practical application
Non Precision Approach –
Missed Approach
Conventional Holding
Module VII | PBN Implementation
Planning Process
This course will cover the broad subjects
and issues involved in PBN Implementation.
Prerequisites: Procedure design, air navigation service
provider, regulatory or airline experience.
Duration: Varies per state
PBN Concept of Operations PBN Design
What is PBN Nav Spec and Separations
Advantages Procedure Development for PBN
Prioritisation SID/STAR Development
Definitions Lateral Separations
Navigation Specification Concept Design – DF/FF selection
PBN Stage Selection Performance Benchmarking
PBN Consultation Scoping
Stakeholders PBN Implementation
Local Issues Stakeholders
Flow Management Regulatory Issues
Communication Training
VFR Integration PBN SID/STAR Concept
Noise Contours Lateral Separations
Scoping Follow Up
Airline Perspective on PBN Airspace
Key Lessons
To find out more about
PBN and Procedure Design|training
contact Aeropath
New Zealand
Level 7, Majestic Centre
100 Willis Street
Wellington 6140
+64 4 471 4790